Plasma Lifting Facial
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cosmetology does not stand still. New interesting techniques, constantly appear in its arsenal. Smooth, problem-free skin - today it's reality. Plasma lifting of the face (Plasma Lift, platelet-rich plasma or PRP) - after this procedure, the skin becomes smooth, without flaws.
Indications for plasmolift of the face
At the person the problem skin bringing physical and psychological dyscomfort, and it would be desirable to feel and see itself rejuvenated. Plasma Lift is something that effectively solves such deviations. Cosmetologists distinguish the following indications for plasmolifting of the face:
- Fading flabby skin that has lost elasticity and elasticity (chronostenia).
- Deterioration of the quality of skin due to insolation (photoaging).
- Acne.
- Pigmentation of the skin.
- Dryness of the skin.
- Cellulite.
- The deviation of the skin tone from the natural original tone.
- After strong exposure to ultraviolet rays.
- Stressful aging of the skin.
- Acne and post acne.
- Deviations in the relief of the skin (wrinkles, small scars).
- Rehabilitation, recovery measures after laser or chemical peeling.
The greatest cosmetic effect can be achieved with a complex approach to the problem, combining plasmolifting of the face with bioreavity (injections of hyaluronic acid), or with a mesorollar (device used to correct the texture of the epidermis), as well as with other appropriate techniques.
The peculiarity of Plasma Lift is that, being practically harmless, it allows to release hidden resources of the organism, stimulating them to recovery. At the same time, all the vital systems of the organism are activated: regenerative, immune, exchange.
Platelets in the human blood support tissue regeneration, stimulating cell division. Thanks to injections of plasma, saturated with collagen and elastin, the body gets support for natural regeneration processes, as a result, a person instructs rejuvenation of the face of PRP.
Preparing for face plasmolifting
Before going to the procedure itself, it is necessary to consult a doctor or a cosmetologist who will conduct it. He must first conduct an examination of the patient's skin, establish his anamnesis, conduct at least some basic research and analysis. Such preparation for plasmolifting of the face is mandatory. It will enable the specialist to ascertain the absence or presence of contraindications. Only after this, if there are no reasons against carrying out this cosmetic technique, the time of "operation" is assigned.
Gives the doctor to the patient and the main recommendations for the preparation for plasmolifting of the face. Mainly:
- For two - three days before the appointed time should be removed from the diet:
- Strong coffee and tea.
- Smoked meat.
- Spicy and spicy dishes.
- Fried, salted and sour foods.
- Alcohol.
- For this period, increase fluid intake. Suitable mineral, spring or just pure water. A good effect on the body produces and light herbal tea.
- On the day of the "operation" it is necessary to refuse from the cigarette.
- The last meal is possible no later than four to five hours before the time of "X".
- Important and the very date of the procedure, especially for the fair sex. It is desirable that it falls into the period of the initial period of the menstrual cycle (the first phase), but after the discharge is complete.
PRP itself is recommended to be conducted in the morning, in the morning.
Harm to plasmolifting of the face
This innovative technique is safe and hypoallergenic. But there is still a slight damage to face plasmon lifting.
- Swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
- Redness of the epidermis.
- At the site of the injection, bruises are formed.
But these consequences of the procedure completely go away after a few days.
Indirectly, this technique affects stem cells. This feature of Plasma Lift opens up unlimited possibilities before cosmetology, but this is also somewhat frightening, since the study of stem cells is not yet complete and their effect on the functioning of the body has not been fully studied. There is an opinion that they are capable of stimulating the growth of cancerous tumors. But do not immediately get upset. In cancer complications, not all types of stem cells are involved, but only individual pools.
Rarely enough, but there are allergic reactions of the body to the material from which the needle is made, as well as to the plasma of its own organism. It is impossible to exclude and infectious infection of blood. The reason may be deviations from the recommendations on the storage and use of the components of the procedure. PRP, in the presence of acne on the skin surface or a "sleeping" infection in the body, can provoke their aggravation and activation.
Thus, the harm of face plasmolyfting can manifest itself in people who are predisposed to malignant neoplasms (heredity, high doses of hard X-rays, etc.). Therefore, before deciding on a rejuvenating procedure, it is preliminary to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to avoid negative consequences.
Where do the plasmolifting of the face?
Before deciding on a rejuvenating procedure, you should ask yourself the question: where do the plasmolifting of the face? The answer is unambiguous. This cosmetology technique should be carried out in specialized beauty salons or clinics that have a good reputation. Wrong with the choice, you can spoil your health, at least - for a while, as a maximum - for life.
This technique, to date, has become quite popular, being the solution to the sore and feminine problem of being always beautiful and young. Therefore, before stopping at a specific specialized clinic, you need to make sure about having certificates that authorize this type of activity. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the opinions of those clients who have undergone the plasmolifting procedure for a person in this institution. Giving into the hands of cosmetologists, you need to be completely confident in their professionalism. After all, the mistake of choice can be costly and it is not always possible to restore the old look.
Any clinic that respects itself and its customers before conducting plasmolifting of the person conducts multiple studies and analyzes (the tendency to allergies for specific medicines is analyzed, severe pathologies are revealed) in order to secure their client and themselves from unpleasant complications.
Beauty is real without damaging the integrity of the skin - this is the result of using the technique of Plasma Lift. The dream of all women, and of men, is real. And even if not yet invented a tablet of "eternal youth", but to extend it - it is available now.
Plasma Face Lifting Procedure
This activity should be conducted only on the basis of a specialized institution authorized by the Ministry of Health to work with blood products. Plasma lifting of the face consists of several stages.
- Primarily, the patient is taking a small amount of venous blood (20 to 120 ml).
- The plasma is then placed in a centrifuge (special medical equipment). This device produces its distillation into components. The upper layers of the sample collect red blood cells (erythrocytes). The lower tier occupies blood with a small amount of platelets. The intermediate "fraction" is plasma with a high level of platelets. This is the goal of all manipulations - "magic substance", which allows to heal and rejuvenate the skin.
- Then the procedure begins:
- Enriched plasma is dialed into a previously disinfected syringe.
- At the injection site, if necessary, an anesthetic cream is applied.
- An injection is made.
Plasma face lifting lasts about an hour. But it is necessary to repeat it with courses. The number of treatment courses depends on the pathology. The average component corresponds to four procedures with an interval of one to two weeks.
After the first event, there will hardly be any significant changes, but the second procedure will show an obvious result. After conducting the procedure, to limit yourself to something is not worth it. Exceptions include only visiting the sauna and solarium, swimming in the natural reservoirs and the pool, taking medications such as heparin, aspirin (anticoagulants) and their analogues. Limit the intake of fatty foods and alcohol. The time limit - three - four days. The effect can persist for one year.
Plasma Lift effectively works on any site not only of the face, but also of the neck, neck, abdomen and hands, improves the structure and growth of hair.
Face plasmolifting
Plasmolifting is an innovative revitalizing technique that allows you to catalyze the hidden forces of the body to restore and natural rejuvenation of skin and hair.
The basic basis of Plasmolifting is the previously patented technique for influencing blood plasma. The treatment procedure makes it possible to isolate from its composition a platelet autoplasm. The impact of the renewed staff is amazing. When introduced into the epithelium, this "youth elixir" activates cellular respiration, normalizes the water-salt balance of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissues, acts as a stimulant for the production of elastin and collagen. After the procedure, the protective, regenerating and healing abilities of the skin are activated.
Plasmolifting of the facial skin allows to achieve:
- Smoothing of facial wrinkles.
- The general tone of the skin.
- Normalization of the relief of the face.
- Normalization of turgor epithelium.
- Enhancement of cellular metabolism.
- Acupuncture and planting.
- Healing of microcracks.
- Elimination of swelling and bruising in the eye area.
- Removal of hyperpigmentation, which are the result of photoaging (withering of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays).
- Elimination of the "orange peel".
- Normalization of the color of the face.
- Local increase of the immune forces of the skin.
- Coping dryness, itching and peeling of the epidermis.
- Stimulation of the synthesis of elastin, collagen in the dermis.
- Activation of regenerative abilities of tissues.
- Alignment of natural water, oxygen and salt balance.
In this case, the plasmolifting of the facial skin, stimulating the work of the body itself, is safe and non-toxic, hypo-allergenic. This cosmetic technique does not cause mutations and component rejection, with strict adherence to instructions does not allow the risk of infection.
Contraindications to plasmolift of the face
This technique is represented by injections, akin to blood transfusion. The person gets back his plasma, enriched with collagens and elastin. But not everything is so simple. There are contraindications to the plasmolifting of the face. These restrictions include:
- Period of bearing and feeding of the baby.
- Infectious diseases, in acute form of percolation.
- Diabetes.
- Severe skin diseases.
- Mental disorders.
- Allergy and hypersensitivity to procoagulants and anticoagulants.
- Pathology of hematopoiesis, problems with the level of blood coagulability.
- Inflammation of the epidermis in the place of the supposed carrying out of this cosmetic technique.
- Severe illness, for example, oncology.
- The age of the person who wants to "rejuvenate" is up to 25 years.
- Autoimmune malfunctions in the body.
Price of face plasmolifting
Specify the cost of this procedure is quite difficult. The price of face plasmolifting includes the cost of the procedure itself and the consumable material, specially developed for this technique. At the same time, it is necessary to produce it in specialized, licensed to work with blood, clinics. Being tempted by the low price, the patient risks falling into the hands of non-professionals, which is fraught with postprocedural infections and complications. And this is the physiological, aesthetic and psychological health of the patient, additional funds for rehabilitation. But not the fact that it will be possible to bring the skin condition to its original form. Therefore, before deciding on rejuvenation, it is necessary to find a clinic that has a permit for this type of activity, to get acquainted with the opinions of its clients who have undergone a similar procedure.
The price of PRP can vary and due to the application of various methods of blood processing. There are two methods: the introduction of enriched plasma or not enriched, which is significantly cheaper. The final figure depends on the number of procedures performed (on average, the patient passes from two to four "operations"). Very rarely it is possible to solve the problem by obtaining one irrigation.
The status of the clinic is also important. In specialized institutions of the center of the capital, this cosmetology technique will cost much more than on the periphery. On average, wishing to remove defects of the skin, Plasma Lift will cost in 1500 - 2000 UAH. Many clinics introduce a system of discounts for regular customers or those who need to undergo two or more sessions.
Reviews about plasmolifting of the face
This innovative method of skin healing has occupied a worthy niche in cosmetology, gaining more and more adherents. For the most part, they are happy and delighted with this procedure. The overwhelming majority of customers note a noticeable improvement in the quality of the skin: its turgor, elasticity. "The skin becomes more smooth, elastic and velvety, fine wrinkles disappear, larger ones become less relief." Multiple reviews of plasmolifting of the face indicate that flabbiness disappears, the complexion becomes more intense and natural, dull shades go away. The reimimated skin becomes more well-groomed and significantly "younger".
Quite often in the "debate" the question arises about how uncomfortable this cosmetic technique is, because in advertising it is said about its complete painlessness. Most opponents agree with advertising, but there are also those who experienced pain. Experts say that such a discomfort can feel patients with very dry skin, increased sensitivity of skin receptors, as well as a thin layer of epidermis. In the process of introducing enriched plasma into the skin layers, the epithelium cracks, causing pain. The second reason for its appearance may be improper conduct of Plasma Lift.
Quite a lot of positive reviews about PRP and from patients with a really complicated pathology of the facial cover. If they did not get a perfectly clean and even cover, the quality of the skin improved significantly. Particularly zealous fans of this technique undergo this procedure once a year to constantly maintain their face in tone.
There are also negative reviews, which, for the most part, are associated with the prohibitively high cost of one session, while the course from several irrigation projects leads to even more impressive figures. After all, most patients have to repeatedly apply for such a service.
Summing up the reviews of doctors, cosmetologists and clients who have already tried on themselves Plasma Lift, we can conclude that this procedure is quite effective and solves multiple problems of the skin of the face of the patient. The cost of conducting it is significant enough and palpable for the purse of most respondents, but, if you want, allocate such a sum of "for themselves" is still possible. But how many bonuses a person receives after rejuvenating and cleansing a person (both physically and psychologically). Do not just forget that the first few days after the "operation" the face is stained with small bruises and swelling, which quickly pass. Therefore, the procedure itself should be arranged so that the first time after its holding, there was no great need to appear in public.
Decision making, do or not do the plasmolifting of the face still have to do it yourself.