Problems in a newborn while breastfeeding
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024
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For a child of the first year of life, mother's milk is the main type of food. It is the most complete food, contains all the necessary components for the child. It supports normal microflora, stimulates immunity. The ratio of all substances is optimal and corresponds to the needs of the child and his individual characteristics. It is especially important to provide nutrition with mother's milk at the age of 3-4 months. This is the minimum feeding period. This is very important, because at this age the child's digestive system is not yet fully formed, its functional capabilities are sharply limited. This is evidenced by the lack of bile, low activity of salivary glands, insufficient peristalsis and motility. Mother's milk contributes to the maturation of the GI tract, stimulates digestive functions, promotes the production of all necessary enzymes.
As a rule, breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary foods does not cause any problems. It is not necessary to introduce complementary foods later. Or earlier. Timeliness is important. If timely and correctly introduce complementary foods, you do not have to wean the child from the breast. He will gradually move himself to the common table, and will adjust this transition itself. Normally, the child, starting from 6 months eats milk less and less. He more and more often refuses it and gives preference to regular food.
Problems may arise only if a woman does not breastfeed (if the doctor for some reason forbids it), or if she does not have enough milk or no milk at all. In this case, artificial or mixed nutrition is required. There are problems with transition or weaning.
Problems also arise if the mother falls ill. Especially if there is a need to take antibiotics, antiviral, antiparasitic, and other medicines. Feeding has to be canceled and for a while transfer the child to artificial formula, because all the drugs immediately accumulate in the milk. And this is a great stress for the child.
Problems also arise when the mother's diet is inadequate. It should be understood that the quality, properties and composition of milk directly depend on how the mother eats. Her diet should be full. It is also necessary to do gymnastics, evenly alternate rest and work, full rest. Any violations, overwork negatively affect the quality of milk. It is also strictly forbidden to take alcohol.
It is also important to maintain mammary gland hygiene, timely milk decanting. Otherwise, a woman may have many problems. Starting from the usual stagnation of milk (lactostasis), and ending with mastitis, and even breast cancer. If there is pain, stagnation, thickening in the breast, you need to contact a doctor (mammologist), who will consult and examine. It is important to consult a mammologist or breastfeeding specialist beforehand.
It should be understood that stagnation (lactostasis) should be eliminated as soon as possible, because it leads to inflammation and infection. Then treatment will be required, which requires the use of antibiotics. During treatment, feeding the baby is prohibited. Also, stale milk in the breast can negatively affect the health of the child. With mastitis, you can not feed also due to the fact that the milk ceases to be sterile, infection develops, there is a risk of infection of the baby.
Constipation in a breastfed baby
With constant normal breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary foods, constipation in the child in the first year of life does not happen. Exceptions are various congenital pathologies of the digestive system, diseases of the intestines, abdominal organs, including dolichosigma, coprostasis, congenital intestinal obstruction, birth trauma. When the appearance of constipation over 2 days, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Stagnation of feces is dangerous inflammation of the intestine with further development of the infectious process, die off of the intestine, intoxication. To prevent constipation give special teas for children, dill water, decoction of chamomile, rose hips.
Diarrhea in a breastfed baby
Normally, a child's feces are liquid. About diarrhea can be said if it becomes watery and mucous consistency, the frequency of defecation exceeds 5-7 times a day. Diarrhea is very dangerous for the child, because with ni the body loses water, salt, which leads to a very rapid dehydration, violation of the water-salt balance. This may even end in death. At the appearance of the first signs of diarrhea, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. There may be many causes, and without diagnosis it is impossible to accurately determine it, and certainly not to pick up treatment. Hospitalization may be required. But with proper breastfeeding, diarrhea in the child is very rare.
Allergies in a breastfed baby
If the mother does not have allergies, the child usually does not allergies. Especially if it is breastfed. Until the child is three years old, the mother's immunity is almost completely preserved. If you observe the correct regime of the child at breastfeeding, timely introduce all the necessary complementary foods, consult with a doctor, allergies, as a rule, there are no allergies. If signs of allergy appear, you need to visit an allergist. Treatment is always strictly individual and depends on many factors.