

Non-surgical methods of getting rid of the second chin

Choosing the best procedure from the second chin, you need to choose a doctor: cosmetologist, plastic surgeon.

Prosthetic mammary glands

Most often, a reasonable alternative is used - removable prosthetic mammary glands (exoprosthesis), which quite plausibly create an external appearance of the presence of the breast.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Before the procedure itself, consultation is conducted, so you should not worry about it.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid

Contour plastic problems of the face and body are impossible without specific fillers, fillers.

Preparations for contour plastics

Filler (from the English word filler, filling) is a special gel that is injected into the problem areas as a microimplant.

Facial folds: choosing an implant

Folds on the face are the result of repeated and habitual contractions of the subject mimic muscles. Reducing the muscles of the face is not accompanied by a shortening of the skin and leads to the formation of folds ...

Modern biological fillers

The most popular materials for increasing soft tissues are auto-fat and bovine collagen ...

Implants: synthetic fillers

Although most of the injected and implantable materials used to increase the volume of soft tissues are of biological origin, a number of synthetic materials have also been used for this purpose ...

Complications after the implantation of the face

It is very difficult to separate the general surgical technique from the circumstances of a particular operation, as well as from individual risk factors that are not related to the implant.

The course of the operation when implanting the face

It should be understood that to adapt to a narrow face or thin skin, it is necessary to reduce the size and thickness of implants of standard shape and size.


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