What is dangerous for a child's hyperactivity?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Hyperactivity of the child creates the most problems in kindergarten and then in school. Scientists argue that no other feature of the child's cerebral activity delivers to him and others so much trouble. Meanwhile, the reasons for the hyperactivity of the child are very diverse: they relate not only to upbringing, but also depend on nutrition, and on how well the mother's pregnancy has progressed, and even ... On the material wealth in the family. Read more on the child's hyperactivity and what to do about it.
What is hyperactivity?
Hyperactivity, as doctors say, is a condition in which a person is overly excited and active. If the child's hyperactivity does not allow him to normally exist in his environment, it is a question of psychological deviations. Hyperactivity is most typical for preschool children, because their nervous system is still very unstable, the child at the time is unnecessarily injured and susceptible.
Boys are 4 times more likely to suffer from hyperactivity than girls. This is explained: boys at birth are larger than girls, so they often have injuries and birth injuries. In addition, the brain of boys matures later than the brains of girls. Therefore, boys schoolchildren in the future are more prone to hyperactivity than girls, ahead of this weak sex. In total, up to 10% of hyperactive children are registered among schoolchildren - not so few.
The first symptoms of hyperactivity can be determined already at the age of two years. This can be seen from the behavior of the child: he makes sudden movements, can speak and speak with stuttering and speak often, move more actively than his peers. A child with signs of hyperactivity may also suffer from enuresis.
The syndrome of hyperactivity (there is such!) Is most evident at the age of 6 years. Parents do not immediately recollect and lead the child to the doctor much later: at 8-10 years. This is due to the fact that at a younger age, parents attribute the hyperactivity of a son or daughter to simple self-indulgence or simply do not pay attention to it. The syndrome of hyperactivity usually reduces its course and acuity to 14 years - at this age children become more responsible, they begin to appreciate their own "I" more.
What causes baby hyperactivity?
The causes of hyperactivity are very diverse and can be explained by biological, psychological, physiological factors, as well as the costs of upbringing.
Birth injuries
The difficult birth of a mother, the trauma of childbirth, the problems of intrauterine development are all causes of a child's hyperactivity, because his brain suffers above all. If the child has experienced an oxygen starvation in the womb of the mother, it can affect his whole life and behavior, because some parts of the brain develop incorrectly. Therefore, during pregnancy, the mother needs to take great care of herself so that the pregnancy proceeds without complications.
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The big difference in the parents' ages
This, too, is the reason for the child's hyperactivity. According to studies, a child with hyperactivity may be born in couples with a large age difference. Dangerous is the union, where the age of the mother does not reach 19 years, and the father was over 39. That is, the difference in the age of mom and dad in more than 30 years may be the cause of the child's hyperactivity syndrome. The second reason for the compatibility of pairs is the Rh factor of blood, which may be incompatible. Most often, such blood incompatibility can be with a negative blood group in the mother, and a positive one in the father.
Lead poisoning
No, it does not mean that you feed your child with lead, and he develops hyperactivity. Lead can be contained in food or is due to a shortage of other trace elements. In particular, magnesium. With magnesium deficiency, lead accumulates in the child's body, and doctors have long recognized it as a harmful metal. The nervous system of the child is upset because of accumulation of lead, since this microelement is a powerful neurotoxin, that is, it causes poisoning. Lead in high doses in the body of the child can worsen memory and mindfulness, influence the adequate perception of everything around. And, of course, the behavior of the child.
Poor diet of the child
Pediatricians unanimously assert that malnutrition can cause serious deviations in the behavior of the child. In particular, to provoke his hyperactivity. The most dangerous products for children are those. Which contain many chemicals. These are products with flavors, dyes, fillers, softeners and so on. They cause changes in the brain and are capable of provoking excessive aggressiveness or, conversely, passivity.
A product that provokes allergies, and therefore biochemical changes in the body, can also become dangerous for the child.
Do not be surprised that the child is hyperactive if his parents were also hyperactive in childhood. Up to 60% of preschool children, whose parents suffered from hyperactive behavior, will copy it. With the genes you can not argue!
The financial condition of the family
In our country, neither on television, nor in psychological literature, it is not customary to focus attention on household problems of the family as a cause of the state of health. Therefore, we can take into account the research of Western scientists King and Nošpich, who write about the relationship between the material condition of the family and the consequences of physiological abnormalities. So, scientists write that in families with high incomes, the consequences of complex births that lead to deviations in the health of the fetus are reduced or even disappear by the time the child goes to school. This pattern is not observed in those children, where parents barely make ends meet.
Attention Deficit
Psychologists say that hyperactivity and attention deficit are very common. Children, lacking attention and love from adults, often exhibit hyperactivity in order to attract the attention of parents and teachers, to stand out.
How to identify hyperactivity in a child?
To make sure that the behavior of the child is normal or he has hyperactivity syndrome, it is necessary to identify at least 6 behavioral symptoms from the nine of the above.
With psychological hyperactivity
- The child is inconsiderate, he can not concentrate on anything for long, does not notice explicit details
- The child is not able to perform the same task for a long time, does not bring any case to the end
- The child listens inattentively to adults or peers, those who speak to him are told that the child does not hear the appeal to him
- A preschool child can not properly organize his activities, jumps from one occupation to another
- The preschooler has no desire to solve some intellectual problems, he is an opponent of mental stress
- A child often loses things, is not assassinated
- Preschooler very quickly distracted by extraneous noise, the slightest source of light or sound can immediately switch his attention from an important lesson
- A child often forgets basic things
Physical manifestations with increased hyperactivity
- When a child is worried, he can often move quickly while sitting or even standing
- The child often jumps from his place
- The child can very quickly run and jump, long does not sit still
- The child is constantly physically active
- In a school or a kindergarten, such a child can break away, make noise, shout, shout over others
- A child can not participate in quiet games
- The child responds faster than the question sounds
- The preschooler is not able to sit or stand in line, wait for him to be invited somewhere
- The child often interferes in the conversation of others, interrupts everyone on the half-word There is also a mixed type of hyperactivity, in which both psychological and physiological signs can be observed.
How to cope with a preschooler's hyperactivity?
The biological feature of the brain is that it is formed before 12 years. This means that the child must be protected from stress before the age of 12, because with stresses in some parts of the child's brain irreversible changes can occur.
The child also needs to be protected from the development of various diseases, at first glance, with neurology not related. This can be a violation in the work of the kidneys, bronchial asthma, heart and vascular disease, frequent colds with the transition to pneumonia. These disorders of health, doctors say, can affect brain activity, so the child needs to be diagnosed and treated on time so that the chronic process can not be started.
You can not restrain the physical activity of a preschooler who is hyperactive. It is necessary, on the contrary, to encourage the child's favorite sports, because it will give him the opportunity to throw out emotions. It is very good to establish clear rules in such games, it will educate in a hyperactive child the organization and the desire to achieve their goals.
When a child reaches the senior preschool age, he improves the fine motor skills of his fingers. At this age, you can teach the child to draw, sculpt, give a designer. In the course of the session, one should praise and encourage the child, and then he can gradually get used to bringing his affairs to the end. This in the future will help the child to sit out the entire lesson, without jumping from the spot.
If a preschool child is surrounded by a loving attention of parents from the first years of his life, by the age of 6-7 the hyperactivity syndrome can be successfully overcome.