Diet with eczema
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet with eczema is one of the conditions of treatment. With the help of a properly formulated diet, one can not only cure eczema, but also prevent its recurrence in the future. Consider the features of nutrition in this skin disease.
So, eczema is a skin disease, which often acquires a chronic form and has an allergic origin. The disease is accompanied by a strong rash and itching on different parts of the body. On the affected areas there are reddening, small cracks and bubbles, which turn into wet areas and ulcers. According to medical statistics, every 15 children and 30 adults on Earth suffer from skin rashes. Dietary nutrition in this case, improves the patient's condition and facilitates the symptomatology of the disease.
The basis of treatment is the rejection of products that cause and intensify skin itching, for example, sweets, citrus fruits, baked goods. Such a diet prevents relapses and exacerbations of the rashes. Food is built on the use of foods that normalize metabolism, provide the body with energy and improve digestion. Particular attention should be paid to the method of cooking. Food should be cooked for a couple, served in cooked or fresh.
- During relapse from the diet, it is necessary to exclude: smoked, spicy and salty foods, pastries, sweets, dairy products, semi-finished products, eggs, alcohol, citrus fruits, pork, canned food.
- During the period of exacerbation, the diet should contain such products: vegetable food, that is, vegetables, fruits, greens, lean cereals, sour-milk drinks and foods.
- During the calm of the disease, to prevent its recurrence, you should use natural gifts: sea buckthorn, cranberries, currants, cranberries, gooseberries, zucchini, nuts, pumpkin and watermelons.
If you follow a diet, the patient's condition improves after 30-40 days, after which the diet can be expanded. But proper nutrition is mandatory, as it allows to cleanse the skin and normalize the functioning of the body.
Treating Eczema With a Diet
Treating eczema with a diet is an effective method of therapy that positively affects the entire body. The disease requires a radically adjusted diet. Therefore, if you did not adhere to a healthy approach to eating before the disease, then with eczema you will have to completely change your habitual diet.
For example, during periods of exacerbation, the diet should consist of any vegetable soups, fresh cereals, sour-milk products, lean fish and meat, and any vegetable food. If the patient suffers from a dyshidrotic or dry eczema, special attention should be paid to soft, lean foods, to refrain from seasonings and sharp sauces and to minimize the use of salt.
Hypoallergenic diet with eczema
Hypoallergenic diet with eczema is relevant for many people, because of this type of illness affects about 20% of the population. Skin rashes are a reaction of the body to an allergen, it can be a product that enters the body or an irritant that affects the skin. Consider the product groups and their allergenicity in skin lesions:
High |
Average |
Hypoallergenic |
Egg white |
Pork |
Mutton |
Milk |
Rabbit meat |
Horsemeat |
Pisces |
Turkey |
Turnip |
Strawberry |
Apricot |
Courgettes |
Strawberries |
Peach |
Patissons |
Honey |
Cranberry |
Gooseberry |
Black currant |
Corn |
Plum |
Grenades, grapes |
Rice |
Prunes |
Pineapple, cantaloupe |
Buckwheat |
Bananas |
Chocolate, coffee |
Potatoes |
Apples |
Beet |
Peas |
Watermelon |
Mustard |
Broccoli |
Green salad |
Soybean, wheat |
Pepper (green) |
Pumpkin |
The menu should be full-fledged and aimed at preventing recurrences of the disease, reducing its manifestations. Nevertheless, a day it is necessary to consume about 130 g of protein, the same amount of fats and 200 g of carbohydrates. In the daily diet should be present fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, which enrich the body with useful vitamins and trace elements. From the diet is to exclude hot sauces and ketchups, condiments, salt. Therapeutic diet provides for a complete refusal of food from the first group of the table.
What is the diet for eczema?
So, for medicinal purposes it is recommended to adhere to vegetable-protein nutrition. Eczema is a serious disease, and the use of harmless at first glance products can cause an exacerbation. It is necessary to give up fatty and sweet food, alcohol, coffee, salty and spicy. When exacerbating the disease from the diet, it is necessary to exclude flour products, eggs, onions and garlic. Some fruits and berries cause reddening and itching on the skin, these are citrus fruits, red apples, strawberries.
The diet should be enriched with fresh juices, but do not abuse them. Useful for the body are porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), cabbage, beans, fish meat, rabbit and turkey, lettuce leaves. In the menu there should be turnips and rutabagas, as they enrich the body with vitamin C. The melon, melon, melon, squash are also useful for the organism. Cooking is better for a couple or a method of baking, that is, according to the principle of maximum benefit. Do not forget about sour-milk products and vegetable oils. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, because they contain vitamins PP, B, A and C. Vitamin food speeds up metabolic processes and increases immunity.
Adhere to dietary nutrition should be at least 4-7 weeks. During this time the skin condition is normalized. To get out of the regime you need to gradually, so as not to provoke a new attack of the disease. Periodically adhering to a diet, you can cure eczema without pharmaceuticals.
Diet with hand eczema
Diet with eczema of the hands helps to alleviate the symptoms and translate the disease into a stage of remission. The defeat of the upper limbs delivers not only painful sensations, but also aesthetic inconveniences. Observance of certain dietary rules prevents relapse of the disease. First of all, gently refuse fried, sharp and sweet foods, as well as from conservation, pickles and semi-finished products.
Consider the main recommendations for nutrition with redness and itching of the hands:
- Meat products should be present in the diet, such as rabbit meat, turkeys and fish dishes. When exacerbated from meat, you must completely give up and go for a vegetarian way of eating. As the second dishes you can use vegetable stews with a minimum content of potatoes and fat, but from pasta you need to refuse.
- The disease causes a deficiency of B and PP vitamins, so their deficiency should be filled with fresh carrots, salad leaves, turnips, cucumbers or rutabaga. As spices greens of dill, parsley, horse-radish and celery will approach. Special attention should be paid to dill, it helps cope with nervous shocks, restores the work of the gastrointestinal tract and raises the level of hemoglobin.
- Diet does not limit the amount of water. Therefore, the diet should be a lot of fresh water, juice, milk.
Very often, eczema, affecting the hands is accompanied by wet areas due to the inflammatory process and violations of water-salt metabolism. In this case, the food is based on the refusal of carbohydrate food. In the diet should be present dairy products, lean meat, fresh vegetables. Totally contraindicated food, causing flatulence, that is, carbonated beverages, legumes, cabbage. You need to cook without salt, adhere to fractional food and, if necessary, take vitamin supplements.
Diet with eczema on the legs
Diet with eczema on the feet helps to get rid of itching and rashes, which cause a lot of inconvenience. From the diet exclude semi-finished products and perishable products that contain digestible fats. These are meat salads, pate, lamb, pork, sweets, flour, fatty foods. During periods of exacerbation, the diet should include vegetable soups, porridges on the water and sour-milk products. The first few days of therapeutic nutrition can be done on diluted fruit juices to cleanse the body.
- From meat products it is necessary to give preference to boiled or stewed turkey and rabbit meat, boiled fresh fish and lean beef. In this case, you need to cook for a couple, cook or bake.
- Every day in the diet must be present sour-milk products and vegetable food. The body is beneficially affected by cabbage, peas, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, beets and other vegetables. Leaf and watercress contain vitamin C, iron, iodine and carotene, so are useful for the patient.
- During the remission period, it is useful to add berries (raspberries, blueberries, mountain ash, gooseberries, currants), nuts, melons and gourds. But during the period of exacerbation, these products are contraindicated.
- Mandatory diet should be porridge, especially oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea.
Diet for eczema in adults
Diet for eczema in adults - these are simple rules of nutrition, which allow to restore the health of the skin. To treat this disorder, the diet No. 7, which is prescribed to patients with kidney disease, is excellent. Food is based on the use of plant and protein foods. With the help of natural food the body is restored and cleared of allergens, so itching and skin rashes come down.
In the diet should be present fresh vegetables, fruits and greens, whole grains and foods with unsaturated fats, such as Omega 3. At the same time from sweet, flour, fatty, spicy, salted, canned and pickled it is worth noting. Healthy nutrition is the basis for the therapy of many chronic diseases.
Dyshidrotic eczema
Diet with dyshidrotic eczema is an important part of the treatment. Dyshidrotic lesions of the skin refers to chronic disorders. Patients suffer from recurrent rashes in the form of serous vesicles on the skin of the soles and palms. Correctly formulated nutrition prevents allergic reactions, and hence manifestations of the disease.
- First of all, it is necessary to exclude fruits and vegetables of red color from the diet, as well as citrus fruits. Under the ban fall any sweets and flour, sugar can be replaced with fructose.
- From meat products low-fat dietary grades of meat and fish will approach. In this case, many allergens are found in smoked products, pork and duck meat.
- Acute, fried, peppered and salted, also need to be removed from the diet, since such products cause not only exacerbation of rashes and itching, but also negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- The basis of the diet are fresh vegetables, fruits, greens and sour-milk products. Cottage cheese, yoghurt, kefir and cheese contain lactobacilli, which are irreplaceable for the intestines and local immunity. Their regular use prevents relapses of dyshidrotic skin lesions.
So, the therapy is based on adherence to a strict diet. To adhere to such nutrition is necessary for 1-2 months, and to achieve a lasting result - throughout life.
Diet with microbial eczema
Diet with a microbial diet is a vegetable-milk diet. With this disease, the skin is covered with flat crusts, when removing which appear wetting areas. Most often, rashes appear on the legs, the back of the hands, and sometimes on the head. As a rule, the list of allowed and prohibited products is made by a doctor. The prohibition includes coffee, chocolate, spices, pickles, soda, cheeses, alcohol. Exceptions are plant allergens, the patient is allowed to eat nuts, corn, red color vegetables, peas, garlic. But with the aggravation of the disease, these products also fall under the ban.
The main diet consists of vegetable soups, fresh porridge on the water, river fish, steam cutlets and meatballs, dairy products. Restrictions apply to the amount of spices in food. It is recommended to reduce or completely refuse the use of salt and pepper. Do not forget about compliance with the water balance, every day you need to drink up to two liters of mineral still water.
Diet for allergic eczema
Diet for allergic eczema is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Stimulate the appearance of rashes on the skin can not only food, but also dust, animal hair, pollen, cosmetics and much more. Regardless of the pathogen, therapeutic nutrition helps to minimize manifestations of the disease. To adhere to a healthy regime is necessary not only during an exacerbation for the discharge of the body, but also during the period of remission.
- Under the ban fall smoked meat, sausages, fried, fatty, food with spices. And also seafood, canned food, eggs, nuts, citrus fruits, mushrooms, grapes, carbonated drinks, confectionery.
- It is necessary to limit the use of pasta, semolina, butter, fatty sour cream and whole milk.
- The ration should be built on sour-milk products, lean meat, light fruits (plums, currants, pears, apples), vegetables and greens. You can eat grain loaves and products from second-grade flour, melted and refined oil.
With dry eczema
A diet with dry eczema presupposes a vegetarian diet. The menu is built on protein and vegetable food. During the remission period, weak meat broths, lean meats and steamed meat dishes can be added to the diet. It is necessary to eat porridge, but without oil and salt, vegetable casseroles and stew with a minimum content of potatoes. As for fish, it is best to use river, in a baked or boiled form.
Such dairy products as curd, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt and yogurt help the body to recover faster and accelerate the processes of skin regeneration. Very useful vegetable food, for example, peas and cabbage. Peas contain a lot of protein, so it is better to eat during the summer period of exacerbation of the disease. The daily diet should include carrots or carrot juice, as it contains a lot of B vitamins and carotene. The content of these beneficial substances in patients with eczema is significantly underestimated.
If along with skin rashes and itching hypertension appeared, then it is worth eating beans and beets, watercress and leaf lettuce, as they are rich in vitamin C, iron, iodine and carotene. In disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dill favors well. Greens can be added to salads or to prepare smoothies based on kefir and dill.
Diet menu with eczema
The diet menu for eczema is necessary to restore the body and adhere to the regime of therapeutic nutrition. The diet should consist of natural plant foods and fermented milk products. It is allowed to eat porridge, lean meat, vegetables and fruits. Consider an approximate menu for the day, which can be used to prevent and treat skin rashes and itching.
- Breakfast
For breakfast, a glass of yogurt and oatmeal on water or milk is perfect. Porridge can be added with a spoon of currant berries, a green apple or a ripe banana.
- Snack
As a snack, any allowed fruit with yoghurt and whole wheat bread will do.
- Dinner
As a first dish, you can prepare a light soup on vegetable or meat broth with peas and low-fat meat. On the second porridge, for example, pearl barley or buckwheat. Porridge is supplemented with meatballs or cutlets from turkey steamed. It will not be superfluous, and a salad of fresh greens, cabbage and cucumbers.
- Dinner
When preparing dinner, you should choose foods rich in protein. Boiled or baked with herbs river fish is perfect. If the fish do not like, then you can replace it with a turkey breast or a salad of low-fat beef and green beans.
- 2nd dinner
For the last meal a glass of kefir, fruit or vegetable juice will suit. In addition, you can eat a little cottage cheese or cook syrniki, but without adding an egg.
Do not forget that in the daily diet should include mineral non-carbonated water, at least two liters. Cooking is best for a couple or bake. It is not recommended to use spices and salt, which cause an exacerbation of the disease.
Dietary Recipes for Eczema
Diet recipes for eczema help to make a menu and choose the most attractive and tasty dishes. When preparing the first dishes, preference should be given to vegetable soups and broths. If such food is not to your liking, you can eat soups on broths of low-fat meat. The second course, that is, low-fat meat and fish, it is better to cook for a couple, cook or bake. Excellent side dishes will be served with side dishes from vegetables and cereals. But potatoes and pasta are not recommended, and the ban includes flour products from wheat of the first grades.
Consider the basic principles of cooking and the most popular and simple recipes.
- Cold beet soup
- Meat of turkey or chicken breast (boiled) - 200 g
- Beet - 1-2 pieces.
- Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
- Sour cream - 100 g
- Green onions - a pair of feathers
- Parsley
- Dill
- Warm boiled water - 1,5 l
My beets, clean, three on a grater and pour boiled water. This will be the basis of the soup, that is, the beet broth. After the beets have settled for 2-3 hours, it must be carefully filtered, to separate the vegetable cake from the future broth. Add sour cream to beetroot water and mix thoroughly. Meat mode is oblong slices and sent to a pan. In the same way, the cucumber regime (peel can be cleaned), green onions, parsley or dill. We mix our soup well and send it to the refrigerator. An hour later the dish is ready for use.
- Baked fish with vegetables and lentils
- Any river fish - 1 pc.
- Celery
- Green onions
- Lemon
- Sour cream - 50 g
- Low fat cheese - 50 g
- Parsley or dill
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
- Lentils - 1-2 glasses.
Take the fish, clean it well, clean the insides and gills, rinse. Celery, Bulgarian peppers and onions cut into half rings. Grind the greens and slice the lemon. Half sour cream mixed with grated cheese. Now proceed to the fish carcass. Thoroughly miss it inside the sour cream, lay in the belly slices of lemon, a mixture of celery, herbs and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. On top of the fish should be coated with sour cream and cheese and can be sent to the oven. The dish is prepared before the appearance of a ruddy crust, the optimum mode is 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. While the fish is baked, cook lentils.
- Curd dessert with fruits and berries
- Low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g
- Any berries (currants, blueberries, raspberries)
- Green apple or banana
- Gelatin - 1 sachet
Cottage cheese we grate through a sieve or we achieve creamy consistence by means of a blender. Berries and fruits are finely chopped. If you use an apple, you can bake it in a microwave beforehand and use only a juicy aromatic pulp for dessert. Gelatin dilute according to the instructions, pour into the curd mass and carefully move. To the curd, add fruit, pour into the dishes and send to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
- Smoothies of cottage cheese, kefir and dill
- Kefir - 500 ml
- Cottage cheese - 100 g
- Dill
Kefir and cottage cheese are sent to the bowl of the blender and mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Dill finely and add to the milk mass. Pour smoothies into a glass and enjoy a delicious and healthy dish.
Diet with eczema is not a sentence, it is an opportunity to cleanse the body and restore its normal functioning. A lot of simple dishes make the menu not only useful, but also delicious. Observing the rules of healthy eating, you can permanently get rid of rashes and itching on the skin, as well as many other chronic diseases.
What can I eat with eczema?
What can you eat with eczema and how to make a full menu? So, the medical diet can rightfully be called protein-vegetable. Since the diet should be a lot of low-fat meat and fish, hypoallergenic fruits and vegetables, greens, as well as cereals and fermented milk. It is very important to avoid eating floury, fatty, severe and sweet.
The diet should include only useful products, for example, meat of birds, rabbit or lean beef. Boiled river fish, meat broths, cutlets for a couple, are also allowed. Particular attention should be paid to lean porridges on water, vegetables, greens and sour-milk desserts without sugar. The diet should have a lot of protein, because it is a kind of building material that helps restore the affected skin.
What can not be eaten with eczema?
What can not be eaten with eczema and what foods can trigger an exacerbation of the disease? First of all, it is worthwhile to know that therapeutic nutrition should become the norm, that is, get into the habit. This will prevent skin lesions and their relapses. During an exacerbation, it is strictly forbidden to eat sweets, that is, flour and chocolate, allergenic fruits and vegetables, semi-finished products, berries, spices, salt, coffee and alcohol.
The diet should be chronic, but as soon as the disorder goes to the stage of remission, you can return to the diet of nuts and berries. Such nutrition is recommended for patients, both adults and children. In addition to food, you can add 0.1 g of ascorbic acid before each dinner. This will allow the body to not feel the deficiency of vitamin C, which is necessary for natural cleansing from allergens.
Treatment of skin disease is not only to comply with the rules of nutrition, but also in proper care for themselves. The thing is that most modern cosmetics contain chemicals and flavors that irritate the skin. During the recovery period, it is better not to use such means or use emollients that soothe irritated skin.