Pregnancy Exercises
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Future mothers choose with special care the exercises during pregnancy and the technique of their execution, since the ligamentous apparatus and joints are considerably softened on the eve of the forthcoming birth.
In addition to this characteristic of the female body in the period of expectation of the baby, each woman should find a suitable style of activity that does not cause discomfort, excessive fatigue and stress. You can do it yourself at home or attend group training under the supervision of a professional with a medical background.
On assurances of physicians, nothing harms a woman, especially in the period of bearing a baby, as a prolonged stay in a sitting position. Monotone sedentary work at the computer, sitting in front of the TV threaten with venous congestion in the pelvic organs, increased swelling and other unpleasant consequences. Even if you can not find a special time for physical activity, you should take breaks every 10-15 minutes to mow or perform simple movements without getting up (pulling the press, circular movements with your feet, etc.).
Exercises during pregnancy must necessarily include a complex for muscle stretching and relaxation with respiratory techniques. Particular attention is paid to strengthening the muscles of the pelvis, vagina and perineum. Physical training prepares the female body for labor, contributes to the development of endurance, accelerates the process of postnatal rehabilitation, regulates weight, normalizes the work of the heart. In addition to comfort in the classroom, it is important for a woman to experience a surge of energy, an improvement in the general condition of the body. When choosing a sport, first, consult a doctor about possible contraindications and limitations. Secondly, give preference to those exercises that are more to your liking. This can be yoga, training in the pool, aerobics for pregnant women, etc. Third, if you were not a professional athlete before the conception, then avoid traumatic types of sport (skiing / skating, cycling, etc.). Literacy of the exercise during pregnancy, moderation and ability to listen to your body are the main components of the activity of the future mother.
Pregnancy Exercises
Modern married couples are increasingly responsibly approaching the issue of future parenting, preferring to plan pregnancy. This fact testifies to the awareness of partners, and also gives an opportunity to be physically and emotionally prepared for the upcoming expectation and meeting of the baby.
To future mothers, gynecologists recommend strengthening the body in any accessible way - dancing, swimming, aerobic complex, yoga and even ordinary walking tours (at least 2 hours) outdoors. Exercises to prepare for pregnancy should be aimed at working out the muscles that undergo the maximum load in the period of gestation - press, back, legs, shoulder girdle. Do not interfere with the development of respiratory gymnastics. Experts recommend to put in order thoughts and emotions. To achieve peace of mind and harmony for the future mother helps the technique of yoga, meditation, inward circulation. For many women, the difficult, sometimes impossible task is the ability to relax, which will certainly be needed in the generic process. Therefore, in parallel with the strengthening should learn to muscle relaxation.
Exercises to prepare for pregnancy include working with the muscles of the pelvic floor. Eliminate the stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, strengthen the crotch and vaginal muscles allow:
- known Kegel exercises;
- yoga practices "uddiyana" (standing with the support of the bent knees: on the exhalation pulling the diaphragm to the back and up under the ribs) and "nauli" (also with pushing the transverse abdominal muscle forward and rolling the formed bundle to the sides).
The latest technique, supplemented by the absorption process, helps conceive women who are trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully for a long time.
What exercises do you do during pregnancy?
According to obstetrician-gynecologists, if a woman did not practice physical training before pregnancy, then it's never too late to start. Any complex of gymnastics in anticipation of the baby should be based on the basic rules:
- To increase the load should be gradually and appropriately to your own feelings of comfort. When practicing at a quiet pace without any strength and strain, the desire to continue to do exercises during pregnancy will not be lost;
- training should always begin with a general warm-up to reduce the risk of injuring joints and muscles;
- choose your rhythm, especially for group activities and the desire to keep up (remember the principle of nonviolence: it is important how much you feel yourself, your body, how comfortable and comfortable you are, or how fast and how much exercise the others do);
- after classes there should come cheerfulness, joy, activity. The feeling of depression, fatigue will be obvious signs of excessive zeal or an incorrect approach;
- any practice should end with relaxation.
On a question, what exercises to do or make at pregnancy? - gynecologists recommend the following complexes:
- the development of the habit of correct posture - throughout the day the top is stretched upward, the gaze is directed in front of you, the chin is not raised, the pelvis is slightly forward, the shoulders are straightened back and relaxed, the knees are half bent. This position of the body will avoid pain in the spine;
- strengthening the press - pushing from the wall or lying on the back (the back and waist are tightly pressed to the floor, hands are located along the trunk) to lower the bent knees to the right and left;
- stretching the perineum - while sitting in Turkish, raise alternately the left and right arm above your head, or do squats with a straight back and feet firmly pressed to the floor;
- track the tension and relaxation of different muscle groups, this focus will teach you how to own your body.
Complex of exercises during pregnancy
Before the start of active training, you should consult a gynecologist for women with cardiovascular pathologies, with diabetes, conditions of hypertension and colds.
Forbidden pregnancy exercises for the following contraindications:
- there is a threat of miscarriage or premature labor;
- a painful condition (even a minor cold, mild ailment, etc.);
- painful sensations of the lower abdomen and lower back, especially of the pulling character;
- the revealed weakness of the cervix;
- to refrain from physical activity on days corresponding to menstrual bleeding;
- placental presentation on ultrasound results.
Perform a set of exercises during pregnancy in the absence of contraindications to physical exertion should be within an hour, at will, two or three times a week. Regular sessions serve as an excellent prevention of constipation, pain syndromes in various parts of the spine, varicose veins, etc.
The training complex should consist of exercises:
- on the cervical spine - it's slow turns and rotation of the head;
- correcting the posture and developing flexibility - a good assistant will be a gymnastic stick, which is held in front of him in straight hands, and then taken back through the head. Exercise complicates, reducing the distance between the grip of the hands;
- rotation with straight arms and with hands on shoulders - perfectly develop the forearm zone;
- training pelvic region - hip forward, backward, sideways, pelvis front / back pelvis and circle rotation;
- strengthening legs and buttocks - squats with tightly pressed feet to the floor (knees are diverted to the sides, the angle between the thigh and the shank is not less than 90 degrees);
- stretching the perineum - sitting on the floor with a straight back, bend the legs in the knees, press the heels to the pelvis and try harder to put the knees on the floor;
- study of the upper and lower press (for example, performing a "bicycle") - caution should be observed in late pregnancy, so as not to provoke hypoxia in the fetus;
- stretching of all muscle groups.
The described complex of exercises during pregnancy is best done by coordinating with the doctor, relying on the characteristics of your body and individual needs.
Exercise in early pregnancy
The beginning of gestation is a period of tremendous restructuring in the female body, often bringing ailments in the form of nausea, uncomfortable sensations of the lower abdomen and lower back, weakness, etc. Physically, to train your body with general weakness, not all women can. Future mothers with poor health or pre-pregnancy not trained at all doctors are advised to restrict their breathing practices.
Why are active exercises early in pregnancy unacceptable? The fact is that a greater number of miscarriages occur at an earlier time. To load even absolutely healthy organism after conception it is necessary gradually: start with 15 minutes, and then smoothly increase the time of training, being guided by your own feelings and positive emotions. In the beginning of bearing is ideal for practicing pilates, yoga. Women who were engaged before pregnancy, too, will have to adapt the exercises to a new position, to exclude the slightest stress and discomfort.
Prohibited exercises during pregnancy during the formation of the placenta and attachment of the fetal egg:
- use of vibrating platform;
- dance ties with "jolting";
- jumps, jumps, etc .;
- exhausting running and strength fitness;
- application of weighting agents.
Already at the beginning of pregnancy, you can enroll in the group to prepare for childbirth, where under the guidance of the instructor you will be offered a light aerobic complex in combination with stretching, toning movements and breathing techniques. A good alternative is swimming in the pool.
Exercise during pregnancy in the first trimester
In the first trimester, it is necessary to exclude movements that create a strong tension in the abdomen. Women who practice yoga can perform most of the asanas, but without deep deflections back with their hands, without lifting both legs, without delaying breathing. Some experts recommend avoiding inverted poses starting from the first weeks of gestation.
Exercise during pregnancy in 1 trimester approximate complex:
- strengthening of the inner surface of the thighs - not a deep squat with support against the wall or back of the chair (it is important to keep the back straight, and the heels pressed to the floor, the knees are sideways);
- improvement of blood supply to the pelvis, stretching of the muscles - circles with the pelvis on the half-bent legs;
- warning of varicose veins - walking on toes, heels, outer / inner side of foot, rotation of feet in sitting position, lifting of small objects with toes;
- strengthening of mammary glands - the palms are connected at the chest level, with the inhalation we push the palm to the palm as much as possible, on exhalation - we relax;
- strengthening the oblique muscles of the abdomen - from the standing position, legs together, hands to the sides, follow to take the working leg forward / side / back (ie the legs cross). In this case, the body is stationary.
Doing exercises during pregnancy, you should not hurry, do a large number of approaches. Watch your feelings, changes in the body, enjoy physical training. The passage of each movement through itself, self-adjustment is an integral part of every session of the future mother for achieving a wonderful state of health, staying in good shape and in a good mood.
Exercise during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester
The second period of gestation is characterized by an improvement in the general condition, a surge in strength, stabilization of the hormonal background, and the formation of the placenta, which reliably protects the baby. As it is impossible by the way there will be physical loads, salutarily affecting the quality of sleep, preventing the development of edema and diabetes.
Exercises in pregnancy of the 2nd trimester should not include prolonged lying on the back because of the possibility of oxygen starvation in the fetus, resulting from the pressure of the uterus on large vessels. Exercises on the back, as well as squats should be avoided because of adverse effects on the circulation of the legs.
Exercise during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester according to sports:
- pilates and yoga - perfectly charged with energy, relieve shortness of breath, gently stretch and strengthen muscles. Preference is given to asanas on opening the pelvis, maintaining posture, strengthening the spinal column. Centering movements on the side, squatting and using the fitball will eliminate the pain syndrome in the spine, work out the muscles of the pelvic floor and the press;
- dance - the ideal option will be belly dancing, Latin American direction without heels, waltz. From flamenco, rock'n'roll, Irish dance is better to refuse;
- force load - it is permissible to work with the muscles of the hands, abdomen, thighs, chest and shoulder girdle without sudden attacks and movements, preferably under the supervision of a competent instructor. Do not be zealous and use heavy dumbbells;
- aerobic training - excludes traumatic and active sports (snowboard, skates, etc.). An alternative would be walking in the fresh air, exercise bike, aqua aerobics.
When choosing a section to your liking, do not forget about comfortable natural linen and pulse counting (the norm is up to 130 beats / min).
Exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
In the absence of medical contraindications, the last months of gestation should be performed in the physical preparation of the body before delivery. Features of gymnastics in this period:
- attention is directed to the development of pelvic muscles, actively involved in labor;
- learn proper breathing should be no later than the sixth month;
- in the last trimester exercises are performed sitting, standing on all fours or in a standing position. Actively used supports, rollers and stuff.
Exercises during pregnancy of the 3rd trimester exclude the complex for stretching muscles and intensive training. This restriction is introduced to prevent the appearance of striae or stretch marks on the skin that develop and so under the influence of progesterone. Contraindications to physical activity will be: •
- toxicosis;
- any inflammation of the acute course;
- polyhydramnios;
- risk of spontaneous abortion;
- high blood pressure;
- multiple pregnancy.
Exercise during pregnancy in the third trimester should be selected individually, because the volume of the stomach and well-being are different for all. To execute the developed complex it is necessary under supervision of the skilled instructor who will watch a bearing of the future mum and correct inaccuracies, capable to do much harm at movement. During this period, you may need an assistant partner for classes, as well as fitball. On the ball, the pelvis rotates, quick breathing with an open mouth (imitation of a breathless dog) and trains the respiratory rhythm for fights (in a relaxed state, take a deep breath and then exhale slowly).
Exercises from edema during pregnancy
A frequent problem in bearing a baby is puffiness. To reduce the swelling of the ankles, they perform circular movements with their feet, and also describe the circles with their feet clockwise while pulling the socks on themselves (with the extension of the toe they can feel cramps from themselves).
Effective exercises from edema during pregnancy, performed in the pool. Aqua aerobics has a beneficial effect on the ligaments, gives a feeling of lightness and weightlessness, which is why so many women are in love with.
Women who are predisposed to puffiness, should arrange unloading for the legs during the day. For this it is enough to put your feet on a hill in a lying position, lean against a wall or simply raise them up. Exercise during pregnancy in case of edema:
- ordinary walking;
- swimming;
- rolling with both feet from the heel to the toe for at least 2 minutes;
- the position of the "cat" on all fours (on inhaling to bend your back and lower your stomach down, on exhaling make your back round and stretch your crown down);
- static stay up to 15 minutes in the knee-elbow position.
Breathing exercises during pregnancy
The practice of breathing during pregnancy plays an important role, helping a woman relax, learn to control her body, preparing for the upcoming labor. Proper breathing is the easiest way to anesthetize contractions and improve saturation of the placenta with oxygen.
Breathing exercises during pregnancy include mastering the following techniques:
- learn to separate the thoracic (diaphragmatic) and abdominal breathing (abdominal) - you can practice lying on your back or in a sitting position, to sharpen the skill, put one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach;
- abdominal breathing with prolonged exhalation - useful in the first and second stages of labor;
- exhaling lips, folded in a tube - such a respiratory control helps the woman in labor during the most difficult period when the baby's head is getting ready to be born;
- breathing-vibration with singing sounds - a kind of dynamic meditation, leading to relaxation of the whole body;
- stepped / intermittent breathing - inhalation is carried out by jerks in two stages, exhalation - single and continuous;
- breathing "dog-like" - wide open mouth with an extended tongue.
To learn breathing techniques should not more than 10 minutes a day, so as not to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide and not provoke dizziness.
Exercises for weight loss in pregnancy
Recent medical research claims that getting rid of excess weight is possible and necessary during pregnancy. Of course, if your body weight was normal before conception, then you should not think about losing weight at all, it's enough to control the weight you gain during pregnancy.
To reduce weight during the period of gestation is possible only for medical reasons, strictly under medical supervision and with observance of all precautions. Positive aspects of losing weight of a pregnant woman:
- consumption of the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits provides all vitamins, and also eliminates excess kilograms;
- exercises during pregnancy give tone to the muscles, improve the quality of sleep and overall psycho-emotional state;
- sports prevent the development of gestational diabetes, often complicating the process of childbirth.
Women, whose weight before pregnancy corresponded to the norm or hardly managed to reach the required parameters, is strictly not recommended to deal with weight loss, which can deprive the baby of vital nutritional elements.
Exercises for weight loss during pregnancy combine the principles of power and aerobic exercise. To achieve the desired result, the training complex should preferably be divided into two power and two aerobic exercises per week. Before the start of training consultation with a doctor is mandatory. The ideal option is to perform physical exercises under the guidance of an experienced instructor.
Exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy
Strengthen the thigh will help the following exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy:
- sit-ups - feet on the width of the shoulders, feet firmly pressed to the floor. It is important that the knees do not form an acute angle and do not protrude beyond the socks. We keep our backs straight, we stretch our hands forward;
- Squats with the exposed leg forward - take one leg 20cm forward. During the squatting, the front leg forms an angle of 90 degrees, the knee of the back leg stretches to the floor. Important: the back is straight, the weight of the body on the front leg in front, i.e. The foot does not come off the floor;
- side attacks - feet shoulder width apart, the feet are parallel, the socks "look" forward. Step aside and sit down at the same time;
- lifts to a platform up to 30cm high - facing the platform, step one foot onto its surface and pull up the second leg, drop to the floor and repeat the exercise with another working foot;
- lateral mahi - lying on his side, legs stretched out. Raise the upper straight leg up, lock the position for 10 seconds. For convenience, cap your head on the elbow.
To increase the effectiveness of the exercise during pregnancy can be performed with dumbbells and weighting on the legs up to 2 kg. In some cases it is convenient to use a support - a chair, a wall, etc.
Exercises for legs during pregnancy
Strengthening the feet before and during pregnancy is given special attention. To withstand the weight of a growing baby in the womb every month, after birth, rocking him on his hands and doing daily walks, Mom's legs will need a lot of endurance.
Exercises for legs during pregnancy should not only be of a strengthening nature, but also include stretching. Physical stress on the legs during pregnancy prevents the appearance of seizures, relieves fatigue and fatigue. To complete the complex, 10min per day is enough:
- the development of muscles of calves and ankle - lying on his side, head obprote on the arm, the passive leg is bent at the knee at 90 degrees. Raise the active leg vertically upwards and make circular movements of the foot in / counterclockwise;
- working out the arch of the foot, ankle and calves - sitting on the floor, legs stretched forward, emphasis on hands behind. We squeeze our toes as if holding a pencil, and then we try to reach the floor with our tips;
- working the calf muscle - we keep ourselves standing facing the wall or stick to the back of the chair. We rise on the toes (shoulders and body are relaxed), fix the position for 10sec and fall, without touching the heels of the floor.
Simple exercises in pregnancy for the feet will allow you to feel great during the entire period of gestation.
Exercises for hips during pregnancy
- mahi leg from the position lying on his side (if possible, keep your foot in the maximum position for 10-15 seconds). Do not bend the working leg in the knee at a right angle, lean your head against your arm;
- lifting the pelvis lying on the back with knees bent at the knees;
- lateral mahi standing are performed with a support (chair, backrest, etc.), the leg is removed as much as possible to the side and fixes the position for a few seconds;
- ideal shallow squats with a straight back in an amount up to 8 repetitions (do not tear off the heels from the floor);
- lying with bent legs - we spread our legs to the sides, tearing off socks from the floor, keep as low as possible to the floor (this exercise can be complicated by straightening the legs);
- lunge forward - one leg is in front, socks "look" straight. We perform squats, the front leg bends to 90 degrees, the knee of the back leg stretches to the floor;
- sit on the left / right thigh from the position of kneeling, hands are located at the waist;
- in knee-and-wrist pose - tear one leg off the floor and pull the heel upwards, while the angle of the fold of the working leg remains 90 degrees, straighten the leg to the side and touch the floor. Take care that the back does not bend.
Exercises for the press during pregnancy
Tightened abdominal muscles help in childbirth, but only to pump them should be long before the onset of conception. Even if you regularly strengthened the press before pregnancy, then during the gestation continue the session in a lightweight version.
The ability to perform exercises on the press during pregnancy depends on the doctor's recommendations and the state of health of the future mother. In the first trimester to strengthen the muscular corset is not necessary in order to avoid spontaneous abortion. After the formation of the placenta (approximately the third or fourth month), one can start the exercises in the absence of obvious contraindications. It should be noted that working with the lower press in the horizontal position on the back is prohibited. An alternative is to lift the legs sitting on a chair with a support.
Intensive training is also a kind of stress for the body, especially in the process of prenatal adjustment. Therefore, with a feeling of increased heart rate, the appearance of shortness of breath, increased physical exhaustion, etc., leave attempts to make up for lost bricks and replace debilitating exercises for daily walks.
Strengthening exercises in pregnancy for abdominal muscles are prohibited:
- at threat of a miscarriage;
- in case of increased uterine tone;
- in the presence of smearing, bloody discharge from the vagina;
- if there is pain in the lower abdomen.
Exercises for breasts during pregnancy
To prevent sagging of the breast in the postpartum period, it is important to strengthen the muscular corset during the process of bearing the baby. The following exercises for the breasts during pregnancy make it possible to maintain the muscles in the tonus:
- squeeze with the power of the palm, closed at the chest level;
- push-ups from the wall;
- push-ups from the floor (standing on your knees, back straight);
- squeezing a small ball - sitting on the floor with a straight spine, squeeze the ball at the level of the navel, chest and over the head;
- swing your arms up, to the sides;
- circular movements of hands;
- in the standing position, feet shoulder width apart, arms bend at the elbows and raise them to form a right angle (ie the brushes are perpendicular, and the forearm parallel to the floor);
- standing on his feet with an even back, stretching out his hands to the sides with clenched fists. Make circular movements with your hands, describing a small circle;
- lying on your back with knees bent at your knees - straighten your arms up (you can take dumbbells) and bend them to the sides without touching the floor;
- sitting up your hands with dumbbells up, start behind the head, slowly bending your arms (elbows as close to the body as possible).
Exercise birch in pregnancy
Inverted poses, which include a birch, it is not desirable to perform on late gestation. When the uterus becomes severe, some women, when performing a stand on the shoulders or resting on the back, lower blood pressure, which affects the decrease in blood flow to the fetus. For this reason, the posture of the birch should be abandoned from the fourth month of gestation.
Exercise birch in pregnancy can interrupt the natural descending flow of fine energy, which is necessary for normal births. A number of specialists are categorically against the inverted poses.
However, there is a strong indication for performing this exercise in pregnancy - this is the wrong position of the fetus. In order to turn the baby in the mother's womb, they practice a cat, a birch tree. The main thing is not to train for sleep to come, so as not to increase the activity of your child.
Exercises for the spine during pregnancy
Few of the fair sex can boast an ideal posture. With the onset of pregnancy, the load on muscles, ligaments, and the spine increases at times. A woman in the position marks a change in the center of gravity, a kind of "spitting" the buttocks back ("duck gait"), rounding the chest forward. Such changes in the body often give painful sensations in various parts of the spine.
To save health, to facilitate the process of bearing in conditions of increasing stress will help exercise for the spine during pregnancy:
- "Cat" - probably the most popular movement from childhood. On inhalation, we arch our back with an arc upwards (the cat gets angry), on exhalation we bend the lower back (cat good);
- yogic pose of the child - helps to relax the lumbar section as much as possible. Suitable in a period when the stomach is still small. From the position sitting on his knees, lower the body and head down. Hands lie relaxed along the trunk, palms up;
- tilting / rotating head - helps to develop the cervical section and get rid of discomfort. Do not make a large amplitude of movements and do not tilt your head to avoid dizziness;
- the establishment of direct hands (take a stick or towel) by the head and then beyond the shoulder line eliminates discomfort in the thoracic area.
As for exercises in pregnancy with twists of any part of the spine, they can be performed in the absence of contraindications.
Exercises for the waist in pregnancy
When there is a pain in the back of the future mother should consult a gynecologist. Such discomfort, of course, can be caused by increased load (especially relevant for late gestation) or softening of ligaments. However, this symptom often indicates problems with the kidneys, pancreas and other pathologies.
In case of exception of disease the doctor can recommend exercises for a loin at pregnancy:
- standing on all fours, arms and legs on the width of the shoulders, on inhalation we bend in the shoulder blades and stretch out the waist / "tail" upwards, and on exhalation we relax;
- wagging "tail" in the knee-elbow position;
- from the position on all fours of the hand we move to the side, the body moves closer to the hips, we try to see the "tail";
- in the rack on all fours we relax the upper part of the trunk and the lower back (all the load is concentrated on the legs), we swing ourselves from side to side leaving the knees motionless. We breathe smoothly without jerks, the stomach is relaxed;
- in the knee-elbow position, we remove the knee bent at the knee as much as possible to the side. Do not strain the shin.
It is good to perform exercises during pregnancy to strengthen and unload the lumbar region in the pool, where the training takes place without additional pressure on the joints.
Exercises from constipation during pregnancy
A common nuisance in bearing is constipation. To cope with this problem help special exercises from constipation during pregnancy:
- sit back on the wall, legs bend at the knees, connect the feet. Dilute the knees to the sides, hands at the level of the navel. We inhale through the stomach (the chest is immovable) and exhale through the stomach. Repeat three minutes twice a day;
- in the supine position on the back with straight legs when inhaling, bend one leg and pull the knee to the shoulder of the same side. The thigh is slightly set aside and we help ourselves. Repeat up to 20 times with each foot;
- sitting on a roll of towels (back at some distance from the wall), the legs are bent at the knees and are set aside, the feet together. The hands are on their knees. We take a deep breath. On exhalation we turn to the right along with the head, while the left hand rests on the right knee. Breathe in and return to the starting position. Perform up to 20 times in each direction;
- lie on the back with bent knees (feet on the floor slightly wider than the shoulders), hands palms upwards to the sides. We inhale our knees and try to reach them to the floor. Do up to 20 times.
The described exercises during pregnancy from constipation can be a good substitute for drug stimulation and become an excellent preventive training.
Exercises for kidneys during pregnancy
Physiologically correctly developing pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the physical, mental state of a woman. Among the complications, the first place is occupied by problems of the urinary system, manifested in the form of edema, increased protein in the urine, violation of urine outflow. The reason for frequent urination to urinate is not only the pressure from the growing uterus and the violation of venous circulation in the pelvic organs, as well as the action of hormones of pregnancy - progesterone and estrogen.
Methods of preventing the pathology of the urinary system are exercises for kidneys during pregnancy, which are recommended to be performed daily:
- pose on all fours - allows you to lower pressure on the bladder, completely relax the whole body. Stay in it for up to 15 minutes;
- lying on his back - his hands are behind his head, bend his knees and pull him to his stomach for a few seconds;
- sitting on the carpet - inhale to spread his legs to the sides and raise his hands upwards, on exhalation lean forward and try to reach the sock with a straight back;
- in the position on the back (hands under the head) - raise one leg 45 degrees from the floor and perform a circular rotation on / counterclockwise;
- standing on all fours - pull out one straight leg and describe it with a small circle;
- standing on straight legs (use the chair as a support from the side) - feet together, holding one hand behind the back of the chair, while pushing out the opposite arm and leg at the same time.
Mastering and performing exercises in pregnancy to prevent kidney pathologies, avoid sudden movements, do not rush, listen to your body.
Contraindicated exercise in pregnancy
Physical training during pregnancy can be prohibited only in cases that threaten the health or life of the mother and baby. To such conditions include a number of pathologies of the pregnancy (weak cervix, placental presentation, etc.), poor health of the mother (pressure jumps, fatigue, etc.). Before performing any training complex it is recommended to consult a specialist.
Contraindicated exercise during pregnancy:
- active movements that can lead to trauma - jogging, jumping, jumping, mahi, excessively deep squats;
- twists, inclinations - are capable of provoking increased uterine tone;
- diving, scuba diving - are the cause of baby oxygen starvation;
- inverted asanas and stretching - are considered factors that affect premature birth or miscarriage;
- swimming with sharp movements (butterfly, breaststroke);
- with the rise of weighting agents.
Interrupt the exercise during pregnancy should be immediately when one of the symptoms is detected:
- pain of any kind and localization, including headache;
- the appearance of shortness of breath;
- condition before syncope;
- the appearance of bleeding;
- difficulties with movement;
- lumbar pain syndrome;
- beginning of contractions;
- the detection of a prolonged fading of the fetus (with the physical activity of the mother, the baby often ceases).
The appearance of any discomfort is better discussed with a gynecologist, and trained under the supervision of an experienced and competent instructor.
Exercises for abortion
Unwanted interruption of pregnancy can be triggered by severe physical exertion, increased strength training, trauma, active or dynamic movements, and the use of weighting agents in fitness.
The risks are the following exercises for abortion:
- with vibration and shaking of the body (for example, sports dancing);
- accompanied by a blow, a possible fall (equestrianism, mountaineering, etc.);
- any kind of struggle;
- sport with lifting weights.
Pregnant women should physically load themselves on the basis of the period of gestation, individual characteristics of the body and medical recommendations. That's why it is better to attend special classes for pregnant women, where they take into account all listed factors and can form an individual training program.
A woman should watch for any discomfort in the process of exercising. Physical load should bring only a surge of strength and positive emotions, otherwise it will not give a positive result.
Kegel exercises during pregnancy
Kegel exercises have gained their popularity as an accessible practice that helps in labor and improves muscle tone after the baby's birth.
What is the secret of light birth? As it turned out in the ability to master the muscles of the pelvic floor, namely: alternately strain and relax the perineum. When switching to practice, it is important to ensure that no other muscles are involved in the training (ie, the tension of the legs, buttocks and abdomen is excluded). At the initial stage of the Kegel exercise during pregnancy, they learn in the prone position. Accept a pose with bent knees, spread your legs slightly apart. Strain and hold the crotch muscles (like you experience with forced interruption of urination) to 15 seconds. Learn to share the work of the muscles surrounding the anus and vagina (perform alternate tension-relaxation of these zones). Between the approaches do not forget about the full muscle relax, which will be no less important in the period of childbirth.
The most important thing in training is their regularity. When training skills do not part, do not rush, cover the whole body with attention, do not allow clamps and strains even on the face. From the prone position, go to the knee-elbow position, then squatting. Bringing the exercises to perfection, you can train anywhere - in line, on a walk, sitting in the transport.
Exercise after pregnancy
Return to the old form after childbirth is possible when observing the rules of proper nutrition and rational physical activity. In the absence of complications, postpartum contraindications or restrictions, one can begin to work in the hospital ward. Exercises after pregnancy include abdominal breathing, muscle tension of the press. Lying on your back, try alternately pulling the bottom (the upper is relaxed) and the top (the bottom is relaxed) of the abdomen.
Return to active training is possible in two weeks, when it is allowed to swing the press, pull the knees to the chest, perform the bike, i.e. Movements that work on the lower abdominal line. Unfortunately not all women can afford the luxury of personal time for physical activity. Do not worry, continue working on lower abdominal tension with protrusion of the top and vice versa, when you are rocking your baby or doing homework. With a child in your arms, you can perform squats with the tension of the buttocks and abdomen. So, remember your favorite exercises during pregnancy and adjust them according to a new life rhythm. The benefit will be even from 15 minutes of daily regular exercise.
Kegel exercises after pregnancy
If the vaginal muscles did not differ in tone until pregnancy, then after childbirth can weaken even more. Such changes affect women's health (incontinence often occurs), as an intimate life.
Get rid of negative consequences will help Kegel exercises after pregnancy. Strengthen the muscles of the perineum and learn to control them can any woman. The kid will take up most of your time, that's why do not look for a special time to practice skills. Use every opportunity: sitting, rocking the child, or standing, while cooking. Believe me, this is even better! Clamping the muscles of the vagina with a delay and subsequent relaxation will become a habit in you, and the result does not have to wait painfully long. Do not forget to train "blinking" - alternating tension of the anus and vagina. With the growth of muscle tone, the volume of the vagina will decrease, problems with stress incontinence will disappear, sexual desire and the quality of intimate life will increase.
Exercise during pregnancy and after childbirth is an important part of every woman's life, striving to prolong her beauty and youth, to maintain health and a good mood.