
14 day diet

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Excessive weight for today suffers a fairly large percentage of the world's population. Especially this problem affects industrial, highly developed countries. Overweight is a problem with health, physical and psychological (aesthetic) discomfort. It is for this reason that various methods of limiting nutrition are so popular. One of the most popular is the 14-day diet. Its advantage is in a relatively short time span, combined with a sufficiently high efficiency of the result.


The essence of the 14 day diet

The current two-week diet is no less popular among the people than mono-diets, which are based on consumption over a certain time of a single product or a number of products belonging to the same group.

The popularity of the diet considered in this article is due to the short terms of restrictions against the background of effective weight loss. At the same time, which is important, this approach to losing weight guarantees a fairly stable retention of the new weight. Its popularity is also due to the fact that thanks to a balanced diet and a properly selected diet, the body of the slimming person undergoes minimal stress. In this situation, he is dealt minimal damage.

In this article, we will try to introduce our readers to some of them.

One of these methods is the diet of Hermann Tarnover, who has been working on it for the last twenty years, trying to take into account all the shortcomings of others. To date, it is approved by many nutritionists and doctors, who recognized it to be effective and sufficiently sparing for the human body. The essence of the 14 day diet is in its accessibility. This method of losing weight can be used by almost everyone (with a rare exception, human health can become a contraindication). Before it starts, no special training is required.

Before you start to lose weight, it is worth to learn more about a number of requirements.

  1. The difference between this diet is that it requires cooking dishes, using a lot of different greens. Allowed and condiments.
  2. This method of weight loss is not so categorical in the use of various sauces, ketchups, mustards and salt. In small quantities, they are allowed to receive.
  3. If there is no specific figure limiting a particular product, therefore, it can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
  4. In this case, the main exception is legumes, potatoes, and products that use wheat.

To achieve the desired result, the slimming should only strictly fulfill the author's requirements and adhere to the menu he has written.

The key in this system is breakfast - the first meal. For two weeks he is identical from day to day. Therefore, we will write it once.

The breakfast includes:

  1. 200 g pineapple or ½ part pure grapefruit.
  2. 150 - 200 g of ripe melon.
  3. ½ part mango.
  4. 250 - 300 ml of unsweetened tea or coffee. Additive in the form of honey, milk or cream is also not allowed.
  5. For tea - a piece of bread. Hard cheese and butter is not allowed.

Now let's describe in more detail every day of the diet:

The first day


  • Meat is an assortment, in which it is desirable that included different, but dietary meat. The dish can be served stewed.
  • Tomatoes. Either in fresh, or in a slightly extinguished form.
  • Coffee or black tea - 250 ml.


  • Dishes from fish or seafood.
  • Any salad from vegetables.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Mineral water, without bubbles of carbon dioxide - 250 ml.

Second day


  • Fruit mix.
  • Coffee or black tea - 250 ml.


  • Meat - grill with vegetables - assorted (brussels sprouts, tomatoes, olives, celery).
  • Mineralized water still, tea or coffee - 250 ml.

Day Three


  • A piece of stewed tuna, seasoned with vegetable oil and sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • Grapefruit or 200 g of ripe melon.
  • Coffee or black tea-250 ml.


  • Stew of lamb meat. If you can not buy, you can make a replacement in the form of a cocktail of seafood. Boiled sea fish or other meat (preferably dietary varieties).
  • Vegetable salad - assorted.
  • Mineralized water non-carbonated-250 ml.

Day four


  • A couple of boiled eggs and a salad of tomatoes. For replacement is suitable: low-calorie cottage cheese.
  • Coffee, black or green tea with toasts-250 ml.


  • Grilled chicken.
  • Vegetable salad - assorted: sweet Bulgarian pepper, spinach, boiled beans.
  • Black tea or coffee 250 ml.

Day five


  • This day is also called cheese. For lunch, you can afford to cut a selection of different cheeses.
  • With it you can eat spinach, while its volumes are not limited.
  • Black or green tea with a slice of bread made from whole-grain flour.


  • A fish. At will, it can be boiled, stewed or baked.
  • Vegetable salad - assorted.
  • A slice of whole grain bread.
  • Mineral water. Before use, release carbon dioxide or buy without gas.

Day Six


  • Fruit salad - assorted.
  • Mineral water. Before use, release carbon dioxide or buy without gas.


  • Meat stew.
  • Vegetables - assorted.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Black or green tea-250 ml.

Day Seven


  • Poultry meat. Suitable chicken or turkey.
  • Any of the listed vegetables: broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, you can have any sort of cabbage.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Tea (any, but without sugar) - 250 ml.


  • Portion of boiled veal.
  • Vegetables - assorted. You can use tomatoes, lettuce - lettuce, Brussels sprouts, stalks of celery, but it will also fit the root.
  • Mineral still water - 250 ml.

After the end of dietary nutrition in the first week, go to the second and its selection of products is similar to the previous one. In the end, if all the recommendations were sustained by losing weight, during these fourteen days, the result of such efforts could be 14 kilograms dropped during this period. In this case, as doctors state, and indeed the author of this technique, the process of losing weight passes without tension, without causing harm to the body, and the result achieved remains fixed.

14 day Japanese diet

This mysterious country always attracted interest by its exoticism and aroused fantasies. In recent years, it has become closer and more understandable. The dietary food of Japanese dieticians, doctors and scientists received more recognition, and was specially developed to help those who want to lose excess pounds. This is a technique called the 14-day Japanese diet.

The method of weight loss considered here is quite strict. It is necessary to adhere to all recommendations put forward in it accurately. The first thing to exclude is:

  • All seasonings, especially acute and with a strong odor or taste. In order for the dishes to improve for human flavoring analyzers, you can please them with different greens and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • The menu of this diet is salt-free.
  • Fully eliminated and sugar. To slightly sweeten the food, you can use honey, but not more than one teaspoon.
  • The taboo is superimposed on tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
  • No confectionery and baking.

There are quite radical differences between the two-day Japanese diet from the accepted ideas about the diet, if you want to lose weight. Some of these are:

  • Number of receptions - three during the day (instead of five - six taken by many diets).
  • Snack between meals is prohibited.
  • The last meal should be planned, no later than two hours before the supposed retirement.
  • After waking up, on an empty stomach, even before breakfast, you need to drink 200 ml of pure water. Water will "wake up" the body, start the digestive tract, accelerate the metabolic processes, which will make it easier to transfer the food restriction.
  • Perhaps, a two-week Japanese diet will be easier for people who love meat and fish dishes, as well as separately these mono-products.

According to the developers, when performing all the restrictions, during the diet, you can easily get rid of seven to ten excess kilograms. The main thing is to eat only the allowed foods and drink during the day at least one and a half liters of clean water (fine mineral water, but without gas).

There is one more difference of the considered restriction from many other diets. If a person plans to "sit down" on the Japanese diet, he should prepare his body a little on the eve. To do this, in the previous evening diet, dinner should be already light: it can be a small amount of monosalates or salads-assorted vegetables, flavored with sunflower (or any other vegetable) oil. A small portion of crumbly porridge prepared from buckwheat or brown rice is suitable for garnishing.

Below we are ready to offer one of the menu options of this diet.


First day of weight loss


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. Without sugar and other additives, including milk.


  • Shrimp cooked with dill.
  • Fresh carrots, seasoned with any vegetable oil.
  • Tomatoes or a cup of juice made from them.


  • Portion of sea fish. Prepare it can be boiled, using a grill or baking in the oven.
  • Salad with fresh cabbage leaves, seasoned with butter, vegetable origin.
  • Tea is your favorite. It is allowed to take both green and black varieties - a cup.

Second day


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. You can not drink this sugar and add other supplements, including milk.
  • Cracker from white bakery products.


  • Breast of chicken, cooked in a permitted way.
  • A fresh fork of cabbage, chopped, and seasoned with vegetable oil.


  • A portion of veal boiled in the broth.
  • White cabbage, chopped. Season with a little vegetable oil.
  • Sour milk product with a low fat content - a cup.

Day Three


  • Black coffee, brewed in a Turk. Not sugar-coated and without the addition of other additives, including milk.


  • One egg, taken in raw form.
  • Three cooked in water, medium size, carrots, mashed. To improve the taste can be sprinkled with a small amount of vegetable oil.


  • One apple.

Day four


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. Not sugar-coated and without other additives, including cream or milk.


  • Root celery or root parsley. Choose a large copy. This root is ground and fried in oil obtained from the plant.
  • One apple.


  • Orange.

Day five


  • The thermally unprocessed carrot, grated on a grater and sprinkled with juice from one lemon.


  • Prepare a fish weighing about half a kilogram. Cooking: in a frying pan or boil.
  • Tomato juice is a cup.


  • Grapefruit.

Day Six


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. Not sugar-coated and without other additives, including cream or milk.


  • A pound of boiled chicken.
  • Salad from heat-treated vegetables: carrots or cabbage. It can be sprinkled with lemon juice and softened with vegetable oil.


  • A couple of thermally processed chicken eggs, brought to readiness - "hard-boiled".
  • Garnish from crushed raw carrots, softened with olive or sunflower oil.

Day Seven


  • Green tea. You can slightly sweeten a teaspoon of honey.


  • Baked fish.
  • Tomatoes.


  • Apples.

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Day eight


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. Not sugar-coated and without other additives, including cream (any fat content) or milk.


  • A serving (about 200 g) of veal or young beef boiled in a broth.
  • Kiwi.


  • Portion of squid boiled. After that, they can bake with rice.
  • Thermally unprocessed cabbage, softened with olive or sunflower oil.
  • Black or green (any favorite is suitable) tea is a cup.

Day the ninth


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. Not sugar-coated and without other additives, including cream or milk.


  • Half cooked chicken in broth.
  • To garnish thermally not processed, carrots or cabbage, chopped, and softened with olive or sunflower oil.


  • A couple of thermally processed chicken eggs, brought to readiness - "hard-boiled".
  • Garnish from crushed raw carrots, softened with olive or sunflower oil.


The tenth day


  • Salad of fresh carrots, sprinkled with lemon juice.


  • Fish cooked in broth or fried. Take a fish weighing about half a kilogram.
  • The juice made from a tomato is a cup.


  • One of the fruits, for example, mango.

Day the eleventh


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. Not sugar-coated and without other additives, including cream or milk.


  • One raw egg.
  • Three medium sized carrots boil, grind in any convenient way, and soften with olive or sunflower oil.
  • A piece of hard cheese, weighing not more than 20 g.


  • A pineapple.


Day twelve


  • Natural coffe.
  • Sukhar from white varieties of flour.


  • One large or a couple of small squash, grilled (can be without oil) or in a skillet in a small amount of vegetable.
  • Brewed coffee.
  • A slice of dry bread.
  • One apple.


  • 200 g of boiled beef.
  • Kefir 250 ml.


Day thirteenth


  • Coffee, natural, brewed in turk. Not sugar-coated and without other additives, including cream (even low fat) or milk.


  • Two boiled eggs.
  • Stewed cabbage on vegetable oil.
  • The juice made from a tomato is a cup.


  • A piece of fried or boiled fish in broth.

Day fourteen


  • Natural coffe.
  • Dried white flour flour.


  • Rice with a slice of squid or fish cooked in broth.
  • Tomatoes.


  • 200 g boiled in veal broth.
  • Kefir is a glass.

Due to the fact that the diet of Japanese, due to its geographical location, directly depends on the seafood. At the same time, agricultural products are not so rich in the country. It is from this calculation, based on the availability of products, and this diet was painted.

Quitting the diet

According to nutritionists, it is necessary not only to adhere to all the requirements put forward by this or that diet, but also to finish it correctly, returning to the usual diet and diet regime. On what was the way out of the diet, depends not only on the further relapse with the return of excess weight, but also directly the health of the thinning.

It is necessary to imagine such a picture. For two weeks a person fulfilled all dietary requirements. Due to this, the load on the digestive tract system decreases, the body is "somewhat relaxed". Fourteenth day diet behind. And on the eve of a still slimming person "goes to races" on nutrition, beginning to consume in large portions a variety of dishes. In such a situation, the load on the liver of the digestive and processing systems, that is, the entire organism, sharply increases. The result of such carelessness, as a rule, is the return of excess kilograms, as well as the emergence of health problems, exacerbation of chronic diseases or the identification of other complications.

Therefore, one should learn, not only lose weight, but also retain the weight gained by incredible effort. To ensure that the result of the diet was not so sad, it is worth remembering a set of rules and tips that will help to keep the result achieved after the diet.

  • It is necessary to revise your usual daily diet. If you are a fan of high-calorie food, while the diet is poor in the vitamin-mineral complex and microelements. Expect long-term weight loss is not necessary. After the end of the restrictions, the kilograms will begin to return quickly enough. In such a situation, it is desirable to replace foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, vegetables that can be consumed in any form: raw, boiled, brawned, baked.
  • It is necessary to remove animal fats from your diet, and cook all dishes only on vegetable oil. Here you can take any, and its variety will allow you to pick up something that will suit a particular person.
  • Nobody talks about a complete ban, but the share of cakes, cakes, buns, in general, all bakery products, should be reduced to a minimum. They can be replaced with dried fruit and thermally unprocessed fruit, a bit of bitter chocolate. The bakery itself should be selected from wholemeal.
  • During the exit from the diet, it is required to minimize the intake of alcoholic beverages.
  • It is necessary to limit the amount of salt consumed. This does not mean that it should be completely abandoned.
  • When choosing meat and fish, it is worth giving preference to low-fat varieties.
  • It is necessary to revise and the time schedule of food intake, changing it with the amendment to the fact that the last meal should be no later than three to four hours before the proposed bedtime.
  • Preferably eat in small portions. In doing so, make up to five approaches a day.
  • During the day it is necessary to drink pure non-carbonated mineralized water in the volume of one and a half liters. At the same time, the total rate of all daily fluids consumed for an adult is two to three liters. Under the whole liquid is meant mineral water, other drinks, as well as liquid dishes such as soups and liquid porridges.
  • Gradually, gradually, with a small increase, it is necessary to introduce fats and carbohydrates into your dishes. Over a couple of weeks, the total energy value of daily intake of foods should increase by 200 kilocalories, but not more.
  • Special attention should be paid to sports. Do not immediately after the end of the diet to sweep to the stadium or fitness. Excessive loads will lead to nothing good. They, like food, should be increased gradually. At the first post-week week, it is better to go for walks on fresh air, morning complex of charging.

If all the recommendations and tips are fulfilled, but kilograms slowly but surely continue to increase, then most likely in the human body, metabolic processes are violated, there is a psychological trauma or in the subcortex of the brain there is an installation for a set of weights such as "I will never be able to lose weight" or "I never become thin. " It is this mistrust of his forces that puts psychological, and behind him and physiological, barrier.

In this light, it is worthwhile to understand that problems with metabolic processes can be solved by a specialist (a dietitian doctor) who will develop an effective diet that will activate metabolism in the body. Probably, it is necessary to pass or take place also medicamental treatment.

If it is a problem "in the head" it is worth consulting with a psychologist. Perhaps it will be sufficient to take an auto-training course that will help to remove the installation and to believe in the reality of the desired result.

In any case, a person who wants to lose weight should remember that the effectiveness of the result and its further stability depends only on it.

Usually the output after the diet takes about a week, but not less than two days and not more than two weeks. This period depends on the characteristics of the diet on which the person was sitting. The tighter the diet, the longer the period of return to the usual way of life.

Results of a 14-day diet

In today's interactive space, you can find a number of diets that affect the period of perusal that is of interest to us. When all the requirements are met, different feeding methods give different results.

For example, one of the most popular and popular diets, taking two weeks, is a protein diet. The greatest result, when fulfilling its requirements, can be achieved against the background of additional physical exertion. The essence of the diet is six meals a day with foods high in protein. The diet also includes fruits and vegetables.

The diet, developed by Hermann Tarnover, with its sparing regimen allows you to get impressive figures: from eight to fourteen kilograms of lost weight. This diet has already been described in more detail in this article.

Many respondents agree with the high efficiency and Hollywood diet for weight loss. However, doctors are categorical in their statement that it is quite dangerous for the health of the slimming, as represented by an unbalanced diet. In it, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals is especially visible. If anyone decides on it, it is worth remembering this and adjusting your diet by introducing a vitamin and mineral complex into your diet.

According to the developers of the Japanese diet, which has already been discussed in detail above, when performing all the restrictions, during the diet, you can easily get rid of seven to ten excess kilograms. But this diet can also be attributed to severe restrictions. Therefore, if there was a desire to test it on yourself, it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor about your health and the organism's readiness for such tests.

You should pay attention to the diet and doctors. It was specially developed by qualified nutritionists. This food is balanced and ensures quick weight loss. It is used in cases when the patient should be prepared in a short period of time for complex surgical treatment, where excessive weight is an obstacle to the operation. But recently some women use it at home.

It is worth noting one more technique, called a diet for 14 days 14 kg. Its second name - a lean diet - is a fairly strict restriction in nutrition. In this regard, it is quite heavily tolerated by losing weight. This diet is allowed such foods as green apples and fresh cucumbers - everything! From drinks it is allowed to take kefir, mineralized water without gas, herbal teas and skim milk. Doctors noted cases that after its endurance, a part of people in the future completely refused any food, which leads to complete exhaustion of the organism, accompanied by other, more terrible complications. Therefore, against the background of such a diet should drink a sufficient amount of liquid.

Choosing a diet, doctors recommend to go through the examination first and consult her doctor about it.

Menu 14 day diet

Developed and proposed to date diets, which are scheduled and affect the two-week period, a lot. The menu of the 14 day diet of two of them has already been described above, but we are ready to offer one more variant of a well-balanced diet, when fulfilling all the requirements, one can expect a good result with persistent, subsequently, weight retention.

The first day


  • Unsweetened coffee is natural. Use cream or milk is not allowed.


  • Boiled egg.
  • Salad with fresh cabbage leaves with olive oil.
  • Tomato juice.


  • Sea scallops, sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • A couple of fresh cucumbers. It is possible in the form of a salad, with the addition of greenery.
  • A glass of yogurt.

Second day


  • A cup of unsweetened tea.
  • Toast from rye bread.


  • A slice of fish cooked in an approved way.
  • Salad - a selection of fresh vegetables.


  • Pieces of veal boiled in the broth.
  • Carrot salad. Season with a little olive oil or sunflower oil. Suitable and soybean or corn oil.
  • A glass of fermented milk product with a low fat content.

Day Three


  • Unsweetened coffee, preferably cooked in turkey from fried grains. No additional additives.


  • Stewed or grilled one large or two small zucchini.
  • A glass of mineralized water, it must first be removed from the bubbles of carbon dioxide.


  • Boiled hard-boiled egg.
  • Chicken breast. It can be cooked or baked.
  • Tomatoes.

Day four


  • A cup of unsweetened green tea.
  • Toast from rye bread.


  • Unsalted boiled veal. A piece of gram 200.
  • Cabbage salad with sunflower oil.


  • Boiled squid.
  • Parmesan cheese. Not more than 20 g.
  • A glass of broth from wild rose berries.

Day five


  • Unsweetened coffee, preferably cooked in turkey from fried grains. No additional additives.
  • Crackers or biscuits.


  • Stuffed or grilled one large or two small eggplant.
  • A glass of mineralized water, you should first save it from the bubbles of carbon dioxide.


  • Boiled hard-boiled egg.
  • Chicken breast. It can be cooked or baked.
  • Tomatoes.

Day Six


  • A cup of herbal unsweetened tea.
  • Toast from rye bread.
  • A piece of hard cheese (no more than 20 g).


  • Baked tuna.
  • Cabbage stewed in vegetable oil.


  • Apples.

Day Seven


  • Unsweetened coffee, preferably cooked in turkey from fried grains. No additional additives.
  • Galette cookies.


  • Rabbit baked with vegetables.
  • Carrot salad. It can be prepared from fresh or boiled vegetables.
  • A glass of mineralized water, it must first be removed from the bubbles of carbon dioxide.


  • Boiled hard-boiled egg.
  • Fish fillet. It can be cooked or baked.
  • Juice from a tomato or, if the diet allows, from other vegetables or fruits.

If we talk about the second week of the diet, then it is similar to the first. You just need to remember that the dishes can be changed, but the exchange should be equivalent.

In a number of diets, the number of meals is limited to three approaches, for example, in the Japanese diet, but most still converge on five to six meals a day. If additional meals are allowed, the intermediate food can be covered with raw or baked fruit, dishes from cottage cheese, fermented milk products.


In this article, we are ready to offer a number of dietary dishes that can be fully used in a 14-day diet. Below are the recipes of several such dishes.


For cooking you will need:

  • Lean meat, peeled from fascia, tendons and films - 110 g
  • Rice - 8 g
  • Egg - the fourth part
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Butter - 5 g
  • Salt - 1 g

Sequence of preparation:

  • A cleaned and washed piece of meat. Boil it, and after cooling three times through a meat grinder.
  • On the water, cook until ready rice. Cool it down.
  • Mix the twisted meat and chilled rice.
  • Already together, pass through the meat grinder again.
  • In the rice and meat mixture add egg and salt. Stir well.
  • From the received forcemeat roll balls, flatten them, forming little crochets.
  • Boil the semi-finished product with steam.
  • Serving on the table, pour the dish with melted butter.

Celery Dietary Soup

For cooking you will need:

  • Stem of celery - up to half a kilogram
  • Tomatoes are three fetuses
  • Onion - six medium bulbs
  • Cabbage - half a kilogram
  • Bulgarian pepper (preferably green) - a couple of pieces
  • Salt - 1 g
  • Water - three liters (this is enough for five - seven servings)

Sequence of preparation:

  • Wash thoroughly and clean all vegetables.
  • Cut cabbage and cut other vegetables with straws.
  • In the pot, pour the water and bring it to a boil. After that, throw all ingredients into the container and cook until done.
  • Soup is ready. If desired, it can be killed in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It turns out soup - mashed potatoes.

Potatoes baked with cheese in a multivark

For cooking you will need:

  • Potato tubers - ten pieces
  • Hard cheese - 15 g
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Salt - 1 g

Sequence of preparation:

  • Peel potatoes and rinse well. On tubers do perpendicular incisions. Do not completely cut the tubers. The distance between the notches is approximately 5 mm.
  • Add the tubers. In the cuts fill up the grated cheese shavings.
  • Lubricate with softened oil.
  • Spread the prepared potatoes in a bowl of miltwark or a container for baking.
  • Multivarku set to bake. Treatment time - 40 minutes

Curd soufflé

For cooking you will need:

  • Cottage cheese (home or shop) - 100 g
  • Egg - half
  • Butter - 5 g
  • Groats manna - 10 g
  • Sugar - 5 g

Sequence of preparation:

  • Cottage cheese rub into a homogeneous mass.
  • Add other ingredients (except oil). Mix. In this case, only yolk is added to the formulation.
  • The protein is beaten separately to a thick foam.
  • The protein is accurately introduced into the curd mass.
  • Cottage cheese dough put in a greased form and steamed.

Overweight is not only an aesthetic problem, it destroys the body from within, greatly worsening the state of health. Therefore, the restriction in nutrition allows you to reduce weight, although partially solving the problem of health. But that fasting did not bring even more problems and complications, the method of weight loss should be chosen carefully, after consulting with your doctor. One of these can be a 14-day diet. The length of time and the balance of the daily menu allows a person to easily transfer restrictions without leading to starvation. In this case, this approach to losing weight not only gives excellent results, but also significantly reduces the likelihood of relapses with the return of excess kilograms, fixing the weight at the required mark. Do not torture your body and hunger strikes - such a diet will not lead to anything good. Watch yourself, for what you eat. And then not only your body, but also the mirror will confirm the wonderful result of losing weight!

What can you eat?

Unsatisfied with their figure or health problems, sooner or later, people who have excess weight, come to the idea of "go on a diet", and finally get rid of such hated kilograms. After that, the first question is which of the numerous dietary restrictions to choose, and what you can eat, and what you will have to sacrifice for a while. Many diets are consonant with each other, and others can radically differ. But, one way or another, there are a number of features that unite them.

The basic number of diets is low-calorie, allowing only low-glucotene or gluten-free products. Therefore, most dietary restrictions, including a 14-day diet, admit to taking such products:

  • Rice and buckwheat.
  • Corn and millet.
  • Hercules (oatmeal).
  • Fruits, except bananas and grapes.
  • Vegetables (with rare exception):
    • Cabbage, almost all varieties (broccoli, white, savoy Peking, color).
    • Courgettes.
    • Carrot.
    • Eggplant.
  • Olive, sunflower, corn, soybean vegetable oils.
  • Fish is present in almost all menus, with one reservation - it must be lean.
  • From meat preference is given to dietary: rabbit, chicken, turkey, a number of diets allow veal and beef.
  • Eggs, in limited quantities.
  • Seafood. They are rich in protein, and do not belong to high-calorie foods.
  • From drinks - juices (in some diets and they are banned), mineralized water (without bubbles of carbon dioxide).
  • Green tea or not strong black.
  • Sour-milk products, low-calorie, that is, with a small percentage of fat.
  • If the diet allows the reception of bakery products, then it can be bread from wholemeal flour. At the same time, preference is given to yesterday's bread, excluding fresh pastries.
  • Greenery.

What you can not eat?

Diet with weight loss is, first of all, a restriction in the admission or complete exclusion of a number of products and a review of the diet. On this basis, most diets related to 14-day diets have a list, which can not be eaten. If you want to lose weight, it is recommended to exclude such products from the menu:

  • Sugar and salt.
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  • Nicotine - smoking.
  • Sausage products.
  • Fats of animal origin.
  • Fatty grades of meat and fish.
  • Fresh pastries and rich products.
  • Confectionery, sweets, chocolate.
  • Ice cream.
  • Production of fast food.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Spices and spices.
  • Various sauces and ketchup, mustard.
  • Macaroni and pasta.
  • Any conservation: vegetable, meat, fish.
  • Smoked meat and pickles.
  • Mushrooms.
  • In most diets, beans are excluded, except for green beans and peas.
  • Supermarket products, which include a lot of "E-Shek", that is, stabilizers, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers.

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