Foods with gastritis with low acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The most common disease of the digestive system is gastritis. This problem is faced by patients of all ages. There are several types of inflammation, depending on the level of acidity. But in any case, the treatment of pathology is long. The patient is prescribed a course of drug therapy and compulsory adherence to a special diet.
Foods with gastritis with low acidity should provide a balanced diet. This will allow to normalize the level of acidity, eliminate the inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa, improve the digestion process, motility and intestinal motility.
Without the right choice of foods and diet, there are a number of complications that worsen the patient's condition:
- Incomplete digestion of nutrients, especially protein foods.
- Reducing the protective properties of the immune system: damage to the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic microflora, various stomach disorders.
- Due to the dysfunction of enzymes in the stomach, fermentation processes start, provoking such symptoms: bad breath, frequent eructations, increased gas formation and swelling, abdominal pain.
- Due to incomplete digestion of food and a weakened immune system, intoxication of the body and severe food poisoning are possible.
Nutrition with hypoacid inflammation of the digestive tract, has a corrective and functional significance. At the beginning of the disease, that is, in the stage of its exacerbation, the patient is assigned to digestible food with sparing heat treatment (boiled, stewed). Once the negative processes are eliminated, a diet is prescribed whose action is directed to stimulate the production of gastric juice and normalize the pH level.
During the treatment, the patient is made up of a diet consisting of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful micro and macro nutrients. Such nutrition improves the process of digestion and improves the functioning of the whole body, heals well and helps to normalize body weight.
Juices with gastritis with low acidity
Therapeutic properties of hypoacid inflammation of the stomach are fruit and vegetable juices. With gastritis with a low acidity they have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and the whole body as a whole. It is necessary to prepare juices from fresh fruits and berries. In this case, store and concentrated drinks are contraindicated. Undiluted juices inhibit the secretory functions of the pancreas and cause an exacerbation of symptoms of gastritis.
Juices with reduced acidity are recommended to cook and eat from such vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants as:
- Pineapple - the high content of bromelanin promotes the breakdown of proteins and improves the digestion process. A day should drink 250 ml of this drink.
- Apple - apple nectar contains a large amount of iron, minerals and vitamins A, C, B, E, PP. The drink normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, fights with constipation, promotes the excretion of toxic substances from the body.
- Cherry - improves the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
- Black currant - has anti-inflammatory properties. Has a curative effect not only with gastritis, but also with ulcer diseases.
- Root of calamus - improves the production of hydrochloric acid. A day should take 1 teaspoon of juice.
- Plantain - improves intestinal motility and peristalsis. Juice is recommended to take 1 tablespoon for a month.
- Turnip - juices of this vegetable have analgesic and soothing properties.
Excessive consumption of juices can trigger disorders in the digestive system. Therefore before their use it is necessary to consult with the attending physician - gastroenterologist.
Potato juice with gastritis with low acidity
A drink from fresh potatoes is used in many recipes of alternative medicine. The effectiveness of root vegetables in inflammatory lesions of the organism of different nature and with long healing wounds was confirmed by official medicine. The drink has antitoxic and diuretic properties, cleanses the liver, intestines and kidneys, improves the digestibility of vitamins and minerals.
Potato juice with gastritis with low acidity is valued for restorative, analgesic, wound-healing and bactericidal action. The product contains many components that are useful for inflamed mucosa: amino acids, vegetable fats, coarse fiber, protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and organic acids. Potato juice helps with atrophic gastritis. The drink prevents the appearance of new ulcers and promotes the healing of existing wounds, normalizes the acidity.
Useful properties of potato juice with hypoacid inflammation of the stomach:
- Acceleration of healing of erosions and ulcers of the gastric mucosa.
- Elimination of heartburn and painful sensations during an exacerbation of the disease.
- Strengthening of local immunity and minimization of the inflammatory process.
- Acceleration of epithelialization of tissues and scarring of existing ulcers and wounds.
For treatment use only freshly prepared product. Popular medicinal recipes:
- Take a couple of large potatoes, rinse, peel. Rub the vegetable on a large grater and squeeze through the cheesecloth. For grinding, it is better to use plastic devices, because when contacting the iron, the flesh of the vegetable darkens and oxidizes. The received product is taken 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Useful properties of this drink are preserved for 7-10 days, after which the healing composition begins to deteriorate. Since the concentrated juice has a rather specific taste, it can be diluted with other juices or boiled water.
- Useful medicinal and vitamin properties are potato juice in combination with cranberries. Take 2 kg of vegetables, 200 g of cranberries and 100 g of sugar. Wash potatoes, peel and grate on a fine grater. Through a cheesecloth or sieve squeeze out the juice and allow it to settle for 1-2 hours, so that the starch sinks to the bottom, and gently drain the clean liquid. Rinse the cranberries, grind, add to it ½ cup of warm water and sugar, cook on low heat, refrigerate. The berries must also be filtered through gauze and mixed with potato juice. If desired, you can add vanillin to the finished drink. The product can not be stored, so it should be prepared before use.
Take a potato drink should be carefully, as it can provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Use root can only after consultation with your doctor.
Mineral water with gastritis with low acidity
To mitigate the inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal tract and to normalize the level of acidity, mineral water is used. In gastritis with a low acidity, sodium chloride waters are recommended:
- Essentuki 4, 17.
- Naphtha from Truskavets.
- Izhevskaya.
- Mirgorodskaya.
- Novoizhevskaya.
- Tyumen.
- Shaambary №2.
- Theodosius.
Mineral water has choleretic and bile-forming functions, which greatly improves digestion. Before drinking, it is necessary to hold the water in a warm place with the lid open, so that the excess of gases leaves and does not irritate the gastric mucosa. Therapeutic water is considered to be mineral water, which can be purchased in a pharmacy in a glass container.
To start treatment with mineral waters is necessary with a visit to the gastroenterologist. When there is a lack of hydrochloric acid, it is recommended to drink a glass of mineral water 20 minutes before eating. This will improve the digestion and digestion of food.
A popular dietary product used in many diseases of the digestive system is a pumpkin. With gastritis with a low acidity, this vegetable can be consumed only after the permission of the gastroenterologist. Pumpkin has such healing properties:
- Normalization of the digestive system.
- Reduction of blood sugar.
- Excretion of toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
- Enrichment with vitamins (A, B, C, E, T, K), iron and other useful microelements.
- Reducing the risk of development of pathological processes in the body.
- Strengthening the cardiovascular system due to the high content of potassium.
Use pumpkin carefully. Vegetables should be eaten in baked or stewed. This method of cooking allows you to save the maximum amount of useful substances. From the pumpkin you can cook soups, cereals, salads and even sweet dishes.
Pumpkin seeds also have useful properties. If they are eaten raw, they eliminate constipation, and also normalize the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. They contain a large amount of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, which positively affects the work of the brain and the whole organism.
An indispensable dietary product for many diseases, including hypoacid gastritis is a banana. The fruit contains vitamins B and C, as well as minerals (magnesium, potassium), which restore the work of the digestive system. Daily in the diet can include up to 1 kg of bananas.
Beneficial features:
- Potassium restores electrolyte and acid balance (can be broken by attacks of vomiting that occur with inflammation of the stomach).
- Vegetable fiber acts as a preventive measure of diarrhea.
- Vitamin C suppresses the inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa, accelerates the regeneration process and normalizes the metabolism.
- Magnesium regulates the production of enzymes, improves digestion of food, stimulates intestinal peristalsis, alkalinizes tissues and breaks down glucose.
With reduced acidity, bananas can be consumed throughout the day. It is advisable to eat fruit 30-40 minutes before the main meal or an hour after eating. To eat bananas after a dense dinner is not recommended. Once in the stomach with other foods, the fruit will be digested for a long time and may start to ferment, which will provoke flatulence and increased gas production. Because of this, its medicinal properties will become minimal, since painful symptoms of the underlying disease will arise.
Therapeutic properties for many diseases have such a dietary product as carrots. Its useful properties are due to its rich composition. Vegetables contain vitamins B, E, C and A, minerals: manganese, cobalt, fluorine, iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, copper, folic acid. The composition of carrots include macro and microelements, dietary fiber and organic acids.
The therapeutic effect of carrots with hypoacid gastritis:
- Decontamination of the environment in which Helicobacter pylori bacteria multiply.
- Activation of the processes of recovery of infected cells by the mucosa.
- Anti-spasmodic effect.
- Reduction of gastric irritation and mucosal protection.
- Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Carrots can be eaten either raw or boiled or in the form of juice.
- Raw - increases the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Vegetable is better taken during remission of the disease. Carrots can be used to make vegetable or fruit salads, season with sour cream or vegetable oil.
- Boiled - in this form the vegetable is often used as an additional ingredient to various dishes. Many nutritionists claim that carrots that have been thermally processed are much more useful than raw carrots. It is better absorbed, and the amount of carotene increases by 15-20%. To preserve the useful properties of the vegetable, when cooking, use dishes with a tightly closed lid.
- Juice - can be used for both treatment and prevention of disease. Its unique composition strengthens the walls of the stomach and positively affects the mucosa. To prepare the juice, carrots can be passed through the juicer, chopped with a blender or grater and squeezed the juice. Drink allowed to eat 3 times a day, but not more than 200 ml at a time.
At abuse, carrots can provoke allergic reactions, and even exacerbation of gastritis. Also, there are possible attacks of nausea and vomiting, headaches and general weakness of the body. To avoid adverse reactions, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.
Hypoacid damage to the digestive system creates a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms, which significantly reduces local immunity to infections. Honey has antibacterial, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and sedative properties. It alleviates the painful symptoms and prevents the development of infections. Honey contains such substances:
- Amino acids and fruit acids.
- Enzymes for the normalization of digestion.
- Substances that are identical in their effect with antibacterial agents.
- Vitamins: group B, A, C, K.
Anti-inflammatory properties of honey remove inflammation of the mucosa. Its regular use positively influences the production of gastric juice, normalizes its secretion and the level of acidity. Patients are recommended to use dark varieties of honey, mix it with butter or cold water.
One of the most popular products of animal origin is milk. With gastritis with a low acidity it can be consumed. Since it saturates with useful micronutrients, it gently affects the digestive system, improves intestinal motility, protects the stomach from harmful microorganisms.
Milk can differ in its composition depending on many factors: the state of animal health, diet, breed and much more. But in general, it is 87% water, and 13% is a dry substance (protein, milk fat and sugar, minerals). The drink is rich in vitamins A and D, vitamins of group B, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iodine and other minerals. Its caloricity per 100 g is from 30 to 80 kcal. Nutrients are well absorbed by the body.
Useful properties of milk for patients with hypoacid inflammation of the stomach:
- Strengthening the immune system and improving the performance of all organs and systems.
- Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, reducing swelling.
- Prevention of oncological lesions of the intestine.
- Normalization of acidity, elimination of heartburn.
- Minimizing the risk of developing diabetes.
- Improve sleep and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Despite useful properties, milk has a number of contraindications. Drink is not recommended for people with a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, as it can cause a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract or allergic reactions. It is better to consume milk on an empty stomach 30-60 minutes before a meal. It can be combined with sweet fruits, berries, honey.
Goat milk
In the treatment of hypoacid inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract many patients use goat's milk. With its help, you can cure both the usual inflammation and its atrophic forms, in which the cells of the body begin to die.
Useful properties of goat's milk:
- Neutralization of gastric juice that affects the mucous membrane.
- Low content of alpha-1s-casein, which provides anti-allergy of milk.
- High content of calcium, which helps strengthen bones and their density.
- Rapid assimilation, normalization of acidity and relief of the inflammatory process.
- Amino acid cystine has a beneficial effect on liver cells, protecting them from harmful substances.
- High nutritional value, rich in vitamin and mineral composition.
- Decreased cholesterol, prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Strengthening the protective properties of the immune system.
Goat's milk has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. The milk product increases hemoglobin and improves the digestive system. With special care, milk should be consumed in patients with pancreatic diseases.
Kefir with gastritis with low acidity
During the treatment of many inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage, patients are recommended to drink kefir. With gastritis with low acidity, this sour milk drink is also indicated for use. Kefir normalizes digestion and has a probiotic effect. Its usefulness is that many useful microorganisms coexist in it, as well as bacteria, yeast, lactic acid sticks. The unique composition stops the multiplication of harmful microorganisms and restores microbiocenosis. Also bactericidal activity of lactobacilli is observed in relation to pathogens of gastrointestinal infections.
Useful properties of yogurt:
- Easily absorbed by the body and stimulates the immune system.
- He struggles with chronic fatigue and normalizes sleep.
- It has diuretic properties and quenches thirst.
- Promotes the production of digestive juice.
- Clears the intestines and stomach.
The drink is distinguished by the degree of maturation and acidity, it can be weak, medium and strong. Also biokefir, bifidus and bifiquephir are distinguished, which differ among themselves in the content of bifidobacteria.
When hypoacid inflammation it is recommended to use a fat-free product. This will normalize the level of acidity in the body and establish the process of digestion. Some patients are prescribed 4-5 day kefir starvation. In the drink you can add various non-acidic berries or fruit purees, as well as honey.
A real storehouse of vitamins for people with hypoacid inflammation of the digestive tract is a persimmon. The fruit contains: copper, glucose, manganese, protein, fructose, vitamin C, iron, tannins and other useful microelements. The balanced vitamin composition positively influences the digestive organs, regulates their activity and normalizes the pH level of the gastric juice.
Useful properties of persimmons:
- Antibacterial action.
- Prevention of avitaminosis.
- Maintain beauty and health of skin and eyes.
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease.
- Helps the body cope with increased mental or physical stress.
- Regulates metabolic processes.
- Increases the protective properties of the immune system.
The main disadvantage of persimmons is the astringent taste of some of its varieties. This negatively affects the stomach, provokes painful sensations and burning sensation. Persimmon is contraindicated in recent operations on the intestine or stomach, as it can cause acute obstruction. The fruit is not used for adhesive disease of the intestine. When choosing a treat, it is worth paying attention to its maturity, unripe persimmon can cause spasms and pain in the digestive tract.
Therapeutic diet with gastritis with a lower pH of gastric juice involves the use of vitamin-rich foods. Lemon is allowed to use, like some other citrus fruits. Fruit can be consumed as fresh, and cook jam, jams or simply add it to sweet tea.
Lemon contains organic acids, essential oils, vitamins A, E, C, P, B, as well as potassium, manganese, iron and other minerals. Useful properties of citrus:
- Strengthening the immune system and preventing colds.
- Favorable effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.
- Improve the work of the brain and liver.
- Normalization of acidity level of gastric juice.
- It removes toxins and slags from the body, struggles with constipation.
- Diuretic action helps dissolve and remove stones from the bladder and kidneys.
- Regular use of fruit rejuvenates and slows down the aging process.
Before using lemons, you should consult a gastroenterologist. The fruit is contraindicated in case of peptic ulcer and allergic reactions to citrus fruits.
The most popular and affordable fruits in any season are apples. With gastritis with a low acidity, they can be eaten and even necessary, since they have the following properties:
- Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.
- Strengthen the walls of the stomach.
- Regulate metabolic processes.
- Normalize blood pressure.
- Improve the condition of the skin and eyes.
The healing properties of an apple depend on its color:
- Green - many nutritionists claim that they are the most useful apples. This is associated with a minimal risk of allergic reactions. In green fruits, more ascorbic acid and a lower glycemic index. Such fruits can be both sour and sweet, but with hypoacid inflammation you can eat only sweet.
- Red - in comparison with green contain less useful substances and more sugar. Dangerous for diabetics, but can be used for gastritis, but only with peeled skin.
- Yellow - differ in their taste characteristics from the previous two. The most popular variety of yellow apples is Golden. They contain a lot of pectin and iron, are useful for the liver and improve the process of excretion of bile.
A fresh apple contains many substances that the body needs to function properly. The fruit can be eaten raw, pre-peeled, baked, used in the preparation of compotes or homemade marshmallows.
Sheep cheese
A delicious, natural and dietary product recommended to patients with inflammatory lesions of the stomach is sheep cheese. It consists of vitamins B, A, C, as well as phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin and other useful substances. Cheese is valued for linoleic acid, which regulates metabolism and prevents the development of cancer tumors. This product is perfect for people with an allergy to milk protein.
Sheep cheese favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract and is well absorbed by the body. It contains a large amount of protein and healthy fats. But, despite all the useful properties, cheese is not recommended for hypertensive people, people with excess weight, kidney disease or cardiovascular system. With gastritis cheese can be eaten during the period of remission, with exacerbation of inflammation from it should be discarded.
Spices with gastritis with low acidity
To treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, all patients are prescribed a diet. Therapeutic nutrition is aimed at restoring the gastric mucosa and improving the digestive processes. Spices with gastritis with low acidity should be selected with extreme caution, since many of them can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
Allowed seasoning:
- Bay leaf.
- Basil.
- Turmeric.
- White pepper.
- Saffron.
- Rosemary.
- Dill.
- Parsley.
- Celery.
- Cinnamon.
- Vanilla.
- Anise.
Special attention should be paid to turmeric (Indian spice), which is very useful for gastritis. The seasoning helps to heal wounds, removes bile, improves peristalsis and motor skills. Turmeric can be used to make a medicinal drink: mix 3 teaspoons of seasoning with 6 tablespoons of chopped cashew nut and 750 ml of milk. Thoroughly mix everything and take it throughout the day.
Under the ban enter spices that cause irritation of the stomach. With hypoacid gastritis, acute seasonings are contraindicated: garlic, vinegar, red ground chilli, cloves, nutmeg. Also it is not recommended to use sauces, for example, mayonnaise, mustard, spicy ketchup and other.
Health food implies a complete rejection of fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods. The fat content of the daily ration should be kept to a minimum - no more than 2 spoonfuls of vegetable oil a day. When choosing berries and fruits, it is worth giving preference to sweet varieties. Vegetables can be eaten with a minimum fiber content, both fresh and so boiled, it is advisable to grind them in puree. It is also recommended to hold a fractional diet - 4-6 times a day in small portions.