Diet in renal failure
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Such basic functions of the kidneys as metabolic, excretory, hematopoietic and ionoregulating, largely depend on what material, roughly speaking, they have to deal with.
That is, the products that enter the body can have a fairly negative impact even on healthy kidneys, and in the case of kidney failure, additionally, kidney irritation is generally unacceptable. Therefore, the diet is not just an auxiliary role in treatment, but one of the decisive. The main function of the diet for renal insufficiency is to prevent the decay of proteins contained in the tissues and to organize the most gentle mode of kidney function.
Renal failure is a condition in which all the kidney functions are violated, which in turn leads to a disruption in the exchange of nitrogen, water and electrolytes in the body. A similar condition can be acute and chronic. In any case, the most important element in the treatment of renal failure is diet. In this case, kidney failure can be caused by various causes, but regardless of this, the kidneys can not normally cope with their function.
But surely the diet in this case can not be the only method of treatment, since replacement of kidney functions that have been disturbed by medical procedures such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis is required. In the event that the kidney function can not be restored, an organ replacement is required. In the case of kidney transplantation, the diet is also mandatory.
What is the diet for kidney failure?
In any case, if the kidneys are disturbed, the limitations of the amount of protein consumed are mandatory. But there remains the question of how to limit it, what is the optimal protein content. Since we can not allow the body to start building up its own tissues for protein production. With the possible variety of products that can provide the increased caloric intake of the daily ration necessary for renal failure, it is very important to take into account the fact that other diseases can limit all these options. For example, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Although it should be noted that in general, all dietary diets are designed to be safe for the body as a whole.
With renal failure, the diet should be selected in such a way that the patient was tasty to eat. Due to impaired renal function, taste preferences are very distorted, so you have to give up salt and the usual sugar substitutes, such as dried fruits, bananas. Therefore, we must try to diversify the cuisine with various sauces, dressings, spices, vegetables with a specific taste.
Diet 7 with renal failure
When choosing a diet in case of kidney failure, you can make a diet individually for a single patient. But at the same time, you can use existing schemes. The most common in use are dietary tables developed by Pevzner. Among them, with renal insufficiency, a dietary table number 7 is recommended. This table is designed for patients with impaired renal function. At the same time, diet No. 7 also has a more detailed separation depending on the stage and type of kidney disease. So there are diet tables № 7а, 7б, 7в, 7г and 7р.
Diet table number 7 is given to a patient with acute glomerulonephritis, which is at the stage of recovery, or with a chronic diminishing glomerulonephritis. This diet is also indicated for nephropathy in pregnant women.
This diet makes it easier to remove from the body under-oxidized exchange products, nitrogenous slags, to create a sparing regimen for the kidneys and reduce arterial hypertension.
Of all the diets of the seventh group, this is the most rich in protein. Allowed up to 80 g of protein, half of which can be of animal origin, 90 g of fat, about 450 g of carbohydrates, free liquid - 1 liter. Salt the amount of salt is limited to 6 g. The diet is quite high-calorie - 2750 - 3150 kcal per day, which allows to keep active work of all body systems.
Products should be cooked in boiled form, although roasting after cooking is allowed. Food is crushed. Do not tolerate substances that irritate the cardiovascular and central nervous system.
Diet in chronic renal failure
In chronic renal failure, the diet is selected depending on the patient's condition, the stage of development of insufficiency, the prescription of the last period of exacerbation. Most often, standard schemes are chosen, which can then be adjusted depending on the needs of the particular patient.
But usually in chronic kidney failure is selected diet table number 7 or 7a. Also, in a number of cases, diets №7, 7а, 7b are combined, applying them alternately. Dietary table № 7а is appointed in case of exacerbation of chronic processes of renal failure. Such a diet is prescribed only for short periods of about a week. If chronic renal failure is in remission after exacerbation, then diet № 7b with a gradual transition to diet number 7 will be more appropriate.
In any case, all dietary schemes for chronic renal failure are aimed at reducing protein intake to some extent to reduce azotemia, a gentle regimen for the kidneys, and to maintain such a balance of protein in food, so that when the burden on the kidneys is not allowed to destroy the proteins of the body itself .
Diet No. 7a is most limited in protein composition, only 20 g protein, 80 g fat, 350 g carbohydrates are allowed. Salt is limited to 2 g. The amount of liquid consumed, as with diet 7b, should be 200-300 ml more than the volume of excreted urine. The energy value of the diet is 2,200 kcal. Food is boiled, roasted, baked. Severely restricted salt.
Diet in acute renal failure
In acute kidney failure, the most suitable diet is No. 7b. Although this condition, especially at the initial stages, the patient can refuse to eat because of nausea, vomiting, distortion of flavors, this is unacceptable because it can accelerate the processes of decay of the body's own proteins.
When using diet 7b, it is still recommended to reduce the amount of potassium in it.
This diet is also designed to create a sparing regimen for kidney function, reduce blood pressure, improve urine and blood circulation, and help to remove nitrogen slag and other metabolic products from the body.
In the diet, the amount of proteins, salt and liquid is sharply limited. Proteins are 30 - 40 g, fats 80 - 90 grams, carbohydrates 400 - 500 g. Salt is reduced to 2 - 3 g per day. The amount of daily fluid is calculated depending on how much the patient's urine releases per day. Thus, the amount of liquid consumed should be greater than the amount allocated to the glass.
Caloric content of food is approximately 2700 - 3000 calories per day. Food is prepared without salting, salt is added to taste in a dish within the limits of the allowed volumes. Products can be cooked or baked.
Menu diet with kidney failure
When compiling a menu for patients suffering from kidney failure and using a particular diet, an individual approach is always needed, the calculation of the amount of protein, the balance of the diet, the observance of the energy value of the products.
But in any case, you can identify general trends and a list of acceptable products, which is not so limited in its diversity.
So in the diet menu, renal insufficiency can include salt-free yeast pancakes, salt-free bread, egg dishes, but in very limited quantities, whole milk, sour cream, cream, curdled milk. Both vegetable and animal fats are allowed, as well as all possible types of cereals with any method of their preparation. Fresh vegetables are allowed, except for those that contain a strong taste or are heavy for the kidneys, such as mushrooms, radish, spinach. Vegetables and cereals can be served in the form of various soups filled with fried onions, sour cream, greens. Also in full, various fruits and berries are allowed. They can be prepared in the form of compotes, soups, jelly, jelly, jam. You can also eat honey and sweets that do not contain chocolate. It is allowed to drink all kinds of juices, broths (for example, broth of a dogrose), tea, but not strong. Drinks such as coffee, cocoa, mineral water, artificially colored or very strong drinks are completely excluded. As possible seasonings and spices, it is recommended to use cinnamon, vanilla, citric acid. In quality, you can use white (milk) or tomato sauce, gravy from vegetables and fruits. But it is completely necessary to exclude such sharp spices as horse-radish, pepper, mustard.
Diet recipes for kidney failure
Borsch Vegetarian
- Beet 1 pc
- Potatoes 2 pcs.
- Onion 1 pc
- Carrot 1 pc
- Cabbage white 300 g
- Tomato 1 pc
- Water 1,5 l
- Sugar 0.5 g
- Sour cream, greens for refueling to taste
- Salt as part of the restrictions add to the finished dish.
Wash beets, peel and place in boiling water. Brew until half cooked. After that, take the beets out of the broth, allow to cool and grate on a large grater.
Onions, carrots and tomatoes peeled, finely chopped and put out in oil.
In a boiling broth of beets put peeled and diced potatoes, after 10 minutes after that add cabbage. When cabbage is cooked, add the stewed carrots, onions and tomato. Bring to a boil, add sugar. Before serving, add the borscht sour cream and greens, you can add salt.
Carrot cutlets
- Carrots 500 g
- Manka 100 g
- Sugar 1 tbsp. L.
- Salt to taste within limits
- Sour cream and greens for refueling to taste
Carrots boil, cool, clean and rub on a small grater. Then add 50 g of mango, mix well, add sugar, if desired, add salt. From the received weight to form cutlets and to roll them in the remained mank. Fry in vegetable oil for 3 minutes on one side, then turn over to another, reduce fire, cover and fry 10 more minutes. Serve with a dressing of sour cream and greens.
Choosing a diet for kidney failure, it is necessary to base not only on the diagnosis itself, but also on the degree of renal failure, acute or chronic stage of the disease, the calculation of protein concentration in the foodstuffs themselves and at the same time the content of protein metabolism in the blood, the total electrolyte balance, presence of concomitant diseases in the patient.
What can you eat with kidney failure?
The kidney maintains the balance of water in the body, controls the content of microelements, removes slag, including nitrogenous. In case of kidney failure, nutrition should be organized in such a way as to reduce to a possible minimum those substances in the body with which the kidneys have to cope, since in this period their functions are violated.
Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, saturate the weakened body of the necessary amount of energy, use a large number of vitamins and other useful substances.
Therefore, a diet with renal failure implies the use of various fats, except for those that are poorly soluble and can have a negative effect on other organs (for example, mutton fat, palm oil). Also, food should be rich in carbohydrates. To do this, the ration should include a variety of cereals, which are consumed in boiled form, as part of soups, in the form of casseroles and puddings.
Also, to ensure the necessary set of vitamins and fiber and calories, it is necessary to diversify food with various vegetables, fruits, berries, sweets. Vegetables should preferably be familiar. The same potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, leafy green vegetables, zucchini, pumpkin will do the trick. They can be used as a part of vegetarian soups, in stewed, boiled, fried, or steamed. Berries and fruits can be prepared in the form of compotes, soups, jam and mousses.
What you can not eat with kidney failure?
Since the main load on the kidney is the products of the breakdown of protein foods, the main feature of a diet for kidney failure is the maximum possible exclusion of protein products from the diet. Although it is not recommended to exclude them completely. It is important to take into account that this restriction applies not only to animal proteins, but also to vegetable. What does plant protein in the first place is limited.
With renal failure, water retention in the body should not be tolerated, therefore all food should be prepared without salt. This is due to the fact that sodium contains sodium, which is closely associated with water retention and thus causes edema and hypertension, which is unacceptable for kidneys with disruption of work.
In addition, kidneys also excrete phosphorus from the body. Basically, phosphorus is found in the same products as protein. But in this case, some products that have a low protein content, contain much more phosphorus. In addition to the general burden on the kidneys, which can not normally rid the body of phosphorus, there is a negative effect on the bone system. Since the increased content of phosphorus in the body leads to the excretion of calcium bones and the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
With renal failure, there is a general weakness, which, in addition to the general burden on the body, can be caused by a sharp increase in potassium in the blood, which is also not normally eliminated due to impaired renal function. High concentrations of potassium cause weakness in the muscles. This is especially dangerous for the heart muscle and can cause not only disturbances of the heart rhythm, but also its stopping. Therefore, you should limit the intake of potassium in the body. This element is also found in protein products. Therefore, their restriction automatically reduces potassium intake. But it's worth remembering about such products, which at first glance should not be dangerous. The most famous and widespread source of potassium is the bananas we are accustomed to. Because they should be avoided in the diet. Also it is worth to be wary of potassium-rich dried fruits, nuts, avocado, wheat and legumes.