Diet with gastritis with reduced gastric acidity: a menu for every day
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The peculiarity of this disease lies in the fact that the necessary condition for successful treatment is the observance of certain dietary rules. This should become the norm of life, and patients who want to get the most out of the treatment measures, will come to terms with some limitations. Dietary nutrition with insufficient acid formation can have a significant effect on the clinical course of the disease, and also-to correct its general direction and the development of complications.
Lack of hydrochloric acid reduces the protective and digestive functions of gastric juice, indigestion and fermentation of food in the stomach, which causes there a feeling of heaviness, nausea, tenderness, belching and other troubles. Naturally, in patients with gastroenterology with insufficient acid formation, the question arises: what foods increase the acidity of the stomach and, moreover, do not act irritatingly on the mucous membrane of the diseased organ? These conditions are met by table number 2. The stomach after an exacerbation of a hypoacid gastritis especially requires a sparing nutrition, not irritating its epithelium, approximately during a month. At the same time, the diet should include products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes. They should contain potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in significant quantities.
Products with reduced gastric acidity
Table №2 assumes a full range of dishes with an average degree of activation of the gastric juice production process. This is a lightweight diet, including foods that have been milled to varying degrees and subjected to various cooking treatments - steamed, boiled, stewed, baked, even toasted, however, not paned, as there should not be crusty, irritating mucous, crusts. Food rich in fiber is used in a puree form.
Bread - preferably wheat, you can have very little rye, but it should be noted that it acts irritatingly on the gastric mucosa. Bread should not be fresh, you can eat white not-too-good crackers. Allowed to bake from an unleavened dough, in no case warm, better - yesterday: buns, cookies, cheesecakes, patties - with potato, rice, meat, fish filling, jam and apples.
You can eat pasta and easily digestible porridge: semolina, wheat, oats, buckwheat, rice. They need to be well boiled on water, with tolerability - to add milk.
On the first prepare liquid dishes, the components of which are easily digested. Soup puree, soups and borscht, preferably vegetarian, with mashed vegetables or sliced small pieces, meatballs, noodles, boiled cereals. Broths activate the production of gastric juice, but strong - irritate the inflamed mucosa. Therefore, the first dishes are prepared on a secondary broth (draining the boiled for the first time broth with foam) from low-fat varieties of meat or fish. Boiled meat (fish), if desired, you can use to make the second course or, chopping, add to the soup.
Products containing animal proteins stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. They are used steamed and stewed, and also - fried and baked, but without crust, and are prepared from loin parts of low-fat meat, poultry, fish of low-fat varieties.
It is allowed to use boiled soft-boiled eggs (no more than one per day), omelets - ordinary and protein.
In the diet must necessarily include vegetable purees, casseroles, ragout, cutlets. Boiled, baked, stewed dishes can be cooked from almost any vegetable. Mashed potatoes are very dietary and healthy food, they satisfy the need for carbohydrates, potassium and phosphorus and stimulate the production of gastric juice. Pumpkin can also be present in the diet of a patient with a hypoacid gastritis in the form of porridge, preferably with rice, and not with millet, or mashed potatoes. It is allowed to eat salads from fresh ripe tomatoes, boiled (steam, baked) vegetables with meat, fish, eggs. In salads do not add onions and garlic, pickles (cucumbers, cabbage). You can sprinkle the food with finely chopped greens.
Increase the acidity of the stomach of cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, cauliflower and green peas. Limitations can be on cabbage, which even after heat treatment often causes bloating, colic, flatulence. Green peas can also cause intolerance.
Raw vegetables are used in a grated form or in the form of vegetable juices. Cabbage, carrot, tomato freshly squeezed juice, taken on an empty stomach, stimulate acid formation and saturate the body with vitamins, which are perfectly digested in this form. Potato juice and pumpkin juice, on the contrary, neutralize acidity, so when hypoacid gastritis is contraindicated.
In this form of the disease, milk intolerance often develops. It is not worthwhile leaning on this product, because it stimulates fermentation processes. On the contrary - yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, hard not sharp cheese, grated or sliced, dishes from defatted cottage cheese should be present in the patient's diet as a source of calcium needed by the body. Sour-milk drinks are, in addition, natural probiotics and contribute to the prevention of dysbiosis. Sour cream, cream and whole milk can be added to the cooked food.
Desserts: fruits that increase the acidity of the stomach, almost all, which do not cause unwanted reactions from the gastrointestinal tract and allergies. You can prepare
Fruit and berry puree from fresh ripe fruits, hard peel while cleansing. Berries such as raspberries, red currants, which have a lot of hard stones, are not recommended, or the stones must be removed through a fine sieve when cooking. Fruits of very soft puree-like consistency can not be wiped. Very well absorbed and does not cause irritation of jelly and baked apples. Citrus (lemon, grapefruit, orange, mandarin) - add to tea or jelly. If there is no intolerance - citrus, watermelon, grape without skin no more than 200 g per day. You can use: honey, sugar, jams, jam. Confectionery products - marshmallow, meringue, creamy caramel and milk iris, marmalade and pastille. However, do not be zealous, if you use honey, and even more so - regularly use it for medicinal purposes, then other sweets need to be excluded. The easiest way, if there is no intolerance, take a tablespoon of honey 10 minutes before eating, you can dissolve it necessarily in cold water and drink. Dosage should not exceed 150 grams of honey per day, given that 30 g of thickened and 35 g of liquid honey are placed in a tablespoon. During treatment, you can not use other sweets except honey, the duration of apitherapy from one and a half months to two.
Of fats you can use creamy (fresh and overturned) and vegetable oils, add to the prepared food and use for cooking.
Sometimes, if desired, pamper yourself by making foreshmak from a well soaked herring, jellied meat (fish, tongue), liver pate, black caviar. Table number 2 allows for use of doctor's and milk sausage, dairy sausages.
The dishes are served sauces on broths, sour cream, lemon with dill greens, parsley, celery, bay leaf, cinnamon and vanilla.
Food should always be freshly prepared and with a minimum amount of salt (≈12g per day). It is necessary to eat small portions from five to seven times a day and thoroughly chew the food. The use of crushed food should be limited to one to two months after exacerbation. With the normalization of well-being after consultation with a doctor, a dietary diet can be changed.
Drinking gastritis with a low acidity can be green tea, tea with lemon, cocoa and coffee, boiled on water and with milk. Compotes (including dried fruits), sour kissels, juices from vegetables and fruits (diluted 1: 1 with water), decoctions and infusions of herbs.
For medicinal purposes, teas that increase the acidity of the stomach, improve digestion and increase appetite drink before eating and brew as follows:
- Green tea. Take a tablespoon of tea leaves, rinse with hot boiled water, pour 300ml of hot water (≈80 ° C), insist half an hour, put the dishes with tea in a pot of hot water and stand for one hour over low heat, strain and take two tablespoons before eating minutes for fifteen.
- Aniseed tea. To fill in a thermos a teaspoon of anise seeds and pour boiling water in a volume of 250ml. To sustain 2-3 hours. Strain and consume ¼ cup three times a day before meals. This tea has the ability to inactivate Helicobacteria, as well as a relaxing effect on the musculature of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Blooming Sally. It removes inflammation and envelops the mucous membrane of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. If Helicobacter pylori or erosion is detected, this tea is simply irreplaceable. His leaves contain carotene and vitamin C, which in this plant is more than in oranges three times. Effective in disorders of metabolic processes and hematopoiesis, normalizes the digestive process (it can eliminate frustration and constipation), these properties of it with chronic gastritis with low acidity are very valuable. Tea, brewed from the leaves of this plant, stimulates the restoration of the damaged mucous membrane of the stomach, has a strengthening and toning effect on the body. Prepare ivan-tea with hypoacid gastritis as follows: 60g of leaves pour a liter of water, bring to a boil, after half an hour filter. Drink before each meal 150 ml until the complete disappearance of discomfort in the stomach.
Juices that increase the acidity of the stomach, are made from almost all fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, pumpkins and grapes, which are clearly contraindicated in hypoacid gastritis.
Mineral water with a reduced acidity of the stomach should not be carbonated. In gastritis with a low acidity, chloride-sodium mineral water is recommended. For example, "Kuyalnik" (mineralization 3.5 g / l) or "Mirgorodskaya", it is less mineralized (from 2,5 to 3,2 g / l) and it can be drunk as table water.
A good option is the sodium chloride mineral water Essentuki-4, Essentuki-17, it can be eaten regularly, 20 minutes before meals, before pouring into a glass and letting out the gases, since this water does not exist still.
Menu with reduced gastric acidity
An approximate diet, calculated for six meals, can look like this.
- Veal (beef) meatballs with porridge from buckwheat, boiled on water, jelly
- Dried white bread with butter and cheese, loose tea with milk
- Mashed potatoes soup on veal broth with rusks, rice with boiled veal, compote
- Baked apples, mineral water
- Jellied fish, bread, weak tea
- A glass of yogurt
- Cottage cheese casserole, not strong coffee with milk
- Kissel with croutons
- Vegetarian borsch (you can add a spoon of sour cream if desired), stewed fish with vegetables, mineral water
- Gallet biscuits, green tea
- Noodles with steamed chicken cutlets, baked beet salad with vegetable oil and a few drops of juice squeezed out of lemon, a weak tea with milk
- A glass of ryazhenka
- Oatmeal with butter, cheese, cocoa with milk
- Soft-boiled egg, green tea with lemon
- Vermicelli soup, cooked on a weak chicken broth, protein omelet, bread, compote
- Pancakes, not strong tea with milk
- Chicken baked with vegetables, rose hips
- A glass of yogurt
- Fried fish fingers, not strong coffee
- Puree from fresh apples, dry biscuits
- Rassolnik with pickle from cucumbers and rice, boiled chicken with mashed potatoes, tea
- Pancakes with sour cream, cocoa with milk
- Rice pudding, rose hips
- A glass of yogurt
- Pancakes with cottage cheese, coffee with milk
- Manna porridge with butter, kissel
- Vegetable soup, pasta in a flotish style, compote
- Pie with apples, broth hips
- Vegetable stew with turkey, tea with lemon
- A glass of curdled milk
- Steamed meat cutlets, mashed potatoes, cocoa with milk
- Liver paste, bread, tea
- Buckwheat soup with a light beef broth, meatballs with pasta, jelly
- Afternoon snack: baked apples or fresh fruit puree
- Dinner: fish fried or baked with boiled potatoes, broth of wild rose
- A glass of yogurt
- Latschevnik baked with cheese, green tea with lemon
- Rice casserole with fruit, cocoa with milk
- Broth with meatballs, vegetable stew with meat, compote
- Yesterday's muffin, rose hips
- Jellied tongue, bread, loose tea
- A glass of yogurt
The patient may be assigned different diets, they are subject to correction depending on the phase of the disease and the accompanying pathologies.
What can not be eaten with a decreased acidity of the stomach?
Usually at the reception the doctor tells the patient what can not be eaten with his disease. However, information is sometimes too much, and it is impossible to remember everything at once.
When gastritis with a low acidity, you must refrain from all sorts of fresh baked goods, not only from buttery and fatty dough, but also from fresh. Restrict the use of products containing rye flour.
Excluded from the diet:
- acute spices and sauces with a high fat content;
- canned and smoked, salted meats, fish and products from them;
- animals and combination fats, lard;
- fresh fruits and berries, with coarse skin and hard grains (blackberries, raspberries, figs), chocolate, confectionery with cream, ice cream;
- acidified milk products with a high degree of acidity, restrictions on the use of sour cream;
- sharp and specific types of cheese, for example, roquefort;
- vegetables, uncooked and uncooked, marinade, canned vegetables and pickles, onion and garlic, radish and radish, sweet pepper, rutabaga and mushrooms, beans, beans and peas; the use of cucumbers - with great care;
- juice from grapes, kvass;
- fatty varieties of meat, poultry, fish, smoked and salted dishes, hard-boiled eggs;
- milk soup, okroshka.
From the use of dishes are removed from hard-to-digest products, strongly chilled and roasted hot, spices, carbonated and, of course, alcoholic beverages.
Limit the use of cereals from millet, pearl barley and corn cereals.