10-day diet
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Every woman dreams of an ideal figure that would attract the admiring glances of men. That's why the fair sex is trying to find a suitable diet that will help to cope with this difficult task. Recently, the Internet has become very popular 10-day diet, which we'll talk about in this article.
The essence of the 10-day diet
First of all, it is necessary to understand that a 10-day diet is considered one of the most difficult. To adhere to its rules only girls with very good willpower can. According to statistics, 50% of women who decided to try this diet, break down, not even reaching half. But, if you can still curb excessive appetite and hold out till the end, you can get a minus of 5 kilograms to your weight. Some nutritionists also recommend additional fitness or regular exercise to get an even more impressive result.
So what is the essence of the 10-day diet?
The first thing you need to remember is that you must at this time deny yourself any bakery or flour products. An unprepared person often can not cope with such a difficult test, so if you know for sure that you can not exclude bread from your diet (even dietary ones), it is better not even to start a diet. If you still want to lose weight and do not stop at anything, it's worth at least a week before the diet to start eating a little less bread a day.
Also remember that a 10-day diet is considered the lowest calorie diet. Be prepared for the fact that the feeling of hunger will not leave you for a minute. In addition, she is a mono-diet, that is, the whole day a person should eat only one proposed product, and for some this is a real test.
10-day diet "10 kg"
Many believe that losing 10 kilograms is almost impossible, especially in only ten days. But, as nutritionists say, a special version of the 10-day diet is a good proof of the opposite. But here it is necessary to remember some features. First of all, this diet is contraindicated for those who have any health problems. In addition, for the winter should not be postponed such weight loss, because at this time our body is too tightly struggling with the cold. Supper in the process of such a diet should begin three hours before you go to bed. Do not forget to drink often. The minimum quantity is one and a half liters of any liquid: from ordinary water to green tea.
10-day diet of Malysheva
10-day diet "Malysheva" helps quickly to put in order your body and get rid of extra pounds. TV presenter Elena Malysheva is a nutritionist, so she knows how to lose weight properly so as not to harm her health. The main advantage of the 10-day diet offered by Malyshev is its high efficiency. On average, you lose up to 500 grams of excess weight per day. The minimum term of such a diet is ten days. In addition, the program was designed in such a way that it did not harm the body. You will eat healthy and nutritious food with an average number of calories. What do you get after the diet?
- The digestive system will work smoothly and effectively.
- The metabolism will improve, so the slags will be excreted faster.
- Appetite will come back to normal.
- You will get a more fresh face, strong hair and nails.
- You will forget what cellulite is.
If we talk about the minuses of the diet, then here is often its duration. You will not see the result the next day, but only after you have experienced it completely.
It is very important before you sit down on any diet, consult a doctor.
Elena Malysheva singles out five basic rules that help a woman lose weight:
- If you constantly feel hunger, it will not do anything. It is best not to sit on such a serious diet that causes you to constantly starve. First, the body quickly "eat" all the stored fat, but when you switch to the usual food, it will pick up it at times faster.
- Often eat, but use as little doses as possible. You will not get hungry and do not make your stomach stretch.
- Count all the calories that were received during the day. This is one of the most important parts of any diet.
- Tune in to win, but do not scold yourself if you do not succeed.
- Chew your food as slowly as you can.
10-day diet "Malysheva" involves eating carbohydrate and protein foods every other day. It is thanks to this that the food turns out to be diverse. The diet is contraindicated for those who undergo any treatment or have a stomach disease.
After you wake up, be sure to drink one glass of water, preferably warm. For breakfast during a protein day, you can eat a boiled egg with a salad.
Until seven pm you can eat boiled chicken meat (not more than 800 grams). Carbohydrate day is even easier: eat all day any dishes from potatoes (1.5 kilograms), as well as raw or boiled vegetables.
Do not forget to consume enough fluids, especially water.
10-day protein diet
The 10-day protein diet is based on those products that contain protein, for which it received its name. With its help, a person can lose from four to ten extra pounds. During the day you can consume no more than 20 grams of products with carbohydrates. It is very important to eat as much as possible separately, that is, at least five times a day. There are not so many rules for a 10-day diet on protein products, but they need to be remembered:
- Exclude from your diet bread and other similar products, as well as milk, smoked products, sausage, alcohol, cereals, marinade, vegetables with high starch content, fruit juice, shrimp, beans, corn, nuts, liver, any fruit, squid.
- Bring in your menu any lean meat (fish, poultry), cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, mushrooms, vegetables (without starch), greens.
- In the morning, drink one glass of water at room temperature.
- If you make a salad, then it can be filled only with olive oil or lemon juice.
- After eight o'clock in the evening you can not eat.
10-day diet with dog rose
The main feature of this method of losing weight is the need to use a daily special decoction of rose hips. To make it, you need to take 15 berries and pour in 1.5 liters of boiled hot water, insist. It is very important not to add sugar or honey to the drink. You can drink throughout the day instead of water. If necessary, you can add unsweetened tea or coffee to your diet.
A 10-day diet with a dog rose has such an approximate diet:
- Paste in the menu of the day boiled eggs.
- Add the boiled chicken meat.
- You can eat low-fat cottage cheese.
- Add fish, but low-fat.
- Eat plenty of vegetables.
- Bring the cheeses, but low-fat.
- Only different fruits.
- Boil veal or beef meat.
- Drink yogurt.
- The whole day use only a special broth.
The menu of the 10-day diet
There are two separate ways of a 10-day diet. The first one is not so complicated and aggressive. The approximate menu of the 10-day diet of the first method is:
- Prepare yourself 300 grams of boiled buckwheat, drink with green tea or milk.
- Bake apples and add 500 grams of cottage cheese (low-fat).
- Boil 300 grams of rice, seasoning it with tomato juice only.
- Cook 400 grams of river fish (it is less fatty) and eat more raw vegetables.
- Again, go back to the ration of the first day.
- Cook or bake veal (300 grams), eat raw vegetables.
- Throughout the day, try to drink 6 glasses of tea (preferably black), sweetening it with honey.
- Drink during the day low-fat kefir (one and a half liters).
- Drink only a sparkling mineral water (one and a half liters) with the addition of lemon juice.
- Zapryte yourself 300 grams of porridge (preferably oatmeal), eat more fruit.
The menu of the 10-day diet of the second method is:
- Boil up to eight eggs for a whole day, do not eat sauces or bread, do not salt.
- Fish for a couple (up to 800 grams per day), a small amount of vegetables.
- Not more than 800 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with several teaspoons of honey.
- Boiled (or steamed) chicken (no more than 800 grams), you can add carrots and greens.
- Up to 500 grams of boiled potatoes with olive oil and herbs.
- Up to 1 kilogram of boiled veal. If you can not eat just so, you can add broth.
- Salads from raw vegetables and any greens.
- Berries, fruits in unlimited quantities. But do not eat grapes and banana.
- One and half liter of low-fat kefir.
- Prepared with his own hands, a decoction of wild rose berries (up to one and a half liters).
Many women use different 10-day diets to quickly bring their figure back to normal. One of the most popular today is the cabbage. Recipes of such a diet are simple and understandable to everyone, and the result is simply stunning (up to -10 kilograms). The main feature of the diet is that during the day you can eat as much cabbage as you want, but with the rest of the products it's worth to be extremely accurate. The sample menu is:
For breakfast, black or green tea, we forget about sugar.
For lunch, a salad of fresh green cabbage with carrots, which is dressed with olive oil. Not more than 200 grams of boiled veal or fish.
In the evening, again, a salad of fresh cabbage, as well as half a boiled chicken egg. You can eat any fruit, except the banana.
In recipes with meat, it is best to use chicken, since chicken is considered more dietary. However, it is prepared in a special way. In order to evaporate all harmful substances during cooking, it is necessary to wash it thoroughly before cooking, boil for about five minutes, drain the water and rinse again. The skin is best removed.
What can you eat?
Eating during a 10-day diet, in fact, you can do whatever you want, but try to exclude too fatty foods, vegetables with a high content of starch. It is also important to eat a small amount of food a day.
What you can not eat?
Of course, you can not eat harmful foods that have a high calorie content: among them, the main place is occupied by semi-finished products and fatty meat. Also avoid bakery, sweet, alcohol and too fried foods.
If you do everything right, the results of the 10-day diet will not keep you waiting. Many people who have tried this method of weight loss could not only lose weight to ten kilograms, but also significantly improved the general condition of the body, removed slag. It is worth remembering that the classic 10-day diet has two ways. The first of these is less severe. Thanks to him, you can easily lose up to five kilograms of excess weight without any problems. The second is not suitable for everyone, since it is quite complicated. It should be prepared in advance, but it will help to get more impressive results. Remember that a ten-day diet is designed for the fact that you get a very fast result, which will not last very long. That's why it is used before important events (wedding, photo session, New Year's party).
Quitting the diet
Many of us know that after any mono-diet (and a 10-day diet is just this), you need to get out right from it so as not to harm your body. After your body has lost a huge amount of kilograms, you need to do everything possible so that it does not recruit them again in a short time. Therefore, first adjust yourself to a gradual exit from the diet. The main rules here can be called:
- First of all, gradually add to your diet those vegetables and fruits that you could not eat during a diet.
- Increase the number of low-fat cheeses and varieties of fish.
- Gradually add carbohydrates and fats (up to 200 kilocalories per day).
- If you are doing sports or exercise, then try to do it without too much strain.
- For the body to recover, take multivitamin complexes.
- Eat often, but not enough.
- During meals, you can not be distracted by anything.
- The exit from the diet occurs up to 10 days.