Diet on milk: useful recipes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Among the huge variety of various diets for weight loss, many milk lovers prefer a dairy diet. Milk diet gives the body a large number of vitamins, calcium, mineral components, and allows you to get rid of unnecessary kilograms of excess weight.
From the name of the diet it becomes clear that the main product here is milk. A strict milk diet can imply the use of only milk, but there are options and more varied: with the addition of cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, and even meat.
What is such a power supply system, and what results can be expected from it?
People are so used to such a product as milk that they practically do not see it as a source of a mass of useful substances. Meanwhile, the composition of milk is not less than a hundred different substances: minerals, vitamin and enzyme components, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, etc.
For example, very few people know that in milk there is an essential acid methionine - this is a unique amino acid, which stabilizes the exchange of cholesterol and improves liver function. If the body fully receives this amino acid with food, the chances of getting sick with atherosclerosis are reduced many times.
In addition, milk is rich in immune substances that strengthen immunity and create a natural defense against bacterial invasion.
There is also such an interesting fact: the more fat content of milk, the more vitamins it contains. First of all, it is a fat-soluble vitamin Representatives tocopherol, retinol, ergocalciferol and vitamin the K. Among the water-soluble vitamins, vitamins of B-group, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, etc. Are the most valuable .
Even children know that milk is rich in calcium. Calcium is necessary, first of all, to a growing young organism, or vice versa - to the elderly, whose bones become fragile over the years. Calcium from dairy products is easily digested, thanks to the content of lactose in the same products.
Milk diet in some cases can be useful for patients with gastritis: milk envelops the gastric mucosa, restores it, while improving digestive processes.
And if you drink milk with honey for the night, you can establish a quality and deep sleep.
Milk diet for weight loss
Unfortunately, many people, on the way to losing weight, in most cases prefer strict and rigid principles of nutrition, depleting the stores of nutrients in the body. If you do not consider the correct diet in general, you can see that the milk diet is characterized by the fact that milk is able to make up for the shortage of many necessary substances. In addition, dairy products improve digestion and speed up metabolic processes, which positively affects the overall dynamics of getting rid of excess weight.
Milk diet does not always imply the use of whole milk only. The focus is on almost all dairy products: yoghurts, cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir. According to those who have already tried on their own experience such a diet, for 7-10 days you can easily cross out from the indicators of your weight 5-6 kg. And if you consider that there are many varieties of a diary diet, then everyone can choose the most suitable of them.
General information of the milk diet
The main product for a dairy diet is milk. It is desirable that it is quality and fresh - preferably home, and not from the store. The more fresh this product is, the more it contains minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fats, sugars, vitamins, etc.
Why does all known milk contribute to the harmony of the body? Experts explain: systematic consumption of dairy products speeds up metabolic processes, stabilizes the function of the digestive system. It is thanks to milk that the food in the stomach is digested qualitatively and quickly, without further occurrence of edema and salt deposition.
Most milk diets provide for the inclusion in the menu of not only ordinary milk, but also fermented milk products. Nutritionists confirm that such a diet is effective, and at the same time does not bring the sensation of hunger and weakness.
Dairy diet must necessarily be accompanied by drinking clean drinking water. Eating should be done every 2.5-3 hours, and dinner should be eaten 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.
Milk diet for 1, 3, 5, 7 and 30 days
There are many variants of milk diets, which should be followed for 3.5 or 7 days. There are also long-lasting diets, designed for 4 weeks, or a short option - a day of milk. Let's say at once: long-term compliance with diet doctors are not welcome - despite all the advantages, the milk diet is still quite stiff and monotonous. However, everyone, first of all, decides for himself.
- Unloading milk day, or a milk diet for 1 day suggests drinking milk or kefir 1.5-2% fat, every 2.5 hours. A day and a half of one or the other milk drink will be needed. Allowed and even welcomed the additional use of drinking water (during the day as needed). Other food and drinks are prohibited.
- Milk diet for 3 days is quite simple: you need to drink only milk (or kefir): the first cup should be drunk in the morning half an hour after waking up, and the last one - at 20:00, in the evening.
During the first day, you should drink a cup of milk once every 2 hours. On the second day, they drink on the cup once in an hour and a half. On the third day - on a cup every hour. As a result, experts promise to lose 3-4 kg of weight during the diet period.
- The diet for milk, calculated for 5 days, is as follows:
- Instead of breakfast - 200 ml of natural yogurt, one piece of prunes, a cup of green tea with a slice of lemon (no sugar).
- Instead of a second breakfast, 200 ml of kefir.
- Instead of lunch - unsalted salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, one boiled egg, 200 g of cottage cheese or yogurt.
- Instead of dinner - one apple, 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of kefir or milk.
This food is continued for five days. For a change, an apple can be replaced with a pear, prunes - half a banana, and kefir or milk - with ryazhenka or yogurt.
- Milk diet for 7 days is gradual. During the first four days, 500 ml of milk, 200 g of low-fat hard cheese and 200 ml of Greek yogurt should be consumed daily. It is necessary to drink clean water: not less than one and a half liters. The proposed amount of food should be divided into five receptions.
The second stage is a daily intake of 200 ml of Greek yogurt, 150 grams of white meat or fish, 200 g of cottage cheese, one orange and one liter of milk. Do not forget about clean drinking water. Important: milk is drunk separately from other meals.
- Milk diet for 30 days implies the alternation of dairy days of release with the use of milk smoothies. Here are the basic principles of such nutrition:
- Every morning you need to drink a cup of ordinary water (for a day you have to drink at least one and a half liters).
- The first day, and further - every other day, you need to arrange dairy days of discharge, during which you need to drink 1.5 liters of milk or kefir (or fermented milk, with a fat content of not more than 2.5%).
- On other days, you can prepare and drink milk smoothies (cocktails). For this it is more convenient to use a blender. Milk or kefir can be mixed with dill, parsley, garlic, banana, 1 tsp. Honey, cherry, currant, etc., according to their preferences. Sugar and salt can not be added. The number of such cocktails is 200 ml every 2.5-3 hours.
The promised result of such nutrition is from 4 to 7 kg per week.
Varieties of the milk diet
Milk diets are not always monotonous: they are often mixed and combine the benefits of dairy products and other products - for example, from plant or protein components. Mixed food options are more preferable, because they are more easily tolerated by the body and in most cases do not pose a health hazard.
- Milk-vegetable diet : involves the complete exclusion of the diet of sweeteners and salt. The basis of the daily diet should be:
- fat-free broth (chicken or vegetable) 120 ml;
- potatoes, cooked or baked in the skin, 200 g;
- any vegetables (raw or stewed) 400 g, fruit (no more than 250 g);
- vegetable oil 15 ml;
- tea or brewed coffee without sweeteners, compote, 1,5-2 l;
- 50 g of cottage cheese, 400 ml of milk.
This diet can not last for long: it is optimal to observe it for three to five days. It is necessary to be guided by the state of health.
- Milk-fruit diet : a common way to get rid of unnecessary kilograms for 10-14 days. You can eat only dairy products and fruits, every 2.5 hours. The menu can be something like this:
- 200 ml of tea or coffee on milk;
- 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
- apple, or pear, or banana;
- 200 ml of kefir, or other fermented milk product;
- a couple of different fruits (for example, an apple and a pear, can be in the form of a salad).
During the whole day, you can use water without restrictions, or green tea without sweeteners.
- Banana-milk diet : it should be observed for three days. Every day you need to eat three bananas and drink 600-1000 ml of milk. It's simple: instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner - one banana with milk (or with a fermented milk product). Obligatory conditions: you need to drink a lot of water (whenever you want, at any time) and engage in feasible physical exertion.
- Milk and mango diet : refers to fast diets, allowing you to achieve certain results in a short period of time. The developers of the diet promise to lose three kilograms in three days.
During the diet, you can eat and drink just two products - it's mango and milk. It is assumed that these products mutually complement each other, helping to easily transfer severity in the diet.
What is the essence of a three-day meal? As the main three meals will be one mango fruit and 200-250 ml of milk. The fruit must be ripe, and the dairy product - the minimum fat content (otherwise there may be an intestinal disorder). It is allowed to replace milk with a low-fat fermented milk product. Other dishes, drinks and food for three days are prohibited - except ordinary drinking water. This food is very strict, so you should not stand it for more than three days. Repeated diet with milk and mango can be done no earlier than four weeks.
- Milk and apple diet : easily taken by the body and helps to lose from 4 kg in seven days. Breakfast during a diet is unsweetened tea, bred in half with milk. After about 2.5 hours you can eat up to 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. After the same period of time, you should eat 200 g of apples (the degree of sweetness of fruit is not important). After another 2.5 hours, you can drink 200-250 ml of a dairy product (at your choice), and 1,5-2 hours before bedtime - eat another 200 g of apples. The duration of the announced diet is not more than a week.
- Fruit-vegetable dairy diet : involves the use of only a dairy product and almost any fresh fruit or vegetables (in raw form). To eat it is necessary in 2-2,5 hours, thus the essential restriction in volume of a portion is not present. Other foods and dishes are excluded. Instead of milk, many prefer to drink kefir or unleavened yoghurt, or even tea in milk. A vegetable products can be eaten as separately from each other, and in the form of a salad, filled, for example, with Greek yoghurt. The duration of this diet is 5-7 days.
- Meat-Milk Diet : refers to protein diets, so you can not keep it for a long time - you can cause significant damage to the body. Optimum to observe such food three or five days, no more. It is supposed to reduce the weight by about 0.7-1 kg per day.
Meat and dairy food is alternating meat and dairy days of unloading. So, on the first day you need to drink a cup of milk 6-7 times a day. For the second day you need to eat 3-4 times 400 g of boiled chicken fillet. It is allowed to drink tea on milk or broth of a dogrose. Such days alternate several times. In the following "milk" days, milk in one meal can be replaced with 150-200 g of cottage cheese.
- Milk diet without meat : refers to express protein diets. During the first day, you need to drink 200 ml of dairy product up to seven times a day. On the second day you need to eat up to 600 grams of cottage cheese, you can also drink two cups of tea or coffee on milk. This diet lasts only two days. The estimated weight loss is 1.5-2 kg.
- Milk and vegetable diet : assumes a daily intake of one kilogram of any vegetables (you can yourself, or in the form of salads, smoothies, etc.). Morning and evening meals are 200-250 ml of any dairy product without sweeteners. The diet can be varied with two cups of tea or unsweet compote. The duration of such nutrition by the creators is not limited: you need to look at your health and the amount of lost weight.
- Diet on milk porridge : it is a food only cereal porridge. Porridge can be prepared from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and even mango, but add to this dish sweeteners or salt categorically impossible. Porridge is cooked on the water, and a little milk or butter can be added when the dish is almost ready. The last meal should be done 2-3 hours before night rest: it's better if it's just a cup of milk or curdled milk. This diet cleanses the body and can last for 1-2 weeks.
- Buckwheat-Dairy Diet : is a kind of diet on milk porridges. Buckwheat is cooked until ready, add milk in an arbitrary consistency. You can put a little butter, but without salt and sweeteners. The porridge is eaten thrice a day. Between meals you can drink water or tea on milk, one cup 2-3 times a day. Diet is observed for 1-2 weeks.
- Milk rice diet : this is a relatively hard way to lose weight, because a day will have to eat no more than 300 grams of boiled rice without additives, as well as 800 ml of dairy product of your choice (except for sweet yogurt, of course). The diet can be held for one week: from about the third day, one teaspoon of real honey is allowed. This method of nutrition is not welcomed by specialists because of its insecurity, but users say that in a week such a diet can lose up to 10 kg.
- Milk diet Dyukan : can be used throughout all stages, starting with the first. It is assumed the use of low-fat dairy product (no more than 1-1.5%), throughout the day, as needed.
- Milk-kefir diet : refers to long-term diets. The essence of this food: before any meal, you need to drink 200 ml of a dairy product - milk or kefir. In this case, it is preferable to drink milk in the first half of the day, and kefir in the second half. In the rest: you can eat, as before, but you will have to give up sweets, flour, fried and fatty. You should eat often (every 2-3 hours), and portions "cut" to about 200 g.
- Diet on milkshakes : provides for the use of various milkshakes of 200 ml to 6 times a day. The basis of cocktails can be milk or sour milk product: the base is beaten with a mixer or blender with other products, for example:
- strawberry, cocoa powder, cinnamon;
- Hercules, a teaspoon of honey;
- rye flour, bran, vanillin or cinnamon;
- blueberries, a pair of walnuts;
- an apple without pits, a pear;
- strawberries, a teaspoon of rose hips;
- avocado, dill;
- ginger root, hot pepper;
- pumpkin, cinnamon;
- a few pieces of prunes or dates (stones previously removed);
- banana and one spoonful of peanut butter.
At night you should drink a dairy product without additives. This diet is relatively simple and, moreover, delicious.
- Diet on the milk formula : allows you to eat any milk mixture under one condition. This condition is the observance of the daily calorie content, which should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal. The type of milk formula does not matter. This way it is allowed to eat 1-1,5 weeks.
Milk mixtures, as a rule, contain a sufficient amount of vitamin and mineral substances, so they give the body almost everything that is needed. However, due to the scarcity of servings and the monotony of the diet as a whole, one should not stick to such a diet for a long time.
- Cottage cheese and milk diet : it can be attributed to protein diets. The daily ration for this type of food is 350 grams of cottage cheese, divided into 4-5 identical parts. In addition it is allowed to drink one and a half liter of dairy product with fat content of 1-2%, as well as water or tea without sweetener. Do not keep the diet for more than 3 days. If you want to take a longer period of time for a diet, then change it a little: for example, instead of a dairy product, eat fresh vegetables or fruits (450 g per day on average).
- Milk-egg diet : not only for weight loss, but also for improving the condition in atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout. The diet menu consists of products such as chicken eggs and dairy products.
For breakfast, you need to cook two eggs: soft-boiled, in the form of an omelet, hard-boiled - to your taste. In addition, you need to drink two cups of green tea on milk. Instead of lunch, you need to eat one egg and 200 grams of cottage cheese. Instead of dinner - 200 grams of cottage cheese and 200 ml of kefir (milk). This diet is effective, but quite monotonous: a loss of 4 kg is promised in five days.
- Milk-honey diet : food without serious food restriction. Preferred products are dairy, and honey can be consumed 3 tsp. Per day. Admitted in the diet vegetables, teas, self-cooked juices (up to 500 ml per day). Important point: the total number of dairy products per day should be 1.5 liters.
- Tea and milk diet : one of the most popular among the slimming people, first of all, because of its simplicity and efficiency. Essence lies in the fact that during the day you need to consume 1.5 liters of tea in milk, as well as about two liters of water. This diet is more suitable for a day of unloading: it is not suitable for long-term use.
How to prepare tea in milk: pour boiling milk into a container with 3-4 tsp. Leaf tea (black or green - is not important). After 20 minutes the drink needs to be filtered. All - you can drink, throughout the day!
Experts advise to carry out unloading on such tea once in two weeks, for two days in a row.
Milk diet during pregnancy
Any doctor will stress that pregnant women in general are contraindicated in any diet for weight loss. But to make your food full and balanced - such a hike is only welcomed.
Doctors advise to abandon any strict restrictions (also on the milk diet), and switch to proper nutrition. This will help not gain weight and give birth to a healthy baby.
The emphasis in nutrition should be made on such products:
- fruit and vegetable assortment;
- white meat;
- liver;
- a fish;
- dairy and fermented milk products;
- eggs;
- cereals;
- cream and vegetable oils.
It is advisable to delete from the menu all dishes with sugar, baked pastries, sausages, smoked products, canned food, and, of course, spirits.
If you adhere to such a diet and do not overload the digestive tract, then you can not worry about extra pounds. A dietary limited diet is recommended to postpone until the end of the period of breastfeeding.
Milk diet menu for a week by day
Since there are a lot of varieties of milk diets, you can easily choose for themselves the optimal diet. One can not ignore another type of such food, which, according to the media, simply adores Hollywood stars. Changes in diet are calculated for about a week.
- First day: 200 g of cottage cheese and 500 ml of dairy product divided into five meals.
- The second day: two baked in a peel of a potato and 500 ml of a dairy product.
- Third day: we repeat the menu of the first day.
- Fourth day: three servings of vegetable salad, drinking water two liters.
- Fifth day: serving 100-150 g of white meat, 500 ml of dairy product.
- Sixth day: one liter of dairy product and a glass of tomato juice.
- The seventh day: we repeat the ration of the fourth day.
According to reviews, such a dairy diet will help to lose 6 kg per week.
Perhaps everyone knows about the benefits of milk: only one cup per day is able to give the body enough protein, which is necessary to maintain the normal state of tissues. Dairy products are the basis of many therapeutic diets prescribed by physicians to their patients - for example, with diseases of the digestive system, or during recovery from operations and severe infections.
Systematic inclusion in the diet of dairy products allows the body to be more enduring, and the figure - slimmer.
Milk diet is characterized by a large number of positive qualities:
- Thanks to the protein content, the milk diet to lose weight without losing muscle fibers: the physical form as a result will not suffer.
- Calcium from milk also helps to lose weight: it is known that calcium deficiency often becomes the reason that diet for weight loss "does not work."
- The milk diet unloads the digestive system, so that weight loss is accelerated.
Speaking about the milk diet, you need to consider the possible "minuses" of this food system:
- Milk diet - not for the lazy: you need to have a certain willpower to achieve what you want;
- despite the nutritional value of dairy products, long "sit" on a milk diet should not be - all the same, such nutrition is not complete;
- Milk diet is not suitable for those who do not tolerate milk, as well as those who after regular consumption of dairy products are digestive disorders.
What can and what can not?
With any of the options for a dairy diet, dairy products are needed. It can be low-fat, but not fat-free:
- cottage cheese;
- ordinary milk;
- kefir;
- fermented woman;
- baked milk;
- Greek yoghurt;
- acidophilus milk;
- cheese.
Dairy products should be selected from a quality and reliable manufacturer (this is important).
Some food options allow the preparation of milk porridges, puddings, casseroles, as well as the consumption of white meat and plant products (raw, boiled, stewed). The compulsory moment is water. It needs to drink a lot, at least 1.5 liters daily.
It is absolutely unacceptable to add to the diet:
- fried foods, smoked products, fat, spices;
- sauces, marinated products;
- any sweeteners and salt;
- canned food, semi-finished products;
- baking, sweets;
- by-products;
- alcoholic drinks, soda, packaged juices.
Milk diet has not many contraindications, among them:
- individual intolerance to dairy products, allergic addiction of the body;
- skin diseases, candidiasis;
- Postoperative period after surgical intervention on the gastrointestinal tract;
- diabetes mellitus, urinary system diseases;
- period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- childhood.
Possible risks
Any diet - not an exception and dairy, is not without flaws:
- The milk diet should remain a diet, and not the basis of nutrition, so it can not be observed for a long time.
- If the dairy diet leads to a disorder of the digestive function, then it is better to refuse such a diet. It is also better to give up the diet if there is dizziness or severe weakness.
- If it is intended to follow a strict diet for more than five days, it is desirable to additionally take multivitamin preparations.
Complications can arise, first of all, with a long-term compliance with an unbalanced diet. So, there may be digestive disorders, hormonal problems, deterioration of the skin and hair.
To prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences, doctors advise not to abuse the diet and adhere to the time limit.
After coming out of strict food, one should not immediately return to the former "wrong" diet, with an abundance of semi-finished products, pickles and snacks, marinades and canned food. Such a sharp transition to harmful food can provoke the development of serious problems with the digestive tract.
Also, to reduce the likelihood of complications to a minimum, it is recommended:
- dairy products for dietary food choose only natural, proven quality;
- do not focus on low-fat products (ideally - 2% milk or kefir);
- whole milk is desirable to drink not boiled, so as to maximize its useful composition;
- be sure to additionally drink clean water during the day.
If you feel worse, do not make an effort on yourself: you need to see a doctor in time.
Reviews and results
As can be seen from the numerous reviews, the milk diet allows you to get rid of about 4-6 kg per week. The main thing is to strictly adhere to all the rules and not "break" at the end of dietary restrictions. Among the reviews can be identified the most important for slimming people utterances:
- "Milk ration can be called" unskilled. " But, if there is a strong hunger, it is better not to suffer and drink another glass of milk (even if your daily "limit" you have already exhausted). Believe, on results it practically will not be reflected ».
- "Do not sit down on a dietary diet with the beginning of critical days - to sustain such a diet will be more difficult, and the result will be worse."
- "Give up the milk diet, if you are pregnant or nursing."
- "Milk diet - this is not a panacea for slimming, and it is not suitable for everyone."
Consider all the pros and cons, weigh the pros and cons, perhaps, the milk diet will suit you as well as possible.