Sleep during pregnancy - its features and postures for sleep
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Sleep during pregnancy is particularly important and should be full. The female body undergoes a large number of changes during this period, causing a significant load, which will help to cope with a good sleep.
Normally, a pregnant woman should sleep between eight and ten hours at night and, about two to three times during the thirty minutes, relax in the daytime. It is during sleep that the body of a woman regains and gains strength to fulfill her function entrusted to him during pregnancy.
To sleep was a full-fledged need to properly organize the sleep and wakefulness, which will make the pregnancy period the happiest in life.
How to sleep during pregnancy?
How to sleep during pregnancy worries many women. To sleep was healthy and useful, you need to know a few things:
- It is not advisable to sleep on a surface with a strongly rigid base, it is recommended to choose a mattress with medium stiffness.
- The mattress should repeat the physiological contours of the body, orthopedic requirements correspond to such requirements.
- It is necessary to occupy a comfortable and comfortable pose for sleep, which needs to be changed during the night about three to four times. Experts recommend to sleep mainly on the left side, in this position, the best way is the circulation of blood in the body to a woman, so the flow of blood to the fetus.
Sleeping Pregnancy Poses
Sleeping postures during pregnancy are not unimportant. Choosing the right and comfortable posture, sleep will be stronger and healthier.
- During pregnancy, especially in later terms, it is recommended to sleep on the side and best on the left, because on the right side is more likely to contract the kidney with an enlarged uterus. In the pose on the side, you can put a flat pillow under your stomach and pillow between your legs to reduce the load on the pelvic area. For these purposes, there are even special pillows like a banana.
- It is possible to take an intermediate position - do not turn over to the back, placing a roller or pillow under it.
Can I sleep on my stomach during pregnancy?
Sleep on the abdomen during pregnancy is not desirable, even at its earliest, although it will not harm the fetus. Because in the early stages of the placenta and the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus, reduce compression.
- In the early term, a dream on the abdomen can disrupt the soreness of the mammary glands associated with the physiological restructuring of the woman's body.
- In late pregnancy, when the abdomen is enlarged in size, the sleep on the abdomen will be extremely uncomfortable, and such a pose will have a negative effect on the fetus, which will be squeezed by the weight of the pregnant woman.
Can I sleep on my back during pregnancy?
Sleep on your back during pregnancy is not recommended in later terms (starting from the fifth month), since. The fetus becomes heavier and the pressure of the uterus increases on the internal organs (liver, intestines, kidneys). It is also possible to compress the inferior vena cava passing through the spinal column, which is accompanied by a decrease in blood flow from the lower region of the body to the heart and a deterioration in the general condition of the woman. In addition, prolonged compression of the inferior vena cava can be accompanied by a decrease in blood flow to the fetus and, accordingly, a decrease in oxygen and nutrients, which may adversely affect the fetal condition. Sleeping on the back in late pregnancy can be accompanied by pain in the back area due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the vertebral column. Given this, the most successful and comfortable position for sleeping during pregnancy, especially in later terms - on the side, and better on the left.
Sleep disturbance in pregnancy
Disturbance of sleep during pregnancy can lead to a decrease in immunity, irritability, weakness, poor mood and well-being, loss of appetite, which can negatively affect the pregnant woman and her future child. Pregnant women often have a sleep disorder (approximately 80% of cases) and there may be many reasons for this.
Sleep disturbance during pregnancy can be manifested by insomnia, drowsiness, frequent awakenings at night or difficulty in falling asleep.
In the early stages of pregnancy, sleep disorders result from:
- Hormonal changes in the body of a woman, namely, an increase in the hormone progesterone, which is accompanied by pronounced sleepiness throughout the day and insomnia at night.
- Early toxicosis - most often - nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation.
- Disorders of psychogenic nature - increased anxiety, anxiety for one's own and the child's health.
In late pregnancy, sleep disorders can be associated with:
- The difficulty in choosing a comfortable sleeping posture due to increased in size belly and excess weight.
- Frequent urge to urinate due to enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder and there is a need for more frequent emptying.
- Intense movements of the fetus.
- The presence of heartburn (because of the casting of gastric contents into the esophagus, due to the enlarged uterus, which exerts pressure on the diaphragm and stomach).
- Pain in the lumbar region.
- Possible occurrence of seizures, most often - gastrocnemius muscles, due to disturbances in the mineral metabolism.
- Feeling of itching in the abdomen, which occurs due to stretching of the skin.
- Shortness of breath, which is associated with the fact that the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm and lungs.
- Late toxicosis - increased blood pressure, headache, etc.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Psychoemotional disorders - anxiety about the upcoming birth, the health of the child, bad dreams.
Thus, sleep disturbance is possible in any period of pregnancy, and is associated with the physiological processes occurring in the female body. But this problem should not be left without attention, it is necessary to tell about it the attending physician, who will give appropriate recommendations to relatives to jointly overcome it.
Bad sleep during pregnancy
Poor sleep during pregnancy occurs in eight out of ten pregnant women (according to the American Sleep Association data) and occurs mainly due to physiological reconstructions of the female body. Cope with a bad dream during pregnancy will help a properly organized day.
- Frequent and long stay outdoors.
- Exercise - to do swimming, dancing or gymnastics for pregnant women.
- Do yoga.
- Rational and balanced nutrition - sufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, low-fat meat and fish, fermented milk products.
- Do not overeat at night; Exclude the use of coffee and strong tea, chocolate (ie products containing caffeine).
- Refuse daytime sleep if it is available.
- Avoid negative influences.
- Before going to bed take a warm shower and drink a glass of warm milk, you can with honey.
- Ventilate the bedroom well before going to bed.
- Psychological support of relatives is very important.
A bad dream should be told to a pregnant obstetrician-gynecologist who will help to find out the cause of bad sleep and will give the necessary recommendations. Sometimes it's not enough just one day's organization, the cause of poor sleep can be serious irregularities in the body in a pregnant woman who require medical care.
Scary dreams during pregnancy
Terrible dreams during pregnancy can be associated with stress, anxiety, depression, which arise due to changes in the hormonal background of a woman. Disturbing dreams, most often, can occur late in pregnancy, and they are connected, first of all, with the forthcoming birth. Terrible dreams, usually, are not a cause for emotions, because they reflect the strongest experiences of a woman and thus, the body gets rid of fear in the subconscious. Psychologists noted a certain feature that the more terrible dreams a pregnant woman has about the upcoming birth, the easier it is.
Restless sleep in pregnancy
Restless sleep during pregnancy is noted in many women and it can be associated with a variety of reasons.
- Anxiety for the health of a child.
- Worry - Will I be a good mom?
- Experiencing a relationship with her husband, especially of a sexual nature.
- Fear of future delivery.
- Unsuccessfully chosen posture for sleep.
- Poorly ventilated bedroom.
- An inconvenient bed.
- Regular overeating before going to bed.
- Small stay in the fresh air.
- Depression, bad mood.
Erotic dreams during pregnancy
Erotic dreams during pregnancy are not uncommon. In most pregnant women, the amount and intensity of erotic dreams increase, which worries a woman.
- The reason for such dreams lies in the compensatory reaction of the organism, tk. During pregnancy, there are some restrictions of a sexual nature and through such dreams, the body of a pregnant woman makes up for what is lacking in real life.
- In addition, hormonal changes in the female body during pregnancy, enhance the libido, the need for caresses and tenderness, which can be manifested by erotic dreams.
- Also, pregnancy and erotic dreams are interrelated, because pregnancy is a consequence of sexual relations, and a woman needs to understand that the appearance of the child is the result of sexual contact.
Orgasm in a dream during pregnancy
Orgasm in a dream during pregnancy can be experienced by many women and is a normal phenomenon that is associated with hormonal restructuring, enlargement of the uterus and clitoris, which is accompanied by increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. Orgasm is useful, as well as pregnant, and for the fetus.
- Because contraction of the uterus is accompanied by increased blood flow and improved blood circulation in the placenta, resulting in the fetus receives more oxygen and nutrients.
- The hormones produced during orgasm (enkephalins and endorphins) have a beneficial effect on the psychoemotional state of the woman and the fetus.
Orgasm during pregnancy has a positive effect on the musculature of the uterus. It can be considered as a training component for labor.
Sleep during pregnancy can be normalized if you organize your day properly: walk outdoors more often, do not overeat at night, avoid stress, choose a comfortable sleeping posture, and share your experiences with loved ones and the doctor who watches the pregnant woman. In the presence of fear of childbirth, it is recommended to attend a childbirth school, where they will tell how to behave during childbirth, and breathe the basics of caring for the newborn. Visiting such a school, a woman will gain confidence, psycho-emotional harmony and a positive attitude.