Rice mask for face
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Mask of rice for the face - an effective tool for feeding dry or rough skin.
It promotes cell renewal, maintains the water balance of the skin, whitens and eliminates pigmentation, and also removes irritation and soothes the facial skin. In addition, this mask helps in the fight against visible wrinkles, smoothing the mature skin, and prevents the emergence of new ones.
The Benefits of Rice for Skin
The benefit of rice for the skin lies in the whole complex of amazing properties of this plant. And although rice is more commonly known as cereal, used in cooking for cooking all kinds of dishes, our ancestors knew about its medicinal properties from time immemorial. First it was grown in Asia, which is considered the birthplace of this plant. In the XIX century, it spread across the territory of Russia, and in the XX century this culture began to be imported in large quantities and even began to cultivate in many regions of the former USSR.
In general, rice as a cereal crop has 18 varieties, and the main advantage is its unpretentiousness and unique ability to adapt to any kind of climatic conditions, including floods and even frosts. It should be noted that when processing rice loses some of the useful properties, while acquiring a new taste. For this reason, the brown (raw) grade of rice is especially valued, because in it the useful substances are stored in maximum quantities.
Rice is a real storehouse of vitamins! It contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9) and other vitamins (E, H, PP). In addition, in the herd there are a whole lot of mineral substances (iron, iodine, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, copper, etc.). Therefore, the benefit of rice for the skin is obvious, first of all, due to the successful combination of the most important nutrients in it. So, B vitamins contribute to the improvement of the skin, as well as nails and hair. An important fact is that, unlike other cereals, rice does not contain gluten - a protein that can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, rice has an amazing property to remove from the body (including skin) harmful toxins. Amino acids that are contained in rice, participate in the construction of new cells, fats regulate the synthesis of collagen, aminobenzoic acid serves to whiten the skin, and vitamin C and gamma-oryzanol are strong antioxidants.
According to many medical experts, dry rice can be used to treat various skin diseases. For example, in India, this cereal is used to make effective ointments and powders in order to "cool" the inflamed skin.
The facial mask mask used in cosmetics gently cleanses and moisturizes the skin, eliminates irritation and inflammation, removes pigmentation and whitens the skin well. Many women use a variety of rice masks to get rid of wrinkles and smooth skin, the effect of kfotoryh really stunning!
Recipes of masks from rice for the face
Mask of rice for the face has a number of useful properties, it is a wonderful natural remedy, whose action is aimed at nourishing the skin, moisturizing and smoothing it. As you know, the state of hair, nails and skin depends on the amount of B vitamins in the human body. A whole complex of vitamins of this group, as well as many other substances useful for the skin (minerals, amino acids, starch), is contained in small grains of rice.
Recipes of masks from rice for the face are aimed at preserving the youthfulness of the skin, restoring the water balance, renewing the cells. The incredible effectiveness of such a natural remedy is explained by the unique composition of this grain crop:
- Vitamin B9 quickly removes skin inflammation;
- Vitamin PP well refreshes the complexion;
- Starch softens and whitens the skin, thereby rejuvenating it;
- Vitamin H and amino acids are actively involved in the regeneration of skin cells;
- Potassium effectively fights against the problem of dry skin;
- Silicon promotes the elasticity of the skin and makes it more taut;
- Choline favorably affects the irritated skin, soothing it.
Complexly affecting each cell of the skin, the rice mask is especially useful in caring for tired, fading, inflamed skin. The main ingredient for creating masks from rice is rice flour. Any recipe of a mask from rice can be easily prepared at home, which is very convenient and does not take much time. The best recipes of rice masks will help get rid of the most common problems, such as inflammation, skin irritation, pimples, dryness and age-related appearance of wrinkles.
- Rice-honey mask against inflammation and acne. Rice must be crushed and mixed with sage infusion (2 tablespoons of each ingredient), then add honey (1 tablespoon).
- Creamy rice mask to fight wrinkles. In thick, fat cream (1 tablespoon), add crushed rice (2 tablespoons), then pour 1 teaspoon of almond or olive oil into this mixture.
- Lemon-rice mask cleansing action. Rice chopped (2 tablespoons) and mixed with the pulp of a ripe lemon or its juice (1 tablespoon).
- Milk-rice mask of anti-aging effect. For this, you need rice in a crushed form (2 tablespoons) and fat (preferably - goat) milk (in the same amount). In the mixture add 1 tbsp. Spoon of honey.
- Kefir-rice whitening mask. In rice flour (2 tablespoons), add 1 tbsp. Spoon of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of slightly heated honey.
Rice mask complex action (tonic). To prepare this product you will need the following ingredients:
- crushed rice (1 tablespoon),
- yoghurt (1 tablespoon),
- white cosmetic clay (2 tablespoons),
- parsley in the crushed form (2 items of a spoon)
- coconut oil (1 tablespoon).
Rice mask for the care of aging skin. Mix the following ingredients in a homogeneous mass: rice flour (3 tablespoons), honey (2 tsp), cream (1 teaspoon). The mask is applied to the face, neck, and also the decollete zone. Leave for half an hour, and then rinse with water, preferably mineral.
- Rice mask moisturizing effect. Rice bran (1 tablespoon) should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tbsp. Spoonful of fatty yogurt. Apply mask to face and let stand for 20 minutes.
- Mask from boiled rice for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. Half a cup of boiled white rice should be mixed with 2 tbsp. Spoonfuls of cream or heated milk. Warm gruel should be applied to the face, and after 20 minutes, carefully remove the napkin.
- Rice mask for problem skin. For its preparation, grind black rice (2 tablespoons) is used. It must be filled with hot water and left overnight, and put on the face in the morning. This mask cleans well the contaminated pores and removes the "black" points.
Mask from rice for the face does not require the expenditure of great efforts and material resources, but it perfectly copes with various skin problems, making it more beautiful and healthier, and also helps in caring for any type of facial skin. In this - the uniqueness of rice: it can be prepared not only to saturate the body, but also to nourish the skin.
Rice scrub for face
Mask of rice for the face effectively cleanses the skin, tones it and makes it more elastic, which in turn affects the improvement of the complexion and its rejuvenation. Regular skin cleansing procedures are very important, since dead cells, constantly accumulating on the surface of the face, give it dullness and lifelessness. In addition to face masks, it is necessary to use no less effective means - a scrub that improves blood microcirculation in the skin, and also helps to remove dead cells and dirt from the surface of the face. A useful scrub made from natural ingredients can be easily manufactured in a comfortable home environment. It will be no less effective than the expensive scrub purchased for money in the store.
Facial scrub scrub is an excellent solution for soft skin cleansing, it is saturated with many useful trace elements, it does not injure the skin and does not stimulate blood circulation. It should be noted that such a scrub is the secret of beauty of Japanese beauties. The main ingredient, which is part of the scrub, is rice flour. It perfectly smoothes the skin, relieves fine wrinkles and prevents their appearance, restores fat balance, effectively whitens the skin, perfectly moisturizing the face. Surface contamination of rice removes much more efficiently than conventional scrubs of mechanical action.
To make a rice scrub, rice grains must be ground into powder and used for the intended purpose. Store rice flour is recommended not more than 3 weeks. For too sensitive and sensitive skin, use finer grinding. In cosmetology, starch-containing rice species are used: a variety for sushi, variety "Arborio" or round-grained. This choice is explained by the fact that due to the increased content of starch, its viscous structure it is possible to prepare a scrub of more effective action.
The frequency of using a rice scrub, primarily depends on the condition and type of skin. So, for delicate, sensitive skin of the face it is recommended to use once in 2 weeks, and for a fatty type - at least 2-3 times a week. The procedure for applying rice scrub to clean the face is very simple. The agent should be evenly applied to the washed face, and then massage with circular movements of the fingertips from the bottom up, while avoiding the zone around the eyes. After the procedure, scrub should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.
- Rice-honey scrub. It is used for the purpose of delicately cleansing oily skin, which is indicated by enlarged pores. The recipe is quite simple: 2 tbsp. Spoons of rice grains, previously shredded in a coffee grinder, mix with 1 teaspoon of heated honey, and then add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of milk or curdled milk (kefir, yogurt). To care for dry skin, milk is recommended to replace sour cream or cream, and add any oil (almond or olive oil, peach or grape seed oil) to the product.
- Rice-coffee scrub. For the preparation of such a means you need to grind the coffee and rice grains separately using a coffee grinder. Then take 1 teaspoon of each ingredient, mix thoroughly and add to the resulting scrub 2 tbsp. Spoons of milk (for normal skin type) or kefir or natural yogurt (for the care of fatty and mixed skin type). Keep the scrub on your face no more than 7 minutes.
- Rice-cottage cheese scrub. This product not only cleanses, but also moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face. To make this product, the rice ground in a coffee grinder should be mixed with 1 tbsp. L. Fresh cottage cheese and 1 tsp. Some vegetable oil. Before use, the resulting mass must be heated, - thus, the skin can absorb the necessary nutrients, microelements and vitamins in the maximum volume.
- Rice-oatmeal scrub. Rice seeds and oat flakes in equal proportions (1 tbsp.) Should be grinded well with a coffee grinder. In the resulting dry mixture, add yogurt without preservatives until a uniform thick mass is formed. Scrub should be gently applied to the previously cleansed skin, and then massage for 2-3 minutes.
- Rice scrub against skin inflammation and acne. To make it, you need to soak the rice and leave it overnight, and crush it thoroughly in the morning to form a homogeneous mass. Then add 1/4 of a spoonful of turmeric powder and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Apply such a scrub should be on the inflamed skin, then leave for a couple of minutes. Such a product well dampens the skin and relieves inflammation.
In addition to the use in various facial scrubs, rice flour can also be used for washing, and also as a cleanser for the entire body. The skin after this procedure will become velvety and radiant!
Reviews of facial mask masks
Mask of rice for the face attracts the attention of many women, because it has a set of beneficial properties and favorably affects the skin. Various recipes of rice masks came to us from distant Asia, where for centuries rice was used in cosmetology and medicine. Thanks to the unique composition of rice grains, this remedy can be used for a variety of purposes, both for moisturizing or nourishing dry skin, and for removing the irritation of oily skin, or for smoothing wrinkles and restoring the natural balance of the fading skin.
Reviews of masks from rice for the face are exceptionally positive, because many representatives of the fair sex, having tried such means, have personally convinced of their effectiveness. To properly use rice to make all kinds of masks, you should remember about some important nuances:
- The main component in rice masks is rice flour, which is obtained by grinding whole rice grains with a coffee grinder.
- The choice of rice mask should depend on the type and condition of the facial skin.
- Rice mask is recommended to apply to a person, previously washed with slightly hot water, - thus, the pores will be opened, and the effect of the mask will become even more effective.
- Use masks from rice should be once a week.
- The time of aging of the rice mask on the face is no more than 20 minutes.
Mask of rice for the face thanks to the above tips will change the skin and make it even healthier. The unique properties of rice flour, which is part of masks and facial scrubs, are that it helps to remove swelling, inflammation of the skin; like a sponge, absorbs pollution, removes toxins from the skin, and also helps to get rid of pigment spots and freckles, providing a whitening effect. In a word, this complex tool can solve many problems!