Diet for dysbiosis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet for dysbiosis is a way to restore the broken functioning of the digestive system. Consider the features of nutrition in the disorder of the intestines, tasty and useful recipes, menus.
The imbalance of microbes in the intestinal microflora is quite common. This disorder occurs in both adults and children. Dysbacteriosis is a symptom of other pathologies, that is, it is not an independent disease. To its appearance can lead to a violation of diet, prolonged treatment with antibiotics, beriberi, diseases of the digestive tract.
The main causes of the violation of useful intestinal microflora:
- Low immunity.
- Various infections.
- Prolonged use of antibiotics.
- Reduced acidity.
- Pancreatitis (chronic form).
- Intestinal obstruction.
The microflora of the intestine is a complex ecosystem that includes the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, intestinal bacteria, viruses, fungi, food elements. During the meal, the food is processed with gastric juice and split. This accelerates the work of the intestine and the secretion of juices, forms amino acids and vitamins, cleaves cellulose, improves the absorption of vitamins, folic acid and other elements responsible for blood formation.
The appearance of stool disorders, abdominal pain, bloating, increased gas formation for a long time, indicate the development of dysbacteriosis. In addition, there is a deterioration in overall health, fever, joint pain, weakness. Balanced nutrition restores the growth of beneficial bacteria, and improves well-being.
Treatment of a dysbacteriosis by a diet
Violation of the balance between the opportunistic and obligate flora of the intestine causes a number of unfavorable symptoms. Treatment of a dysbacteriosis by a diet is the most effective and at the same time a safe method of eliminating a disorder. By itself, the disease is characterized by a protracted, difficult process. Therefore, without medical intervention, it can become a serious problem.
Treatment depends on the intensity of the disorders, which are divided into three large groups, depending on the age of the patient and the results of the stool analysis. Let's consider the basic characteristics:
Degree of violations |
Treatment method |
Reducing the amount of useful microflora and reducing its activity. |
Diet, vitamin therapy, prebiotics, enterosorbents. |
The appearance of painful symptoms due to opportunistic microorganisms. |
Functional nutrition, probiotics, a complex of vitamins and minerals. |
A large number of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine. |
Long-term dietotherapy, intake of vitamins and enterosorbents. Probiotics, antibacterial therapy, intestinal antiseptics, bacteriophages. |
Therapy should be comprehensive and performed by a gastroenterologist in the following areas:
- Determination of the causes of the disorder and their elimination. At this stage, the patient can be assigned pathogenetic treatment (enzyme preparations) to eliminate the inflammatory process and restore motor functions of the intestine.
- At the second stage, it is necessary to normalize the process of digestion and eliminate acute painful symptoms. Particular attention is paid to diet therapy for the normalization of the intestine - diet table number 4.
- According to the results of the tests, the doctor corrects the composition of the intestinal microflora. To do this, the patient is prescribed intestinal antiseptics, probiotics and prebiotics, bacteriophages.
- At the last stage, measures are taken to improve the protective properties of the immune system, the use of immunomodulators, vitamin complexes.
As a rule, the diet is developed in accordance with the causes of dysbiosis. The patient is assigned a viscous, fresh, mucous food with a minimum amount of salt. If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then a more severe diet is prescribed. In addition to eating it is necessary to pay attention to the drinking regime. To normalize the digestive tract, it is necessary to drink 30-40 minutes before meals and 2 hours after eating. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and fermentation drinks (homemade wine, kvass). The right diet will help to cope with the disorder of the intestines without problems.
The essence of diet
There are many factors that contribute to the disturbance of normal intestinal flora. Improper nutrition, rich in preservatives and semi-finished products, hot food, alcohol or spices, can lead to the development of the disease. To eliminate the consequences of such violations, the patient is assigned a special diet. The essence of the diet lies in the restoration of a healthy flora of the intestine and the recovery of the body. When preparing a therapeutic diet, factors such as:
- Features of the course of the underlying disease.
- Elimination of signs of dyspepsia.
- Prevention of hypovitaminosis and food allergy.
- Creation of favorable conditions for the growth of healthy microflora.
- Elimination of diarrhea and constipation.
Nutrition for each patient. The doctor makes the diet, focusing on the intolerance of certain products, the age of the patient and the severity of the symptoms of the disease. It is very important to stick to 5-6 meals, that is, fractional meals. The diet should be balanced in terms of protein-energy composition.
- If dyspepsia is accompanied by flatulence, that is, fermentation processes, then you need to exclude carbohydrates, milk and raw vegetables. It is recommended to eat protein foods: eggs, chicken, cottage cheese, various cereals, boiled vegetables.
- With the prevalence of putrefactive processes, meat and fats should be limited. The main diet should be cereals, dairy products and boiled vegetables.
- With dyspepsia with constipation, the diet should be enriched with fiber, that is, raw vegetables, fruits and herbs. These products accelerate the passage of food through the intestines.
- If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then you should eat grated or boiled food at room temperature. Medicinal properties are compote of bird cherry, blueberries, pomegranate and decoction from the bark of oak.
Along with the diet, the patient is given probiotics and prebiotics to restore the intestinal microflora. The composition of probiotics include lactic acid microorganisms, that is, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which live in the healthy intestine. Prebiotics are substances that create a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria. So, for the recovery, the sufficiency is to restore a healthy microflora that will destroy the pathogenic bacteria.
Diet with a dysbiosis with diarrhea
In many patients, dysbacteriosis is accompanied by diarrhea, which complicates the course of the disease. Diarrhea can be a symptom of colitis or chronic gastrointestinal diseases. For treatment, use drugs with lacto / bifidobacteria and proper nutrition. Diet for a dysbacteriosis with diarrhea begins with a short fasting 2-3 days. During this period it is recommended to drink more tea, herbal and berry broths, but without sugar. When using berry or fruit compotes, they must be filtered.
Basic dietary rules for dysbiosis with diarrhea:
- It is forbidden to eat fatty meat and fish, canned food, pickles, sausages, baked pastries, fresh vegetables and sweets. In the diet should be cereals with fiber, broths, fresh compotes and berry jelly.
- Eat regularly, often and in small portions. Systematic meals normalize the process of digestion and metabolism.
- The diet should consist of products with coarse fibers and fiber, as they normalize the motor functions of the intestine. Special attention should be paid to sour-milk products, they contain live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Correctly composed diet restores motor functions of the intestine and flora balance.
Diet for dysbacteriosis with constipation
An intestinal disorder very often causes a lot of side symptoms. Patients may suffer from constipation, diarrhea, increased flatulence and even vomiting. To eliminate the disease, both medical therapy and therapeutic nutrition are used. The diet for dysbacteriosis with constipation should be rich in fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits. To improve intestinal peristalsis, it is recommended to eat bran, sour-milk products, compote of rhubarb.
Various fruit purees, dairy products and juices normalize the passage of stools through the intestines and eliminate constipation. Salads from boiled vegetables, especially with cabbage, beets and prunes, perfectly cope with the problems of defecation. In order for the diet to be effective, you must follow the diet. 5-6 meals a day and the use of 2 liters of liquid a day is the guarantee of a healthy body and the normal functioning of the digestive system.
Diet for adults with dysbiosis
Patients of all ages face such a problem as an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. Pathology can be caused by malnutrition or can result from prolonged treatment with antibacterial drugs and other medications. The diet for adults with dysbacteriosis is considered to be an effective and proven method of restoring the normal functioning of the digestive tract and intestinal microflora.
Dietotherapy is built on strict adherence to diet. You can eat only the allowed foods, which favorably affect the digestion process. Consider the rules for compiling a diet for an upset stomach in adults:
- Exclude the use of any alcoholic beverages, soda, juice juices with preservatives, as they have a disastrous effect on the functioning of the body.
- Under the ban fall greasy dishes, spicy, smoked, as well as canned food, sausages, various spices and sauces. Fresh greens perfectly fights with pathogenic microflora, so it is worth to increase its amount in the diet.
- Limit the use of baked pastries and sweets. It is allowed to eat dried fruits, if there is constipation, then prunes and dried apricots will help to cope with it. Fresh fruits, berries, compotes, fruit drinks, marshmallows, marmalade and jam - are allowed during the diet.
- In the diet should be a lot of protein foods (boiled meat and fish, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt). From white bread it is necessary to refuse, but to give preference to hardwood and semicircle baking.
- Immediately after eating, you can not drink water, since the liquid that has entered the stomach neutralizes gastric juice. This complicates the process of digesting food.
Along with the diet, patients may be prescribed probiotics and prebiotics. These drugs improve the work of the intestines and restore a healthy composition of the flora.
Diet for nursing mothers with dysbiosis
After giving birth, many women face such an unpleasant phenomenon as dysbiosis. To diagnose the disease, tests are performed for the microflora. But sometimes even without tests, the appearance of a characteristic symptomatology indicates a disorder. The disease can occur due to various infections, endocrine and allergic diseases, damage to the genitourinary system or the digestive system.
Diet for nursing mothers with dysbacteriosis - this is the only method to eliminate malaise. This is due to the fact that antibacterial therapy, which can be prescribed to eliminate the root cause of a stomach disorder, is undesirable when lactating. Let's consider the basic recommendations on drawing up:
- It is necessary to adhere to a diet, that is to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. This will normalize the work of the digestive tract, accelerate metabolism and will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.
- The basis of the diet should be porridge, rich in fiber. Useful protein food, for example, boiled meat and fish, egg whites, lentils.
- The menu should include vegetables, fruits, berries and greens. Vegetables should be steamed, boiled or baked. From fruits you can cook a variety of purees, compotes and fruit drinks.
- From fresh bread it is necessary to refuse. It is better to eat yesterday's bakery products, pastry from coarse flour and rye. You can not eat cakes and pastries with cream fillings, as they will exacerbate the symptoms of dysbiosis.
- Do not forget about the drinking regime. Drink better 30-40 minutes before eating and 1-2 hours after it. During the meal, the liquid is not taken, as this will dilute the gastric juice and worsen digestion.
- Various spices, seasonings and sauces should be limited, as they cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Sauces should be prepared independently, for example, mayonnaise, ketchup. Artificial food additives can be replaced with fresh herbs and spices useful for the body.
In addition to diet, women are prescribed sparing medications that eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and colonize the body with useful bacteria. For this use Linex, Bififorme, Hilak-forte, Dufalac and medicines with lactobacilli.
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Diet for children with dysbiosis
The child's organism is unprotected from various viruses and infections. It is children who suffer most from disorders of the intestinal microflora. Diet for children with dysbiosis is prescribed by a pediatrician. The doctor is guided by the age of the child and the causes of malaise. During treatment, it is contraindicated to give the child any semi-finished products - shop porridge and food, juices, various purees. Dairy products, that is, natural yoghurts without additives, kefir, will be useful. On their basis, you can cook porridge, for example, oatmeal, buckwheat or millet.
If the symptoms characteristic of the disease appeared in infants, then the best treatment is mother's milk. With it, you can restore a healthy microflora in the intestines of the baby. To do this, mom needs to eat right. Useful are vegetables, fruits, greens, sour-milk and protein foods, cereals. The diet should be diluted with useful decoctions of chamomile, fennel, dog rose, dill.
If the disease occurred in older children, then from the diet it is necessary to exclude salty, spicy and spicy dishes. Under the ban fall various smoked meats, fried, canned food, sausages and, of course, sweets. The children's menu should include boiled vegetables, soups, mashed potatoes, liquid and mucous porridges, sour-milk products and low-fat beverages. To normalize digestion and prevent constipation, the child can be given salads from boiled beets, baked apples, prunes and kissels. During the diet the child should be observed at the pediatrician.
Diet after dysbiosis
For the treatment of bowel dysfunction use both drug treatment and diet therapy. But after the restoration of the natural microflora and the normal functioning of the digestive tract, do not forget about the rules of nutrition. The diet after a dysbacteriosis prevents its relapses and represents bases of a correct, that is a healthy food.
- After recovery, do not forget about the diet. Regular meals - this is the guarantee of normal operation of the stomach. It is strictly forbidden to overeat, especially various semi-finished products.
- Do not abuse alcohol and any alcoholic beverages, they negatively affect the work of the digestive system.
- Sharp, peppered, salted, fried and fatty dishes are not recommended for use. Such food can provoke not only a dysbacteriosis, but also violations in the work of the liver.
- Do not forget about the drinking regime. In a day you need to drink about 2 liters of fluid. You can drink 30-40 minutes before eating and an hour after. If you drink while eating, it will lead to flatulence and easy disruption of the stomach.
The above recommendations do not have strict limitations. But anything that goes beyond their limits can trigger a relapse of the disease. Various violations of the diet during treatment can cause even more upset stomach, malfunction in the gallbladder and liver, cause nervousness, headaches and irritability. If the diet was observed by all rules, then diarrhea stops, normal stool is restored, heartburn, colic, flatulence and abdominal pains. Another plus of therapeutic nutrition is the recovery of the body and a small weight loss of up to 3 kg.
Menu diet for intestinal dysbacteriosis
To comply with all treatment recommendations, you should read the list of approved products and think over your diet. Consider an exemplary diet menu for intestinal dysbacteriosis:
- Breakfast: boiled potatoes with sour cream and herbs, broth of wild rose or green tea.
- Snack: cottage cheese with honey.
- Lunch: pate from chicken meat, salad from boiled beet.
- Snack: tea with crackers from yesterday's bread.
- Dinner: boiled fish with rice soup.
- Second dinner: yoghurt.
- Breakfast: wheat porridge with jam, green tea.
- Snack: biscuits, compote or mors.
- Lunch: soup on chicken broth, buckwheat with meatballs, salad from boiled carrots.
- Snack: baked apple with dried fruits.
- Dinner: pumpkin puree with honey and raisins.
- Second supper: kefir.
- Breakfast: oatmeal in milk, green tea.
- Snack: loaves of stale bread with salad from boiled beets with prunes.
- Lunch: borsch, mashed potatoes with steam cutlets.
- Snack: fruit juice, biscuit biscuits.
- Dinner: fish soup.
- Second dinner: yoghurt.
- Breakfast: boiled wheat porridge on milk, green tea.
- Snack: carrot salad with cheese and sour cream.
- Lunch: soup with pearl barley, boiled potatoes with sour cream.
- Snack: tea with marshmallow.
- Dinner: boiled egg, meat balls.
- Second dinner: kefir with biscuit.
- Breakfast: oatmeal in milk, green tea.
- Snack: curd casserole with raisins.
- Lunch: stewed cabbage with meat, pasta.
- Snack: baked apple, compote.
- Dinner: Baked fish with cheese and baked vegetables.
- Second dinner: yoghurt.
- Breakfast: broth of wild rose, baked pumpkin with honey.
- Snack: cottage cheese with sour cream.
- Lunch: soup with noodles, chicken cutlets, buckwheat porridge.
- Snack: green tea, biscuit biscuits.
- Supper: protein casserole from pasta with chicken meat.
- Second dinner: a glass of kefir.
- Breakfast: buckwheat cereal in milk, tea.
- Snack: boiled salad with vegetable oil and walnuts.
- Lunch: rice soup, rice with meatballs.
- Snack: fruit puree, compote or mors.
- Dinner: baked eggplants with minced meat, porridge of lentils.
- Second supper: kefir with biscuits.
Observing such a menu, do not forget about the drinking regime. A day should drink up to 2 liters of purified water. Half an hour before a meal, drink a glass of water, this will prevent overeating. During lunch, it is not recommended to drink, as this will dilute the gastric juice and worsen the symptoms of malaise.
Diet recipes for intestinal dysbacteriosis
In order for the therapeutic diet to be not only useful, but also diverse, there are diet recipes for intestinal dysbacteriosis. Consider simple and delicious dishes:
- Kefir soup with vegetables
- Low fat kefir 1-1.5 liters.
- Carrot 1 pc.
- Cucumber 2 pcs.
- Dill.
- Red bell pepper.
- Salt, black pepper, garlic (at a minimum for taste).
Put the yogurt into a saucepan, add the spices and send it to the fridge. Pepper, cucumber and carrots wash and finely cut into strips. Mix the vegetables with kefir, pour into plates and sprinkle with dill.
- Rice Garnish
- Fig 1 kg.
- Beef or chicken meat 500 g.
- Bulgarian pepper 1 pc.
- Carrot 1 pc.
- Tomato 1 pc.
- Eggplant 1 pc.
- Butter 20 g
- Vegetable oil for roasting vegetables.
- Allowed spices to taste.
Cut the meat and send to stew in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Wash all vegetables, cut and add to the meat. Rice 2-3 times pour boiling water and rinse. Stir vegetables with meat, put rice on top, pepper, salt. After 10 minutes, stir vegetables with rice, add butter, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
- Meat Pudding
- Low-fat meat 200 g.
- Egg 1 pc.
- Manna porridge 250 g.
- Butter 20 g
Meat thoroughly chop with a blender or meat grinder, mix with a manga. Add the beaten egg to the resulting stuffing and place on a buttered frying pan. Cook until cooked over medium heat. Serve to a table with sour cream sauce and herbs.
- Apple pie
- Flour rye or oatmeal 250g
- Low-fat kefir or yogurt 200 ml.
- Honey 50 g.
- Butter 20 g
- Egg 1 pc.
- Green apple (banana, raspberry, cherry) 2 pcs.
- Cinnamon.
- Breadcrumbs.
Melt butter and mix with honey and egg. To the resulting mixture, gradually add kefir and flour. Thoroughly mix the dough, which in consistence should resemble sour cream. Apples wash, peel and cut into thin plates. Form the baking pan with breadcrumbs and pour the dough. Top with apples and sprinkle with cinnamon. The pie is cooked in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
- Vitamin smoothie
- Low-fat kefir 500 ml.
- Cottage cheese 50 g.
- Dill.
- Spices to taste.
With a blender mix kefir with cottage cheese, add finely chopped dill and spices. Mix well and cool again.
What can I eat with a dysbacteriosis of the intestine?
During the treatment of any disease, special attention is paid to nutrition. Knowing that you can eat with intestinal dysbacteriosis, there is every chance to quickly restore the natural microflora. The basis of the diet should be mucous and boiled food with a minimum amount of salt and spices. Cook better for a couple, cook or simmer. From fried foods with the addition of vegetable and animal fats will have to be abandoned.
Permitted products:
- Cereals, especially porridge from white rice.
- Low-fat varieties of meat and fish (steam, baked or boiled).
- Broths.
- Fresh vegetables and greens.
- Fresh fruits and berries, nuts.
- Dairy products and sour-milk drinks with low fat content.
- Honey.
- Yesterday's bread, baked pastry and bakery products from rye flour.
- Kissels, fruit drinks, natural juices, herbal decoctions.
If there are those on the list of allowed products for which the patient has an allergy or intolerance, the doctor appoints a replacement equivalent in nutritional value.
What you can not eat with intestinal dysbiosis?
Most of the prohibited foods with dysfunction of the digestive system are contraindicated in other diseases. Consider what you can not eat with intestinal dysbacteriosis:
- Fried, fatty, hot and smoked.
- Alcohol.
- Various spices, pepper, vinegar, spicy sauces.
- Canned food, sausages, pickles.
- Onions, garlic, mushrooms.
- Bran.
- Seafood.
- Baking from yeast bread.
- Sour varieties of berries and fruits.
After recovery, that is, the restoration of microflora, these products need to be introduced into the diet gradually. If there are chronic gastrointestinal diseases and predisposition to their development, then it is worth further abandoning these products so as not to cause an attack of the disease.
Reviews about diet
Diet is a curative diet, which is used both for direct indications, as for gastrointestinal diseases, for frequent stresses, for poisoning and as a warning for the disease. Reviews of the diet indicate its positive properties. Correctly composed diet with a varied menu and delicious recipes, helps restore the natural intestinal microflora and resume the growth of beneficial bacteria.
Diet for dysbiosis is a pledge of recovery. Adhering to medical recommendations on nutrition, you can quickly return to normal health and eliminate the disease.