Plastic surgery for a second chin
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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For a second chin, plastic surgery can be performed to quickly resolve the problem. This surgery is called mentoplasty. This is one of the most common procedures that plastic surgeons resort to. It is worth noting that it is recommended for patients with congenital anomalies of the chin, as well as those who have developed a second chin due to age-related changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Before the procedure, you need to choose in advance a clinic and a doctor who has sufficient experience in performing such an operation, and specialize in it. Most often such operations are performed in Moscow.
The operation is considered quite simple, minimally invasive and minimally traumatic. Its duration is approximately 2-3 hours. Depending on the volume of the area to be corrected, the doctor may offer general anesthesia or local anesthesia. If the operation is carried out under general anesthesia, the patient is left under observation for 1-3 days. Before the procedure requires a standard medical examination, taking the necessary laboratory tests and examinations. From them, an individual medical history is formed, a conclusion is made about the advisability of choosing a particular method of correction and anesthesia.
The incision during the operation can be made from the outside of the face or from the inside (from the side of the mouth). As a rule, the choice of this or that method of incision depends on the anatomical features of the patient, on the localization, shape and size of the second chin.
The main indications for the procedure - deformation of the second chin, which occurred for various reasons (trauma, congenital anomaly). The operation is indicated in the born violations of the shape of the face, with sagging and protruding forward second chin, with weakness of the chin muscles, disproportionate size of the chin relative to the rest of the face, a violation of symmetry of the second chin, in which there is a skew of the face to one side or another. Also an important indication is the psychological discomfort experienced by patients in connection with the incorrect shape, size, appearance of the chin. There are often cases when patients who have no obvious indications for surgery come to clinics, however, they want to change the shape, size, make certain adjustments to the chin, motivated by dissatisfaction with themselves and psychological discomfort. This is an important indication for the procedure.
Surgery is contraindicated in cases where the patient has severe kidney disease, cardiovascular system, infectious and inflammatory processes, malignant neoplasms. The operation is not carried out during menstruation, in violation of blood coagulation, hemostasis system, when taking anticoagulants. In fact, these are traditional contraindications to any surgical interventions. It is also not recommended to perform the operation for persons under 18 years of age, because up to this period is the formation of bone tissue, and the shape of the face can change on its own, without surgical intervention. However, age, as such, is not a contraindication to the procedure, and it can be carried out in the presence of real indications, especially in case of trauma and congenital anomalies of the chin.
Removal of the second chin
Removal of the second chin can be carried out in various ways. So, if previously the main method of its correction was a surgical method (plastic surgery), today more and more specialists prefer a more gentle method - the administration of lipolytics. These are special substances that promote the breakdown of fat in the area in which they are injected. This is a safer method, as it does not involve the use of surgical techniques. After this method, no long rehabilitation is required, whereas after surgery, rehabilitation may be required. The essence of the procedure is that the doctor conducts an examination, makes a marking of the chin, that is, accurately determines and marks the area of drug introduction. The choice of drug is carried out. For example, today such a remedy as LightFit is widely used. The advantage of this drug is that it has only a local effect, resorbing fat exclusively in the area of the drug injection. It does not affect other areas. In addition, there is an activation and regeneration of natural cells of the body, due to which there is a renewal of cellular composition, facial rejuvenation, skin regeneration. The preparation practically does not cause complications and side effects.
Immediately before the introduction of the drug, the skin is treated with special antiseptic agents (disinfected), then anesthesia (local treatment with anesthetics) is performed. After that, the drug in the required dosage is injected under the skin using a cannula and special needles.
Contraindications to the procedure are few, however, they exist. For example, the drug can not be used in case of individual intolerance of its components by the patient, with increased sensitization and a tendency to allergic reactions. As contraindications is a violation of the hemostasis system (blood circulation), blood coagulation. Also, the presence of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases is a direct contraindication to the procedure.
Liposuction of the second chin
Today, one of the effective methods of correcting the second chin is liposuction. So, this procedure is relatively simple. Its essence consists in pumping out excess fat from the problem areas. But before you start liposuction, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, to conduct a preliminary study, which will determine the feasibility of this procedure. You should also take into account that there are a number of factors that can contribute to the achievement of positive results, or vice versa, prevent them.
For example, the patient needs to understand that the effectiveness of the procedure depends largely on the total body weight, and the overall level of fat deposits in a person. It is important to assess the body mass index and its stability. For example, if a person is overweight, unstable weight, it can lead to the fact that the effect of liposuction will be short-term, because fat tends to constantly accumulate in the main storage areas throughout the body, including the chin area. If, however, a person's weight is within the normal range, stable, and there are only excessive deposits in the facial area, liposuction will have a long-term positive effect. Therefore, before going to a plastic surgeon for liposuction, it is necessary to deal with the weight. It is important to fulfill two conditions - to bring the weight to normal, and to stabilize the indicators at the achieved level.
After that, it is necessary to conduct a number of tests that will exclude contraindications to the procedure. Thus, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies will be required, in particular: blood tests, urine, biochemical study of blood, study of prothrombin index and blood coagulation indices, HIV and syphilis (Wasserman reaction), ECG, FLG, consultation of a plastic surgeon and a therapist. That is, a standard set of studies is carried out, as before any surgical intervention. As a result, the therapist must conclude whether the patient can be surgical intervention. If there are no contraindications, the patient is prepared for the procedure.
Specific long-term preparation is not required. There is a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss the details of the procedure, plan it. At the consultation it is necessary to inform the doctor about concomitant diseases, taking medications to minimize all possible risks. Before the procedure can not take drugs that affect blood coagulation, prothrombin index, such as heparin, analgin, aspirin, as the risk of bleeding increases. The choice of forms of anesthesia and anesthesia is discussed. As a rule, in most cases, the procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. First, in such a situation, the patient feels comfortable. Secondly, the surgeon has a number of opportunities for unimpeded and safe conduct of all necessary manipulations. As a rule, today quite safe means for anesthesia are used, which do not cause complications and side effects.
There can be several methods of performing liposuction. The surgical method has long been a thing of the past. Currently, the method with the introduction of lipolytics is widely used. Thus, special preparations are injected under the skin, which contribute to the liquefaction of fat. Then, through a special cannula, the dissolved fat is sucked out. This method is minimally invasive, safe. Small punctures are made in the area of dissolved fat removal, through which the fat is sucked out.
Then, if necessary, the doctor applies stitches. After the procedure, it is necessary to follow the rehabilitation regime: wear a special postoperative bandage, inject antibiotics (in order to prevent infectious complications), do not lift heavy weights, follow the recommendations, follow the prescribed care regimen. After surgery, there are always hematomas and swelling. Avoid them can not be avoided, because they are due to anatomical and physiological features of the skin. But correctly observing the rehabilitation period, you can significantly reduce their severity and duration.
Second chin elevator
The procedure of second chin elevator, or chin tightening, can be done in a variety of ways. If you do not want to resort to innovative medical procedures and technologies, you can try simple traditional methods. In order not to have a second chin, you should always keep your weight in feed and control your body mass index. In addition, you need to maintain a normal hormonal background, the state of the muscular system. There is a special gymnastics for the neck, which allows you to effectively tighten the muscles of the chin, make it smooth, even, elastic. Regular exercise, breathing practices, neck massage - the main conditions for maintaining the neckline and neck area in perfect condition. It is important to properly care for the skin: morning and evening to cleanse, moisturize, tone, nourish the skin, apply special masks, compresses. It is recommended to use special tightening creams, modeling and corrective means. But it should be understood that these means require patience, regular care, time. Instant effect will not be achieved. Nevertheless, the result will be stable. Thus, the use of all the above means for at least 2 months leads to visible rejuvenation of the skin, its recovery. Already in 2-3 months, the skin will shine with health and natural beauty.
If you need an immediate effect, it is better to turn to a cosmetologist, or plastic surgeon, who will solve the problem in a relatively short time. Today, there are many techniques to eliminate and correct the second chin. It is possible to choose surgical or non-surgical techniques.
One of the most traditional techniques is plastic surgery. Plastic surgery of the second chin can be aimed at its reduction, complete elimination, or even increase. It is possible to eliminate various deformations, defects. The procedure involves surgical intervention. The lipoxacia procedure is used, the essence of which is to pump out fat from the places of its accumulation. There are many techniques. Operational methodology involves surgical intervention in order to remove fat. There is also a non-surgical method, in which a lipolytic is injected, which dissolves the fat. Then through special cannulas and small punctures in the skin, the fat is removed. There is a procedure of laser and ultrasound liposuction, in which the dissolution of fat is carried out with the help of laser and ultrasound. The ultrasonic technique is also called cavitation. Cryolipolysis is used - a procedure for dissolving and further removal of fat with the help of cold. Special equipment with cold and vacuum attachments is used. Widely popular is the procedure of taping, in which on the face and chin area are applied tapes - special tightening tapes. Such procedures as facebuilding, ozone therapy, and myostimulation are also used.