How to control the level of insulin and glucose?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Elevated levels of insulin and glucose in the blood can cause excess weight and poor health. People often write it off for stress and depression, as well as for malnutrition. But everything is much more difficult: to not gain excess weight, you just need to monitor the level of glucose and insulin in the blood. How to do it?
The method of "invisible insulin"
If you engage in sports and at the same time control hormone levels with hormonal tests, it will facilitate the transport of glucose to muscle tissue, and its level in the blood will decrease significantly, which means that you will avoid excess fatty deposits due to glucose.
Sports exercises along with a properly formed menu will also help get rid of the development of insulin resistance, that is, the body's rejection of insulin.
During exercise, excess fat is burned in the muscles and instead energy is supplied to the muscle cells. This promotes the activation of metabolism
What is the hormonal balance?
This ratio of hormones, with which you can control the metabolic processes in the body. If the doctor knows your hormonal balance, it helps him determine where in the body fat deposits accumulate more, and where less.
When the level of estradiol, as well as testosterone and thyroid hormone T3 (in its free form) is restored in the body, this helps insulin resistance gradually pass.
What does glucose intolerance mean and how to deal with it?
When there is too much glucose in the blood, it is difficult to control. And the body can develop glucose intolerance. As a result, a person risks also the development of diabetes mellitus.
Doctors can first diagnose "hypoglycemia" - this is the small level of glucose in the blood. Less than normal means less than 50 mg / dl. Although there are situations when the person's glucose level is normal, but there are her jumps - from high to too low glucose, especially after eating.
Glucose feeds the brain cells, giving it the necessary energy to work. If glucose is produced or enters the body less than normal, the brain immediately gives a command to the body.
Why is the blood glucose level high? When the production of insulin rises, the glucose level drops sharply. But once a person is fortified with something sweet, especially sweet cakes (carbohydrates), then in 2-3 hours the level of glucose in the blood can rise sharply. Such fluctuations can cause glucose intolerance by the body.
What to do?
It is necessary to change the menu urgently. Exclude from it heavy carbohydrate food, flour. This will help the endocrinologist. It can also help cope with bouts of hunger, which occur with a sharp drop in blood glucose.
Keep in mind that such a condition (increased appetite, accumulation of fatty deposits, weight that you can not control) are not signs of just depression, as you can say at the polyclinic. If, in this condition, you can be treated with antidepressants, this can lead to even more disastrous consequences.
These may be symptoms of hypoglycemia - a reduced level of glucose in the blood - plus intolerance to glucose and insulin. It is necessary to restore the hormonal balance and establish a healthy menu.
How can I identify insulin resistance?
To identify the resistance of the body to insulin, it is important to conduct, first of all, a test showing the reaction of insulin to glucose. During this test, the doctor will be able to determine the level of glucose in the blood and how it changes every 6 hours.
After every 6 hours, the level of insulin is determined. According to these data it is possible to understand how the amount of glucose in the blood changes. Are there any big leaps in its rise or fall.
The level of insulin must be taken into account here, too. By the way it changes, you can understand how insulin reacts to glucose.
If the level of insulin is not taken into account, then this analysis is facilitated, the so-called glucose tolerance test. It helps to determine only how the body perceives the level of glucose in the blood and whether it can regulate it.
But then, if the body has the perception of insulin, you can only determine if a more detailed analysis.
If the glucose is too high
With this state of the body, there may be irregularities in the brain. It is especially harmful for the brain, when the glucose level rises, it falls sharply. Then the woman can have the following symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Drowsiness
- Headache
- Immunity to new information
- Complexity of concentration
- Strong thirst
- Frequent shoots to the toilet
- Constipation
- Pain in the intestines, stomach
The level of glucose in the blood above 200 units is a symptom of hyperglycemia. This condition is the initial stage of the development of diabetes mellitus.
Too low a glucose
It can be low constantly or drastically reduced after eating. Then the woman's doctors observe the following symptoms.
- At physical exercises - a strong and frequent palpitation
- Sharp, unintelligible anxiety, anxiety, even panic
- Pain in the muscles
- Dizziness (sometimes to nausea)
- Pain in the abdomen (in the stomach)
- Shortness of breath and rapid breathing
- Mouth and nose may be numb
- Fingers on both hands can also be numb
- Inattention and inability to remember, memory dips
- Mood swings
- Tearfulness, frustration
In addition to these symptoms, how else can you understand that you have a lowered or elevated glucose and insulin level?
How can I tell if glucose is not okay?
You need to measure the amount of it in a period when you have not had breakfast in the morning. After the last meal must pass at least 12 hours. If the glucose level is 65 to 100 units, this is a normal figure.
Some doctors claim that an increase of 15 more units - to the level of 115 units - is an acceptable norm.
As for the latest studies, the scientists say that still raising the glucose level is more than 100 mg / dl is already an alarming symptom.
This means that the body can develop the initial stage of diabetes. Physicians call this state intolerant to glucose.
What risks a woman with an elevated glucose level?
Be aware that this is serious: according to medical research, even a slight increase in blood glucose levels is a risk of developing diabetes.
If fasting glucose rises by more than 126 units, and a constant glucose level reaches 200 units or more, it can lead to death.
The development of diabetes can indicate a glucose level after 2 hours after eating more than 200 mg / dl.
How to determine the level of insulin in the body?
This is much more difficult than determining the level of glucose, because the norms of insulin can be different. We will acquaint you with the average index of insulin.
The analysis of insulin level, carried out on an empty stomach, is 6-25 units. The level of insulin after 2 hours after eating normally reaches 6-35 units.
How to understand that a person develops diabetes?
It is necessary to measure the level of glucose and insulin 2 hours after eating - this is the best way to determine the propensity of the body to develop diabetes.
If the glucose in the body from 140 to 200 units (an hour after eating) - the risk of developing diabetes is very high. Its initial stage is possible.
If the level of glucose after eating from 140 to 200 units (but not more) is already diabetes.
It is necessary to address to the endocrinologist for inspection.
Please note that different laboratories may have different norms for determining glucose and insulin levels. Therefore, ask your doctor, at what level you should start to worry and start treatment.
Risk groups
If an unconscious woman has a high level of insulin, this may mean that she has polycystic ovary.
This condition can occur in women in the period before menopause. It can be accompanied by a sharp set of weight, especially in the abdomen and waist.
The normal level of insulin needs to be known and monitored in order not to recover beyond measure and to control weight.
Another way to control glucose
Do a hormone test to determine the glucose level using the ratio of other hormones. In particular, the level of hemoglobin A1C. This hemoglobin supplies oxygen to erythrocytes - blood cells.
Be aware that if your body is no longer able to control the blood glucose level, then the hemoglobin level will respond to it by an increase.
The test for this hormone will help you determine exactly whether your body can still regulate glucose levels or lose this ability.
The test is so accurate that you can accurately find out what your glucose level was during the last 90 days.
If diabetes has already developed, the level of hemoglobin in the body will show whether you need to change the diet. By this hormone, you can determine whether your diet contributed to the fact that the body developed a syndrome of immunity to glucose.