
Pulse current of low frequency and low voltage

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Healing properties also have intermittent (pulsed) currents. Unlike galvanization, pulsed currents flow to the patient in the form of separate impulses, that is, "jerks" (or "portions") alternating with pauses.

Diadynamic therapy - exposure to a constant pulsed electric current at a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz. The method was proposed by the French physician Bernard (P. Bernard), who called this current diadynamic (sometimes these currents are also called Bernard currents).

Diadynamic currents, encountering great resistance of the epidermis and exciting exteroceptors (skin receptors that perceive irritation), cause a burning sensation and hyperemia under the electrodes. The characteristic clinical effect of diadynamic therapy is an anesthetic.

Electrostimulation is based on the use of electric current for the purpose of exciting or enhancing the activity of the motor nerves and reducing the skeletal and smooth muscles. The use of impulse currents is due to the fact that the sensitivity of the nerve fibers of the skin and skeletal muscles, estimated by the threshold strength of the exciting current, is approximately 3 times higher for pulsed currents compared to a constant one.

In cosmetology, electrostimulation is of limited use, since at high frequencies, a prolonged contraction of muscles - the tetanus, which is quite painful for the patient - often occurs. A much wider application in cosmetology was found in microcurrent therapy, which is devoid of this shortcoming.

Microcurrent therapy is a complex method of action with a therapeutic and cosmetic purpose on the body of modulated pulsed currents of low power (micro amperes) and low voltage with different frequency characteristics. Influencing the skin, muscle tissue and lymphatic pathways, microcurrent therapy stimulates the muscles and creates a persistent lifting effect.

The method is designed for non-surgical correction of age-related changes in the facial oval, smoothing wrinkles, treating cellulite, performing lymph drainage, increasing metabolic processes in the skin and muscles. Less often, microcurrent therapy is used to treat pain, depression and insomnia.

The main difference between microcurrent therapy and electromyostimulation is that the methods of the first are more effective when exposed directly to cells, while the latter is more preferable for muscle stimulation. Unlike classical massage, the methods of microcurrent therapy are applicable even in cases of serious damage to the skin, being almost the only method of fighting edema in such cases.

Alternating compression and relaxation of muscle fibers under the action of microcurrents acts like a pump - when compressed, the blood and lymphatic capillaries between muscle fibers are closed, when relaxing, on the contrary, the opening of the capillaries opens and they fill up again. The aftereffect of this lymph drainage lasts about a day.

Microcurrents are effective in fighting wrinkles. They do not cause subsequent sagging of the skin and aggravation of facial wrinkles in the absence of repeated effects. However, a sufficient number of microcurrent therapy procedures is necessary to solve the problem. The simplicity of the method, the small number of contraindications, the high efficiency determined the wide application and great popularity of this method in aesthetic medicine.

Electrolipolysis is one of the variants of the action of impulse or low-frequency current on adipose tissue.

If impulse currents are applied to the problem areas, skin electrodes are applied. If low-frequency currents are used, thin long disposable needles-electrodes are introduced into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Use from 8 to 14 needles, the prick sometimes imperceptible, sometimes a little unpleasant. The sensations during the procedure itself are approximately the same as during myostimulation. Electrolipolysis results are:

  • increase metabolic activity and reduce fat cells;
  • increase in temperature in the treated area;
  • improvement of circulatory processes in tissues, i.e. Stimulation of capillary circulation and subsequent restoration of normal conditions of nutrition of tissues, stimulation of lymph flow and final removal of all degradation products as a result of enhanced diuresis;
  • increase muscle tone and strengthen the skin.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3]

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