
Sweets in pancreatitis: which can and which can not?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Inflammation of the pancreas requires a special approach to nutrition. On the one hand, it is necessary to provide the body with everything necessary for its full functioning, on the other hand - to choose products that can not harm the organ. Such balancing forces to find a constant compromise between "want" and "can". Sometimes it is difficult to give up your favorite foods in favor of your health. Sweet eaters are worried about the question, what can and what can not be sweets in pancreatitis? [1]

Ice cream for pancreatitis

When studying nutritional recommendations, a patient with pancreatitis will certainly come across the rule not to eat too cold or hot food. Regardless of the stage of the disease: exacerbation or remission, ice cream is contraindicated for a number of reasons:

  • cold food can provoke spasm of the pancreatic and bile ducts, leading to a flare-up of the disease;
  • is a fatty and high-calorie product that requires increased production of food enzymes for breakdown, which is an additional load on the organ;
  • it is sweet, indicating sufficient sugar content; sugar itself in pancreatitis is allowed in small amounts during stable periods, but too sweet a product requires increased insulin secretion, which is difficult for the damaged gland;
  • it contains preservatives, flavorings, various flavorings and ingredients (nuts, chocolate, fruit, condensed milk) that are not suitable for inflammation.

Marshmallows for pancreatitis

Fortunately, not all sweets are banned in pancreatitis. An example of this is marshmallow. And all because it is made of egg whites, pectin, vitamins and minerals, agar-agar.

There are quite a few varieties of this treat: white, pink with added fruit fillers, chocolate-covered. To avoid harmful additives (manufacturers do not always use the declared useful ingredient), it is better to choose white.

In the acute stage of the disease and the next 2 months, it should be abandoned altogether. Then allow yourself half a marshmallow with unsweetened tea. If there was no negative response from the pancreas, then eat 1-2 pieces daily.

Pancreatitis casserole

Any baked food is much healthier than fried and tastier than boiled. In this case, a cottage cheese casserole can combine flavor and benefits: simple, with apples, carrots and others; with rice and pumpkin or those with enough imagination.

The only condition in the first case is that the cottage cheese should be low-fat, sugar a little, and only egg whites should be used. To get an airy effect, whites are beaten with sugar, combined with the main mass of well-drained cottage cheese, add a pinch of salt and 1-2 spoons of semolina previously soaked in sour cream. The top can be decorated with fruit or berries.

Pancreatitis jam

Jam is a way of preparing berries and fruits for the winter, but it is prepared with the addition of sugar, which is undesirable for a sick pancreas. In acute forms, it is completely excluded, and in periods of stable remission, you can afford to add a little to tea, yogurt, kefir, dilute morsels, cook sours.

The absence of diabetes mellitus allows you to occasionally send a spoonful just in the mouth, but only should give preference to a product from the fruits allowed in pancreatitis. These include apples, apricots, currants, cherries, plums, strawberries, peaches.

The best is homemade jam, in which the hostess tried to preserve as many vitamins and minerals as possible, and therefore did not overcook and did not destroy everything useful.

Pies for pancreatitis

Most of the recipes for pies assume their preparation on yeast and this is the main obstacle when the pancreas is sick. Various components are always added to the dough for them: fats, sugar, eggs, which makes them high-calorie and harmful to the organ. Any fresh baked goods are unacceptable for diet table number 5, prescribed for pancreatitis.

In purchased products add preservatives, dyes, flavorings, which is also not suitable for patients. Therefore, the most suitable are loaf breadcrumbs, dried by hand, galette cookies "Maria", "Zoological".

In the prolonged absence of complaints can be allowed oatmeal cookies (oat flakes contain enzymes similar to those produced by the gland itself), dried cookies, cottage cheese cakes, meringue, but not more than 50g per day.

Candy for pancreatitis

Can candy harm pancreatitis? To know for sure, you need to understand what they are made of. They contain sugar, most varieties use solid fats, palm oil, dyes, thickeners, flavorings, there may be milk powder, lactose, brandy, liqueurs, nuts, chocolate.

Each component separately already speaks not in their favor. Candies are caloric, high in carbohydrates, which is associated with an increased load on the pancreas, highly allergenic, can provoke dysbacteriosis, cause flatulence.

Even in long periods of calm without exacerbations, the consumption of this treat should be minimized as much as possible, and the safest varieties among them are candies for diabetics, soufflés "Bird's milk", jelly, "Korovka".

To not suitable for this disease include caramel, toffee, candy.

Halva for pancreatitis

Halva is a completely non-dietary product, as it is prepared from roasted kernels of butter nuts or seeds with the addition of caramel mass, to which a large amount of molasses is added to maintain the plasticity of the product.

For healthy people this confectionery is an excellent supplier of energy, due to polyunsaturated fatty acids prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and thanks to potassium, magnesium it is useful for the muscular, cardiac, reproductive and nervous systems.

In acute periods of pancreatitis on halva is imposed a strict taboo, and only after several months of absence of symptoms, you can carefully try no more than 20-30g a day, and not every.

Condensed milk for pancreatitis

Condensed milk is a concentrated milk product with a high sugar content. In addition, in the absence of proper state control over the quality of products, natural milk is often replaced by vegetable fats.

Condensed milk in pancreatitis is a dangerous product that can cause an exacerbation. If the pancreas is normal and does not bother for a long time, then occasionally you can indulge in a spoonful of treats, if you are confident in the manufacturer.

Marmalade for pancreatitis

Natural marmalade is prepared on the basis of berry and fruit juices. Although a significant part of the useful components are boiled in the process of its preparation, but something remains, including pectins that favorably affect the digestive system. They contribute to intestinal peristalsis, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, reducing cholesterol.

Agar-agar, obtained from algae, or gelatin (from cartilage or animal bones) are used for thickening. To cheapen the product can apply flavorings, dyes. Therefore, marmalade for patients with inflammation of the pancreas is positioned as relatively safe.

It is not to be used in a strict diet. A stable remission allows this sweetness and you should start with one piece, but not more than four a day.

The quality of any product is reflected on the price in the direction of its increase, so choose the product should be guided by it, it is better prepackaged, whose packaging contains a printed composition, light color without dyes. The best option is to cook it yourself, using recipes from the Internet or cookbooks.

Gum for pancreatitis

Chewing stimulates the production of pancreatic and gastric juices. In essence, the digestive reflex is deceived: the body is set to receive food, but there is no food. In this case, the pancreas "eats" its own cells.

On the other hand, chewing gum uses sweeteners, not always natural flavors, antioxidants that negatively affect the organ.

The only possible summary is: do not use. Advice for big fans is to refuse completely in exacerbations of pathology and limit to a minimum in other, calm periods.

Pancreatitis marshmallow

This type of dessert will not harm the organ in any way, excluding spicy periods, if you prepare it yourself, especially from green apples.

The recipe is quite simple: cut the fruit into slices without peeling off the skin (it contains the most useful nutrients), put them in a saucepan, add a little water to prevent them from burning, and simmer. The resulting juice to drain, peel off the skin of each piece manually or with a sieve, add sugar (do not get carried away), blender to turn into a homogeneous mass. Prepare a baking tray, put parchment paper greased with vegetable oil on it, spread a thin layer of mashed potatoes on it. Dry the pastilla in an oven heated to 1300Cfor an hour and a half, with the door slightly open (put a non-burning object on it).

Cornsticks for pancreatitis.

The corn grits from which corn sticks are made are high in fiber, which is unfavorable for the gland. Although the sticks themselves are light and airy, they use sugar or powdered sugar, salt, vegetable oil, and to expand the assortment and various other additives (chocolate coating, spices), flavor enhancers.

In the chronic form of pancreatitis with a prolonged absence of attacks, you can afford a small portion, but not dry, and add to yogurt, ryazhenka, drink tea. And for breakfast, it is still better to give preference to rice and oat flakes.

Fructose for pancreatitis

With such a negative role of sugar on the diseased organ, the question arises whether it is not better to use sugar substitutes in the diet? Doctors agree with this statement, especially when it comes to natural ones, they are sweeter than sugar, so it takes less to get the usual sensations.

One of them is fructose, found in honey, berries and fruits. Its intake into the body is not accompanied by the release of insulin, unlike glucose. However, it can be consumed only during the subsiding of the disease.

Jelly for pancreatitis

Jelly can be not only tasty but also a healthy dessert if you use products that are not forbidden in pancreatitis, such as apples, plums, peaches. Jellied slices of fruit without a lot of sugar will give pleasure and will not harm, provided that there is no acute process.

Preparation of jelly at home allows you to minimize the substances that can harm the pancreas. Nevertheless, gelling agents although useful for joints, cartilage, connective tissue, but not very desirable in pancreatitis, especially against the background of gallstones, so you should not get too carried away.

Meringue for pancreatitis

To prepare meringue, egg whites are used, combined with sugar. If you prepare it at home, you can eliminate all the risks to the pancreas: too not to sweeten, do not add harmful additives. Only in this case, the dessert becomes conditionally allowed during chronic disease, distant enough time distance from the outbreak of pathology.

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