Diet for polycystic ovaries
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What is the diet for polycystic ovaries?
This disease directly depends on the level of the hormonal background of a woman, and the result of its manifestation may be female infertility, the risk of acquiring pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus increases dramatically. This suggests that you should take seriously the diagnosis. It should not be forgotten that such changes, expressed by excessive production of androgens, primarily lead to a disruption in the pancreas. Rational nutrition, correctly written menu is an essential factor in the therapy of the disease.
Therefore, to the question, what is the diet for polycystic ovaries? One can unequivocally answer the one that allows at least partially normalize the hormonal balance and metabolic processes in the woman's body.
In the process of developing such a diet, specialists in the main turned their attention to the glycemic index of products. In order to prevent the development of diabetes mellitus and stabilize the situation with ovarian failure, it is necessary to select foods whose glycemic index shows low digits when forming their menus, a woman with a history of this diagnosis.
Now there is no problem on the Internet to find the table of products, divided by the glycemic index. When compiling a diet for polycystic ovaries, you should focus on products that are interested in the criterion of which does not exceed 50.
One of these diets, which is not based on calculating the calories taken, and the selection of food products is exactly the agreed index - it's a diet for Montignac. Very similar in nature and such recommendations as the Kremlin, the restriction in nutrition for Dyukan, Atkins, a diet, painted on the blood group and many others.
One of the main rules that should guide your menu is to maintain an equivalent ratio of useful (or slowly digestible) carbohydrates and protein foods. Such carbohydrates allow you to actively break down the subcutaneous fat and actively withdraw it from the body.
Not the last place in the diet for polycystic ovaries is the adjustment of diet: the transition to fractional meals. They should be five to six throughout the day:
- The first meal is desirable one hour after the person has woken up. Food should be dense and nourishing.
- Lunch is a light snack, for example, an apple.
- Lunch must consist of a couple of dishes: first and second.
- Snack - light snacks, for example, vegetable salad.
- Dinner is good, but it consists of quickly digested products.
- Shortly before going to bed (for an hour and a half) you should take a glass of juice, kefir or whey.
Another method that allows to influence the problem is eating small portions of food every two to three hours, with the necessary calorie restriction. This approach also shows effectiveness, because in this regime, the body doses the required amount of nutrients, which leads to weight loss and keeping blood sugar levels within normal limits, and this, in turn, improves the clinical picture of abnormalities in the ovaries.
The maintenance of more severe restrictions, in the presence of polycystosis, is not permissible. This approach to reducing the problem can only harm the body of a woman.
For today on shelves of supermarkets it is difficult to find "pure" products of an animal origin. In the race for profit, dishonest producers pump meat with various hormonal substances and antibiotic agents. The facts were published when overdue meat and fish were treated with xenobiotics and chlorine. About the sausage industry and do not want to talk, because sausage - this is, in fact, a cholesteric bomb.
Therefore, if a person does not want to lose health, one should avoid taking them. Ideally, it is better to purchase this product from a trusted owner on the market. There is less likelihood of encountering a hormone-laden product.
The main methods of processing products are cooking, baking and steaming. Do not forget that vegetable oil is also fat, which should be minimized or even removed from your table.
At the time of the diet, frying should be forgotten. After all, this kind of treatment stimulates an increased production of cholesterol plaques, and since they are a material for the synthesis of androgens and hormones, the development of androgen hyperfunction occurs. In the situation under consideration, such an "explosion" in the amount of substances formed is harmful to the body of a woman, and the hormonal and androgenic level is simply off scale.
The diet for polycystic ovaries should contain a large number of dietary fibers that help the body get rid of harmful carcinogens and toxic substances. They also take an active part with the normalization of the level of sugar and cholesterol. At the same time, the desire to eat decreases. To products with a high content of plant fibers include: dried fruits, raw fruits and vegetables, berries and bran.
If you can not do without vegetable oil, it is better to stop your choice on such oils (preferably cold pressing): milk thistle, pumpkin, sesame, olive or linseed.
One of the dietary techniques that can affect the blood sugar, as well as other human parameters, including weight, is adherence to the diet according to the blood group. That is, depending on the blood type, the woman adjusts her diet according to the necessary recommendations. And it is this selection of products that will be most useful and effective, as in the case of arresting some pathologies, raising the defenses of the body, improving the digestive system, preventing the development of hyperthyroidism, and so for normalizing its weight.
This diet is acceptable not only to women who have an anamnesis of polycystic ovaries, but also to everyone who wants to improve their health, restore old forms and regulate the diet.
For people who have I blood type
They are "hunters", and, consequently, meat eaters. For people belonging to this category, it is necessary to take any meat (not fat, therefore, pork and sausages should be removed from the ration) as a basis of its diet, but its quantity should not exceed 180 g. In addition, the table can be diversified with the help of:
- Beans.
- Cereals.
- You can eat any cabbage. This product surprises with its variety: Brussels, white, red, kohlrabi, broccoli, color.
- Any seafood.
- Fish meat, except for fatty varieties.
Restrict reception:
- Dairy products, including yoghurts, whey and ice cream.
- Hard cheeses.
- Eggs.
- Fatty varieties of meat and fish.
For people who have type II blood
Such people are referred to as "farmers". Required food:
- Sea fish. All salmon species.
- Poultry: baked dishes based on chicken, turkey and chicken.
- Soy milk.
- Cabbage, asparagus.
- Vegetables: parsnips, carrots.
- Fruits: raisins, plums, blackberries, apricots, pineapples, lemons, prunes, grapefruits, lingonberries, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, fresh and dried figs, blueberries.
- Greenery.
- Fruit and vegetable juices.
- Beans.
- Mamaliga from corn, whole oats and millet.
- Teas from herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort with rosehip, milk thistle, hawthorn, echinacea, alfalfa, valerian and ginseng.
Unwanted products:
- Meat of pork, goose, duck.
- Seafood.
- Dairy products and eggs.
- High-protein baking.
- Vegetable crops: potatoes, eggplant, sweet potato, pepper.
- Cereal bread from several cereals, including wheat.
- Mushrooms.
- Cabbage: white, Chinese, red.
- Fruits and berries: melon, mandarins, bananas, oranges, mango.
- Juices from tomato and orange.
For people who have type III blood
They are "nomads". This category of people needs such food:
- The basis of the ration is cereals.
- Green vegetable crops.
- Liver.
- Oat bran.
- Parsnip, parsley and bell pepper.
- Low-fat dairy products.
- Flounder, sea bass, carp.
- Any cabbage.
- Sturgeon, tuna, herring.
- Potatoes, aubergines, horseradish.
- Meat: rabbit, lamb, lamb.
- Seafood.
- Fruits: bananas, cranberries, kiwi, grapes, pineapples, lemons, plums, various berries. Juices from them.
- Beverage from rose hips.
Unwanted products:
- Do not get involved in turkey and beef.
- Pork, poultry meat.
- Ham.
- Ice cream.
- Processed cheeses.
- Tomatoes, pomegranates and coconuts.
- Cereals: corn and buckwheat.
For people who have group IV
Basis of the table:
- Meat of lamb and rabbit, lamb and turkey.
- Seafood.
- Dairy.
- River and sea fish.
- Green vegetable crops.
- Potatoes and carrots
- Beans.
- Berries
- Fig.
It is worth to give up:
- Pork, beef, bacon, poultry, venison, veal.
- Pomegranates, persimmons, oranges, bananas, coconut and mango.
- Marinades and peppery spices.
- Hard and rennet cheeses.
The diet menu for polycystic ovaries
Before you start to compile a diet menu for polycystic ovaries, you need to remember once again the basic rules of proper nutrition in this disease.
- The use of food only with a glycemic index (GI) is not higher than 50.
- Maximally reduce the intake of any animal fat.
- Fractional meals, five to six meals throughout the day.
- It is important to maintain an equivalent daily balance of proteins and useful (slow) carbohydrates.
- The maximum quantity of organic products (mainly meat and fish)
- If possible, diversify the types of dietary fiber.
Now let's try to compose variants of a possible daily diet.
- Herculean porridge, cooked on the water, you can add a little milk. It can be cooked and on milk, but with a low fat content.
- A little raisins or berries.
- Dried fruits compote.
Lunch is an apple.
- Lentil soup with vegetables.
- Cereal bread on leaven.
- Apricot.
Afternoon snack - herbal tea.
- Salad from sweet pepper, boiled chickpeas, red onions and greens.
- Refueling - lemon juice, mustard and linseed oil.
Immediately before bedtime - a glass of whey.
- Dry breakfast of bran, soaked in low-fat yogurt.
- Herbal tea.
Lunch - plums.
- Spaghetti from hard wheat varieties, cooked "al dente" (boil for 5 minutes, not to the full readiness).
- Salad from fresh cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice and amaranth oil.
- Raspberries.
Snack - fruit juice.
- Grilled chicken, baked in pomegranate juice with vegetables.
- Stewed carrots with broccoli.
- Boiled brown rice.
- A glass of mineral water (without gas).
Immediately before bed (per hour - one and a half) - a glass of kefir.
- Toast from whole grain bread.
- Slice of low-fat cheese.
- Compote is berry.
Lench - rose hip tincture.
- 1. Vegetable borsch.
- 2. Salad from fresh cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice and amaranth oil.
- 3. Raspberry.
Snack - fruit juice.
- Grilled chicken, baked in pomegranate juice with vegetables.
- Carrot salad dressed with low-fat yogurt.
- Boiled egg.
- A glass of herbal tea.
Immediately before bed (per hour - one and a half) - a glass of yogurt.
- Two slices of whole-wheat bread.
- Slice of Cheese "Adyghe".
- Fruit juice.
Lunch is pears.
- Baked fish with vegetables.
- Salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice and amaranth oil.
- Apricots.
Afternoon snack - broth of wild rose.
- Vegetable stew.
- Stewed cabbage.
- Dried fruits compote.
Immediately before bed (per hour - one and a half) - a glass of milk.
- Muesli, filled with yogurt.
- A handful of any berries.
- Herb tea.
Lunch is a little nuts.
- Baked fish with vegetables.
- Salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice and amaranth oil.
- Apricots.
Afternoon snack - broth of wild rose.
- Macaroni "al dente".
- Dressing on the basis of tomatoes, garlic and greens, with the addition of balsamic vinegar.
- Fruit fresh.
Immediately before bed (per hour - one and a half) - a glass of milk.
- Lowfat curd or yogurt with berries.
- Baked apple with cinnamon.
- Mint broth.
Lunch - pineapple.
- Soup from cauliflower.
- Boiled red beans.
- Chicken meat in sweet and sour sauce.
- Baked fish with vegetables.
- Salad of fresh vegetables, sprinkled with lemon - orange dressing.
- Cherries.
Snack - a glass of mineral water.
- Beef tenderloin baked with green peas and bell peppers.
- Boiled rice Basmati.
- Herbal decoction.
Immediately before bed (per hour - one and a half) - a glass of curdled milk.
- Cottage cheese casserole from a fat-free product.
- Fruit sorbet.
- A glass of mineral water (without gas).
Lunch - apples.
- Rassolnik.
- Boiled fish.
- Fresh cabbage salad with orange and lemon dressing.
- Broth of dogrose.
Afternoon snack - mint tea.
- Fish cutlet.
- Boiled wild rice.
- A whole cucumber or tomato.
- Fruit juice.
Immediately before bed (per hour - one and a half) - a glass of kefir.
As can be seen from the proposed weekly menu, food, built with regard to the glycemic index of products, can be not only useful, but tasty and varied. And if you apply your imagination, there is an opportunity to come up with your own dishes, which will include your favorite but useful dishes. That is, the conflict in comparison tasty food - a healthy diet will not arise.
Diet recipes for polycystic ovaries
With any diet with something you need to start. After studying the restriction, it is very difficult at first time to make the right menu with dishes that would meet the recommendations of dieticians. Therefore, in this article, diet recipes for polycystic ovaries, which are not only useful, but also meet all dietary requirements, are given.
Baked halibut
- Carcass halibut. It is advisable not to choose what was grown in captivity, but caught in the wild.
- Flour - two tablespoons
- Cheese "Parmesan" - two tablespoons
- Seasonings that fit the fish
Cooking method:
Rinse the fish thoroughly. Separate fillets (you can buy already ready). Dry with a kitchen towel and divide into portions. Add the fish meat, sprinkle with aromatic herbs and allow to stand for 15 minutes at room temperature, allowing to soak with spices.
Mix flour with Parmesan, pre-grated on a fine grater. Each portioned piece roll in parmesan - flour powder, gently squeezing it to the fish.
Form for baking grease a small amount of oil (you can olive), put the pieces of halibut and bake in the oven first under the foil, and then hold for about five minutes without foil until a ruddy crust is formed.
To this dish, the asparagus is perfect as a side dish. It can simply be washed five boil in salted water, previously cutting off the hard ends. And you can slightly try out in two to three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar. At once, still hot, serve asparagus to the table with the fish.
Relevant to this set will be served and a couple of pieces of young boiled potatoes, sprinkled with herbs.
Stuffed lazy peppers
- Bulgarian pepper - six pieces. It is advisable to take large ones. Aesthetically beautiful it will be and if you take it in different colors, for example, a pair of orange, a pair of yellow and a pair of red.
- Minced beef - 0,5 kg
- Basmati rice or wild (but also suitable) - 5 - 6 tablespoons
- Half head of onions
- Carrots - three medium
- Vegetable oil - two tablespoons
- Low fat sour cream - glass
- Ketchup, it is better to take a homemade - a glass
- Pure water - glass
- Salt, pepper to taste
- Favorite spices, but you should not get carried away with spicy food
Cooking method:
Onions and carrots chop and saute a little in vegetable oil. Pepper rinse and remove from it seeds and stalk, and cut the vegetables themselves with rings. Form for baking lightly grease with oil, put in it a layer of rings of pepper. Over lay out all the available stuffing. The third layer of such casserole will be raw, but thoroughly washed rice grains, on top covered with a "coat" of passivated vegetables. The last layer will be the second half of the peppers.
All the layers are gently pounded with a spatula. Gently pour out the necessary amount of water from the edges. It should go down without damaging the embedded layers.
Ketchup mix well with sour cream and spread the mixture evenly over the surface. The form is closed with a foil or cover. Heat the oven to 185 ° C. Put the dish in the oven and hold for about two hours.
Shish kebab chopped from chicken
- Take 0.5 kg of chicken pulp, it should not contain fat and skin
- Whole grain bread to dry and get a half cup of breadcrumbs
- A small head of onions to grind.
- Teriyaki sauce - two tablespoons
- Sweet or hot pepper - a pinch (if desired, but not get carried away)
- Salt to taste
- If desired, you can enter garlic
- Vegetable oil - tablespoon
- Pineapple: you can grind a bit fresh, or take a small jar of canned
- Flour - a quarter of a glass for breading
- Sweet pepper - two pieces (you can take red and yellow, so the dish will look more appetizing)
- Onion of sweet varieties - half a head
For surface application:
- Teriyaki sauce - a tablespoon
- Vegetable oil - a teaspoon
Cooking method:
Chicken meat thoroughly rinse, dry with a kitchen towel to remove excess fluid. Meat properly chopped and mixed with finely chopped onions, breadcrumbs, garlic, teriyaki sauce and chopped pineapple. All salt, pepper and mix well.
Pour vegetable oil on a frying pan and thoroughly heat it. From the received forcemeat we roll balls. That the size was identical, instead of a dispenser it is possible to use a table spoon. Of this amount of ingredients should be about 24 teatelkas.
We put them on a heated frying pan and fry from all sides. Ready balls are thrown on a paper napkin, removing the fat, allowing them to cool.
Prepare vegetables: chop the pepper from the seeds and stalk and cut into slices, peel the onion from the husks and divide first across, and then along into several pieces.
We string the shish kebab: on the wooden stick, we interweave the vegetables with meat balls (usually four meatballs, that is, six shish kebabs, are placed on one stick). We grease all the ingredients of the dish with the previously prepared teriyaki sauce with the addition of vegetable oil.
Dishes are baked in a skillet - grill, stationary grill or in the oven. The dish is cooked for half an hour (until the semi-preparedness of vegetables). Periodically, the product should be turned over.
This dish will be served with boiled friable rice. It is better to take the wild (dark) or Basmati. When cooking rice grain it is desirable not to digest. Many people like his sorts like Jasmine - it is very tasty, but has a high glycemic index, so it is better to exclude such varieties from the diet or use very rarely.
You can not bother and buy a sauce teriyaki in a supermarket, but it's easy to cook and at home.
To get it, you need: six tablespoons of soy sauce, six tablespoons of rice wine "Murin", sugar (two tablespoons) and a tablespoon of ground ginger root. The recipes of this sauce can be slightly modified by additional additives, but the base of soy sauce and wine remains unchanged.
Mix all the ingredients and put in a small fire in the kitchen. Withstand until the sugar is completely dissolved. The finished product is well stored in the refrigerator.
Rabbit, baked in sour-mustard sauce
Carcass rabbit, divided into portions (in the same way you can bake, and whole carcass). For sauce:
- Mustard "Dijon", but also another - two tablespoons
- Low-fat sour cream - two tablespoons
- Garlic - two - three prongs
- Bacon - several slices of narrow strips
- Black freshly ground pepper
- Hot pepper (optional)
- Mustard seeds
- Bay leaf
- Fresh thyme
- Salt to taste
Cooking method:
First we prepare marinade. In the container mix sour cream, mustard, crushed mustard grains, chopped garlic, raw bacon, bay leaf, spicy and black pepper, fresh thyme and salt.
Cut the rabbit carcass, divide into portions, rinse well and dry with a kitchen towel. Evenly smear the marinade and leave in a cool place to infuse for at least 12 hours.
After a cold marinovka put the pieces of rabbit in a heat-resistant container. Stack portions should be so that they do not touch each other, but there is still space left. The pan with the dish should be set aside until the rabbit becomes room temperature. At this time, the oven is heated to 190 ° C.
Form with meat put in the oven and bake for about an hour before the formation of a ruddy crust. During this time, the pieces are turned over several times.
Smoothies of banana fruits
- Banana - two pieces. To prepare a dish, you must take a slightly ripe product, as the ripe fruit, the higher its glycemic index
- Vanilla yogurt with low fat or low fat generally - a quarter cup
- Milk low fat - a couple of glasses
- Flakes from embryos germinating wheat - two tablespoons
Cooking method:
This dish is very tasty and prepared quite quickly. It is rich in calcium. Light and low-calorie. It can be entered as a snack or a light breakfast.
All the ingredients are placed in one container and beat well with kitchen utensils: a blender, a food processor or an ordinary corolla.
Smoothies are easy to vary, replacing bananas with other fruits. This can be a variety of berries, apricots, cherries and plums, other gifts of nature (but do not forget the GI).
Easy diet lasagna
- Onions - finely chopped one big head
- Olive oil - a couple of tablespoons
- Carrots - two medium (small straws)
- Celery cuttings - two stems (grind)
- Zucchini - two gherkins (finely chopped)
- Garlic - two teeth (crush)
- Beef tenderloin - 0.5 kg of low-fat meat separated from tendons and ligament tissues
- Fresh tomatoes finely chopped and take a full can of pulp with a juice of 200 g
- Beef broth - half a cup (you can not add)
- Tomato paste - two tablespoons
- Dry Oregano Seasoning - Two Teaspoons
- Ready-made dough sheets for lasagna are 375 g (preferably Italian, high in protein)
For sauce:
- Milk with low fat content - three cups
- Cornstarch - a third of a glass
- Cheddar cheese with reduced fat content - 100 g
Cooking method:
Meat thoroughly rinse and dry with a kitchen towel, then finely chopped.
Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, so that the products do not burn, warm it in a medium-sized fire. Put onion and hold for about five minutes in vegetable oil, then add zucchini, celery and carrots. Constantly stirring, stand for another five minutes. In the vegetables add garlic, protrime a minute and enter the meat.
Fire increase and bring the beef to readiness. In the process of frying periodically the product is stirred, not allowing the appearance of lumps. After the meat is ready, broth, tomato paste, tomatoes, dry seasonings (oregano) are introduced into the pan. All the mix well and bring to a boil. Pan a little cover, leave a gap for the evaporation of excess liquid. The fire is reduced. The dish is stewed for about 20 minutes. During this time, it must be mixed several times.
At this time, the oven to heat to a temperature of 180 of C. Bakeware pour a small amount of liquid obtained from the meat. Top with a single layer of lasagna dough. Spread half the vegetables with meat, cover with a layer of dough sheets. Lay out the remaining meat with vegetables, smooth and cover with a lasagne leaf test. Cover the top of the casserole with cheese sauce.
Preparation of sauce:
In a small amount of cold milk dilute the entire amount of cornstarch. After the lumps have disappeared pour the remaining milk, mix and place the container on a small fire. Constantly interfering, brew the mixture to a thick state and remove from the plate. Add the cheddar cheese to the hot mixture and mix until it completely dissolves.
Place the dishes in the oven and allow to bake for about an hour. The lasagna should be checked periodically. If it starts to get covered too quickly with ruddy crust, then it is necessary to cover the dish with foil on top, this will allow the climbing to be well prepared without burning it. Before applying the foil on top, it must be lubricated with vegetable oil, then it will not stick to the top layer of the dish.
Homemade cookies made from apricots
- Flour from whole grains of coarse grind - one and a half glasses
- Soda - one teaspoon
- Cinnamon ground - 1,5 teaspoons
- Ground almonds - half a glass
- Raw sugar, but better sucralose - half cup
- Dried apricots (dried apricots) - one glass of ground product
- Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds - two to three tablespoons
- Oil - 90 g (melt)
- Salt - half a teaspoon
- Egg raw - one (a little shake)
- Kefir - three to four tablespoons
Cooking method:
The dough is cooked quickly enough, so you should immediately turn on the oven and warm it to 180 ° C.
In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients, then make a hollow in the middle. In a separate container, mix the liquid ingredients and gently insert, with a fork, into the center of the dry foods. The consistency of the finished dough is slightly dry.
A tablespoon we take a dough with a slide, as it is taken. Still directly in a spoon we form a mound and carefully place it on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. From this number of products to go about 24 cookies. In the oven to hold 15 - 20 minutes.
Fried cheese
- Mozzarella cheese"
- Egg (whip well)
- Breadcrumbs from whole wheat bread
Cooking method:
Cheese cut into identical squares, dip alternately egg - crackers - egg - biscuits. We place the product in the freezer. You can leave for the whole night, but you should stand for at least 10 minutes.
In vegetable oil lightly fry until a ruddy brown.
You can serve at the table on salad leaves with fresh cherry tomatoes or pieces of Bulgarian pepper.
The dish is very tasty both hot and cold.
What can I eat with polycystic ovaries?
Still, most experts are inclined to believe that in order to reduce the rate of development of cysts, or even to start the pathological process back, it is better to adopt a technique based on processes based on the glycemic index. Turning to this knowledge, and relying on existing tables, where the division of products is carried out according to the criterion of interest to us, we can more specifically answer the question, what can you eat with polycystic ovaries?
Based on the foregoing, to provide a list of products that, while possessing a low index, are capable of restraining the production of insulin, and, consequently, androgens, which provoke PCOS, is not a big difficulty.
- Low-fat varieties of fish and meat.
- Rye and bakery products on its basis. Barley.
- Legumes: lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, soybeans.
- Rice, only brown.
- Eggs, but not more often than two or three times a week.
- Cottage cheese, yogurts with a low percentage of fat.
- Mushrooms.
- Fruits and berries:
- Apples and apricots.
- Gooseberries and pears.
- Black currant and peach.
- Strawberries and strawberries.
- Nectarine and quince.
- Raspberry and cherry.
- Mandarin and mulberry.
- Orange and plum.
- Nuts:
- Peanuts, almonds and hazelnuts.
- Cashew and pine nuts.
- Vegetables:
- Broccoli, Brussels and cauliflower.
- Bulgarian pepper, onion.
- Zucchini and asparagus
- Eggplant and garlic.
- Corn.
- Cucumber and tomato.
- Greenery.
- Black chocolate (the percentage of cocoa is more than 85%).
- Gem without sugar.
- Ice cream based on fructose.
In slightly smaller dosages, the following is acceptable:
- Beans.
- Buckwheat.
- Bananas and pineapples.
- Bread from whole grains.
- Oat groats.
- Macaroni from whole wheat "al dente" (boiled for 5 minutes).
- Yeast bread, completely made from whole grains.
It is worth recalling once again that the main criterion of a properly composed menu is the maintenance in equal proportions of carbohydrates and proteins.
What can not be eaten with polycystic ovaries?
But there are products that you should completely eliminate from your diet. For women with the medical problem under consideration, it is very important to normalize their hormonal background and keep the rate of androgen production in acceptable rates. In order not to provoke a pathological process, it is necessary to know what can not be eaten in polycystic ovaries? Adherence to these recommendations will significantly reduce the risk of progression of the disease.
Categorically prohibited fried and fatty foods.
- Vegetables:
- Fried and baked potatoes.
- Carrots and parsnips.
- Pumpkin and turnips.
- Beet.
- Potato, corn and rice flour.
- Bakery products.
- Baking.
- Fruit:
- Watermelon, lychees and pineapple.
- Melon, mango and persimmon.
- Beer and other alcohol.
- Honey, jam and candy.
- Milk and white chocolate.
- Ice cream.
- Semolina, rice, bulgur.
- Good boiled pasta.
- Ketchup and mayonnaise.
- Preservation.
- Coffee, strong tea.
- Nicotine.
- Production of fast food.
- Semi-finished products.
- Fatty products and smoked products.
Reviews of the diet for polycystic ovaries
Any experiments with nutrition, the connection of all kinds of diets and restrictions should not be independently introduced into your daily routine. Such carelessness can be costly for a woman, provoking complications and exacerbation of the existing pathologies in her anamnesis. Therefore, before you adjust your diet, you need to consult your doctor or a local doctor. After analyzing the woman's anamnesis, having conducted, if necessary, additional studies, the expert will give good and his recommendations.
But anyway, no matter what recommendations were given by a qualified specialist, it is always interesting to know the dietary feedback from polycystic ovaries from those women who have tested the efficacy of the proposed technique. And there are a lot of such responses in social networks.
Most of them are excellent responses. Women are satisfied with the diet: "The limitation is scanty, you can eat a lot of delicious and varied dishes. This leaves the "fat" from the sides. " Many people say that if they used to sit on rigid diets, they practically did not eat anything, "weight was typed as from the air", now the feeling of hunger is gone, and the constant desire to have a snack disappeared. Against the backdrop of the diet in question, "the body knows that it should not worry, and soon it will get enough nutrition, while it will not have to attract additional forces to process heavy food."
The respondents are also satisfied with the fact that along with the weight and cupping of the problem of cyst growth, other abnormalities are also resolved: mood and general well-being are improved, blood sugar level is stabilized, blood pressure is normalized, emotional background becomes more stable and so on.
Any person, and a woman especially, wants to be healthy and happy, getting the best from life. On the woman, nature has placed great responsibility in the continuation of the family. Therefore, even a seemingly insignificant health problem can become an obstacle in the performance of its reproductive functions. A diet with polycystic ovaries may not completely solve the problem that the woman had to face, but it can significantly reduce the rate of disease progression, and in parallel solve many more health problems and get rid of excess kilograms, returning to her former harmony.