Diet after surgery: the basic rules of nutrition after surgery
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Which diet after the operation will be recommended to a specific patient, depends on which disease the surgical intervention was performed and on which organ. It is obvious that the diet after the operation on the spine should be different from the diet after the operation on the thyroid gland.
As a diet after the operation on the spine, so the diet after the operation of the thyroid gland consists exclusively of liquid food, which is taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. Then you can eat more thickly, but also grinded. And after a week or two after such an operation, you can eat almost everything (if, of course, the doctor does not give special instructions).
But in reality, not everything is so simple ... The need to adhere to a special diet for maximum full and rapid recovery after surgery is a medical axiom. Therefore, it is useful to get acquainted with the basic rules of nutrition after surgery in order to have an idea of what you can eat after the operation and what you can not eat after the operation on certain organs.
Diet after a cavitary operation: general principles
On the basis of functional features of various systems and organs, and also taking into account the specific physiological consequences of their surgical treatment, a corresponding surgical diet was developed after a cavitary operation. Its goal is to reduce the burden on the entire body and on the operated organ, but at the same time provide the body with energy.
What diet after the operation is appointed immediately after it? Regarding the admissible set of products and the methods of their cooking, the strictest is the zero diet after the operation. In clinical practice, this diet is observed during the first three days after surgery. This diet consists of sweetened tea (with lemon or without), broth of wild rose, various jelly and diluted fresh juices, fruit and berry jelly, skimmed meat broth and mucous rice broth. Portions are small, but meals are taken up to seven times a day.
Such nutrition helps to avoid undesirable loads on the digestive tract and the entire digestive system of the operated patient. And the diet after the operation on the esophagus, the diet after the operation of stomach cancer, the diet after peritonitis surgery, and the diet after heart surgery can be prescribed by the doctors only in a few days, because at first such patients in the intensive care unit can enter nutrition through the probe or by parenteral the introduction of special drugs.
Zero diet after the operation has three options - A, B and B. Zero (surgical) diet 0A is described above, its daily calorie content is minimal - no more than 780 kcal. The difference from her diet 0B is the addition of rice, buckwheat and oatmeal porridge (liquid and wiped), mucilage cereal soups, seasoned mango decoction of vegetables or low-fat chicken broth. In addition, depending on the condition of the patient, a steamed omelet (only from egg whites) and steam soufflé from meat are allowed. With this diet, low-fat creams, berry mousses and jelly (non-acidic) are also given. A single volume of food is limited to 360-380 grams, the number of meals is 6 times a day, and the daily calorific value should not exceed 1600 kcal.
The diet after cavitary operation 0V (2200 kcal), except for soups-mashed potatoes, includes dishes from the wiped boiled meat, chicken meat and low-fat fish; puree from vegetables; Milk porridge, mashed curd with cream, kefir; Baked apples and white crackers (not more than 90-100 g per day). In general, such a post-operative diet - as the patients improve - is, as it were, a transition to a more complete diet, which in most cases is also limited to indications of various therapeutic diets.
Diet 1 after surgery
It must be borne in mind that diet 1 after surgery (No.1A surgical and No.2 surgical) in many respects repeats the prescriptions of the diet 0B, but with a higher daily caloric content (2800-3000 kcal). The diet is 5-6 times a day. There are two options - rubbed and not wiped.
What you can not eat after the operation, if this diet is prescribed? You can not eat meat and fish broths, fatty meat, poultry and fish, mushroom and strong vegetable broths, any fresh bread and buttery pastries and, of course, all pickles, smoked products, canned food, spicy sauces and seasonings. Also it is necessary to exclude millet, barley, pearl and corn porridge, dishes from legumes, sour dairy products, spicy cheese and eggs - fried and boiled. From vegetables, cabbage, radish and radish, cucumbers and onions, as well as spinach and sorrel, are excluded. Rich in fiber, as well as acidic fruit, diet 1 after surgery, too, excludes. And also - chocolate, ice cream, black coffee and carbonated drinks.
What can you eat after the operation with this diet? Warm boiled (or steamed) food - in a very chopped form. You can prepare soups from mashed vegetables and boiled cereals and soups-puree from pre-cooked meat.
Compliance with diet 1 after surgery allows the consumption of sweet fruits and berries in the form of puree, mousse and jelly, and from drinks - tea, jelly and compote.
It is such a diet that is a diet after a lung operation, a diet after an operation of stomach ulcers and a diet after an operation of stomach cancer. And in the latter case, three weeks after surgery, doctors recommend that patients include in the diet meat and fish broth - so that the digestive system starts to work more actively.
Diet after gallbladder surgery
Diet after the operation of the gallbladder (partial or complete resection) - after the abolition of diet 1 - imposes a complete ban on fatty and fried; on smoked meat, pickles and marinades; Excludes the use of canned food, mushrooms, onions and garlic, as well as confectionery products with cream, ice cream and carbonated drinks. Sweets are strictly limited, in the first place, chocolate.
What you can eat after the operation on the gallbladder? Gastroenterologists recommend using only low-fat varieties of meat and fish, the first dishes based on weak meat and vegetable broths, dried bread, various skimmed sour-milk products. Between butter and vegetable oil should be made a choice in favor of the latter.
It is harmful to eat very hot or cold: the optimum food temperature corresponds to the body's normal temperature. Portions should be small, and meals during the day should be at least five.
Diet 5 after surgery
Diet 5 after surgery is the main medical diet after the operation on the liver, after the operation of the gall bladder (including its removal), and also the most often prescribed diet after the operation on the pancreas.
As expected, food should be fractional, that is, five or six meals a day. On the day the patient needs about 80 g of proteins and fats, and carbohydrates - within 350-400 g. The daily calorific value does not exceed 2500 kcal. During the day, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of water. This gentle diet after the operation allows you to consume 45 g of creamy and 65 g of vegetable oil a day, not more than 35 g of sugar and up to 180-200 g of dried bread.
Diet 5 after surgery does not allow in the diet in foods such as fatty meats and fish, lard, offal; any broth; sausage and canned food; fatty dairy products; fried and boiled hard-boiled eggs. It is also unacceptable to use garlic, green onions, radish, spinach and sorrel, mushrooms and legumes, fresh bread and baking, confectionery, ice cream, chocolate, black coffee and cocoa. And cooking methods use cooking and steaming, although baking and quenching are also allowed.
Diet after intestinal surgery
Given the localization of surgical intervention, the diet after surgery on the intestine completely eliminates the use of coarse plant fiber, as well as any food that is difficult to digest, cause an increase in the contractions of the walls of the digestive tract, that is, intestinal peristalsis, and also provoke flatulence.
Easily assimilated liquid homogenized food in small amounts 5-6 times a day - the main rules on which a diet is based after an operation of intestinal adhesions, a diet after sigmoid colon surgery, as well as a diet after an intestinal obstruction surgery and a diet after a rectum operation. As the condition improves with these pathologies, the doctor gives permission to include in the menu low-fat meat, poultry, sea fish, eggs and fermented milk products of reduced fat content.
Since the most suitable for the intestines is a gentle diet after the operation, then the food must be thoroughly crushed. Over time, diet 4 is appointed, in which the menu completely lacks vegetables and fruits (in any form); milk soups and dairy products (except for cottage cheese); bread and flour products (except for breadcrumbs from wheat bread); meat soups (with any dressing, except for meatballs or boiled chopped meat); fatty meat, sausage and sausages; oily or salted fish; fats (you can put only a little butter in ready meals).
Do not allow a diet after the operation on the intestines consuming legumes and any pasta, all sweets (including honey), as well as cocoa, coffee and carbonated drinks.
What you can eat after the operation on the intestines? Mashed porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal); vegetable decoctions (without the vegetables themselves); soft-boiled eggs and as a steam omelet; jelly and jelly (from apples, pears, quinces); black and green tea, cocoa, not strong black coffee. It is recommended to drink diluted fresh fruit and berry juices (except grape, plum and apricot).
Diet after an operation of appendicitis
The diet after the operation of appendicitis pursues the fastest assimilation of food and consists in the use in the first days after the operation of exclusively liquid food. What you can not eat after the operation to remove the inflamed appendix? It is strictly forbidden to use any raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, milk, fatty and fried, spicy and salty, and strong tea and coffee. Rapid assimilation of food is also facilitated by fractional meals: 7-8 times a day in small portions.
Within 8-10 days, the diet after the operation of appendicitis consists of: low-fat broth, vegetable and rice broth, vegetable grated soups and liquid puree (from zucchini, pumpkin, non-acidic apples). The diet menu after the appendectomy operation also includes porridges cooked on water (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), boiled or steamed chicken meat, veal and low-fat sea fish, fruit and berry kissels, compotes, broth of wild rose. Further in the diet are introduced boiled and stewed vegetables, vermicelli, eggs (soft-boiled or protein steam omelet), yesterday's white bread, cottage cheese, sour-milk drinks.
After the removal of stitches and discharge from the medical institution, a sparing diet is recommended after the operation - a medical diet 2, at which fatty meat, lard, salted and smoked, canned food, fresh bread, muffins, beans and millet, mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs . Contraindicated are onions and garlic, radish and radish, sweet pepper and cucumbers, fresh fruits and berries with coarse skin or grains. A complete ban is imposed on cakes, ice cream, cocoa, black coffee and grape juice.
Diet after surgery on the stomach
At the first stage, the diet after the operation on the stomach and the diet after the operation of stomach ulcers is a diet of 0A, 0B and 0V (for details, see above). The peculiarity of this clinical case is that salt can be completely excluded from the diet, and the number of meals increased to 8-10 times a day - with the same minimum single quantities. But the daily fluid intake should be at least two liters.
Diet after the operation of stomach ulcers (on average three days after surgery) is a 1A surgical (mashed) diet. The number of acceptable products is the same as in peptic ulcer exacerbation, that is, low-fat chicken broth, milk and fruit jelly and jelly, low-fat cream, mucous soups (with butter), eggs (only soft-boiled), sweetened broth or infusion rose hips, carrot juice and diluted non-acidic fruit juices. Such a diet patients adhere to about half a month. Then the assortment of foods and the diet menu after the operation gradually expand, but the key principle of nutrition is preserved in order to protect the gastric mucosa from any irritating factors as long as possible and thereby promote recovery.
Diet after a hernia operation
The prescribed diet after the operation of a hernia - a diet after an operation of inguinal hernia or a diet after an operation of the umbilical hernia - in the first days is absolutely similar to the nutrition that patients receive after surgery on the intestines and stomach.
Approximately on the fifth-sixth day after the operation, the diet is expanded due to various first dishes, primarily, vegetarian soups, as well as second courses - cereals and meat. However, the principles of a sparing diet after the operation remain for some time (it is determined only by the attending physician).
In order to prevent constipation, which leads to overstrain of the smooth muscles of the peritoneum and pelvis, patients advised to give up fatty foods, eat more plant foods, do not overeat and control their weight.
Diet after hemorrhoids operation
The diet after hemorrhoid surgery and diet after anal fissure surgery, and the diet after the operation of prostate adenoma are based on the same principles. And the key moment that unites therapeutic nutrition in the surgical treatment of the listed pathologies is the prevention of constipation, the prevention of flatulence and the ease of defecation.
Therefore, only the drink is shown to such patients in the first day, and then a ration is prescribed that completely excludes: milk, rye bread, cabbage, radish and radish, onion and garlic, spicy greens, legumes, fiber-rich raw fruits and berries (apples, pears, grapes, gooseberries, etc.), as well as all kinds of nuts. Such a diet in some sources is referred to as a slag-free diet after surgery. We want to note that in the official dietology such a therapeutic diet does not appear ...
It is clear that it is unacceptable to use especially harmful products (fatty, spicy, salty and sweet) and whole canned. And the fact that you can eat after the operation of this localization include friable buckwheat and millet porridge, wheat white bread (from flour-cereal), all sour-milk, lean beef and chicken. On fried - taboo: all you need to cook, stew or cook in a double boiler. Drinking should be abundant in order to avoid problems with the bladder.
Diet after the operation of removing the uterus
The recommended diet for women after the removal of the uterus, as well as the diet after the operation on the ovary, differs little from the rules that have already been mentioned above. However, a couple of days after these operations, the food regime is completely different: no liquid cereals, mucous soups and kissels.
First, the volume of liquid drunk during the day should be at least three liters. Secondly, food should help to relax the intestines. To do this, in the menu of the diet after surgery on the uterus and its appendages, doctors introduce dairy products (especially useful kefir low fat), various dishes from cereals (for example, crumbly porridge), loose broths and boiled meat, light vegetable salads (except cabbage) with sunflower or olive oil, fruits and berries (except grapes, figs and pomegranate). Mode of food intake - in small portions, from five to seven times a day.
For a long time remain under the ban: salty, spicy and fatty foods; almost all groceries; all fried; dishes from legumes; white bread, muffins and confectionery; strong tea, coffee, cocoa (and chocolate), as well as alcoholic beverages.
Diet after heart surgery
The diet after heart surgery involves a zero diet (0A) in the first three days. Then the operated patients are transferred to a diet 1 after surgery (1 surgical), and approximately on the 5th-6th day (according to the state) a diet of 10 or 11 is prescribed. Similar rules apply and when a diet is appointed after the bypass operation.
We think, it is necessary to briefly characterize the mentioned diets. So, the therapeutic diet 10 is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system and is aimed at normalizing the functions of blood circulation and general metabolism. Its key features are a significant reduction in the intake of table salt, liquid (up to 1200 ml per day), fats (up to 65-70 g) and carbohydrates (up to 350-370 g), as well as enrichment of potassium and magnesium. The daily calorie content is 2500 kcal.
The protein diet after the operation (diet 11) is used to increase the defenses of the body and restore the normal state, in particular, with anemia, general exhaustion and chronic infections. In many cases, it is prescribed and to improve the quality of nutrition of patients with other pathologies, since this is a protein diet after surgery (up to 140 grams of protein per day). This physiologically high-grade diet is vitaminized and high-calorie (3700-3900 kcal), in which up to 110 g of fats and up to 500 g of carbohydrates are provided. With such a diet after heart surgery, patients eat five times during the day. There are no restrictions on the cooking of food and its consistency, but in any case it is contraindicated to eat fried and fatty even in the absence of any internal diseases.
The diet after the bypass surgery is aimed at lowering the cholesterol content in the blood, and adhering to its recommendations is necessary constantly to exclude the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels.
The diet after the bypass operation limits the consumption of fats and completely excludes all fried and fatty, as well as ghee and sunflower oil (only olive oil of cold pressing can be used). The diet menu after coronary artery bypass surgery should include: boiled meat (lean beef and veal), beef liver, poultry, low-fat dairy products, white sea fish, legumes, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts.
Diet after kidney surgery
As experts say, the diet after the operation on the kidney - in the case of ultrasonic crushing of the stones in it - is not prescribed, but it is recommended to eat light foods cooked for a couple, not to eat fat and spicy, to refuse canned food and soda water.
If the stones are removed by oral cavity surgery, the patient needs a zero diet after the operation, then diet 1 after surgery (go back to the beginning of the publication and familiarize yourself with the characteristics of these diets).
In the standard course of the postoperative period, on the fifth or sixth day, doctors set their patients on a diet according to the therapeutic dietary table 11 (also written above).
But the diet after the operation of removing the kidney (after feeding on the zero and the first surgical diets) assumes a balanced full-fledged diet with some well-founded limitations. So, it is necessary to add less food, reduce the number of meat dishes in the diet, instead of white bread there is black, instead of milk, drink kefir. And there is no doubt that steamed chops are more useful than fried, and braised rabbit for a single kidney is better than a pork shish kebab.
Various cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits - all this is possible. And all canned food, convenience foods and food products with preservatives, flavors and food colors can only do harm. By the way, various reasons lead to the removal of the kidney, so the diet after the operation of removing the kidney is assigned to each patient individually.
Diet after bladder surgery
All diets in the surgical treatment of pelvic pathology, including diet after bladder surgery, prescribe the use of food that is easily digested. Therefore, it is natural to prescribe a diet after a cavitary operation, that is, food with a liquid and semi-liquid consistency, with restriction or total elimination of fats, table salt, coarse fiber, and the like.
The main recommendations of urologists regarding the diet after the operation of the bladder are reduced to more frequent and abundant use of water, as well as the need to avoid products in which oxalic acid compounds (oxalates) are present.
The high content of oxalates are distinguished by sorrel, spinach, celery, parsley and all leafy green vegetables; eggplants, potatoes and carrots. And in order not to increase the acidity of urine, it is recommended not to abuse marinades, sour fruits and fruit juices, fermented milk products, as well as beer and wine.
Recipes of a diet after operation
Do I need to give detailed recipes for a diet after the operation, in the sense of that zero diet? Hardly, because while patients eat a slimy rice broth or low-fat broth from a chicken, they are in the hospital ...
And outside the hospital you will have to learn how to cook, for example, milk jelly. To prepare it for a glass of milk, you need a teaspoon of ordinary potato starch and so much sugar.
Milk must be brought to a boil and poured into it starch, diluted in a small amount of water (50-60 ml). Starch is introduced with continuous stirring - to make the kissel homogeneous. Add sugar and remove from heat. The principle of preparation of all kissels is similar to this prescription diet after the operation.
And here is the advice on cooking mashed potatoes - rice, buckwheat or oats. In order not to bother with rubbing the finished porridge, it is necessary to grind the corresponding cereals and oat flakes to the state of flour. And in boiling water (or in boiling milk) with stirring, pour the already crushed product. This porridge is brewed much faster.
Diet after surgery is the most important part of rehabilitation after any surgical intervention. And now you know the basic rules of therapeutic nutrition.