How to increase immunity in a child?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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A child is born with an imperfect and sufficiently vulnerable immune system. Immunity strengthens over time and is a reflection of the health of the baby. How to increase immunity in a child, to protect him from possible diseases? There are a lot of ways for this, about which we will tell you.
How to increase immunity to a one-year-old child?
Since the birth of the child, the mother often begins to think about what can be done so that the baby does not get sick and develop normally. However, many do not know that at the very beginning of life a child is protected not worse than an adult, since a large number of all kinds of antibodies are transmitted to the newborn from the mother. True, even a mother can not provide a child with immune protection against all diseases. Catarrhal diseases, respiratory infections - all this not only causes problems for both mother and baby, but also contributes to the formation of a newborn's personal immunity.
First and foremost, those children who were born with some health problems need to increase the defenses of the body. It can be congenital pathology of the pulmonary system, prolonged hypoxia, infectious complications. How to increase immunity to a one-year-old child?
It is necessary to adhere to simple, but very effective rules:
- breastfeed your baby as long as possible - breast milk is better than other means to strengthen the immunity of the baby;
- temper the child. It does not mean that the baby should be bathed in an ice hole or wiped with snow. Tempering small children primarily involves the holding of air baths: give the child the opportunity to run around without clothes at home. Do not dress the child too warmly: overheating, no less than hypothermia, harms the baby;
- After discharge from the hospital, do not create in the apartment absolutely sterile conditions. Of course, no one abolished the standard general hygienic rules, however, to approximate the conditions of the baby's stay to the sterility conditions of the operating room is of no use. Remember: let to a small extent, but the kid must contact with bacteria, because it is the microorganisms that spur the specific immunity of the child.
How to increase the immunity of a child 2 years?
If parents are thinking about how to improve the immunity of a child 2 years, then for this there must be valid reasons. All children get sick, but that does not mean that the child has weak immunity.
Diseases are to some extent necessary, because without them we would not receive specific immunity. The same is true for our children: in order for the organism of the child to develop antibodies to one or another pathogenic microorganism, it must first of all "get acquainted" with specific bacteria and viruses. If the baby falls ill twice in the winter and once in the fall - this is not an excuse to take measures to increase the immune system of the baby. So, when should you sound an alarm and deal with immunity?
- If the baby is ill with colds more than five times a year.
- If a cold or flu runs without an increase in temperature (as is well known, an increase in temperature is the response of the immune system to the introduction of an infectious agent).
- If the baby is diagnosed with anemia or other blood diseases.
- If there are constantly enlarged lymph nodes, especially in the neck and underarms.
- If a child has an enlarged spleen.
- If the baby is often allergic.
- If a baby has a breach of microflora in the intestine.
If any of these symptoms are present, then you should consult a specialist. It can be your pediatrician or child immunologist. Independently use drugs to raise the immunity of the child should not: it's risky enough and can harm your baby.
How to increase immunity to a child 3 years?
Particular attention of parents to the immunity of the child is manifested before the baby must go to the kindergarten. Communication with other children, other people's adults, unusual food and conditions - all this can affect the health of the child, especially if his immunity is weakened. How to be?
Try to follow the following rules to prepare a child's immunity for visiting a kindergarten:
- carefully watch what your baby eats. The menu of the child should contain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients;
- on the recommendation of the doctor, start giving the child special multivitamin preparations for children;
- accustom your child to discipline and the regime of the day, close to that of the kindergarten that your child will attend;
- even before the child begins to attend kindergarten, one should accustom him to the society of other children. Together you go to children's playgrounds, to playrooms where the kid can communicate with peers.
The more a child is adapted to society and the environment, the stronger will be his immune protection in everyday life.
How to increase the immunity of a child 6 years?
Six years - the child came very close to going to school. Again new impressions, new conditions of stay and a new way of life. How will the child transfer these changes? How to increase immunity to a child of 6 years, and is there a need for it?
Let us consider step by step what parents of such a child can and should do.
- If during the last 10-12 months the baby was sick, then before sending it to school, you should definitely consult and take examinations from a specialized specialist (depending on the disease that the child was ill). It can be a pediatrician, an otolaryngologist, a dentist or a gastroenterologist. It is very important before the school to treat all diseases, especially chronic ones, and also to check for the presence of worms and fungal infection, which significantly and negatively affect immunity.
- It is desirable to make sure that the child does not have a dysbiosis - a disorder of the intestinal microflora balance, which also plays a huge role in the formation of healthy immunity.
- Take care that the baby uses less harmful food, and more vegetables and fruits.
- Maintain an active lifestyle of the child: do gymnastics, sports, play outdoor games. A good health-giving result is given by a trip to the sea: the sun, air and water have the most positive effect on the health of the baby and strengthen its immunity, as they say, for the future.
- Teach your child to observe the rules of hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day, wash your hands before meals, wash, put on clean clothes, do not use someone else's towels and things - these are commonplace, but very necessary rules.
Means that increase immunity in children
One of the most common means of increasing immunity in children is vaccination - the creation of specific immunity against certain diseases. For example, children who have been vaccinated against tuberculosis, they will never get sick (with an accuracy of 95-100%).
Vaccination is a kind of stimulant of the immune system, which learns to produce antibodies against a particular type of pathogen.
Modern vaccines are not harmful to a child. They contain the dead pathogens, or their elements or proteins. The components of the vaccine can not cause the disease, but allow the immune cells to train on them, producing the necessary level of antibodies for protection.
In our country, children are vaccinated against such diseases:
- hepatitis B;
- tuberculosis;
- diphtheria;
- tetanus;
- whooping cough;
- polio;
- Haemophilus infection;
- measles;
- rubella;
- epidemic parotitis, etc.
The entire list includes the most dangerous diseases that can be prevented by providing the child with specific immunity by vaccination.
Drugs that increase immunity in children
Unfortunately, often protective forces can decrease so much that it is necessary to take special drugs that increase immunity in children. Frequent viral and purulent infections, colds and chronic diseases (sinusitis, adenoids, etc.) cause parents to look for more radical and quick ways to raise the immunity of the child.
To do this, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the most optimal drug, which not only helps and stimulates protective forces, but also does not cause disgust in the child. It is very important that the baby take this medicine with pleasure.
A great success for moms and medical professionals is the preparation Immunal. It is a herbal remedy containing extract from echinacea, which perfectly improves immunity, including in epidemics of influenza and colds.
Good stimulants of protective forces can be called Ribomunal, Bronchomunal and immunostimulant IRS 19, which activate humoral and cellular immunity, stimulating the production of antibodies to pathogens. These medications can be used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for prolonged and periodically exacerbating infectious diseases. Used in adults and children from six months.
In addition, it is recommended to use drugs related to the group of interferon, as well as based on nucleic acids. Such drugs consist of biologically active substances that can stop the development of a large number of infectious diseases.
The doctor should select the dose and the regimen, since the babies have a very sensitive body, and the incorrectly calculated amount of the drug can cause unpredictable consequences. It is not necessary to conduct experiments on the child: it is better to consult a specialist.
Products that increase immunity in children
To strengthen the immunity of the child will contribute to a properly built up diet, with a rich content of vitamins and other nutrients necessary for the child's body. Of course, vitamins from food are digested easier and more fully than from the finished multivitamin preparations. Given this, it is possible to identify the main products that increase immunity in children. Apply them depending on the age of the child: this will help maintain child health without resorting to the use of pharmacy medications.
- Breast milk is a direct source of health for the baby. After the child reaches one-year-old age, it is also possible to connect the goats' milk and cows - lean, ideally - 1,5-2% (if tolerated) to the diet.
- Sour milk products - fresh yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt (without additives).
- Apples are a local fruit, available all year round. It improves the digestive process, stabilizes the microflora, strengthens the immune defense.
- Carrots and beets are rich in vitamins and microelements. Can be used in fresh and boiled form, in the form of salads and casseroles, as well as for the preparation of freshly squeezed juices.
- Beekeeping products - are successfully used to stabilize the immune system in those children who do not have allergies to honey. For the beginning it is recommended to simply add honey in warm tea or porridge.
- Greens - it's no secret that the green contains more vitamins than in any root or fruit. Just add parsley or dill to any second or first dish. You can also prepare vitamin cocktails based on greenery.
- Onion and garlic are known sources of phytoncides that kill germs and bacteria.
- Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, without which it is difficult to imagine healthy immunity. Be careful if the child is prone to allergies.
In general, any fresh vegetables and fruits will be beneficial for your child. Such food is indisputably better and more useful than sweets, chips, products with dyes and preservatives. Teach your child to a healthy diet from infancy, and he will never have problems with immunity.
Vitamins that increase immunity for children
Today in pharmacies you can meet an infinite number of vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening the immune system, including in children. Children's complex preparations differ in the specific composition of vitamins and in their sparing dosage. On what drugs to choose?
We present to your attention a small list of the most popular drugs from this series.
- Multi-Tabs Baby - designed for children under 2 years old;
- Multi-Tabs Baby - for children older than 2 years;
- Multi-Tabs Classic - for children from 5 years;
- Centrum children - can be used from 2 years of age;
- Pikovit - is produced for children in the form of a dragee, syrup for the smallest or syrup with a prebiotic (for children from 3 years old);
- Vitrum child (hypoallergenic) - is intended for children's age group from 1 year to 14 years;
- Jungle-children, multivitamins - are divided into several options, which depends on the age (from birth to 1 year and older);
- Alphabet kindergarten - a variety of chewable tablets, which have pleasant taste qualities.
When selecting multivitamins that increase immunity for children, do not rely on the opinion of friends or relatives. It is much more important to carefully study the composition of each drug, as well as listen to the recommendations of the pediatrician. He also will determine the best scheme for taking vitamins for your baby.
Candles that enhance immunity for children
Most of them, candles that increase immunity for children, are better tolerated and have fewer side effects than oral medications. Doctors have found that interferons in suppositories have a more effective effect and are absorbed better than conventional medications.
Suppositories can be used for a long time without having a negative effect on the body. In addition, they can be used together with antibacterial and hormonal drugs.
We will name the most common suppository for children:
- Polyoxidonium - can be used in children from 6 months;
- Viferon - used from birth, including premature and debilitated children;
- Laferobion - antiviral and immunomodulating candles, can be used at almost any age;
- Kipferon - candles used for colds and flu in adults and children.
Children up to 1 year are prescribed, as a rule, 1 suppository per day. After 1 year - 1 suppository in the morning and at night. However, such dosages are approximate and must be agreed with the physician in each case.
How to increase immunity by alternative means to the child?
Given that most medicinal medications have some side effects, many parents try to use alternative drugs to treat a child. How to increase immunity by alternative means to the child? There are several proven recipes.
- Broth of dogrose is an excellent remedy rich in vitamin C. In order to prepare a decoction, 250 g of rose hips, 100 g of sugar and 1000 ml of water are required. Fill berries with water and put on fire. Boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes, at the end add sugar and mix. Cover with a lid and let the broth brew. Filter. Such a decoction can be drunk to a child at the rate of not less than 10 ml per 1 kg of weight per day.
- Recipe for older children (from 10 years) - take 6 small cloves of garlic and 100 ml of honey (preferably from lime or buckwheat). Garlic is passed through the press and mixed with honey. Let's stand for 7 days. After this, you can give the baby 1 tsp. Mass during meals, at least three times a day.
- Grind the meat grinder equal parts of raisins, walnuts and lemon. We add honey. We give the child 2 tsp. Three times a day.
Allow the child to walk more barefoot, and not only at home on the floor, but also on grass, sand, pebbles. Provide the kid with the opportunity to move more, run, play, especially in the fresh air, in the park, in nature. Active mobile children get sick less often than those who sit all day at home, in front of a television or computer.
Herbs that improve immunity in children
What herbs that increase immunity can be used in children? First of all, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the child: if you do not like the broth you cook, do not offer it with strength. Try to cook another, with the addition of honey or your favorite jam. Also, you should carefully consider whether the baby has allergies to plants. To do this, do not just give a large amount of medicine. Increase the dose slowly, watching the baby, examining his skin. Yes, and do not forget to consult a doctor.
- Decoction of birch buds: half a tablespoon of kidneys pour 100 ml of boiling water, hold for 1 hour, filter. We offer the child three times a day after meals.
- Elderberry color: we insist 1 tbsp. L. Color in 200 ml of boiling water for an hour. We filter. Drink this infusion should be before going to bed.
- Leaves of lemon balm: 3 tbsp. L. Leaves pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour, filter. Take infusion before meals 3-4 times a day.
- Currant leaves: 1 tbsp. L. Leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, we insist a half or two hours, filter. We offer the child throughout the day, preferably half an hour before meals.
After eating, it is recommended to give children any decoction of plants such as chamomile, calendula or mint. In such a simple way, you can disinfect the oral cavity, the neck of the baby, and also increase its immune defense.
In search of a way to increase immunity in a child, you can resort to different methods. However, one should not engage in independent treatment, especially when it comes to infants. Do not hesitate to consult a specialist for any reason, because the health of your child is at stake.