Menu with breastfeeding
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021
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The basic principle by which the menu should be made when breastfeeding is healthy and diverse products, natural, without chemical additives and modifications. After all, the child often has problems and shows reactions not so much to the dish itself as to the auxiliary substances that are present in it.
Nevertheless, nevertheless there is a number of products, the use of which in breast feeding is better limited.
Approximate menu for breastfeeding
In order to make an approximate menu for breastfeeding, you need to know the following principles of dietary nutrition:
- You can not both starve and overeat. Fasting will cause irreparable harm to the lactation process, and to the growing child too. Overeating is harmful, first of all, for the woman herself - this threatens with digestion problems and excess centimeters at the waist.
- You need to consume more plant food. Since the first time to eat raw fruits is undesirable, they should be baked, boiled, cooked to your taste, but not to deprive the body of fiber. Good sources of dietary fiber are also oatmeal, walnuts and bran.
- Do not forget about sour milk products - it will help to keep well and avoid constipation.
- It is necessary to limit the use of sweets: sugar, sweets and cakes, chocolate, etc.
- It is also desirable to reduce the amount of animal fats in the diet.
- It is important to comply with the drinking regime. If there are no contraindications, then it is necessary to drink up to 3 liters of water per day - this contributes to sufficient production of breast milk.
In addition, it is recommended to remember a number of products, which must be treated with caution.
Products that can cause an allergic reaction in a child:
- citrus fruits;
- vegetable products of red color;
- marine products;
- eggs;
- fresh milk;
- soy products;
- products of beekeeping;
- peanut;
- grapes;
- cocoa and products with its content;
- smoked products.
Products that contribute to the development of colic in a child:
- beans;
- fresh milk;
- cabbage;
- cucumbers.
Products that adversely affect the production of milk from the mother:
- parsley greens;
- mint leaves;
- sage.
For the well-being of the child, one should not get carried away with half-finished products and ready-made shop dishes. It is better to eat fresh home food, to avoid poisoning and other troubles.
Menu for the week with breastfeeding
- Lunch a cup of tea and a few vanilla croutons.
- For the second breakfast we cook rice porridge with an apple, tea.
- We have lunch with potato soup with croutons, steamed veal meatballs and stewed sweet pepper.
- Snack is a banana.
- Supper with a stew of stewed vegetables, compote with gingerbread.
- We have breakfast with tea with biscuits.
- For the second breakfast we cook buckwheat porridge with butter, tea.
- We have dinner with rice soup, a portion of roast beef.
- Snack - cottage cheese, tea.
- We dine with pasta with stewed vegetables.
- Lunch a sandwich with hard cheese, a cup of tea.
- The second breakfast is muesli and tea.
- We dine with mashed potatoes soup, boiled potatoes with a piece of meat.
- Snack is a baked apple.
- We are eating a cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, tea.
- Lunch a tea and a sandwich with curd pasta.
- For the second breakfast - pancakes with rose hips syrup.
- Lunch vermicelli soup, steam chicken cutlet with garnish.
- For a snack, natural yoghurt is suitable.
- We dine with dumplings with cottage cheese.
- Lunch tea with a bagel.
- For the second breakfast - liver pate, bread, tea.
- We have lunch with cheese soup, rice casserole with meat.
- Afternoon snack - curd pudding.
- We dine with carrot cutlets and sour cream.
- We have a cup of tea with syrniki.
- The second breakfast is oatmeal with dried fruits.
- We have lunch with pumpkin soup, baked chicken fillet with carrots.
- Snack - tea, a piece of hard cheese.
- We dine with vegetable cutlets and garnish.
- Lunch a cup of tea with drying.
- The second breakfast - a portion of millet porridge, apple compote.
- Lunch buckwheat soup, meat casserole with sour cream sauce.
- Snack: vanilla pudding.
- Have dinner with a portion of vegetarian pilaf, tea.
In the evening, it is useful to drink 150 ml of kefir, yogurt or ryazhenka. Between meals you should not forget about the drinking regime - you need to drink as much as the body requires. And for normal production of breast milk it is desirable to drink at least 2 liters of still water a day.
Menu for losing weight with breastfeeding
Nursing women are not recommended to switch to any diet. The baby needs to receive a lot of nutrients and nutrients every day, and the only source for it is the mother's milk.
The most reasonable diet for a nursing mother is a healthy and nutritious diet without overeating and abuse of fatty and sweet food. Do not forget that during the lactation the woman's need for calories increases. Only the process of milk production and breastfeeding requires at least 700 kcal / day. Therefore, sharply reduce the caloric content of the diet in no case it is impossible, otherwise the composition of milk will not only become poorer, but the process of lactation itself may become compromised. It often happens that during a strict diet, milk disappears, and the mother has to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.
In order to get fit, you just need to adjust your daily diet a little.
- In the morning for breakfast, you can consume enough energy-intensive foods, because the body needs to start metabolism and make up energy reserves lost overnight. So do not be afraid to eat something high-calorie during breakfast: of course, within reason and without overeating.
- Lunch should consist of a light soup and a small amount of protein food - it washes a piece of white low-fat meat, as well as nuts (except peanuts), cottage cheese, etc.
- If a woman wants to lose weight, then dinner should be the easiest meal, but it's not worth to give it up. Any starvation, as well as long intervals between meals can lead to the fact that the body will make fat reserves in the event of an unexpected cessation of food intake. That is why it is recommended to eat often, but in small portions. You should also do this when it is necessary to avoid overeating - for example, before abundant feasts and holidays.
- In the evening, it is advisable to drink some fermented milk product. This will support the body during the night awakenings for feeding, which also requires additional energy. In addition, fresh sour-milk products have a positive effect on digestion processes, normalizing the activity of the intestine.
If you have the necessary products and a little fantasy, then it's not hard to make a menu when breastfeeding. It is even possible to introduce in the diet some products from the "forbidden" list, but you need to do this carefully and gradually, while observing the state of the baby. If suddenly there were any problems (for example, colic or allergy), then you should analyze your diet for the last two days and exclude from the menu a suspicious product.