Herbs for hair removal
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Herbs are not able to remove hair in one session, but can significantly reduce the activity of the follicle, and hence the growth of the hair shaft. There are many plant inhibitors, but as a rule, herbs for hair removal are very toxic.
We list the most popular plants:
- Seeds of nettle, which includes histamine and formic acid. From the seeds, an oil extract is made or fresh seeds are ground.
- Datura, which refers to poisonous plants due to the alkaloids that make up the composition. From the dope is prepared as an alcohol tincture, and an oil extract. These drugs contribute to the gradual destruction of hair follicles and stop hair growth.
- Periwinkle pink, a plant from which antineoplastic agents are manufactured. Indole alkaloids, contained in the vinca roots, aggressively affect the hair follicles and promote their fading. The plant is very poisonous, it is extremely difficult to meet it on a free sale.
- Mac-samoseyka, a well-known plant that contains many valuable components in the pharmacological sense. In the field of inhibition of hair growth, poppy is interesting due to codeine and papaverine, which are found in both leaves and seeds. To prevent the growth of the hair shaft, use a mixture of ash from the burnt dry poppy and vegetable oil.
- Saffron, a plant of the family of iris. After epilation, tincture of saffron is used, which gradually reduces the activity of hair growth due to gum and glycosides. The product intensely stains the skin, so it is rarely used.
- Turmeric (turmeric) is a plant of the ginger family, which in the people is often mistakenly identified as saffron, although it is more like ginger. Turmeric can act as a hair growth inhibitor due to the iodine and phosphorus contained in it.
- The roots (bulb) of the hyacinth also help to slow the growth of the hair shaft by suppressing the activity of the follicles.
In general, any herb for hair removal, more precisely, to stop their growth, should contain alkaloids, glycosides, acids, essential oils or flavonoids.
Stramonium for hair removal
Datura is a poisonous plant that contains a very high concentration of alkaloids. It is they that contribute to the inhibition of hair follicle activity, inhibit the growth of hair follicles. With regular application of the product, the hair becomes thin, their structure collapses, the hair follicle of the follicle dies, and growth stops completely. On average, the process of "death" of the follicle takes about a year, this is the optimal, relatively safe for the body, the period of use of such a poisonous prescription. Believe in the instantaneous action of dope is not worth it, except that take it inward, and this is a risk to life in general.
Dentistry for hair removal can be in the form of tincture, or on an oil base. What kind of a tool to choose, the woman decides independently taking into account the structure and type of skin. Obviously, for oily skin, an alcohol tincture is suitable, for a drier skin - oil with a dope. The procedure for arresting hair growth is best performed before bedtime, no more often than once a day, but regularly. Before applying the "dope" drug, the hair should be removed by any available means, so the drug will penetrate into the proper zone - to the follicle.
Since dermatogen for hair removal is not a harmless way, it is necessary to take into account strict contraindications:
- Pregnancy.
- The period of breastfeeding, lactation.
- Age is up to 20 years.
- Allergy.
- Diseases of the nervous system.
- Diabetes.
- Kidney diseases.
- Epilepsy.
- Acne.
- Purulent rashes on the skin, wounds and scratches.
- Period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- Dermatitis and any systemic skin diseases.
Tincture of datura for hair removal
Many poisonous plants find application both in the pharmaceutical industry and in cosmetology. The dope, which was known to our ancestors, was no exception. What are its names - sorcerer-grass, crazy grass, durupyan and the like. Such figurative names speak for themselves, dope does indeed have a strong intoxicating, hallucinogenic property. And it is absolutely not necessary to take it inside, it's enough just to stay close to the flowering plant for 5-10 minutes.
In addition to its toxic properties, the dope is also famous for its analgesic, antispasmodic effect, most importantly, to choose the right dose. This rule applies to the procedure of epilation, when the dope is used for removing hair. You can buy the tincture already ready, but if you have the opportunity to prepare the grass yourself, then the preparation is prepared and at home.
- 0.5 cups of threshed seeds of datura.
- A glass of alcohol or vodka.
- Mix and cover in a glass container for 21 days.
- Before applying the tincture, the hair is best removed by any suitable method, so the agent acts more quickly on the hair follicles.
- Lubricate the tincture of the skin, where unwanted hair grows once a day.
- After the application, the product is not rinsed for an hour, then the skin is washed with warm water.
- The procedures are repeated regularly for 2-3 months, then a break for a month is made and the course is repeated.
- The first results in the form of weakened, thin hair will be in a month. In addition, hair growth is significantly slowed down.
Tincture can not be used in pregnancy, lactation, and diseases of the nervous system. At occurrence of any borings, signs of an allergy application of dope should be stopped immediately and take a more secure way.
Hair removal with nettle
Nettle is not only a burning, but also a very useful plant. Paradoxically, there are many recipes with nettles to strengthen and grow hair, and there are ways to remove hair with nettle. What is the secret of this amazing plant?
The nettle nettle contains many vitamins, carotene, sulfur, protein compounds, potassium, calcium and iron salts. By the way, sulfur just enhances the growth of hair, but the property of nettle to activate the function of blood coagulability can help and in arresting hair growth. It all depends on what parts of the nettle are used for one purpose or another, of course, the technology of manufacturing the product, its proportions and the technique of application is also important. There is another interesting property of nettle, it can be a very good preservative, stabilizer. Since ancient times, with the help of nettles, the hostess has saved many products without having the modern benefits of civilization, in particular - a refrigerator. Especially well-stored nettle-containing products containing protein. This ability and used resourceful ladies, using nettle tinctures for hair removal.
Nettle in the process of hair removal is used as an inhibitor, that is, a method that helps stop hair growth. There are many recipes, for example, rubbing the skin with fresh leaves of the nettle. But this is too extreme method, which is fraught with severe burns and irritation. A more correct prescription presupposes decoction of nettle seeds or their oil tincture. Alcohol-containing products are also good, but can dry out the skin.
Nettle seeds for hair removal
One of the most popular alternative methods in controlling hair follicles is the oil tincture of nettle seeds. Nettle seeds for hair removal were used in antiquity, there is information about their use even in the royal families. We offer a relatively safe method, which involves regular application within 2-3 months. It is not worth waiting for a quick result, the oil tincture acts slowly, but efficiently enough.
- 40 grams of nettle seeds are ground in a mortar (rubbed). A coffee grinder will not work, as the particles of seeds should not acquire a powdery consistency.
- 100 grams of castor or refined vegetable oil. It is better to use either castor oil or grape seed oil, this base is more neutral and absorbed into the skin.
- In the oil crumbled seeds are poured, the drug is infused in a dark, cool place (not in the refrigerator) for about 2 months.
- Oil infusion can be filtered, but can be used in its original form.
- The skin should be cleaned first, it should be dry.
- The necessary places are lubricated daily, the product is left on the skin for about 1 hour, then wiped with a cotton cloth.
- If the tincture is prepared correctly, it must be completely absorbed.
- The first results will be visible after 1.5-2 months. Hair will become thinner, they can easily be removed with either tweezers or other suitable means. As the oil tincture from the nettle seeds is applied, the hair stops growing.
- The entire process should be monitored for possible skin irritation. If a rash appears, you should look for another way to remove unwanted hair.
Hair removal with garlic
Obviously, in search of the perfect recipe for hair removal, women are ready to go into unimaginable distances and go for any experiments. To such extreme methods, according to many experts, is the removal of hair with garlic.
In principle, garlic is a storehouse of very useful ingredients. It is rich in flavonoids, there is a large concentration of mustard oil, essential oil with a smell of sulfur, many phytoncides, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. There are in garlic and iodine, and iron, as well as zinc, copper and many other valuable substances. The garlic, despite its specific flavor, was praised by our ancestors. In the East it was revered as a universal medicine not only from diseases, but also from evil spirits. Moreover, many believed that cloves of garlic are the teeth of a mythical, divine creature - a dragon who could both protect and punish offenses. In this sense, the removal of hair with garlic can also bring good (in which beauticians strongly doubt), and harm in the form of severe burns and irritations on the skin.
How can garlic help remove hair? In addition to irritating and stimulating blood circulation, garlic has astringent and vasoconstricting properties. Obviously, this ability and helps garlic to stop the work of the follicle, stop the growth of the hair shaft. On women's forums, you can find advice on using garlic juice for hair removal on the face. As if wiping the area above the upper lip or chin, you can eliminate even the coarsest hairs. The author of these lines did not meet in reality such brave women, and believes that garlic is better used for its intended purpose - in cooking, perhaps for preventive purposes during the period of massive diseases of acute respiratory infections and influenza. And for facial hair removal it is better to use safe and correct methods.
White Henna for Hair Removal
In some sources, information is found that white henna is obtained from finely chopped walnut partitions. In fact, this is not true, any henna, whatever color it is, is prepared from Lavsonia, a plant that lives everywhere in African countries, in India and parts of Asia. Indeed, there is a remedy, which includes white henna for hair removal, as well as ash nuts, soda and other ingredients. But such a drug rather helps slow down hair growth by suppressing the activity of the hair bulb, the scrubbing effect on the skin and acid-base action on the growing hair shaft. White henna is an excellent antiseptic, therefore as a component of hair growth inhibitor, it can be used in post-epilation procedures. Separately, white henna for hair removal is not used, since all kinds of henna, on the contrary, help to strengthen and grow hair.
You can independently prepare such a composition:
- A pack of white henna.
- Soap shavings (grate half a piece of baby soap on a fine grater).
- 2 tablespoons baking soda.
- 3-5 drops of essential oil (a choice - lemon, mint, lavender).
- 0, 5 cups (can be less) of purified water.
Stir henna with soap shavings, add soda, pour in water, stirring the composition until a thick consistency, after adding essential oil. The mixture is applied by a spatula on a site of a dry skin where hair is already removed. The action time is from 15 to 30 minutes, then carefully remove the mixture with a spatula, rinse with warm water. Such a composition is well removed by the presence of soap acting as an emulsifier.
Nuri Hair Removal
Nuri for epilation is a powder made from natural material. Nuri powder manufacturer claims that its components are delivered from curative Persian sources, in addition to the composition of the agent includes trace elements, extracts of herbs and minerals. Legend has it that shredded stone rocks for epilation used in ancient times, especially popular was the powder of Turkish women living in the East of the country. It was this area that interested scientists, studied the rocks and found that the stones are rich in barium sulfate. Barium sulfate, in turn, is widely used in radiogenic contrast procedures, has a powerful enveloping action, which was used to stop hair growth.
Today, Nuri for hair removal is no longer considered a novelty, the drug began to be produced at the end of the last century, and its popularity is explained by good results and almost two decades of positive reviews. Nuri is an excellent alternative to painful procedures, such as waxing or tweezing tweezers. In addition to barium sulfate, the preparation contains medicinal henna, calcium, perfume compositions, talc. The principle of action is simple enough - gentle peeling, the gradual destruction of the structure of the hair and the arrest of the activity of the follicle.
How to apply Nuri for hair removal?
Powder is dissolved in 50 ml of water, stirred and put by a spatula on the clean skimmed skin. The agent lasts about 5 minutes, then it is removed with the same spatula, and, together with the dissolved hair rods. The skin is washed with warm water and moistened with a normal light cream. The most effective powder is Nuri, when it is applied after steaming the skin in a bath, sauna. The result depends on the degree of hairiness, the type of skin and regularity of application. But in any case, Nuri is a natural drug that not only correctly acts on the most sensitive areas (underarms, bikinis), but it also has a good effect on the skin in principle - it cleans, tones and removes the dead layer of cells.
Turmeric for hair removal
Turmeric has long been used not only as a food additive or dye, but also for hair removal, more precisely after it as an inhibitor of hair growth. Curcuma is popular in our time, and the recipe, which is offered below, is simple and is available for cooking at home:
- 3 tablespoons dry turmeric powder.
- 1 tablespoon of boiled water.
- Mix everything to a gruel-like consistency.
- The mixture is applied to already epilated areas and left for 10-20 minutes.
- The skin is washed with warm water, most effectively rubbing with sour milk or serum, as turmeric can give the skin a yellowish shade.
Why is turmeric effective for hair removal? The first thing that makes a mixture with turmeric, this antiseptic effect, in addition, the product helps to reduce the activity of hair follicles, therefore, prolongs the effectiveness of hair removal in general. Regular application of gruel can significantly slow the growth of new hair, the only negative is the dyeing of the skin. For this reason, turmeric is not used in the face area and in the open, visible areas of the body.