
Regimen of a 9 month old breastfed baby

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Breastfeeding of a 9-month-old child plays an increasingly smaller role in the daily routine. Basically, the child is on natural food, resorting to breast milk only at night. During the night he wakes up only a few times, as he can already sleep without waking up for 5-6 hours in a row. At the same time, a number of new mental formations, needs, skills are formed. So, a child at the age of 9 months already needs minimal contact with peers, so he needs to organize walks, meetings with other children, joint walks, visits. The child imitates the simplest actions of another peer. Walks, holding on to the support with his hand, confidently stands and sits with the support of an adult. On the question "Where?" searches for an object, finds it. Knows his name, responds to it, responds to the call. At this time, the child should already be accustomed to planting on the potty. By the end of the 9th month, the child should be calm about pottying.

Daily schedule

To all the procedures and already habitual daily routine of the child at this time are added mandatory walks in public places, communication with peers. This can be visits, joint classes, activities. There are special schools for early development, which take children from 9 months of age. There they are specially organized walks, games, classes. Very interesting for children theater productions, shadow and puppet theater for children of the first year of life. Also this period is optimal for joint fitness, yoga. There are special exercises that can be performed by the mother together with the child.


As a new complementary food for a child at 9 months of age, various porridges are introduced. This can be porridge on milk, meat, fish broth. At the end of the 9th month of life, the child should receive semolina, millet, barley, corn porridge, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.

Ration menu

The menu can already be quite varied. Breast milk already takes up a smaller part of the diet. A variety of dishes can be prepared. The basis should be melted milk, broths, porridge, mashed potatoes, steamed fish and meat patties, vegetable and fruit purees, juices.


The child's stool is similar to that of an adult, but may be more fluid. The color is brown. Stools should be regular, about 2-3 times a day.


The baby still needs to sleep during the daytime. Sleep is very important for a child of the first life. It is a prerequisite for full development and preservation of both physical and mental health. The child should sleep in his crib. If he is used to sleeping with his parents, you need to start gradually weaning him from this, and be sure to transfer him to the crib for the night. Otherwise, there is a risk that the child will grow up with mental abnormalities and disorders in the sexual sphere. A child should sleep an average of 14-15 hours a day.

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