Facial massage
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Such a massage is described by Akvaviva, who used an anatomical tweezers for this purpose; both ends of the tweezers were protected with a rubber band. From above, the tweezers were supplied with a ball, which the masseur held in his hand. With this tweezers, he produced a slight grinding or deep kneading, depending on how thick the skin layer he had grasped with tweezers. This type of massage is known only from literature.
Facial massage, or Jacquet massage, is one of the types of plastic massage, using the plucked tissue treatment mechanism. It was proposed in 1907 and included light compression and vibration effects on the skin.
Jacquet recommended this massage technique for "skin hypotonia" or "fatigue skin" for a greasy, acne prone skin.
Today this type of massage is also well used in the presence of the following indications:
- Oily, porous skin.
- Seborrhea, acne.
- Presence of infiltrates, stagnant phenomena.
- Phenicia phenomena.
- Flabby skin.
- Hypotonus of facial muscles.
The technique of behavior consists in squeezing the contents of the sebaceous glands along certain lines (in the direction of the musculoskeletal bundles). Squeezing is performed by pinching along the lead-out ducts of the sebaceous glands with terminal phalanges of the fingers.
The main methods of therapeutic massage are: stroking, kneading or deep tweaks, vibration or deep tweaks with vibration. Due to deeper mechanical influences on the skin and underlying tissues, this kind of massage enhances blood circulation, improves nutrition activates the secretion of excess secretion from the sebaceous glands; increases the skin turgor and muscle tone.
The mechanism of the therapeutic massage for oily skin and plastic massage for fading skin was explained in his works by the founder of the Russian massage school, professor AI Pospelov. The basis of the technique proposed by him was the principle of heating sebaceous ducts without strong moistening of the skin surface, ensuring a good influx of arterial blood and maximizing the drainage of tissues, using stroking, pressing movements and "dry heat".
Technique of medical massage
- Stroking.
The stroking of the face is performed by the palm surfaces of the fingers of both hands. The palm easily slides over the skin of the face. The contact of the hand must be full pressure.
Stroking begins from the forehead along the main massage lines (spend along each line 2 times with a score of 4):
- 1st line - from the middle of the forehead to the temple;
- 2 nd line - from the root of the nose to the temporal cavity;
- 3rd line - from the corner of the mouth to the tragus;
- The 4th line is from the middle of the chin to the earlobe.
Each stroking ends in an easy fixation
- Kneading or deep tweaks.
And the first phalanxes of all fingers capture the whole face skin, making the tweaks as close as possible to each other along the massage lines (2 times):
- 1st line - from the middle of the chin to the earlobe (account for 8);
- 2nd line - from the corner of the mouth to the tragus (score on 8);
- 3rd line - from the wings of the nose to the curl of the auricle (account for 8);
- 4th line - on the cheeks deep pinches are produced in a circle in the form of a cochlea - a smaller circle seems to fit into the big one (tweezers start from the angle of the lower jaw - only 16 tweaks);
- The 5th line is the kneading of the muscles of the nose, they are made by the pads of 1 finger; the remaining II-V fingers are fixed under the lower jaw; pads I fingers are produced on both sides of the nose squeezing the tweaks, starting from the base of the nose to its back in two points:
- on the wings of the nose (4 pinches 2 times),
- above the wings of the nose (4 pinches 2 times);
- 6th line - kneading of the muscles of the forehead, produce from the superciliary arches to the hair growth line at four points and repeat 2 times along each line; the muscles of the forehead are grasped by the fingers and produces squeezing movements towards the border of the scalp; account for four 2 times:
- from the bridge of the nose;
- from the inner end of the eyebrow;
- from the middle of the eyebrow;
- from the outer end of the eyebrow.
B. After that, deep pressing movements are carried out, passing more superficially along the same massage lines.
- Vibration or deep tweaks with vibration.
Tweaks with vibration produce on the same lines as deep tweaks without vibration, except for the nose area. The suddenness of each compression, the alternate gripping and releasing of the skin characterize this movement.
NB! When vibrating, the facial muscles should not shift, giving vibration to the tissues while contracting the muscles of the shoulder and forearm.
- Then alternate kneading, vibration and re-kneading (on average 1-2 times).
- Stroking.
After a therapeutic massage, the face is followed by a neck massage from behind:
- kneading of the neck muscles from behind is repeated 3 times (see neck massage 2nd movement);
- kneading muscles of the shoulder girdle (see cosmetic neck massage 6th movement);
- stroking the side surfaces of the neck.