Mask of avocado - for healthy skin and hair
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021

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Avocados are eaten raw and used in cooking. A great popularity acquired various cosmetics for face and body care, which include avocado oil. A mask of avocado can improve the condition of any skin type.
The subtropical evergreen plant is a Persian American from the laurel family known to us as avocados. In addition, from the filing of the British - because of the shape of the fruit and their skin-like crocodile - this fruit was nicknamed the "alligator pear".
Benefits of Avocado for Skin
Avocado is considered a fruit, and according to the Guinness Book of Records, the most caloric on our planet. But in fact it is a berry, and all the benefits of avocado are concentrated in its pulp: even oil is obtained from it.
The great benefits of avocados for the skin, as well as for the whole organism, are due to the unique chemical composition of these fruits. Avocados are rich in such vitamins as A, C, E, K and beta-carotene (provitamin A); it contains all the vitamins of the B group. Among the trace elements are the presence of iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and fluorine. And the potassium content of avocados is almost half overtake bananas.
Avocado contains fats, of which 67% account for more than 20 essential monounsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. Most of them are oleic acids.
Antioxidants in the composition of avocado (vitamins C, E and beta-carotene) help to free the skin of toxins that lead to its premature aging and wrinkles. Vegetable steroids, contained in avocados, increase the production of collagen, help regenerate, soften and moisturize the skin. A glutamic amino acid cleans and protects the skin from negative environmental effects.
Benefit avocado for the skin brings and phospholipid lecithin, which provides the formation of intercellular space and the renewal of damaged cells of all tissues of the body. Thanks to lecithin and a high concentration of monounsaturated fats, the use of avocado for hair is invaluable, which is expressed in the support of the optimal moisture level inside the cuticle - the outer layer of the hair shaft.
Mask of avocado for face
The simplest home facial mask from avocado for the face consists of mashed pulp, which must be applied to the cleansed skin, soak for 20 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature. This uncomplicated procedure, held a couple of times a week, will definitely positively affect the appearance of a woman of any age and with absolutely all types of skin.
And now about how to make a mask of avocado using additional ingredients. Healthy appearance with dry and normal skin will ensure the addition of
To a half of a small avocado of a tablespoon of wheat germ oil and half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime juice. The action of the beneficial substances of the "alligator pear" here is enhanced by vitamin E, antioxidants and glycoproteins of wheat germ oil. A vitamin C lime will add skin elasticity, and - thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties - will help prevent the appearance of acne. This mask is recommended to put on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water.
Mask of avocado with wrinkles
Very effective in combating the aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles are two masks based on the pulp of avocado fruits. The first mask will require three ingredients: a quarter of ripe avocado, 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Flesh the avocado to a consistency of puree, add the remaining ingredients, mix everything in a homogeneous mass and apply it to the cleansed face. Hold for 15 minutes and wash your face first with warm, then with cold water (to close the pores).
The second mask of avocado for the face is effective in the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, prone to excessive production of fat. It is enough to add a small slice of baker's yeast, previously ground with a small amount of milk or water, to a pulp of fruit pulp. All other actions are known to you.
Mask of avocado for dry skin
This mask helps to adjust the water balance in the skin, nourishes and rejuvenates it.
It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of gruel from avocado pulp with a raw egg yolk of one egg, a teaspoon of natural honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. If the skin is dry and sensitive, you should add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the mixture. After a 15-minute procedure, the mask is washed off with warm water, and then the skin is wiped with an ice cube.
Mask of avocado against acne
To prepare this mask, you need to mix two tablespoons of the mashed avocado in a homogeneous mass with 20 g of mashed yeast and a tablespoon of aloe juice. The resulting mass is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Another recipe for an avocado mask from acne: take cocoa powder (1 teaspoon), liquid honey (1 tablespoon) and avocado pulp (2 tablespoons).
Masks with avocado oil
All that is rich in the flesh of the fruits of avocado, inevitably passes into the oil extracted from them. This oil is included in a variety of cosmetic products, as it:
- well absorbed into the skin and penetrates into the deep layers, moisturizing and protecting the epidermis from drying out;
- increases the level of skin immunity, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
- strengthens blood circulation in the skin and normalizes the metabolic processes taking place in it;
- stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which significantly increases the turgor and slows the appearance of wrinkles;
- prevents formation of pigment spots on the face skin.
Masks with avocado oil are suitable for moisturizing and enhancing the elasticity of all skin types, removing redness or irritation. To do this, just add half a teaspoon of avocado oil with the composition of any home cosmetic masks.
To prepare a moisturizing cosmetic mask you will need oatmeal, honey and avocado oil. Pour two tablespoons of oat flakes with a little warm water and wait until the flakes are soft. Then add one tablespoon of avocado oil and one teaspoon of liquid honey. Keep this mask on your face for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and then with cold water.
Masks of avocado around the eyes
The preparation of a mask from the avocado around the eyes is elementary simple. The first option provides for the availability of purchased avocado oil in the pharmacy, the second - fresh fruit, purchased in the supermarket.
In the first case, a "reusable portion" of the mask with avocado oil, consisting of the actual oil of avocado and olive oil - is mixed in the jar in equal proportions. To enhance the effect, you can add 10 drops of one of the essential oils - rosewood, jojoba, neroli, geranium or carrot seeds. In the evening, a mixture of oils with pointed "driving" movements of the fingertips is applied to the skin around the eyes, after half an hour the surplus mask should be soaked with a napkin. Such a procedure can be done every other day, and in the cold season - daily.
If there is a fresh avocado, then a piece of fruit should be turned into a homogeneous mass, which is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, and then washed off.
Another good advice about eye care: add avocado oil to your normal nighttime nourishing cream. This is especially useful for dry skin, as well as for improving the condition of the skin around the eyes of ladies of "Balzac's age".
Freeman facial mask with avocado
Face mask with avocado American cosmetic company Freeman Beauty Labs in its composition except for avocado oil contains cosmetic clay and oatmeal (oatmeal).
This mask is designed to care for oily and combination skin, as clay is a good absorber of excess sebum. The presence of avocado oil simultaneously moisturizes the skin (moisturizing is required for any type of skin), and also nourishes it, making it more elastic and healthy. The third important ingredient in this mask - oatmeal - helps restore the natural pH of the skin and reduces inflammation.
After applying Freeman mask for the face with avocado, you can have a feeling of "hot skin", which quickly passes. According to the instructions, the mask should remain on the face until it dries completely - about a quarter of an hour. After that, the mask is washed off with plenty of water. This mask for the face is recommended to do 1-2 times during the week.
Mask for hair from avocado
The use of avocado for hair has already been considered at the beginning of these notes. Cosmetologists recommend to everyone who dreams to return the natural shine to the dimmed hair, to use this wonderful fruit for their moisturizing and intensive nutrition.
The mask for hair from avocado is prepared according to the following recipe: grind to smooth mashed potatoes the avocado fruit of medium size (after removing the peel and removing the stone); raw egg whisk (as for omelet) and combine and fruit mass. For a more pleasant smell, add 5 drops of any essential oil. All carefully move and apply on slightly moistened hair, distributing the mask along the entire length of the hair and lightly rubbing into the scalp.
Tie a headscarf and hold the mask for 20-25 minutes. Then wash off the compound and wash your head with using your usual hair cleanser.
Garnier Avocado Hair Mask
Avocado oil successfully works as a part of many cosmetic products of well-known manufacturers. So, in the assortment of the brand Garnier, which focuses on the use of natural ingredients, among the hair care products, a mask for hair with avocado and carite (shea) oils is presented.
Mask Garnier avocado and carite is useful for dry or damaged hair, including split. To all the nutritional properties of avocado oil listed above, the ability of shea butter to eliminate peeling, redness and tightness of the skin is added.
The mask with avocado oils and karite from Garnier is designed to restore the natural structure of fine hair. The mask is applied to damp hair and aged for three minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off with water.
Masks of Numero with avocado
Nourishing mask for hair from the avocado of the Italian trade mark Brelil Numero - an analog of the mask Garnier - is also designed for dry, dull and damaged hair. As the manufacturer points out, due to the presence of avocado and carite oils in the hair care product, which penetrate deep into the hair structure, intensive moistening and strengthening of the hair fibers is achieved without weighting them. Hair gets shine and shine.
The way of applying the Numero mask with the avocado is the same as in the previous case.
Mask for honey honey avocado
Mask for hair "Honey Avocado" (Russian brand Organic Shop) also refers to the so-called express masks. As written on the label, the mixture is applied over the entire length of damp hair, aged for 1-2 minutes and washed off with warm water. The manufacturer indicates that the mask does not contain silicones, parabens and dyes. However, in its composition, as in all cosmetic products currently produced, there are many different "auxiliary" chemicals. In particular, in addition to water with infusions (oil infusion) of avocado and honey, the honey mask of avocado contains emulsifiers (cetearyl alcohol and cetryl ether), solvents (benzoic acid), antistatic agents (becentrimonium chloride), citric acid, preservatives (sorbic acid) , synthetic perfumes. "Honey Avocado" also has hydrolyzed keratin in its composition.
Reviews of the mask of avocado
According to reviews on the mask of avocados, the results from their application, as a rule, meet expectations. Especially it concerns cosmetic masks from avocado for the face of home preparation.
Among the useful tips for using avocados, it should be noted that it is recommended to use only ripe avocados. And to prevent the darkening of the unused part of the fruit, you need to wrap it in food polyethylene film and store it in the vegetable container of the refrigerator. Then within 2-3 days the avocado remains suitable for making masks.
Numerous visitors of cosmetic websites note that the regular use of avocado oil helps them to reduce the dryness of the skin and significantly increases its elasticity.
Rich in minerals, iron, potassium, vitamins and antioxidants, avocado really moisturizes and simultaneously nourishes the skin. Mask of avocado and masks with avocado oil promote the renewal of epidermal cells, and also nourish the hair and restore their natural shine.