
Face cream with vitamin C

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Ascorbic acid is one of the useful components that the skin needs. Balanced nutrition is one of the ways to supply it to the body. With its deficiency, increased fragility of the vessels and vascular asterisks on the face, blueing around the eyes. Therefore, the composition of the diet should include such products: apples, citrus fruits, currants, rosehips, garlic, greens, cabbage.


The composition of vitamin C includes fruit acids, which provide such a cosmetic effect:

  • Antioxidant.
  • Regenerating.
  • Accelerates the production of collagen.
  • Smoothes wrinkles and skin.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Raises the turgor.
  • Tones up.
  • Strengthens the capillaries.
  • Soothes in inflammatory processes
  • Normalizes pigmentation, suppressing the production of melanin.


How to choose the right one?

Face cream with vitamin C is best used after 30 years, because in this period there are the first wrinkles. When choosing a product, attention should be paid to the composition of ascorbic acid. Its content in creams is usually in the range from 0.3% to 10, and in some serums and more than 20%. At first, it is recommended to use cosmetics with a minimum content of C, and gradually move to more concentrated to protect the epidermis from burns and trauma.

When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to its composition. If the ascorbic is in the first place, then this indicates its predominance in the product. Before applying to the face, the product should be tested on the hand. In case of an allergic reaction, the cream is contraindicated.

Features of the cream with ascorbic acid for different skin types:

  1. Dry - prevents dehydration and clears from external contamination. Supports beauty and youth, fills with energy, tones up. The composition of creams, in addition to vitamin components include emollients (glycerin) and natural oils.
  2. Oily - cream normalizes the production of sebum, refreshes. Easily penetrates deep into the dermis, so it nourishes and cleanses pores well.
  3. Sensitive - when choosing a cream for this type of skin, you should choose the means on the packaging of which it is indicated that they are hypoallergenic. In this case, ascorbicum has no contraindications, but the remaining components can cause unwanted reactions.
  4. Mixed - positively affects all areas of mixed epidermis. It moisturizes well, removes grease, acne and inflammatory processes.

Popular Face Creams with Vitamin C

  • Booster vitamin C+3 от Intraceuticals.
  • С-Bright 10% Vitamin C Serum от ZO Medical by Zein Obagi MD.
  • C the success от Holy-Land
  • Elastin-Collagen-Placental-Enzyme от Christina.
  • Vitamin C Daily Moisturiser от The Body Shop.
  • Аktive C от La Roche Posay.

To the effect of the cream was the most effective, you should use it correctly. Before applying, the face is recommended to clean with a tonic or neutral soap. The content of ascorbic acid should be at least 0.3%, otherwise the product will not give the desired effect. Cream, in which ascorbic 10% is best applied before bedtime. The recommended daily dose of the product should not exceed 45 mg. Cosmetics should be applied regularly, but in small doses, massage movements, avoiding the zone around the eyes.

As for contraindications, cosmetics with ascorbic acid are prohibited in cases of individual intolerance, a tendency to allergic reactions, and significant damage to the epidermis. Also, you should pay attention to the smell of the product, it should be neutral.

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