Masks with vitamins for the face - help in the struggle for beauty and health of the skin
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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The outer shell of our body not only protects it from all sorts of external influences. The skin performs so many complex functions that it would be high time for it to give the status of a separate organ. Judge for yourself: the average surface area of the skin of an adult is 2000 square meters. Cm, and the cerebral cortex in its area does not exceed 1670 square meters. See In the skin there are 280 thousand receptors of cold and heat, at least one million nerve endings, 500 thousand receptors of touch and 3 million sweat glands ...
When warm clothes protect us from the winter cold (even hands we can protect by wearing gloves with mittens), then the person remains, as they say, "open to all winds". Therefore, the skin of the face requires careful care and special care. And will help to fight for beauty and skin health masks with vitamins for the face.
Masks with vitamins for the face: what and for whom?
To better and for a long time to maintain a good condition and a healthy skin, first of all, you need all vitamins necessary for the body to be in your diet. For example, if the facial skin becomes dry and begins to peel off, and the skin of the hands quickly coarsens and cracks appear, it means that it obviously lacks vitamin A (retinol), which participates in oxidation-reduction processes, regulates the synthesis of proteins, promotes normal metabolism and reproduction cells.
Synthesis of skin collagen (fibrillar protein, which forms the basis of the connective tissue of the body) slows down without vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is an antioxidant (antioxidant) and an enzyme of certain metabolic processes in the body. A powerful antioxidant vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) is needed for the normal functioning of the body's immune system, blood circulation, cell nutrition and tissue repair.
Strengthen the internal vitaminization of the skin can and should be done by using a proven means, such as masks with vitamins for the face. Vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, and in the pharmacy without a prescription you can buy their oil solutions - in capsules or ampoules. Vitamin C is soluble in water and alcohol. It is available in the form of powder, tablets, dragees, and also in ampoules - in the form of a 10% and 25% solution or 10% solution of the sodium salt of ascorbic acid (sodium ascorbinate).
Masks with vitamin E for the face
Adding one vitamin E capsule (you just need to pierce the capsule and squeeze out the contents) into the most common home mask will help increase skin elasticity, reduce unwanted rashes and smooth out facial wrinkles in the most vulnerable places - near the outer corners of the eyes and mouth.
Masks with vitamin E for the face are prepared immediately before the procedure. The composition of the nourishing mask that smooths wrinkles includes: fatty sour cream (30-40 g), cocoa powder (10 g), wheat germ oil (10 drops), jojoba oil (10 drops) and 2-3 drops of vitamin E oil solution All components are properly mixed, the resulting mass is applied to the face and aged for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. This mask is recommended to do no more than 2-3 times a week.
When dry skin mask with vitamin E for the face will have a rejuvenating effect, if it is cooked on the basis of cottage cheese (ideally - home). You need to mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of olive oil and drop 5-7 drops of vitamin E. The mask is applied to the face with a fairly thick layer, aged for 15-20 minutes and washed off with plain water.
Masks with vitamin A for face
Vitamin A is indispensable in caring for mature skin: it activates the natural production of collagen and increases the skin turgor. Masks with vitamin A are very effective, since this vitamin is free to penetrate all layers of the skin through the channels of the sebaceous and sweat glands. It is especially useful to make such masks with the onset of cold weather.
For dry skin, a nutritious mask with retinol is very useful: take a similar amount of aloe juice and 5-10 drops of vitamin A (an oily solution) per tablespoon of good sour cream. All carefully mix, apply on the skin of face and neck. The time of the procedure is no more than a quarter of an hour, after which the mask is washed off with lukewarm water.
Mask with vitamin A for the face with a fat type of skin is done so. First, prepare a herbal infusion or a decoction of the most recommended for oily skin medicinal plants - peppermint, chamomile, calendula, field horsetail or sage. Half a cup of boiling water is taken a tablespoon of dry grass, brought to a boil, removed from the fire and insists for 15-20 minutes. A small amount of herbal decoction is mixed with the oatmeal - up to the creamy mass. It adds 10 drops of almond oil or grape seed oil and 5 drops of vitamin A (you can add the contents of a single capsule of "Aevita"). The mask lasts 15 minutes, and then washed off with the remaining decoction of the herb.
Masks with vitamin C for the face
Vitamin C though is available in the form of a solution, but professional cosmetologists note that in the air the initial properties of this vitamin - protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays and lightening pigmentation - are quickly lost. For this reason, it is practically not used in home-made masks. And in beauty salons, masks with vitamin C for the face are made with persistent pigment spots.
In-kind ascorbic acid is found in many fruits and vegetables, so home-made masks with vitamins C are more suitable for preparing from fresh fruits. For example, with oily skin, the mask with vitamin C (which is contained in all citrus fruits without exception) and white cosmetic clay helps a lot. Freshly squeezed juice of one orange is mixed with two tablespoons of clay and applied to clean skin for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
It should be borne in mind that all citrus fruits contain a significant amount of alpha-acids having exfoliating properties, so these masks are not made often, and the skin after them is protected with appropriate creams.
Mask with vitamin C for the face can be prepared using "Chinese gooseberry" - kiwi. This fruit contains a record amount of vitamin C - 92 mg per 100 g of weight. In addition, it has vitamins E, B6 and B9, so this multivitamin mask excellently tones, moisturizes and smoothes any skin. Prepare this mask is easy, mix well enough one tablespoon of kiwi and oil - olive or almond juice, add one raw yolk. The resulting mass is applied to the face, and after 15 minutes, with gentle movements (with minimal pressure), remove using a moistened cosmetic disk. With oily skin, it is better to replace the yolk with whipped protein, and limit the amount of butter to one teaspoonful.