First fetal movements in pregnancy: timing
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Pregnancy is always an amazing and mysterious phenomenon. Regardless of whether it is for the first time or repeatedly. It is always something new and unusual. Mothers of many children emphasize that fetal movement in pregnancy is different every time. There is not a single pregnancy that would be similar to the previous one. And no wonder, because a new life is developing inside. Each stage of development, has its own characteristics, preferences, different and the level of activity. [1]
When does fetal movement begin, first fetal movements?
Pregnancy has just occurred - physiology and psyche are being reorganized. There comes the understanding that now inside there is the development of a small living being. As the results of psychological studies show, even if a woman is not waiting, and especially does not think about her pregnancy, when the fetus begins to move, the attitude to pregnancy changes dramatically. Immediately there is a sense of responsibility, awareness of her special position, a new role.
The first movement of the fetus is psychologically important because it triggers a series of changes and transformations in a woman's mind and psyche. The first fetal movement is psychologically important because it triggers a number of changes and transformations in a woman's mind and psyche. [2]
There are many psychological studies on this subject. For example, S. Grof's theory is well known, according to which biological perinatal matrices function, which determine the development of the fetus and its relationship with the mother. He describes a special state of a woman, which occurs at the moment when the fetus begins to move. There is a series of hormonal and physiological changes that lead to the fact that the dominant of pregnancy begins to function in the woman's consciousness. It determines the woman's behavior and her attitude to the future child, to her current state. At this moment, the woman's attention shifts from the outside world to her inner feelings and to the subtleties of her relationship with the fetus.
It is especially important in modern conditions, for busy, working mothers, businesswomen, whose attention is almost always tuned to the outside world and rarely focused on their own feelings. Studies show that it is in such mothers that the dominance of pregnancy functions especially actively, and in such women one can observe as clearly as possible how external relations and factors lose their importance for them, and all attention is accumulated precisely on feelings, symbiotic ties with the fetus. [3]
At this time, a woman can have various, most unpredictable reactions - from tenderness and tearfulness to sharp aggression and hatred. Often the first fetal movements are accompanied by a subconscious desire to protect it from the outside world. Hence there is a hostile attitude to the outside world, increased attention, vigilance, suspicion, or simply excessive fears.
At this time, almost all women, even fierce lovers and defenders of animals note how the attitude towards animals changes. They become irritating, there is a desire to remove them from sight, develop an unbearable aversion to them, intertwined with the desire to limit contact with them, especially to protect them from everything that may be associated with the child. It is at this time, unfortunately, under the influence of hormones, many women give away or kick out their previously beloved pets.
Psychologists also note that this is the most unfortunate time for new beginnings, responsible actions, studies, because the woman's attention will be scattered. During this period, a woman is not able to perceive, memorize and process new information, is not able to concentrate attention, and in general is not able to think rationally.
First fetal movements in the first pregnancy
Previously, a woman's reproductive organs were not involved. Therefore, there is their activation, stretching, reorganization. The body is not ready for a new load, a new role, so there is a sharp restructuring, adaptation to new needs and features of functioning. Therefore, in the first pregnancy, the reaction comes much later, respectively, and the first movements of the fetus a woman will feel much later.
Many first-time mothers report that they first felt the baby moving around 20 weeks (exactly halfway through the pregnancy). Often there are cases when the first half of pregnancy goes completely unnoticed for a first-born woman, to the point that she does not even suspect that she is pregnant. The abdomen grows weakly due to the fact that the muscles are in good enough tone, the uterus is not yet stretched. Especially often this is observed in athletes who have been involved in sports since childhood. Firstly, they have a good muscular frame, and secondly, due to training, the pain threshold is sharply reduced, so muscle stretching can not be felt. Some sportswomen note that at this time, despite not being pregnant, they even had their periods. And this is also quite understandable. The hormone (estrogen) continues to be produced in the body, because the uterus is still not stretched enough and there is no pregnancy signal from it, which serves as a stimulus to stop menstruation. [4]
It is mandatory to take into account the factor of individuality, which is determined by general health, physiological indicators, genetic factors, and age.
Fetal movement in repeat births
Due to the fact that the reproductive system is already prepared for pregnancy, the fetus can be felt much earlier.
If we talk about specific terms, the average statistical indicators are as follows: in the second pregnancy, fetal movement is felt at about 18-20 weeks; in the third pregnancy - at 17-18 weeks, in subsequent pregnancies - at 16-17 weeks. The earliest case in which the second pregnancy was able to feel the fetal movement was at 10 weeks (when the abdomen was not even visible). The most recent case was at 33 weeks (6 weeks before delivery, when the baby was almost fully formed). [5]
Fetal movement in the second pregnancy
In the second pregnancy, the body is ready to carry the baby, and fetal movement can occur much earlier. Most people first felt the first stirrings at 18-20 weeks. At first, they were faint and hard to distinguish from the rumbling that occurs when you feel very hungry.
Gradually, as it progressed, these sensations increased. You could already clearly recognize that there was movement in the uterus. There are several types of movements. And a caring mother gradually learns to understand the "speech" of the future child. Women note that in different situations the fetus behaves differently, and gradually you can learn to understand what is happening to it.
Fetal movement in the third pregnancy
Most women note that in the third pregnancy the sensation of fetal movement first appeared around 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. At first it is weak, barely perceptible, coming from deep inside the body. Gradually, as the fetus grows and develops, the strength and intensity of sensations increases. The fetus becomes closer to the surface of the body, there is a feeling of movement under the skin.
It is noted that the fetus may move like a worm. Longitudinal, intermittent movements are felt, wavy in nature, resembling the movement of a snake or a long worm. Many people have the feeling that there is a long ribbon parasite inside. Gradually, these movements intensify, increasing. There is a feeling that the fetus daily goes around the whole area, moving around the entire circumference of the uterus, all the free space. [6]
In the third pregnancy, women feel that the fetus is moving at specific times (which most had not noticed before). Some say that it is more active in the morning hours, while others say that it is more active in the evening or at night. Many women suggest that the fetus "walks around", doing daily warm-ups that are tied to a certain time.
Fetal movement in the fourth pregnancy
Numerous surveys of pregnant women show that in the fourth pregnancy the fetal movement becomes very strong and distinct. It can be felt as early as 15-16 weeks.
At first, wave-like movements appear. They are usually associated with normal, everyday activity. The duration of such movements can be different. Sometimes it is felt that the fetus "goes around" the entire space, moving all over the area. Visually, you can also notice how a wave passes under the skin across the abdomen, the fetus gradually moves. Sometimes short, wavy movements are felt, which quickly subside. There is a feeling that the fetus simply moved, took a more comfortable position for him, and continues to stay in a stationary position. Sometimes women notice sharp jolts.
Fetal movement in twins
With twins, the first fetal movements are about the same time as with a single fetus. They are more intense and more prolonged. There is also a good feeling of movement on both sides, which almost never occurs in a singleton pregnancy.
Fetal fetal movement in the obese
Being overweight is a serious problem when carrying a baby. Obese people definitely feel the first movement of the fetus much later (than people of normal or underweight). The more overweight you are, the harder it is to feel the movement. The subcutaneous fat acts as a shock absorber that muffles the movement.
Fetal movements by week
Conventionally, we will assume that up to the 20th week no fetal movements are felt. Further, the intensity and strength of movements differs from week to week. It should be taken into account that the first movement can be felt both earlier (from about 9-10 weeks) and later - from 25 and even 30 weeks.
Consider a very conventional description of the features of fetal movement, presented by week. [7]
For example, from week 20 to 23, there are slight movements that occur deep inside the body. They are still vague, and many women confuse them with a normal bowel movement, or with the rumbling in the stomach that occurs when you feel hungry.
At about 24-25 weeks, the movements become more distinct, and it is already possible to distinguish exactly where the movements associated with intestinal activity and where the fetal movements are.
From week 25, short, wavy movements appear. They are usually intermittent and occur at regular intervals.
From week 26, these movements become more prolonged. There is a feeling that a long worm or a snake is moving inside. They are felt well enough, become visible visually (the abdominal wall moves, corresponding to the curves of the fetal calf). Periodic pulsating movements are also felt. [8]
From week 27-28, the movements become very varied. Every day, at approximately the same time, the fetus passes over the entire area of the uterus, moving in long, undulating movements. It is quite noticeable how it moves in different directions: it crawls up as high as possible under the chest, under the diaphragm, then as low as possible, exerting pressure on the pelvic area, the lower abdomen. At this time, you may feel pain in the muscles (their stretching occurs). There is also pain, pressure and discomfort in the pelvis, thighs, buttocks.
From 28-29 weeks, the fetus already clearly reacts to touch, "expresses" pleasure, displeasure. Each woman shows this individually, and gradually each mother learns to understand and distinguish between the different reactions. Usually, if the fetus is satisfied, there are pleasant, smooth movements, like something rippling on the waves. It feels as if a light, smooth massage is being given from within, with pleasant stroking and rippling movements. If the fetus is unhappy, the movements are usually sharp, resembling jolts, may be intermittent (dotted). These movements are often unpleasant and painful. [9]
Around the 30th week, the fetus begins to make various chaotic movements, moving in different directions - from the chest to the pelvis, from left to right, and even diagonally. It is at this time you can distinguish various bizarre shapes: through the abdominal wall can clearly be seen a head, a leg, or another part of the body. The fetus begins to react with various movements to address him, to words, to touch. It can move closer or farther away from your hand if you touch it.
31-32 weeks - movements are maximally perceptible. Often from this time, the fetus expresses its reaction to the father: it can even push, and constantly moving, "not finding a place" when he is not around. Calms down when he talks to him, places his hand. Some show reactions to soft and pleasant things, to pets. So, if you put something soft, pleasant on the belly, many women will feel the fetus rising up, and becomes as close to the surface of the abdomen as possible. If the thing is moved, it will start to move behind it.
From 32-33 weeks, the fetus moves rarely but strongly. Sometimes these movements can be painful. The movements are felt quite well when a woman goes to sleep: the fetus also "settles down" and moves until it falls asleep.
From week 35 onwards, the frequency of movements gradually begins to decrease. It moves less and less often, as it is already quite large and occupies almost all the free space in the uterus.
From week 38, fetal movements are practically indistinguishable. They can be listened to with special equipment. [10]
What is fetal movement, the norm
There is no such thing as "normal fetal movement" in gynecology and obstetrics. What kind of movement is normal and what is not - can only say the woman herself, because these are subjective feelings. But in any case, all their sensations should be as detailed as possible, with all the nuances, to describe the doctor who leads the pregnancy. On the basis of anamnesis, examination, the results of laboratory tests, ultrasound, the doctor can approximately assume acceptable variants of the norm for each woman. In any case, the decisive factor is the well-being of the woman. If all is well - probably the fetal movement in pregnancy is within the norm. [11] Any unpleasant sensation, especially pain can be a sign of pathology, a signal that something goes wrong. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your own sensations and talk about them to the doctor, so that he could compare everything and draw conclusions.