

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Chiromassage is an independent method of therapeutic and prophylactic massage, which is represented by the Spanish school INMASTER - Institute Masaje Terapeutico (Institute of Manual Therapy). The very term "chiromassage" (a combination of two words: "hiro" - hand and "massage") was first recorded by a naturopathic physician VL Ferrandis. In 1918 he proposed the technique of "chiromassage", which represented the synthesis of the most effective for that time techniques of European and Oriental massage systems, American chiropractic and kinesiology. In the 60s of the XX century. The massage technique evolves and becomes very popular. In 1990, on the basis of the Ferrandis school, the concept and philosophy of a new school under the leadership of Enrique Castells Garcia, which was named Institute of Manual Therapy - INMASTER, was fully formed.

By massage techniques are understood a set of manipulations that affect any of the anatomical systems - the nervous, vascular, muscle and joint. With massage movements, they can be affected and stimulated directly.

The following basic techniques are singled out in the institute's program: neurophysiological massage, affecting various aspects of the nervous system and its basic functions; hemolymphatic drainage, affecting the vascular system, and chiromassage (the technique of which was updated by a new team of authors).

Chiromassage is a technique of affecting the muscular system of the body and its basic functions.

Applying the technique of chiromassage, it is possible to achieve an increase in the elasticity of muscle fibers and their contractile function, to increase the volume of muscle mass, to slow the atrophy of muscles, and to increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues.

In chiromassage, there is a wide variety of manipulations (techniques) and their distribution according to schemes. Allocate basic and additional techniques.

The main method is reception, which has the main physiological effect in this technique. During the massage, approximately 50% of the time is allocated for this procedure. In chiromassage, the main method is mashing. Often this technique is called passive gymnastics. According to the functional purpose, kneading is divided into muscle-vascular, neuromuscular and muscular-articular, depending on the physiological effect on muscle tissue and the way they are performed. Muscular-vascular kneading improves blood and lymph drainage, increase the supply of oxygen to tissues. Muscular-articular kneading improve the contractile function of the muscles, have a pronounced lifting effect. Neuromuscular kneading has a deep relaxing effect, reduces muscle hypertonicity.

Additional techniques are considered techniques that enhance or weaken the physiological effect of the main reception, or prepare the tissues for them, or establish a balance between the systems.

Additional tricks:

  • friction (rubbing, stroking);
  • vasoconstriction is a technique that directly affects the outflow of venous blood and lymph;
  • passes - a technique used to reduce pain, reduce nervous excitability, improve nerve conduction;
  • percussion - shock reception, causing oscillations in the deep layers of tissue; Used to activate regenerative processes, improve tissue trophism, contractile muscle function;
  • vibration.

Due to the large number of possible manipulations (massage techniques) that have a specialized effect on the skin, connective tissue, muscles, joints, and their combinations (only kneading more than a hundred variants), chiromassage allows solving a wide range of skin care problems, each patient. This is a cardinal difference between the method of chiromassage and other massage techniques.

In addition, chiromassage does not lead to addiction - the sensitivity of the receptors (extero-, proprio-, angio-, intero-) does not decrease, since the stimulation going to them is always completely different.

There are the following aspects of chiromassage. That is, possible levels of work and impact:

  • musculo-articular aspect,
  • musculo-vascular aspect,
  • neuromuscular aspect.

Chiromassage is built from three parts:

  • the phase of preparation (input) - takes 20% of the total time and is made up of additional techniques;
  • main phase - 50-60% of the total time, in which using kneading;
  • phase out - 20% of the total time.

To obtain the maximum effect of the given technique, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for constructing a massage:

  1. Determine the purpose of the massage, taking into account the collected history.
  2. To form an individual scheme taking into account the features of the primary, vascular, and muscular systems of the patient.
  3. Observe a certain sequence of effects on different systems. First, we use techniques that lead to relaxation, relaxation of the patient (it is allowed to use techniques from other massage techniques, for example, from neurosedative, haemolymphatic drainage massage), in the next stage, techniques that improve blood and lymph drainage are used, and then proceed to basic work with the muscular and articular systems .
  4. Determine the intensity of exposure

Appointment of chiromassage

The duration of the chiromassage is about 60 minutes, the time depends on the characteristics of the nervous system of the patient, on his psycho-emotional state. It is recommended to change the massage scheme from session to session in order to avoid adaptation to tactile influences and get the maximum result. Massage is prescribed by courses of 10-15 procedures with a frequency of every other day or two days. Supportive courses can be conducted once a week or twice a month. Indications for the use of chiromassage:

  1. Deformational type of aging - lifting and correction of the face oval.
  2. Improvement of muscle tone.
  3. Fine-wrinkled type of aging - correction and prevention of the appearance of facial wrinkles.
  4. Care for hypersensitive skin prone to erythema.
  5. Correction of the muscular asymmetry of the face associated with injuries, stressful situations.
  6. Pastosity and swelling of the soft tissues of the face.


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