Circumferential facelift
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024
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Many women, and some men, are interested in various methods of surgical rejuvenation, but not all of them know what is a circular facelift. It is a whole set of surgical procedures, the purpose of which is to correct age-related changes. And not only the skin, but also more deeply located facial structures (for example, subcutaneous fatty tissue).
Plastic surgeons conditionally divide the facial area into segments: upper, middle and lower zone. The upper conventional dividing line runs through the eyebrows and the lower one through the nostrils. If the lifting of all these three zones is supposed to be done at once, then in this case we speak of a circular facelift. [1]
Indications for the procedure
The indications for performing a circumferential facelift are the same for female and male patients:
- prolapse of facial soft tissues, eyebrows, outer corners of the eyes;
- formation of soft tissue "sagging" along the edges of the mandible;
- strengthening of the folds of the nasolabial triangle;
- formation of wrinkles, "hound's feet", fold defects;
- stretching of the skin (so-called "excess skin");
- "double" chin.
At what age is a circumferential facelift done?
It is generally accepted that the circular facelift is optimally indicated for patients in the age category of 40-50 years. This is exactly the age at which the face already shows pronounced age-related changes, but the condition of the epidermis is still good enough for quality postoperative recovery.
However, there are many cases when the intervention is performed much earlier - even at the age of 30-35. Of course, if there are appropriate indications. For example, even young tissues of the facial area can be damaged as a result of too intensive and unnecessary cosmetic procedures, as well as from the excessive influence of ultraviolet light or bad habits. Finally, a big role is also played by the hereditary factor, because of which a person may appear older than his age. All these nuances are taken into account and weighed by the surgeon, determining the optimal procedure for the patient. [2]
Before prescribing a circular facelift, the doctor must determine the factors that can cause difficulties during the intervention itself and further recovery of tissues. The surgeon will interview the patient about the medications he takes, bad habits and lifestyle. In addition, will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis - as before any other operation. Such diagnostics may include general tests (blood, urine), analysis of the quality of blood coagulation, fluorography, assessment of blood sugar levels. The purpose of such measures is to determine possible contraindications.
Once diagnostic results are obtained, the doctor should carefully examine the patient's face, paying attention to factors such as:
- condition of soft facial tissues (muscle tissue, epidermis, PJC);
- contours of the face, its shape and features.
The doctor and patient should discuss together all the nuances of the intervention, as well as expectations, anticipated results and possible complications.
All preparation lasts at least two weeks. During this entire period you should:
- to stop drinking alcohol;
- not to smoke;
- not to take medications.
A day before surgery, you may eat only light food and drink juices. It is better to skip the evening meal. On the day of the procedure it is not allowed to drink or eat.
It should be borne in mind that facelift (which is the term for the operation of a circular facelift) can last up to 4-5 hours, and it is carried out under general anesthesia. As a rule, it is inhalation anesthesia: intravenous anesthesia is used only in the correction of individual parts of the facial area, but not in a full circular facelift. Therefore, the preparatory stage is carried out in full, as before any other serious surgical intervention.
Technique of the circular facelift
Many people are not quite sure how a circumferential facelift is performed. Meanwhile, it is a full-fledged and even complex surgery that requires serious preparation and long rehabilitation.
How is the intervention carried out?
- The surgeon makes an incision that starts from the temple area and reaches the anterior contour of the ear drum. If a simultaneous neck lift is planned, the incision is also made in the chin area.
- The doctor peels off the skin starting from the temporal area, as well as on the cheeks and chin.
- The skin is redistributed by moving the soft tissue, then removing (cutting away) the "extra" areas.
- The doctor fixes the connective and muscular tissues with sutures (in a SMAS elevator).
- The skin tightens towards the back and upwards.
- The surgeon applies a compression bandage.
Thus, the operation on the circular facelift can be divided into such stages: redistribution of tissues, getting rid of "excess" skin, fixation of tissues, formation of the correct facial contour. In some cases, additional plastic manipulations are carried out, depending on the desired effect. This may be plastic surgery and aponeurosis of the facial muscles, circular eyelid lift, blepharoplasty and a circular facelift. The extent of the intervention is usually agreed upon in advance, even at the preparation stage. [3]
Varieties of Circumferential Facelift
There are two types of such intervention:
- Circumferential SMAS lift - this method is recommended for patients who have severe external age-related changes that cannot be corrected by epidermal tissue redistribution alone.
- Subcutaneous type of lifting - this method is practiced in patients with relatively small age-related changes that can be corrected by redistributing the skin.
Important: a true circumferential facelift, or facelift, is always a surgical procedure. All other non-surgical techniques called circumferential facelifts are not, but only simulate the effect. [4], [5], [6], [7]
Contraindications to the procedure
Circumferential facelift, contrary to the opinion of many, is not a harmless cosmetic procedure, but a full-fledged surgical intervention. Therefore, it has a number of contraindications:
- impaired blood clotting;
- severe decompensated pathologies, malignant processes;
- psychiatric disabilities;
- a tendency to hypertension;
- epilepsy;
- diabetes;
- infectious diseases, dermatologic diseases affecting the skin on the face.
Circumferential lift is not performed on pregnant and lactating patients.
Consequences after the procedure
Most patients of plastic surgery clinics are concerned not only about their own appearance: they are also concerned about the possibility of unpleasant consequences after surgery. In particular, the obvious disadvantages of a circumferential facelift are such consequences:
- Swelling: they will "paint" on the face for quite a long time - about three weeks, and you need to be ready for it.
- Transient effect: a circumferential facelift provides only temporary rejuvenation. In the meantime, the aging process continues to do its work, and in as little as five years there may be a need for a second correction.
- Hematomas, dark circles under the eyes: such unpleasant signs disappear after a couple of weeks, with a properly conducted recovery period.
To date, there are many clinics, known many practicing plastic surgeons who can offer to perform a circular facelift. But when choosing a clinic and specifically a doctor, you should be sure to check the experience of specialists and equipment of the institution, in the positivity of reviews. If you do not pay attention to the level of service and experience of the surgeon, the operation may end up with the development of various complications.
Complications after the procedure
Unforeseen complications are sometimes encountered, such as these situations:
- when the operating surgeon is inexperienced or incompetent;
- when the patient is not adequately examined prior to surgery;
- in case of improper preparation for surgery, improper management of the rehabilitation period.
- What kind of complications are we talking about? The most common are pathologies and phenomena:
- facial nerve injury with impaired muscle innervation;
- violation of facial symmetry, improper fixation of skin and musculature, and improper tissue redistribution;
- incorrect suturing, resulting in noticeable postoperative scarring;
- formation of keloid scar changes as a result of incomplete preoperative diagnosis.
It is important to remember: a circumferential facelift is a complex operation that requires a special approach and competent preparation. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to carefully choose a clinic and a surgeon who will perform the lift. In addition, you can not ignore the recommendations of the doctor, violate his prescriptions for diagnosis and management of the postoperative period. Unfortunately, there are often cases when the culprit of complications is not the doctor, but the patient himself, who negligently treated medical appointments. [8]
Care after the procedure
After the surgery, the patient can stay in the clinic for twenty-four hours under the care of doctors. However, this issue is decided individually, depending on the condition of the person, as well as on how the lift procedure was performed. The postoperative period after a circular facelift usually lasts up to one month, and recovery takes place already at home.
The postoperative dressing is removed about the second day, and the removal of sutures is carried out 1-2 weeks after the procedure. Absolutely all patients need to know when the sutures smooth out after a circular facelift, what to ointment the sutures, how long to treat. Healing of sutures can go differently: in some patients they can completely smooth out in two months, and in others it happens only after six months. This may depend on the state of immunity, as well as on the age of the person.
Accelerate tissue repair by following these doctor's recommendations:
- After a circular facelift, you should avoid any heat procedures (hot showers or baths, baths, saunas, tanning beds, prolonged exposure to sunlight or hot conditions) for at least three months.
- You should not be allowed to exercise, and you should not lift heavy objects for at least three months.
- A light warm shower is allowed no earlier than day 2-3.
- The first days after the circular facelift skin should be treated with Chlorhexidine, and starting from 3-4 days the solution can be replaced with warm water with baby soap.
- If pain occurs, it is allowed to take a tablet of Ketonal, Ketanov or Naiz.
- Sutures are treated with 0.05% Chlorhexidine up to three times a day. If the stitches are reddened, you can additionally use ointment Baneocin or Levomekol. It is also allowed to make light lotions with a fresh solution of Furacilin (room temperature) for a week after surgery.
- Attention: The area of the stitches must always be dry! If you notice any wet discharge, you should see a doctor immediately!
- To accelerate healing, you can apply a mixture of Traumel C and Bepanthen ointment (50:50) to the face area, three times a day for three weeks.
- You should try to limit facial expressions for 20-25 days after a circumferential facelift.
- You should not sleep on your stomach, use a high pillow, or massage or grope your face for a month after surgery.
- You can take Traumel tablets 1 piece sublingually for 8 tablets per day (for ten days), then switching to taking one tablet three times a day (for five days). Additionally take Ascorutin (1 tablet three times a day), Detralex (1 tablet with breakfast), Lymphomyozot (20 drops three times a day).
- Approximately one month after a circumferential facelift, the sutures can be treated with silicone-containing products (Dermatix, Kelokot). This treatment is continued until the scars turn white.
During the entire rehabilitation period, you should refuse to drink alcohol, from smoking: these bad habits increase swelling and slow down recovery processes. Do not take any medications without prior consultation with a doctor.
Doctor's follow-up visits are done one week after surgery, then 2 weeks, three weeks, one month later, one and a half and two months later, three months later, and six months later.
An alternative to a circumferential facelift
Surgical intervention with the use of general anesthesia scares many people, so not everyone who wants to change their appearance for the better dares to undergo the procedure. In addition, some people circular facelift is contraindicated, or simply "unaffordable". For this purpose, alternative methods of lifting have been created - perhaps they are somewhat inferior in effectiveness, but they are no less popular and also have their fans. [9]
Circumferential facelift without surgery is not a true facelift, but in many cases it is quite possible to replace surgery. What non-surgical methods does cosmetology offer today?
- Hardware procedures:
- Cryolifting - involves a low-temperature effect on the skin, or so-called thermoshock, which activates the processes of collagen synthesis, improves local blood circulation, gets rid of swelling and intoxication (a course of cryolifting usually includes up to ten sessions).
- RF-lifting - is the influence of energy radiofrequencies, which cause heating of the skin, the contraction of collagen fibers and provide compaction and tightening of tissues. At least 4-5 procedures will be required to obtain results.
- The method of fractional photothermolysis is a type of hardware facelift, which provides for the renewal of collagen fibers, contributing to a significant improvement in the condition of the skin. The minimum course should consist of 3-4 sessions.
- Ultrasonic SMAS-lifting is a method that provides an impact on the deep layers of the facial and neck area. For the effect is sometimes enough one procedure, the action of which is enough for a period of three to five years.
- Injectable procedures:
- 3D circular lift with threads from self-absorbing materials, which are injected subcutaneously with a special elastic needle. The threads form a kind of new facial "skeleton", outline the oval, eliminate skin folds. Lift is performed under local anesthesia, the effectiveness can be traced for 1.5-2 years after manipulation.
- Method of contour plastics - involves injections of hyaluronic acid - a special compatible material that fills wrinkles, improving facial contour. Manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia, and the effect lasts for about 1-1.5 years.
- Swedish method of soft-lift (volume modeling) has much in common with contour plastics, but provides a deeper introduction of fillers. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible not just to tighten the face, but also to improve the relief, correct symmetry and shape. The result can last up to one year.
- Method of biorevitalization - involves the introduction of low-molecular hyaluronic acid. Especially recommended for patients from 25 to 35 years old. Allows you to moisturize the skin, provides tone, stops the process of natural fading. Timing of visible results - about 12 months.
- Method of bio reinforcement - resembles biorevitalization, but involves the use of gel, more dense in consistency. Manipulation is recommended for patients in the age category of 40-45 years. The result will please for about a year.
- Plasmolifting method is a way to improve the appearance of the skin with the help of blood plasma, additionally enriched with platelets. Such injections optimize intracellular metabolic processes, improve tissue oxygenation, which leads to natural skin regeneration. The procedure is suitable for almost any age, starting from 25 and up to 40 years old.
- Mesotherapy is a manipulation that involves injection of special bioactive substances (mesococktails). The composition of such solutions is individual and may contain vitamin substances, acids, etc. To obtain the effect requires at least four procedures.
Another surgical alternative to a circumferential facelift is lipolifting. This is a method of rejuvenation, prevention of age-related changes, and contour correction. For the facial area practiced microlipolifting using the patient's own fat tissue. The prepared tissue is injected in small amounts with the help of special instruments. After the procedure, the contour of the face becomes clearer, wrinkles are smoothed out, contours are equalized.
Minimally traumatic methods of rapid rejuvenation includes spyslifting, or the so-called Mendelsohn elevator (named after the author of this technique, Australian Dr. Mendelsohn). The basis of this method is the identification of specific voids between the facial muscles, their further displacement and fixation. The operation is performed under intravenous anesthesia and lasts about two hours. This intervention is minimally invasive and practically bloodless.
Exercises for a circular facelift
There is a practice of facial rejuvenation that can be successfully applied at home. We are talking about specially designed exercises, which many people call rejuvenating facial gymnastics. Such gymnastics is accessible, simple, and the results of regular exercise will really please: facial muscles are toned, the appearance of the area around the eyes is improved, the natural contour of the cheekbones and chin is restored.
Gymnastics is represented by the following typical techniques:
- Raise your head upwards and try to touch your chin with the tip of your tongue. The facial muscles should be relaxed and tensed.
- Make these simultaneous movements: press the bridge of the nose with the thumbs and bring the eyebrows together.
- Smile without opening the mouth, then pull the lips into a "tube" and retract the cheeks. This is repeated several times.
- Take air into the mouth, move it from left to right and vice versa, and then from the lower lip to the upper lip.
- Forcefully clench the teeth and expose them by slightly flattening the lower lip.
Exercises are repeated in the mornings and evenings, on average one session should last up to 20 minutes. Do not perform exercises without first applying moisturizing cream or milk: the skin should not be dry.
Before starting the exercise, warm up the face a little by rubbing and patting it lightly. Do not use rough movements, squeezing or stretching the skin.
Circular facelift with massage
Gradually tighten slack skin can also be done with the help of a light massage, which is performed along the muscle lines, improving their tone. In order to properly make a massage, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the procedure not only the face area, but also the hands: the skin should be washed or wiped with tonic, then apply a special massage or moisturizing cream. Kneading movements and vibration are carried out with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Stroking can be done with all fingers, from the mid-facial line to the ear lobes.
The neck and chin massage should not be forgotten: tapping and stroking with the back of the hand. Each treatment should be repeated at least 7-8 times.
Massage can be done daily or every other day, or at least three times a week to ensure the effect.
Do not massage if there are signs of inflammation on the surface of the face, rashes (including herpetic rash).
The massage should be light, without stretching or squeezing the skin. The predominant movements should be tapping and stroking.
Circumferential facelift, price in Korea
Today, it is possible to perform a circular facelift surgery in almost any country in the world. However, Korea is particularly popular with patients: this country ranks fourth in the world ranking in terms of the frequency of plastic surgeries. Only the United States, Brazil, and Japan have more frequent facelift surgeries.
Why do patients choose South Korea? Firstly, it is closer than the USA or Japan. Secondly, Korean specialists emphasize minimally invasive and gentle techniques with minimal rehabilitation period. In addition, surgeries here can be performed anonymously.
There are many clinical institutions practicing plastic surgery in Korea. This diversity dictates the different cost of such services. The average price of a circular facelift in this country - from 7 to 10 thousand American dollars. But we should not forget: the popularity of plastic surgery centers in Korea is explained not only by affordable pricing policy, but also by the high degree of skill of specialists and quality medical service.
Effect and results after a circumferential facelift
The final result of a circumferential facelift can be seen approximately three to four months after surgery. The full effect with smoothing of all scars is not noted before six months.
The degree of visible rejuvenation depends on a number of indicators, so it is not the same for everyone. The optimal result is achieved if the competent performance of the operation, proper management of the recovery period.
As a rule, an overwhelming number of patients notice a clear rejuvenation of the face (by 10-15 years), as well as a tightening and freshness of the skin. The face acquires a rested, cheerful appearance, and even the look becomes more interesting and self-confident.
However, one should not forget that rejuvenation with a circular lift is a temporary measure, the effect of which will last no more than 5-10 years. Age-related changes in the body will inevitably continue, and after a certain period of time, the need for such an operation may arise again.
To keep your rejuvenation results as long as possible, consult with your plastic surgeon. Your skin may require additional skin care or the use of hardware methods.
Circumferential facelift surgery reviews
Circumferential facelift is a long and invasive intervention, so it is very important to properly prepare for it. And the preparation should include the right moral attitude. Unfortunately, some patients are unprepared not so much for the operation as for the long rehabilitation period. Therefore, the majority of not the most positive reviews are associated with the recovery: patients complain about the prolonged abstinence from the usual social interaction, etc. Well, there are no miracles: only in the movies a person wakes up after plastic surgery and sees himself in the mirror completely different, young and beautiful. In life, there is no such montage, and the rehabilitation period should be fully endured. And only after a few weeks, or even after 1-1.5 months, you can begin to enjoy your renewed appearance.
If we continue to look at negative reviews, failed circumferential lift most often occurs in those patients who resort to such a measure too often, or do not keep the recommended time interval between operations. In addition, problems can occur if the doctor's recommendations for managing the recovery period are not followed.
And yet the reviews of such an operation as a circular face lift are generally positive. The main thing is to choose the right clinic and operating doctor, trust him and follow all his recommendations and appointments.