Diet with prostate adenoma
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Benign prostatic hyperplasia or as it is also called - prostate adenoma - this disease is quite actively diagnosed in representatives of the strong half of mankind, especially those whose age has passed the 40-year-old line. But many know that a balanced diet can protect against many diseases, as well as become one of the components of the healing process used to stop the pathology. Therefore, a significant role in the treatment of the disease in question has a diet with prostate adenoma. Thanks to her, the process of healing and recovery is more active and takes less time.
The essence of the diet with prostate adenoma
No one will dispute the fact that food both heals and maims. Therefore, in the presence of pathological changes in the patient's body, the treating doctor very often introduces restrictions on the consumption of a number of products. A similar diet was developed to help the male body to fight the disease that affects the prostate gland.
The diet is chosen for each patient individually, taking into account the degree of neglect of the pathology, the general condition of the patient and his anamnesis, as well as the taste preferences of the patient. But, as practice shows, without changing the regime and the balance of nutrition is indispensable.
The food should at least not exacerbate the health situation, but as a maximum - become one of the elements of the healing process. Therefore, the essence of the diet for prostate adenoma is the maximum benefit for the patient's body.
If the patient strives for recovery, adherence to restrictions is necessary. "Right" dishes will slow down the development of pathology and increase the chances of a faster recovery.
Particular attention is given to products rich in selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn), which favorably affect the tumor, reducing its size. During illness the man should receive during the day 25 mg of zinc, and not less than 5 μg of selenium.
High content of zinc show such products:
- Seafood: mussels, oysters, shrimps.
- Red meat, especially lamb and low-fat beef.
- Wheat germ, bran.
- Buckwheat grain.
- Nuts.
- Dried watermelon and pumpkin seeds.
- Cocoa powder and chocolate.
- Sesame.
- Veal liver.
- Peas.
- Herring.
- Egg yolk.
- Mushrooms.
Selenium can also be found in such products:
- Pork and beef liver.
- Corn.
- Rice, buckwheat, barley and oatmeal.
- Meat of an octopus.
- Egg.
- Beans and lentils.
- Pistachio.
- Sea kale.
- Peas.
- Shrimp and scallops.
- Olive oil.
If there is a persistent lack of these elements, you must actively consume the above products, the benefit of them is easy to diversify. The doctor can also prescribe the intake of vitamins, for example, it can be "Selenium-Active".
Active antioxidant "Selenium-Active" is taken one tablet once a day in conjunction with food. The course of treatment of the vitamin complex is a month.
In this case, do not forget about vitamin E, which increases the effective presence of selenium. It should not be forgotten that from the food the organism absorbs only a part (at best half) of the microelements contained in it.
As research has shown, the main reason - the provocateur of adenoma development is the hormonal imbalance, which over the years is only aggravated. With age, testosterone levels decrease, whereas the amount of estradiol increases. Also on the birth and growth of education affects the increase in the number of adipose tissue, from which it follows that one of the methods of preventing adenoma should be control of body weight, which invariably affects the diet and individual addiction to a particular product.
It is also necessary to systematically care about the emptying of the intestine. Therefore, a diet with prostate adenoma should be concerned with this issue. But before you sit down on it, you should know exactly the list of foods that are not acceptable in the diet and those whose presence is simply necessary.
Additional recommendations:
- Take liquid during the meal and immediately before going to bed should not be. Otherwise, the digestive process worsens (in the first situation) and increases the nighttime load on the bladder and urinary system (with fluid intake before going to sleep). What should I avoid while diagnosing this disease. Water and drinks should be drunk between meals, or not earlier than one hour after a meal.
- It is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and diversity in foods.
- Should predominate protein food.
- The content of fats in food is allowed, but not more than 30%. In this case, mainly, it should be fats of vegetable origin.
- Do not overeat at night.
- It is necessary to monitor your body weight, avoiding overeating and the appearance of extra pounds.
Diet with prostatitis and prostate adenoma
One of the most common diseases affecting the male reproductive system is prostate adenoma and prostatitis. Prostatitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the prostate gland, whereas an adenoma is a tumor that forms in the prostate gland.
The reasons that catalyze the development of this pathology are many, but the main ones are inconvenient close meltings, glitches in the hormonal background, inactivity, sexual infections and others. To contribute to the development of such pathology can also nutrition.
Therefore, the first thing the doctor does is recommend that you review the diet, so the foods that are present in the diet of a man directly affect the condition of his body.
The developed diet for prostatitis and prostate adenoma is aimed at purifying the genitourinary system, reducing the concentration of urine and working to stimulate human immunity. Restriction in nutrition is one of the elements of therapeutic therapy. If the disease has passed to the chronic plane, then adhere to these recommendations will have to constantly, because if the regime is violated, the exacerbation of the disease may be provoked.
The main principle of the diet for the diseases under consideration - food should be easy, quickly absorbed by the body. The rest of the principles of this diet, as well as "useful" and "harmful" products have already been given above.
Do not overeat and overuse the urinary system. It is always necessary to monitor the emptying of the intestine. It should be easy and regular. It is necessary to limit the intake of products that can cause increased gas production. Constipation and diarrhea can provoke stagnation in the circulatory system of the pelvic organs, which is undesirable in principle, and with adenoma in particular.
The main method of processing products - steamed, boiled and baked. Dishes should not be spicy or too spicy. Such seasonings have an irritating effect on the intestines, which is unfavorable for the balance of its microflora.
The volumes of liquid to be drunk must be up to two liters per diem. It can be mineral water of low degree of mineralization, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas, compotes. It is necessary to exclude alcoholic drinks and carbonated liquids.
As an alternative to a diet for prostate adenoma, such a patient can be assigned "Table No. 5". Usually, it is attributed to patients who have gone through cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder), as well as with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
If the disease is not chronic and has been stopped, then it is necessary to get out of the diet gradually, not by imposing prohibited products. But a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are always relevant. By introducing them into a habit, a person will permanently get rid of many problems, and the risk of the appearance and development of other pathologies will significantly decrease.
These restrictions should not significantly affect the diet and dietary diversity of men. Do not have to starve, but such a healthy diet will be beneficial for the whole body.
Before you sit down on the diet in question, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. If there are other diseases in the patient's medical history, the list of permitted and contraindicated products may need to be adjusted.
Diet after an operation to remove prostatic adenoma
At a certain clinical picture, the attending physician - the urologist can raise a question on removal of an adenoma. After surgical intervention, the patient is waiting for a recovery period, one of the elements of which is to become a diet after the operation to remove adenoma of the prostate.
Its main principle is more protein food, fruits and vegetables, less fat, especially animal origin. Preference is given to vegetable fats, which provide the body with the necessary substances for its normal work.
A high percentage of consumed vegetable proteins favorably affects the body, significantly reducing the risk of developing cancer pathology. As studies and prolonged monitoring showed, the consumption of red meat varieties increases the likelihood of oncological disease of the prostate gland, on average, by 12%.
The main limitation (or total exclusion) concerns such products:
- Poor fiber.
- Containing food additives, dyes, flavors and preservatives.
- High-calorie dishes with a high content of animal fats.
- Under the ban falls roast, spicy and overly spicy food.
- Smoked meat and pickles.
- Caffeine-containing foods.
- Alcohol.
- Carbonated drinks.
The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, microelements, fiber, which activates the digestive process and prevents congestion in the pelvic organs.
Particular attention is given to food containing a high percentage of chemical elements such as selenium and zinc, the deficit of which leads to the emergence and further aggravation of the problem. They are rich in seafood, as well as many others.
As mentioned above, do not ignore the level of functioning of the intestine. In addition to excluding products that cause increased flatulence, and capable of "fixing a chair," one should also revise the mode of food intake: it should be taken in small portions, but the number of receptions should increase. This will keep the digestive tract in a tone, activating the motor, promoting more active production of gastric juice, which can serve to prevent constipation.
In the postoperative period, usually boiled beets, prunes, sour-milk products, dried apricots, carrots, cereals and others appear on the patient's table, those dishes that loosen the density of feces.
To date, surgeons are "armed" with several types of surgical treatment. Depending on the clinical picture of the disease, the degree of its severity and individual characteristics of the body, the doctor can prescribe as a gentle minimally invasive method, after which a minimal rehabilitation period is observed and the patient returns to his usual life, and more complex. If a severe level of pathology is diagnosed, an adenomectomy can be prescribed. This is a rather complicated traumatologic operation, after which the recovery period is much longer, and requires careful follow-up of the recommendations received from the treating specialist.
Improve the situation and accelerate recovery is just the diet for prostate adenoma.
But it is important not only for postoperative patients, but also for healthy representatives of the strong half of humanity. The maintenance of a healthy lifestyle and a culture of nutrition will save it both from the progression of diseases of the genitourinary system, and from many other pathologies.
To make the postoperative wound more quickly delayed, the load on the digestive and genito-urinary system should be reduced. Balanced nutrition increases the body's immune status, allowing it to fight disease more effectively and activate hidden reserves for faster recovery.
What is allowed to eat after the operation?
- A large number of vegetables and fruits that contain an increased percentage of coarse fibers, polyphenols, vitamins, trace elements, chemical compounds that have antioxidant qualities. And numerous phytonutrients, allow to reduce the likelihood of prostatic adenoma.
- It is worth paying attention to tomatoes, with lycopines contained in them - powerful compounds that purify the body of damaging molecules called free radicals. They become for the weakened organism protection from trying to infect the infection, preventing the development of the inflammatory process.
- In the diet of such a patient in the period after the operation, vegetable white is obligatory, which is especially rich in legumes. A wide range of dishes created on their basis, will make the diet quite diverse, as nutrients that are part of beans, beans, lentils, healthily affect the body of a man suffering from prostatitis and adenoma.
- It is necessary to minimize the use of harmful fats. Animal fats act inhibitively on metabolic processes. The body has to spend more time and energy resources for their processing and disposal, increasing the load on the digestive tract. Some scientists even believe that the consumption of animal protein (fat, eggs, meat) increases the risk of the birth and progression of prostate tumors (benign hyperplasia). Vegetable protein is not only an excellent food and energy source, but also significantly reduces the likelihood of this disease due to its isoflavonoids, which form their basis.
- Green tea has recently entered our life, but has already received its recognition from many. It is impossible not to mention it in connection with the problem discussed in this article. Studies show that catechins found in a given beverage easily penetrate the cellular structures of the prostate gland. Once in place, they contribute to the activation of testosterone production. Its other constituents - polyhydrogen acids and omega-3 substance exert anti-inflammatory action on the body tissues. That is, it is necessary to replace black with green tea and the likelihood of developing prostate adenoma, the further development of the disease will significantly decrease, and the postoperative period will be easier and faster.
- It is impossible not to mention the most valuable product: seafood: anchovies, shrimp, halibut, octopus meat, squid, flounder, scallops, sardines and many others. Their regular consumption activates the immune forces, increasing the amount of antioxidants in the plasma.
- It is worth saying "No" to fast food products and food products, which include stabilizers, dyes, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers.
- It should be minimized dishes that have a high level of calorie.
- It is necessary to abandon chips, shop crunches, products prepared in deep-fried, fried and peppery dishes. When frying, a large number of carcinogens are released, harmful even for a healthy body, not to mention the body weakened by the disease.
- After removal of the adenoma of the prostate gland, it is necessary to abandon the caffeinated products, they worsen the general condition of the patient and slow the healing process.
- As little as possible should consume salty foods.
- No alcoholic and fizzy drinks. 60 ml of vodka, 500 ml of natural beer and 200 ml of unsweetened wine - this is the amount that is allowed without harm to health. Higher doses adversely affect a person's condition.
- It is forbidden to eat meat of red varieties. For example, beef, nutria, pork, lamb and so on. Uncontrolled consumption of such a product increases by 12% the risk of developing carcinoma (prostate cancer).
- You should consume more sour-milk products. They, in the majority, contain positive microbacteria or probiotics. It is better if it is cooked at home, in compliance with all technological rules. A special starter can be purchased today in any pharmacy or specialized store. Acidic medium will contribute to the inhibition of growth and development of pathogenic flora, which is the catalyst of the inflammatory process.
This approach to nutrition will help a man who has gone through the removal of adenoma to recover faster after surgery and return to the usual rhythm of life.
Menu diet for prostate adenoma
Previously, they were agreed on those recommendations that are made to the diet menu for prostate adenoma. A list of foods and dishes that should absolutely disappear from the patient's table or be limited in quantitative reception, as well as those without which it is not necessary to expect a speedy recovery is given.
When the disease worsens, the patient needs to switch to a diet that assumes a split meal, in small portions. The daily dosage should preferably be divided into four to six meals.
In this article, we are ready to cite one of the options for daily nutrition. First of all, it should be easy, nutritious and quickly assimilated, with no "harmful products".
Day 1
- Oatmeal.
- Fruit confiture.
- Infusion of hips.
Lunch is a banana.
- Easy vegetable soup.
- Mashed potatoes.
- Chicken breast in sweet and sour sauce.
- Dried fruits compote.
Snack - raspberry jelly.
- Boiled squid.
- Braised cabbage.
Immediately before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.
Day 2
- Cottage cheese casserole.
- Fruit and berry jelly.
Lunch is a handful of nuts.
- The soup, cooked on a light vegetable broth.
- Boiled fish.
- Salad - a selection of fresh vegetables.
- Green tea.
Snack - apple, baked with honey and cinnamon.
- Rabbit baked in sour cream.
- Carrot - beetroot stewed salad.
Just before bedtime - a glass of curdled milk.
Day 3
- Pearl barley.
- Fresh carrot salad.
- Fruit juice.
Lunch is a baked pumpkin with an apple.
- Assorted salad.
- Scallops.
- Boiled asparagus.
- A glass of mineral water without gas.
Afternoon snack - fruit salad.
- Fish fricassee.
- Baked potato.
- Fresh cucumber.
Just before bedtime - a glass of yogurt.
Day 4
- Egg poached.
- Buckwheat crumbly porridge
- Berry jelly.
Lunch - apples.
- The ear is on the water, not on the rich broth.
- Meat chop.
- Cabbage cutlet.
- Herb tea.
Snack is apple.
- Chicken, baked in orange sauce in Morocco.
- A fresh vegetable salad.
Just before bedtime - a glass of ryazhenka.
Day 5
- Boiled rice.
- Soft-boiled egg.
- Fruit fresh.
Lunch - soufflé of bananas.
- Lenten borsch.
- Fish baked on a vegetable cushion.
- Salad cushion.
- Dried fruits compote.
Afternoon snack - fruit sorbet.
- Stuffed squid.
- Salad is a sautéed vegetable.
Immediately before going to bed - a glass of kefir.
Day 6
- Corn porridge (hominy).
- A piece of hard cheese (not greasy).
- Herb tea.
Lunch is a pear dessert.
- Macaroni from hard varieties prepared by "al dente".
- Meat medallions on a vegetable pillow.
- Fresh cherry tomatoes.
- Compote of fruits.
Snack - syrniki with raisins and sour cream.
- Meat baked in pumpkin with vegetables.
- Salad from fresh cabbage.
Just before bedtime - a glass of milk.
Day 7
- Pearl barley with scalloped onions and carrots.
- Vegetable salad.
- Green tea.
Lunch is a handful of nuts.
- Mushroom soup is puree.
- Crackers from dark bread.
- Fresh juice.
Snack - pellicola with vegetable filling.
- The fish is baked.
- The vinaigrette.
- Fresh tomatoes.
Immediately before going to bed - a glass of yogurt. The last meal should not be overloaded with calories, do not force the digestive organs to work hard not only in the evening, but especially at night.
It should also be taken into account that the list of restrictions can be slightly adjusted depending on the severity of the disease and the "bouquet" of concomitant diseases that are present in the patient's anamnesis. Therefore, it is desirable that the recommendations on nutrition, after a comprehensive examination, give the doctor in charge.
To get out of food restrictions is also necessary gradually, since a rapid change in diet can again provoke a worsening of the condition.
Dietary supplements for prostate adenoma
Typically, when writing diet food in the case of diagnosing a particular disease, a qualified nutritionist or attending doctor is ready to offer his patient and multiple recommendations for cooking, as well as diet recipes for prostate adenoma. These are practically the dishes that we eat in everyday life. There is nothing specialized, except for the ban on certain products.
Rabbit baked in dough
- Rabbit
- The liver of a rabbit
- Onion
- Flour - two glasses
- Water - according to need
- Mayonnaise (small amount, for lubrication)
- Salt and pepper to taste
Preparation method:
Peel onion, chop as a roast and fry until golden brown. Cut the liver of the rabbit, add to the onion and hold for about three minutes. Lightly pepper and salt.
Carouse the rabbit thoroughly rinse and dry with a towel. Stuff it with a hepatic-onion mixture and sew two stitches together in large stitches so that the roast does not fall out.
Mix the fresh dough on the basis of flour and water. We mix it well and roll it into a layer about 5 mm thick. We put the carcass of a rabbit on it and carefully wrap it in a dough.
In parallel with this, turn on the oven and warm it to 230 degrees. Put baking paper on the baking tray. We put the rabbit on it, put it in a preheated oven. Bake until the formation of a crispy crust.
We take out of the oven. Remove the top half of the dough and grease the rabbit with mayonnaise (preferably home-made). After that, place it for another couple of minutes in a hot oven. The dish is ready.
On a flat plate to lay out a large amount of any greens (you can limit and light green leaves). On them, carefully transfer the finished rabbit, decorating it with cherry tomatoes, pieces of colorful bell pepper and cucumbers.
- Curd of low fat content (or fat-free) - 450 g
- Flour - two tablespoons
- Raw egg - three pieces
- Sugar - pisok - two tablespoons
Preparation method:
Fresh cottage cheese carefully grate with a fork or pass through a meat grinder. Eggs break and divide into separate vessels yolk and protein. In the bowl with cottage cheese introduce yolks, flour and sugar. To stir thoroughly.
Separately, using any conventional kitchen equipment, whip the whites into a thick foam. It is enough neat, stirring in one direction (clockwise) the protein foam in the cottage cheese. Stirring whisk or spatula should hinder smoothly.
The bread maker is ready for baking, but if you wish, you can add candied fruits, various berries and fruits, dried fruits.
In the mold, greased with butter, lay out the curd "dough". Align the top and apply a silk brush with a silicone brush. The curd is cooked in a water bath (can be in the multivark) until it is completely cooked.
Meat stuffed with meat
- Chicken or turkey breast - 500 g - 750 g
- Rice is half a glass.
- Carrots - one (medium size)
- Onion - one - two heads
- Garlic - 5 - 6 teeth
- Tomato juice - 0,5 l
- Pepper fragrant ground - slightly
- Salt to taste
- Basil and any greens that you like (you can dried herbs)
- Vegetable oil
Cooking method:
Chicken fillet to cut along. Depending on the size of the breast, two to three pieces will be obtained. If it was not possible to cut the thin ones, then thick areas should be slightly repulsed with a kitchen hammer or a rolling pin.
Remove carrot and cut into thin strips, and onion - half rings. Peel the garlic and chop the teeth with a knife.
Rice seeds should be rinsed thoroughly in several portions of water, boiled until ready, lightly soaked, then discarded in a colander and allowed to run off excess liquid. In the finished rice add carrots, onions, garlic, basil, greens (crushed), pepper and salt. All the mix well.
On meat pancakes in the middle put a portion of the rice mince and wrap it with an envelope. To ensure that the piece does not dissolve during further processing, it should be fixed with toothpicks or tied with a thread.
In the pan, pour a little water and bring it to a boil. Add also tomato juice, vegetable oil and onions in half rings.
Separately in a frying pan, on a small amount of vegetable oil, fry our rolls from all sides. The fire should be sufficiently intense, it will form an outer crust that protects against drying and the meat will remain juicy.
After frying, stuffed meat put in a pan with a marinade and put out until ready. Before serving, remove threads or remove toothpicks.
Pike perch baked with lemon and greens
- Fillet of pike perch - 400 g
- Crumbs ground, breaded - one teaspoon
- Dill - one bundle
- Lemon - one
- Vegetable oil - three tablespoons
- Salt to taste (slightly)
Cooking method:
From the fish meat remove all the bones, rinse and dry with a kitchen towel. Prepare the marinade, mixing the breadcrumbs, salt, vegetable oil. Mix well. Add finely chopped dill. The resulting mass of grate fish pieces. On top of them put chopped lemon ringlets.
On a greased baking tray, transfer the fish. In the oven preheated to 180 degrees, place the baking tray for baking and hold for about 15 minutes. This is enough to make the fish ready.
The table can be served on salad leaves. The dish is allowed to eat both in warm and cold.
Potato slices baked in the oven
- Potatoes - four medium tubers
- Vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) - two teaspoons
- Ground cumin - a quarter teaspoon
- Paprika - one teaspoon
- Oregano - one tablespoon
- Fragrant pepper - on the tip of the knife
- Salt to taste (3/4 teaspoon)
Preparation method:
Peel potatoes, dry with a kitchen towel and cut into slices. In a deep bowl, put the potato slices, add vegetable oil here and gently, but mix well.
In the other container, mix the remaining ingredients (the spices can be chosen according to your taste). The resulting seasoning to pour the potato slices, evenly distributing the spices over the entire surface of the product.
While preparing potato tubers, you should turn on the oven and bring the temperature to 200 degrees.
The tray should be covered with specialized paper for baking, on which it is necessary to lay out the prepared lobes of the root crop. Keep in a well-heated oven for about half an hour. As a rule, this is enough to make the tubers ready.
The cooking time depends on the size of the lobes, as well as the quality of the oven.
Potatoes are a dish that perfectly matches with any fresh salads, meat and fish dishes, and with different sauces.
A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, exclusion of stress, communication with nature and a positive attitude, all these seemed not complicated, but sometimes quite difficult things can save a modern man from many diseases. But if there is no possibility of constantly living in harmony, then at least some of the above criteria should be tried to fulfill. But if it so happened that the disease examined in this article is diagnosed, it is necessary, in addition to contacting a specialist (doctors urologist or andrologist), to revise the list of products that are usually presented on your table. The diet for prostate adenoma is not just the advice of the treating doctor - it is a real help in maintaining the body's ability to "fight" with the disease, the ability to improve the entire human body, go through rehabilitation much quicker, returning to the usual life. If you do not change your attitude to food, then it can happen irreparable, and no longer do you consume tasty food, and they help the disease "eat" you. Therefore it is worth more to treat yourself and your body! Be healthy, living a full life!
What can you eat with prostate adenoma?
In order for the treatment to be effective, men should have products in the men's diet that allow them to activate the necessary processes that can lead to the relief of the problem, and those that have a "neutral color". Therefore, in order not to harm, you should know exactly what you can eat with prostate adenoma, and what you have to sacrifice.
As already mentioned above, on the table of such a patient products with a high content of zinc and selenium are welcomed. In this case, if the patient prefers to drink pure water or natural fresh juices, herbal infusions, tinctures, milk, sour-milk products or compotes, then this is the liquid that is preferred against the background of the disease in question.
Fans of strong teas and coffee will have to rethink their attachments. These drinks can be consumed occasionally and not very strong.
To the products supporting active peristalsis of the intestine, many vegetables include:
- Carrots and beets.
- Tomatoes and cucumbers.
- Different varieties and types of cabbage.
- Pumpkin and zucchini.
- Roots of celery and parsnip.
- Green pea.
Also, various berries and other products are welcome:
- Freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices.
- Pure water.
- Compotes, mousses and kissels.
Dried fruits:
- Raisins and apricots.
- Prunes (preferably sun-dried, not smoked).
- Dried apricots and figs.
- Sour-milk and dairy products.
Vegetable oils:
- Sunflower.
- Olive.
- Corn.
Fiber-rich cereals:
- Buckwheat.
- Pearl barley.
- Millet.
- Turkey.
- A hen.
- Veal.
- Rabbit.
Sea fish (not fatty). Fatty varieties are allowed no more than a couple of meals a week.
- Herring and sardines.
- Mackerel and trout.
- Mackerel and tuna.
- And others.
Seafood - they occupy a special niche in the diet with prostate adenoma, as they are rich in such useful chemical elements as zinc and selenium, so necessary for the body of a man. They allow to stop the growth of the tumor and reduce its dimensional parameters. If it is often impossible to take seafood, you should introduce nutritional supplements or a vitamin and mineral complex containing these trace elements into the diet of such a patient. They will not be superfluous and against the background of receiving seafood, because only half of the micronutrients present in the food are absorbed by the human body. So are the polyunsaturated fatty acids, with which they are rich.
- Nuts.
- Different fruits.
- Deciduous salads and greens.
- Macaroni and products made of them, cooked on the basis of durum wheat.
- Dark grades of bread (stale, yesterday's baking).
- Teas brewed with hips.
- Butter (limited). Not salty.
- Chicken eggs, but not more than one per day.
- Natural honey.
What can not be eaten with prostate adenoma?
It is understandably clear that if there are products that are allowed in the patient's menu, then, accordingly, there must be those that negatively affect the male organism, only aggravating the health situation. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, such a patient and his family should know what can not be eaten with prostate adenoma.
It should be removed from the menu:
- Animal fats.
- Processed and sharp and melted cheeses.
- Heavy saturated broths (based on mushrooms, meat or fish).
- Alcoholic beverages and with the addition of carbon dioxide.
- Beans:
- Asparagus and lentils.
- Beans and beans.
- Peas.
- Strong coffee or black tea.
- Preservation.
- Spicy condiments.
- Smoked meat and pickles.
- Products from cocoa beans and chocolate.
- Do not eat and offal:
- Liver and brain.
- Kidneys and lungs.
- Any fish roe.
- Baking, especially fresh.
- A row of vegetables and greens:
- Radish and spinach.
- Radish and sorrel.
- Sauces based on mustard and horseradish.
- Fried dishes.
- Reduce the consumption of sweets.
- Production of fast food.
- Fast food products (they are now packed in all supermarket shelves).
- You should carefully read the composition of the products. If it is "overcrowded with cats" (various stabilizers, dyes, improvers of taste and aroma), such a product should not be purchased, especially when introduced into your diet.