Sunbathing: good, bad
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Summer is in full swing, so the question of obtaining the perfect tan is very relevant. Consider the main recommendations and contraindications for sunbathing.
After long months of cold, the body needs sunlight and, of course, vitamin D. But before dipping into the sun baths with your head, you need to properly prepare. By itself, sunburn is a protective reaction of the body to ultraviolet radiation. Faced with it, the skin throws all its forces to create an effective barrier. The epidermis contains special melanocyte cells that produce a dark pigment - melanin, which protects tissues from burning. That is, a bronze tan is the reaction of melanin to the damage of the skin by the sun's rays.
In order to understand the process of ignition, let us consider the main types of solar radiation:
- Sunlight is the visible spectrum.
- Ultraviolet (UV) - responsible for the photochemical effect, gives a beautiful color of the skin.
- Infrared - causes a thermal effect.
UV radiation accounts for about 5% of all radiation, which has a pronounced biological activity. It is divided into three spectra, each of which has a certain length of rays and its own specific effects on the human body:
- Spectrum C is a hard short-wave radiation with a wavelength of 100-280 nm. The rays stay in the ozone layer, that is, they practically do not reach the surface of the Earth. Have a destructive effect on all living things.
- Spectrum B is the medium-wave 280-320 nm. It is about 20% of the UV that hits the surface of the Earth. It has mutagenic properties, affects cellular DNA, causes disturbances in its structure. It penetrates not only into the epidermis, but also is absorbed by the cornea. Causes severe burns to the skin and eyes.
- Spectrum A is a soft long-wave radiation of 315-400 nm. It is 80% of the total UV. It has a thousand times less energy than the B spectrum. It penetrates the skin, reaches the subcutaneous tissue, affects the vessels and connective tissue fibers. Promotes the development of biologically active substances in the body.
The sun is a powerful source of vitamin D3. To get its daily dose, it takes 10-15 minutes to sunbathe. Vitamin is involved in the metabolism of calcium, helps strengthen teeth, bones, hair and nails. Summer rest accelerates blood formation and increases the protective properties of the immune system.
Skin is a reliable barrier, protecting from many damaging environmental factors. But the possibilities of its defense mechanisms are not unlimited. If the action of the damaging factor is intense or too long, it can cause damage to the epidermis and the body as a whole.
Is it useful or harmful to sunbathe in the sun?
With the onset of summer, many people are wondering whether it is beneficial or harmful to sunbathe in the sun. First of all, one should know that the heavenly body is a natural doctor, therefore it is not only useful, but also necessary for the human body.
Let's consider the basic properties of solar baths:
- The action of ultraviolet activates the synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It strengthens muscles and bones, promotes wound healing, advocates the prevention of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
- Activates and stimulates metabolic processes, circulation and respiration. Improve the endocrine system and accelerate metabolism.
- Help to get rid of various dermatological problems: psoriasis, acne, eczema, fungus. Due to the harmful effect on pathogenic microorganisms, UV is used in the treatment of skin tuberculosis.
- They promote hardening of the body, strengthen its defenses and increase resistance to various infections.
- Activates the production of the hormone serotonin, which helps cope with chronic stress, depression and reduced work capacity.
But, despite the above-mentioned useful properties, natural sunbathing has certain contra-indications and rules. Their observance allows you to make your summer vacation as useful and safe as possible.
At what time you can not sunbathe in the sun?
An important aspect of safe summer vacation is the right time for sunbathing. Consider when you can not sunbathe in the sun and other aspects of this procedure.
- The sun is a source of radioactive energy. The peak of its activity is from 11:00 to 16:00. That is, it is strictly recommended not to go outside in the daytime. During this period there is a high risk of burns, especially for those with light sensitive skin.
- Sunbathing is better from 8:00 to 11:00. After 16:00 you can safely rest on the beach, because it is in this time interval you can get an even shade of skin.
- Getting sunburn should be gradual, that is, lying under the scorching rays all day is contraindicated. You can start from 10 minutes and gradually increase the time.
- The maximum time for continuous solar procedures should not exceed 2 hours per day.
Sunburn is good for the body, but only if it is properly purchased. Solar procedures need the right organization. Since with excessive enthusiasm, serious consequences are possible. The most dangerous is the development of skin cancer.
Why and who can not sunbathe in the sun?
The reaction of the skin to the damaging effect of UV radiation is a sunburn. Under its influence, the pigment melanin begins to be produced in the cells, which gives the tissues a beautiful chocolate shade. But like any procedure, sunbathing has certain contraindications. Consider why and who can not sunbathe in the sun.
Absolute contraindications:
- Allergy to the sun (photodermatitis).
- The use of drugs with photosensitizing properties (sulfonamides, tetracyclines, fetotiazine derivatives).
- Albinism is a genetic disease characterized by the total absence of melanin in skin cells.
- Oncological pathologies of any localization.
- Mastopathy or condition after breast cancer therapy.
- Hyperthermia.
- Endocrine diseases.
- Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
- Acute infectious processes.
- Restorative period after anti-aging procedures, peeling, beauty injections, laser hair removal.
Relative contraindications:
- Small children up to 2-3 years. The kids have thin and vulnerable skin, which is very sensitive to sunlight.
- People older than 60-65 years. Typically, at this age, many have problems with blood pressure, cardiovascular pathologies and other diseases.
- Presence of benign neoplasms.
- Pregnancy.
- The presence of large dysplastic nevi.
Excessive sunbathing accelerates photoaging of the skin, provokes the destruction of collagen fibers. It is possible to hyperpigmentation of the epidermis, that is, the formation of yellow-brown areas and benign pathologies (freckles, lentigo, melanocytic nevuses).
Also significantly increases the risk of developing melanoma, that is, malignant skin damage. According to medical statistics, melanoma ranks second in the prevalence of oncolopathology in young women. By mortality, it ranks second after lung cancer. The disease can provoke a natural source of ultraviolet study and a solarium. The sun suppresses the reaction of the immune system, causes activation of the herpes virus. Dehydrates the skin, makes it wrinkled, dull, rough and rough.
What diseases can not sunbathe in the sun?
Despite the many useful properties of solar procedures, sunbathing benefits not everyone. Consider what diseases you can not sunbathe in the sun:
- Malignant diseases and precancerous condition.
- Ophthalmic diseases.
- Tuberculosis.
- Phlebeurysm.
- A large number of nevi, pigment and birthmarks.
- Gynecological diseases (mastopathy, polycystosis and others).
- Autoimmune pathologies.
- Infectious diseases.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Endocrine diseases.
- Psychoneurological diseases.
In addition to the listed pathologies, rest on the beach is contraindicated after some cosmetic procedures:
- Peeling and hardware skin cleaning.
- Laser hair removal.
- Permanent makeup.
- Removal of a tumor on the skin.
- Body wrap with essential oils.
- Botox injections.
There are also temporary contraindications to tanning associated with drug therapy:
- Photosensitizers - increase the risk of sunburn. You can rest after 1-6 months after the end of their application.
- Medicines with retinol, tretinoin or retinoic acid. They are used to treat acne and wrinkle removal.
- Antimicrobial and antifungal drugs (Triclosan, Chlorhexidine, Griseofulvin).
- Diuretic drugs (based on Chlortalidone and Furosemide).
- Antipsoriatic cosmetics.
- Antidepressants, tranquilizers and anticonvulsants.
- Antihistamines, antiemetics and antibiotics.
- Antidiabetic drugs that reduce blood sugar.
- Contraceptive and other drugs based on estrogen and progesterone.
If there are any contraindications to sunbathing, serious complications are possible:
- Sunburn - occurs most often. It appears due to the fact that UV radiation burns the upper layer of the epidermis. It is manifested by a feeling of tightness of the skin, redness and blisters. In especially severe cases, the temperature rises, blood pressure decreases, general weakness and disorientation appear.
- Sunstroke - appears because of a long stay in the heat without a headdress. The blood vessels expand, and the blood flows to the head. There is a sharp weakness, headaches, dilated pupils. Possible nasal bleeding and loss of consciousness. The temperature rises, there are bouts of nausea and vomiting.
- Photodermatosis - an allergy to the sun, which occurs with increased sensitivity to UV. The painful condition is manifested by redness, inflammation and flaking of the skin. There is severe itching and burning, various rashes and swelling of the mucous.
- Skin cancer - frequent and prolonged sunbathing can cause burns and provoke malignant lesions. According to medical statistics, about 50-80% of cancers occur due to the harmful effects of natural ultraviolet radiation.
- Ophthalmic diseases - a stay in the heat can cause dry eye syndrome, decreased vision, clouding of the lens (cataract) and inflammation of the conjunctiva.
- Photographic aging - prolonged sunbathing leads to damage to the upper layer of the skin. Similar reactions are similar to changes that occur in old age. Appears dry skin, vascular changes, redness, various pigmentation spots, freckles, wrinkles.
Can I sunbathe in psoriasis in the sun?
A chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin and forms plaques on its surface (dry, clearly defined spots) is psoriasis. This pathology causes not only painful sensations, but also cosmetic discomfort. Psoriatic rashes are localized throughout the body. Plaques can occur on the head, back, stomach, most often affected by ulnar surfaces and knee folds, buttocks.
In the cold season, rashes can be covered with clothing, but in the summer many patients have the question: Is it possible to sunbathe in psoriasis in the sun? First of all, it should be noted that this disease and ultraviolet radiation are compatible. Summer is the most favorable period for treatment. Expressed therapeutic properties are solar procedures in combination with sea water, that is, rest on the sea coast.
Sunburning in the sun provides a lasting and lasting remission due to the densification of the skin and an increase in the flow of oxygen into the lymphatic fluid.
Useful properties of the sun:
- Destruction of psoriatic plaques and renewal of the epidermis.
- Acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues.
- Elimination of itching and flaking.
- Slowing the formation of new plaques and papules.
Ultraviolet rays of type A and B suppress pathological processes occurring on the surface of the epidermis. Therefore, with their help, you can quickly get rid of not only the various rashes, but also accelerate the healing of wounds and sores.
Scientists have determined that the exacerbation of the disease in the cold season, is associated with a vitamin D deficiency in the blood. Its deficiency can be restored with the help of food or taking sun baths. The effectiveness of such therapy is individual for each specific case and depends on the type and type of the disease.
The rules of solar procedures for psoriasis:
- The duration of the first exposure to the sun should not exceed 10 minutes. After this, the length of rest can be gradually increased, bringing up to 30 minutes.
- Sunbathing is better in the morning from 8:00 to 11:00 or in the evening from 16:00 to 20:00. The lunch interval is the most dangerous, since the luminary is most active and can lead to complication of the disease.
- To prevent skin from drying out, special photoprotective agents with an increased protective factor should be used.
- After burning, psoriatic plaques should be treated with ointments and aerosols, which contain the active component of zinc pyrithione.
Despite the entire benefit and effectiveness of treatment of psoriasis by the sun, this procedure has certain contraindications. Such therapy is prohibited for patients whose illness worsens during the summer, which is about 5% of all patients.
Good conditions for the treatment of psoriasis are created in the resorts of Bulgaria, Slovenia and, of course, Israel. Rest and treatment in sanatoria on the Dead Sea allows you to transfer the disease to the stage of long-term remission.
Can I sunbathe in viral hepatitis in the sun?
Viral disease that affects the liver is hepatitis. The disease can occur as asymptomatic, and can manifest acute painful attacks. In any case, the patient is waiting for a long treatment and rehabilitation, diet therapy and a number of other contraindications. Because of this, many patients ask the question: Is it possible to sunbathe in viral hepatitis in the sun?
If the disease is in a state of persistent remission, then rest is possible if the following rules are observed:
- You can stay under the beach until 10:00 in the morning and from 17-18: 00 in the evening, when the skin gets not ultraviolet, but infrared radiation, which does not affect the rapid multiplication of the virus in the body.
- To exclude the possibility of various complications, it is necessary to use sunscreens with an increased protective factor. They minimize the harmful effects on the skin.
- If during rest the state of health has worsened, it is necessary to pass in a cool place, for example, under a roof or an umbrella. Also, do not forget about the headdress.
During the exacerbation of the disease, solar procedures are contraindicated. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet stimulates the multiplication of the virus.
Can I sunbathe in the sun under myoma of the uterus?
Benign formation in the uterine tissues (may be located in the endometrium, under the serous membrane, in the cervix or inside the muscle layer) is myoma. According to medical statistics, the disease occurs in 30% of women, most often at the age of 25-35 years. The peculiarity of the pathology is asymptomatic and serious complications. Treatment is carried out surgically, the type of operation depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
After therapy, many patients are interested in the question: Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with uterine myoma? Solar procedures are not contraindicated, but before they are carried out, you should wait until the end of the rehabilitation period. Such precautions are related to the fact that myoma has the properties of recurrence, and overheating of the organism is a favorable condition for this.
In medical practice, there are often cases when the disease recurs due to short-term rest in hot countries. To prevent such consequences, rest in the sun should be very careful, adhering to all the rules of safe sunburn.
Can I sunbathe for a cold in the sun?
Each organism is individual, so it's up to the doctor in charge to decide whether it is possible to sunbathe with a cold in the sun. Rhinitis and tickling in the throat are symptoms of the inflammatory process and a sign of reduced protective properties of the immune system. The effect of sunlight in the early days reduces immunity, which increases the risk of developing various diseases and complications available. Therefore, even such a trifle as cold at first glance, can develop into a serious pathology.
At the same time, many doctors believe that rest on the sea coast has a curative effect against colds, especially chronic respiratory pathologies. The sea air is saturated with useful substances that purify the lungs and bronchi from accumulated toxins and promote local immunity.
If you decide on solar procedures during a cold, then you should follow these recommendations:
- Do not allow hypothermia (do not enter the water after a long stay in the heat).
- Do not drink cold drinks, including sea / river water.
- Sunbathing should be taken from 6 to 10 am and after four in the evening.
To accelerate the recovery should adhere to a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Useful will be various physiotherapy, including mud therapy.
Can I sunbathe with mastopathy in the sun?
A benign disease with pathological proliferation of connective tissue in the mammary gland is mastopathy. As a rule, this disorder occurs due to hormonal failure. Without timely and proper treatment can cause cancer. Correct behavior in the sun plays an important role, since its rays intensively affect the breast tissue. Whether it is possible to tan at mastopathy on the sun, the attending physician should define only.
Sunlight has a comprehensive impact on the body: it is necessary for the epidermis and metabolism, the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. Thanks to it, the body produces vitamin D, which is necessary for normal growth of bones and ligaments. But, despite all the useful properties, especially dangerous action, the sun's rays exert on the delicate and vulnerable tissue of the mammary glands.
Contraindications to sunbathing with mastopathy:
- Disease in the acute stage.
- Cystic form of mastopathy.
- There is a pronounced pain syndrome.
- In the chest there are nodules, densities or tumor inclusions.
- The glands are swollen, there are secretions from the nipples.
Ultraviolet radiation can provoke the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a cancerous one. Also, with care, you should spend time in the sun with excess weight, after a recent operation on the chest and with the intake of hormonal drugs.
- Sunburn does not cause mastopathy, but can cause it to worsen. To avoid this, one should adhere to such rules:
- 1. Resting topless is contraindicated. It is necessary to be in a swimsuit, which provides sufficient protection for the mammary glands.
- 2. You can stay in the heat until 11:00 in the morning and after 16:00 in the evening. Evening tan is the safest.
- 3. Before going out, you need to stock up enough liquid to prevent dehydration and other unpleasant consequences of prolonged exposure to heat.
A final decision on the benefits of the sun for mastopathy can only be given by a mammologist, individually for each case.
Can I sunbathe with an allergy in the sun?
Various dermatological reactions and skin diseases cause significant discomfort, especially in the summer. Whether it is possible to sunbathe with an allergy on the sun determines the attending physician, individually for each patient. A special distribution in recent years has been the allergy caused by ultraviolet radiation. Its symptoms occur lightning fast, in some in a couple of seconds, and other patients after 1-2 hours or on the second day after exposure to the sun.
Features of phototoxic reaction:
- Photodermatosis is also evident in healthy people after prolonged exposure to sunburn. To prevent it, you should avoid the sun from 11:00 to 16:00 and protect the skin with special creams, lotions.
- Allergy to the sun can be associated with the intake of certain foods, medicines, herbs and other substances with photosensitizers.
- The pathological process is more associated with immune disorders. In the risk group for its development are people with diseases of the endocrine system, liver and kidneys.
- Allergies to UV are susceptible to people with a light (first, Celtic) skin type. They practically do not sunbathe, but pathological reactions to ultraviolet occur very often.
In most cases, the allergy manifests itself in the form of hives, eczema or vesicles. Rashes occur on the hands, face, legs and chest. Most often they look like rough uneven skin, which hurt and itch. In rare cases, the rash merges, forming crusts, bleeding and scales.
A full-fledged summer vacation is possible only after determining the cause of the allergic reaction and passing the course of treatment. But even after therapy, you should be careful with sunbathing and adhere to all medical recommendations.
Can I sunbathe after a heart attack?
The defeat of the heart muscle due to a violation of its blood supply and blockage of one of the arteries of the organ with an atherosclerotic plaque is a heart attack. The danger of this disease is that the affected part of the muscle dies and develops necrosis. Pathological processes begin 20-40 minutes after the blood flow stops. There are many factors that can cause a heart attack.
According to medical statistics, it is the prolonged exposure to heat, sun or heat stroke that most often causes damage to the heart and cerebral circulation.
Let us consider in more detail how the heart attack develops, caused by a violation of thermoregulation, that is, a long rest in the heat:
- Gradually the body temperature rises.
- The body tries to create a balance by comparing body temperature and the environment.
- Adaptation mechanisms are depleted, and the decompensation phase begins.
- General intoxication of the organism, DIC-syndrome, renal and heart failure develops.
- The power supply of the brain stops.
- There is a hemorrhage and swelling.
Very often, people who have suffered this disease are wondering whether after a heart attack can sunbathe in the sun. The possibility of summer rest and long stay under UV depends on the level of recovery after the transferred pathology and general condition of the body. In most cases, doctors recommend minimizing sunburn, spending it in the morning or in the evening. Also, do not forget about protecting the skin and head from the sun, maintaining the water balance.
Can I sunbathe for dermatitis in the sun?
There is an opinion that the sun is useful for absolutely all dermatological diseases. In fact, everything is different. For example, whether it is possible to sunbathe with dermatitis in the sun, completely depends on the course of the disease, the age of the patient and, of course, the medical indications. These precautions are associated with the fact that after sunbathing the rashes may intensify, forming wet areas, crusts, causing severe itching and discomfort.
Dermatitis, and especially its atopic form is characterized by frequent exacerbations in the autumn-spring period. By the summer season, the pathological process in most cases subsides, and the patients feel better. The improvement is primarily due to the action of ultraviolet radiation, which at moderate dosage suppresses skin rashes and inflammation, reduces itching.
Prolonged sunbathing in the sun with dermatitis is not recommended, especially for the moment of increased solar activity. Sunbathing should be taken in the morning before 11:00 and in the evening. In this case, hypoallergenic protective agents must be applied to the skin.
Can I sunbathe in the sun with HIV?
It is often possible to hear that a diagnosis such as the human immunodeficiency virus is an absolute contraindication to summer rest. The question is whether with HIV sunbathing in the sun is individual for each patient. Excess sunburn is dangerous for many reasons, including those not associated with HIV. For many people, sunbathing will not do harm, but on the contrary will help to relax and relax. In addition, UV has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole body, it has health benefits.
The rules of sunbathing for patients with HIV are no different from the recommendations for healthy people:
- Solar procedures are best done in the early morning or late evening. From 10:00 to 16:00 it is better to avoid increased solar activity.
- On the body it is necessary to apply a protective cream with an increased ultraviolet filter. The procedure is better to spend 20-30 minutes before going out and repeat every 2-3 hours, especially after bathing.
- Also provide protection for the eyes and head. On rest, it is recommended to store drinking water to prevent dehydration of the body.
In any case, before planning a summer holiday, you should consult your doctor. This is necessary in order to prevent adverse reactions or complications from the medications that may occur during sunbathing.
Can I sunbathe after sunburn?
Thermal, chemical or radiation damage to the skin provides a lot of inconveniences, both physical and aesthetic. Many people who have suffered such injuries are interested in the question: Is it possible to sunbathe after a burn in the sun? Solar procedures are allowed in the event that signs of inflammation of the tissues are completely absent. Otherwise, sunburn (both natural and artificial), sauna, sauna and other thermal procedures are contraindicated.
If the healing process was successful, then short sunbaths will be beneficial to the body. In this case, do not forget that the young tender skin is easily irritated, therefore needs protection. Before going to the beach, you should treat the epidermis with a sunscreen with a high SPF.
If, after sunburn, the old burns are swollen or reddened, further exposure to the heat is contraindicated. Prohibition acts until the tissue is completely healed. It will not be superfluous to use such means as Bepanten or Panthenol. They minimize painful sensations, and accelerate the regeneration of damaged epidermis.
Can I sunbathe in the shchitovidke in the sun?
It is generally accepted that the diseases of the endocrine system and the sun are incompatible. But is it really so, is it possible to sunbathe in the thyroid gland in the sun? People who have an excess of thyroid hormones - thyrotoxicosis, do not tolerate the heat. Therefore, in this case, before the solar procedures should normalize the hormonal balance. Treatment is necessary and with hypothyroidism, that is, a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Otherwise, summer vacation can become unsuccessful.
The thyroid gland regulates metabolic processes in the body and maintains normal body temperature. If the functions of the organ are disturbed, then the climate change will negatively affect the health. The celestial luminary does not directly affect the gland, but under its influence, its immune cells can begin to attack the thyroid tissue.
If there are nodes in the thyroid gland, then before the summer rest should do a control ultrasound and conduct a blood test for hormones. If the nodes are large, then they need a biopsy. If the hormones are normal, and the biopsy has not revealed any malignant changes, then sunburn is allowed. Such examinations should be performed with an enlarged thyroid gland and in the presence of cystic lesions in it.
Contraindications to solar procedures:
- Thyroid cancer.
- Increased hormonal background.
- Nodes with rapid growth.
In other cases, rest is possible only with the permission of the endocrinologist. It is very important to adhere to such rules:
- Long stay under direct UV radiation is not worth it, it's better to rest in the shade, sunbathing in the morning or in the evening.
- Apply sunscreen to open areas of the body, updating it every 2-3 hours. Wearing panama and sunglasses.
- Do not dehydrate the body. Drink mineral water with bicarbonate.
The sun has a beneficial effect on the entire body, including the endocrine system. It is useful to stay on warm sand. Short thermal procedures well affect the reflex points on the feet, which are connected by the throat zone and the thyroid gland.
Can I sunbathe after sunburn?
Chicken pox is an infectious disease with an extremely unpleasant symptom - watery rashes all over the body. Blisters quickly burst, forming crusts, under which the young skin grows. Based on this, the answer to the question whether after wind chill sunbathing in the sun, completely depends on how much time passed after recovery.
- Immediately after the illness UV exposure is contraindicated, as this can aggravate the pathological condition and provoke a complication in the form of altered pigmentation at the site of the rash.
- In most cases, the disease lasts no more than two weeks, while adults carry it in severe form, and the children in a mild form.
- Many doctors advise patients not to appear on the street within a month after complete restoration of the skin. But there are a number of specialists who believe that sunbathing is contraindicated for a year.
Skin after chickenpox is greatly weakened and can not provide full protection from UV. In addition, in places where there was a rash, the dermis is thinned, which increases the risk of its burn. Because of this, instead of a beautiful chocolate tan, you can get dark pigment spots all over your body that you have to take out for a very long time.
Can I sunbathe with a tattoo in the sun?
To date, a tattoo is not something special. It is a kind of cosmetic procedure, during which a pattern or pattern is knocked out on the body. But after it you need time to heal tissues. The question is whether sunbathing with a tattoo in the sun, is relevant for all lovers of tattooing.
Despite the fact that in the summer I really want everyone to demonstrate new tattoos, do not forget that the sun's rays are destructive to them, especially on fresh ones. Under the ban comes a visit to the solarium, swimming in sea water, a sauna and a sauna. Ultraviolet destroys pigment cells, so the tattoo paints fade quickly.
Sunbathing in the sun with a tattoo is possible in the event that the skin healed, that is, 3-4 months after the procedure. Let's consider the basic recommendations which will allow to keep tattoo and to get a beautiful summer shade:
- Go to the sun with a sunscreen applied. At the same time, the higher the SPF protection level, the better. The cream needs to be renewed after each bath.
- Solar procedures can be carried out only at a safe time, that is, until 11:00 in the morning and after 16:00 in the evening.
- After rest, you should carefully wash yourself under fresh water and treat the body with moisturizing creams.
In addition to the above recommendations do not forget about compliance with the water balance. Because of the heat, active sweating occurs, and the skin dries up, so it is necessary to provide it with a sufficient level of moisture.
Can I sunbathe with birthmarks in the sun?
Many owners of nevi who seriously care about their health, are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with birthmarks in the sun. To give an unambiguous answer is almost impossible, since nevi are different. But in any case, an overabundance of UV is not good.
- Birthmarks are skin anomalies. They contain a large amount of melanin, which gives them a brown tint.
- They can be of different shapes and sizes. The most safe are small flat pigment spots. But the protuberant and changed shape, are cause for concern.
- As a rule, they are not harmed in a calm state. But their slightest damage can lead to serious complications, including the development of melanoma.
Sun rays affect the epidermis and provoke active production of melanin, due to which there is a sunburn. Additional development of this pigment in moles can lead to their accelerated growth and deformation. To ensure that summer vacation was safe, you should follow these rules:
- Do not be exposed to direct sunlight without a protective cream, which should be applied especially carefully to nevi.
- Tan in the morning and evening. If you are in the heat at lunch time, then wear closed, but light clothing. If there are educations on the face, then they should be covered with a cap with a wide visor or hat.
- Large and convex birthmarks can be covered with a band-aid.
During sunbathing for birthmarks should be carefully observed. If there was a deformation (change in shape or size), then immediately consult a doctor-oncologist.
Can I sunbathe in the sun with a lipoma?
Lipoma is a benign skin disease that develops from adipose tissue. Its appearance indicates a systemic disorder in the body. It is a cosmetic defect, can develop in any person and does not affect the general condition of the body. That is, the answer to the question is whether sunbathing in the sun with a lipoma is unambiguous - yes, the moderate effect of solar radiation is not only allowed, but also beneficial for the body.
Despite the fact that the lipoma does not degenerate into malignant tumors, its structure predisposes to necrotic and infectious complications. To such formations should be carefully applied protective equipment and avoid their traumatization. If the lipoma is large, then it is necessary to contact the surgeon and remove it. In this case, summer rest is possible only after complete healing of the wound.
Can I sunbathe with hives in the sun?
Allergic disease in the form of small skin rashes is a urticaria. It can develop for a variety of reasons, one of which is intolerance to sunlight.
Photodermatitis causes severe itching and burning, on the body appear hyperemic areas, blisters and red spots. Most often, this problem is faced by people with Celtic skin type. Their dermis does not take sunburn, instead of it there are burns and redness.
As the disease worsens in the summer, the question is whether sunbathing during hives in the sun is very relevant.
- Long stay on the beach in this case is contraindicated.
- To protect against harmful ultraviolet light, sunscreen should be regularly smeared.
- Sunbathing is better in the evening, when solar activity is lowered.
- During the day, it is better to wear light light clothing that covers the body, and is made of natural fabrics.
To eliminate hives caused by the sun, you should see a doctor and go through a comprehensive medication.
Why are the scars not sunbathing in the sun?
Surely many wondered why the scars do not sunbathe in the sun. This is due to the fact that the scar tissue is completely composed of a connective type of fiber in which there are no pigment cells. After being in the sun, such areas remain white, creating a contrast with the tanned skin.
If the scar is less than a year old, and it is from a cavitary operation or serious damage, then the burning is contraindicated. Since the scar consists of collagen, and ultraviolet rays provoke its enhanced production, this can lead to an increase in the size of the scar and its hypertrophy. There are cases when after-burn scars are hyperpigmented, that is, they darken strongly from solar exposure. Also do not forget that the sun is badly injuring even fresh damage.
If the skin has old scars, then they should still be protected from ultraviolet radiation. To do this, the scar needs to be treated with special creams and do not sunbathe from 12:00 to 16:00, that is, to avoid increased solar activity.
Do the streamers light up in the sun?
Damage to the micro-fibers of elastin and collagen causes subcutaneous ruptures, i.e., stretch marks. Most often, women face this problem. Striae appear with a sharp weight loss or weight gain, during pregnancy and with hormonal disorders. The body turns into a kind of cloth with red stripes. If you leave skin ruptures without treatment, they will gradually begin to turn white, turning into scars.
Many owners of this problem are interested in the question of whether sunbathing stretches. They are not regenerated, and melanin is absent in them, so sunburn is impossible. Because of prolonged exposure to heat, they can turn red and cause inflammation. Striae, as well as scars should be protected from UV with the help of cosmetics. With timely treatment (laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, microdermabrasion), a new skin is formed at the site of the stretch marks, and its uniform tanning becomes possible.
Can I sunbathe in the sun with varicose veins?
Unpleasant disease that occurs in both men and women and is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious threat to health - it's varicose veins. Many owners of this problem try to disguise it with the help of a fire, without knowing at the same time whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun with varicose veins.
The danger for varicose veins is not the sun's rays, but the overheating that they provoke. The increased thermal effect lowers the tone of the venous network and increases its permeability. Because of this, edema appears. That is, for people with any stage of varicose veins, sunburn and overheating (baths, saunas) are dangerous.
Long stay in the heat can cause such complications:
- Edema of the lower extremities.
- Convulsions.
- The formation of trophic ulcers due to a disruption of the supply of tissues over the veins.
- The appearance of blood clots.
- Inflammation of the venous wall.
- Venous congestion and overstretch of veins.
- The growth of the vascular network.
Violation of blood circulation in varicose can be different. Allocate such stages of the disease:
- Compensation - there are small vascular asterisks and darkening of veins. There is a frequent heaviness in the legs and their puffiness.
- Subcompensation - there is a characteristic pigmentation and protruding veins. In a state of rest, convulsions and paresthesia can occur, and painful sensations have an increasing character.
- Decompensation - the body has dark pigmented spots, veins are pronounced. Often there are pain, swelling and itching. Can be formed trophic ulcers.
In the early stages of the disease, sunbathing is allowed. But with more severe symptoms of varicose veins, summer rest is contraindicated. Thermal effects can exacerbate an already painful condition. In any case, before preparing for the beach season, people with venous veins should undergo a course of venotonicks (Venarus, Detralex, Fleobody) to increase the tone and elasticity of the venous network. This will allow to survive the hot season without complications.
Also do not forget that the pathological condition progresses with dehydration of the body. The blood becomes dense and viscous, the speed of its current slows down, venous stagnation and thrombi form. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the water balance, especially in summer.
Caution should be observed after sclerotherapy or surgery to remove varicose veins. Sunburn in the sun is possible only after complete healing of scars and resorption of hematomas. Typically, the recovery period takes up to six months. Otherwise, the disease can again make itself felt. Also, do not forget about sunscreen cosmetics that protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV.