
ELECTRO destruction

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Among electrical methods, electro-epilation, electrocoagulation and disinfestation (electric peeling) are destructive. Since their task is to destroy, they are related to methods of surgical correction, and not to physiotherapy.

Electrolysis is used in cosmetology for more than 60 years. It consists in the removal of hair by electrocution on the hair follicle. At electroepilation, the current is fed through a thin needle, which is inserted into the skin at the depth of the hair follicle where the hair zone of the hair is destroyed. The needle inserted into the hair follicle is connected to the negative pole. A positive (passive) electrode is attached to the forearm, the lower leg, or simply given to the patient's hand. Under the influence of current in the tissues of the hair follicle, the charged ions move to the poles of the opposite sign.

Namely: Positively charged ions of the Na + and K + tissue media move to the negative electrode, the excess amount of which is compensated by negatively charged OH- ions, which leads to a strong alkalization of the medium due to local accumulation of NaOH and KOH. The highly alkaline environment causes the death of the cells of the hair follicle, depriving it of the possibility of regeneration. The advantage of this method is that, if the hair follicle areas for the needle are not reachable, the alkaline formed spreads throughout the follicle. The disadvantage of this method is that a large amount of time is required to remove hair.

Electroepilation can be combined with the introduction of pharmacological preparations by electrophoresis, for example, to restore the pH, remove the edema and irritation, which may appear after electroepilation. Or to introduce into the hair channels special solutions or gels that inhibit hair growth (this method is called epilsoft). For several epilsoft sessions, hair thinning can be achieved, reducing their number. Considering the stages of hair growth, the procedures can be carried out every 20-30 days for a long time. The best result is achieved by the treatment of fine hair.

Electrocoagulation is a method of cauterizing tissues with the help of a constant electric current, under the influence of which the denaturation of keratin and cellular proteins takes place in the area of the epidermis located under the electrode. Under the cathode, an alkali is formed, which causes edema, a dry scab and a non-compacted scar. This method is used to treat flat hemangiomas, hair follicles, telangiectasias, acne.

Disincrustation - a method of galvanizing an alkaline solution, designed to cleanse the skin of the face. This method is often used in areas of oily skin (forehead, nose, chin) to soften sebaceous plugs (saponification of comedones). In addition, the effect of electric current promotes the excretion of the secretion of sebaceous glands from the pores, increases the permeability of the vessels, causes hydration of the cells.

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