What are the methods of healing the child?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021
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First of all, this is physical exercise. You can do various exercises anywhere: at home, for a walk, on the playground. Walking, you walk together through stones, puddles or a fallen tree. On a children's or sports ground a kid can walk on a log, climb a ladder and go down from it, etc.
When the child turns two, you can do morning exercises with him. If you do the exercises with the baby, the lessons will acquire a special charm for him. For young children, morning exercises are a means that tones up all organs and systems. It helps the child to tolerate the day's work well. In the morning exercises you can include such exercises:
- walking around the room for 1 minute;
- tightening with torso bends - 3-4 times;
- squats - 3-4 times;
- torso torso left and right - 2-3 times;
- running around the room - 12-15 seconds;
- calm walking for one minute. Be sure to monitor the bearing of the child. Two-year
The child with the correct posture keeps his head straight, his shoulders are located on the same level and slightly unfolded, the chest is slightly protruding, the stomach is pulled up, the legs in the knee joints are straight. To form a correct posture in children, you need to perform exercises on a bench, slide, with a ball, hoop, stick, rope.
A huge benefit for children of this age are lessons at the home sports complex. These exercises are extremely exciting, they develop dexterity, ingenuity, strengthen muscles.
Conditions for physical education: a well-ventilated room, quiet, rhythmic music, no distractions of the child's objects and sounds. In the warm season, exercise is best spent outdoors. Clothing should be selected in such a way that the child can easily move without overheating.
It will be very useful for a two-year (and even one-and-a-half-year-old) child riding a small tricycle with pedals on the front wheel. During it, the muscles of the legs are strengthened, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are trained, endurance and coordination of movements are developed.
In winter, tobogganing is very useful. The child must be taught to descend from small shallow slides. It is very like children. And, so much so that if you, the charter, say: "All! Enough!", The child begins to carry the sled himself. This exercise also develops endurance, strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and also forms a character trait such as courage.
In winter, during active games for the child should be closely monitored. If you notice that the baby is sweating, immediately take him home and change into dry clothes. Otherwise, a sweaty, flushed baby will begin to move less and may subcool. And this is fraught with a cold. Therefore, leaving in the winter on the street, predict - what you will do and where to walk. Knowing this, you can dress the child appropriately.
The next method of recovery is tempering. Tempering with air is carried out during the morning and therapeutic gymnastics, when the kid is engaged without outerwear or in panties. You can use the following method: one of the rooms is ventilated so that the temperature in it is 17-18 ° C. The child runs into it and returns to the warm room, and so several times. It is useful that the kid played at home in some pantyhose and shirt. Allow him to run around the apartment barefoot. In the summer (let's say, at the dacha or at sea), do not let your child wear shoes or almost do not use shoes. Walking on grass or on the ground is an excellent means of hardening and a very effective way to prevent flat feet.
Water treatment is a very good method of hardening. Here is what VN Zhuk, a well-known physician in the past, wrote about the advantage of baptism in cold water: "Both a weak and strong child, baptized in winter by water from the well, develops very quickly and almost immediately receives a special, pleasant, vigorous, strong a kind ... A quick immersion in cold water exactly strengthens all the processes of exchange.The skin turns red and pleasant to look at: the child looks fuller, ruddy, rounded, sucks harder and greedily, soon falls asleep, does not cry after baptism, lies calmly and looks. Four or six weeks a weak child is unrecognizable " .
Some people consider water baths as ordinary bathing. But this is only a tiny fraction of those quenching water procedures, which the authors recommend to us as "cautious" tempering of children. In this hardening there are serious drawbacks. First, the temperature differences in this case are much less than those with which the child meets in everyday life. And even if only for this reason they can not give a tempering effect. Even when the child is transplanted, the temperature difference is 10-12 ° C, whereas in the manuals it is recommended to lower the water temperature by quenching by 0.5-1 ° C in 3-6 days.
Secondly, the hardening effect on this system is short-term and incomparable with the duration of the effect on the body of comfortable conditions. As BP Nikitin writes: "For quenching 5-6 minutes are given, and for pampering - the remaining 1434 minutes every day."
In the opinion of Yu. N. Chusov, the author of a number of books on hardening, for a good effect, it is not enough to systematically and gradually carry out hardening procedures - these effects must be sufficiently intense and prolonged.
At the beginning of the second year of life, you can add hand baths to the usual water procedures. Kids are usually willing to play in water and with water. The child can be offered to put boats into the basin or to bathe a doll. The initial water temperature (28 ° C) gradually decreases to 20 ° C. After the procedure, the baby's hand must be wiped dry.
From a year and a half you can start dousing feet or foot baths. These procedures are performed after a day or night sleep. The initial temperature in summer is 30-33 ° C, in winter - 33-36 ° C. Reducing it by 2-3 ° C per day, after 4-5 days it is brought to 20-22 ° C. Duration of the bath from 1 to 3 minutes. At the same age, a child can take a shower. But this is a very exciting procedure, and it should not be done for children with an unstable nervous system. Such babies should continue wet wiping or dousing. The water temperature in the shower and during douchement should initially be 35 ° C in summer and 36 ° C in winter. Gradually, it is reduced to 25 ° C and 28 ° C, respectively. If your baby has a good shower, you can use a more complex temperature change. For example, after placing the baby under a warm shower, lower the water temperature to room temperature for 3-5 seconds, and then raise it again. Gradually, the temperature difference is increased, and the change is brought up to 4-5 times.
Since two years the child can swim in the pond. This is the most powerful hardening agent. At the same time the baby is exposed to a large mass of water, sun and air. Begin bathing with short dives, then increase its duration to 2-3 minutes. It is recommended that a child of two or three years bathe no more than once a day at an air temperature of 25-26 ° C and a water temperature of 25 ° C.
When a child first meets a large mass of water, he may be frightened. In that case, do not force it to enter the water. Better try to overcome his fear during the game. Run with him on the wet sand, play in the "catch-up" with the waves, to collect pebbles and seashells brought by the waves. During this time, the baby will calm down and get used to the abundance of water. Gradually, he begins to go into the water. First on the ankle, then deeper.
As with other hardening procedures, at the first signs of hypothermia, bathing is stopped and the child is dryed with a towel and dressed.