Application of plasmolifting in cosmetology
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021
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The most popular plasmolifting is used in cosmetology. Such a technique is rightly considered an excellent way to get rid of the obvious and hidden symptoms of age-related skin changes. After Plasma LIFT, the condition, color and elasticity of the skin improves, fine wrinkles disappear, and the deep ones become less noticeable, the production of their own collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid increases.
Plasmolifting of the head
After the procedures of plasma therapy, the scalp is rejuvenated, regenerated, healthy and soft. Undoubtedly, the first thing that any patient will think about, which will be offered to do a plasmolifting of the head is about hair. So it is: naturally and gently stimulating the skin cells, under the influence and hair follicles, on which it depends, whether the hair grow normally, or drop out. In addition to affecting the scalp, Plasma LIFT is used for psoriasis, eczematous rashes and dermatitis.
Plasma Lifting for Hair
Effective with loss and excessive fineness of hair, with dandruff. The procedure enlivens hair follicles, restoring hair growth, and also triggers hidden processes of regeneration of cellular structures.
Plasma Lifting with Alopecia
Loss of hair, or alopecia, is a very common problem all over the world. Hair bulbs can stop functioning due to age-related changes, chronic pathologies in the body, acute infectious diseases. Sometimes the reason may be prolonged drug therapy or chemotherapy.
Most types of baldness appear without damage to the scalp, although there are also known cases of scarring alopecia, in which there is inflammation, the appearance of scar tissue and atrophic changes in the skin.
Unfortunately, in most cases it was not possible to restore the hair covering earlier. Sometimes alopecia managed to slow down, but gradually the hair became thinner, and the hair follicles died off.
What can help plazmolifting with alopecia? In the skin areas of the affected areas, the patient's autoplasma, specially isolated and processed in a centrifuge, is inserted on the site of the hair cover. This procedure normalizes the metabolism of cells, improves blood flow, provides the necessary nutrition of hair follicles. As a result, the fallout ceases completely. Hair is stimulated and, as it were, "wakes up", starting to grow and develop.
If the skin in the area of the hair is present fungus or inflammatory process, then Plasma LIFT successfully copes with such problems.
The function of the sebaceous glands is stabilized, the skin is gradually cleared of seborrhea.
It is proved that alopecia disappears regardless of the type of alopecia. The difference can only be in the duration of the course of plasma treatment: a stable result is observed, depending on the complexity of the course. When passing from 2 to 10 sessions.
Plasma Lifting Facial
It is an impact on problem areas - places near the eyes, on cheekbones, near the lips. Plasmolifting of the face is successfully used for lethargy and decreased skin elasticity, as well as for damaged outer layer or visible pigment spots, discoloration and relief of skin. Thanks to the procedure, the skin is moisturized, the natural production of hyaluronic acid and collagen begins.
Plasmolifting of the lips
Lips with perfect contours are the limit of almost all women's dreams, but not all can boast of an ideal form of the lips. For this reason, women often resort to various procedures that could make their lips more attractive. What can Plasma LIFT do for this?
- Reduce wrinkles above the lips and in the corners of the mouth.
- Improve the relief of the lips, increase their elasticity.
- Eliminate hyperpigmentation over the lips.
- Eliminate dryness and flaking of the lips.
- Heal microcracks.
- Add lip size and color, rid of pale lips.
The skin in the lip area is notable for its tenderness, so the effect of PRP - renewal, skin tightening - is visible after the first procedure.
Patients rarely come to make Plasma LIFT just lip. As a rule, this procedure is combined with plasmatherapy of the face: plazmoliftingom okolaglaznoy area, cheekbones, nasolabial triangle, chin.
Plasmolifting of hands
The Plasma LIFT procedure has proven itself in rejuvenating not only the face and neck skin. Unfortunately, the palms and hands are also extremely prone to age-related changes: over time, the skin on them loses elasticity, moisture and becomes coarse and wrinkled. For this reason, experts recommend that patients after 40 years of age use the procedure for plasmin lifting of the hands.
Cellular growth factor, released by platelets, initiates the renewal and rejuvenation of cells, stabilizes the work of melanocytes, which are responsible for the pigmentation of the skin.
Fibroblast growth factor activates the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
The growth factor of the endothelium accelerates capillary blood flow, strengthening the supply of oxygen and other essential substances to epithelial cell structures.
The whole set of factors allows talking about a platelet-enriched plasma, as an extremely effective medication that can help with excessive pigmentation and lethargy of the skin. Injection plasmolifting increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin on the hands, so that the skin is pulled up and moisturized.
The procedure for plasmatherapy on the hands is most often performed according to the following scheme:
- I session - injection of enriched plasma in an amount of 4 ml;
- II session (after 7 days) - repeated injection of enriched plasma in an amount of 4 ml;
- III session (after 7 days) - injection of platelet-enriched plasma and autologous gel in a total amount of 8 ml;
- IV session (20 days after the third session) - injection of a platelet-rich plasma in an amount of 4 ml.
As a rule, this scheme contributes to the maximum positive effect of skin rejuvenation.
Plasmolifting for acne
In the past, to get rid of acne, autohemotherapy was often prescribed - intramuscular injection of a patient's blood from the ulnar vein. This stimulated immune defense, due to which acne in most cases disappeared.
In our time, a new more technological method - PRP - has replaced autohemotherapy. The principle of the two procedures is similar, however, when plasmolifting the patient is administered not blood, but separated from it the liquid part - plasma enriched with platelets.
Platelets determine the process of blood clotting and stimulation of natural regeneration processes. The stimulation of regeneration is responsible for the so-called cell growth factors, which are protein molecules responsible for the multiplication and development of cells. Thus, the liquid part of the blood injected in the form of injections promotes the renewal of cells, improves their nutrition and metabolism. As a result - skin cleansing, elimination of inflammatory elements, getting rid of stains and black spots. Moreover, Plasma LIFT has proven its effectiveness against acne even in the most neglected and complex cases. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to undergo 3-4 procedures with an interval of one week.
Plasmolifting from scars
Removal of cicatricial changes on the skin can be carried out in several ways. This is a mechanical, chemical or laser peeling, skin resurfacing, conservative treatment with kenologist and diprospan, physiotherapy procedures, etc. Removal of scars provides several options for procedures:
- removal of the top layer of the skin;
- activation of local metabolic processes for softening and resorption of scar tissue.
All of the above methods of combating scarring have their drawbacks: damage to the upper layer of the skin, pain, side effects from resorptive drugs,
Considering the aforesaid, many patients choose the method of plasmolifting to get rid of scars. The drug administered during the procedure is the liquid part of the patient's blood. It is able to renew and rejuvenate tissues, stimulating the growth of new cells. The procedure of plasma therapy allows you to saturate cells and tissues with oxygen and increase the local immune defense of tissues.
Plasma LIFT does not allow the formation of scars after acne, and if the scars have already formed - effectively removes them. The procedure is compatible with any other means of affecting scar tissue.
To eliminate scars, autoplasm is injected into the tissue with the help of microscopic microcaps. For a persistent effect, 4 PRP sessions are sufficient. To correct significant cicatricial changes, more procedures may be needed.
Plasma LIFT can effectively eliminate scars from acne, surgical interventions, burns, cuts, etc. For preventive purposes, plasma treatment should be started just a week after injury. With burns, this is best done during the first 3 days.
Some owners of scars note that sometimes scars hurt, especially when weather conditions change. After PRP, this problem goes away with the scar.
Plasma Lifting Neck
When is it recommended to perform the procedure of neck plasmolift?
- At age changes of integuments (loss of elasticity, dryness and appearance of wrinkles);
- thinning of the skin;
- condition after peeling procedures and laser resurfacing;
- as the prevention of wrinkles around the neck.
Plasma LIFT neck is a very effective technique. The results even after the first procedure exceed the expectations of even the most skeptical patients.
The procedure is characterized by availability, safety and painlessness. In addition, injections of autologous autoplasm (as opposed to all possible drugs) completely exclude the development of a hypersensitive allergic reaction.
The procedure itself lasts about 40 minutes, and the rehabilitation period is very short or nonexistent.
After the procedure, the following improvements are observed:
- active synthesis of collagen in tissues;
- restoration of tissues damaged from age;
- stimulation of metabolic processes in cellular structures;
- stabilization of water and oxygen balance.
For plasma-therapeutic treatment of the neck and décolleté region, it is recommended to perform 5 procedures.
Body Plasma Lifting
PRP is successfully used to rejuvenate the skin of the entire body. This procedure is recommended from the age of 25 for the prevention and prevention of aging of the skin.
After 30 years, enriched Plasma LIFT can be used. The essence of this method is the use of a DNA-activator, thanks to which the effect, compared with the standard procedure of plasmotherapy, is increased to five times. To improve the result, plasma enriched with ozone can also be used: a combination of the advantages of plasma-lifting and ozone therapy can be observed. Injection of such a mixture can compensate for the oxygen deficiency in the skin. At the same time, metabolic processes at the intracellular level are stimulated. As a result, the skin of problem areas becomes younger and healthier. Such treatment allows you to quickly heal and heal the wound surfaces, increase the elasticity of the skin and eliminate wrinkles.
After plasmolifting the body during the week, redness, bruising and swelling may occur at the sites of autoplasma injection. In order not to aggravate the situation, cosmetic and physiotherapy procedures should not be performed within 14-16 days after the last session.
Plasma LIFT of the body is a universal rejuvenating method, which is most often used in the field of forearms, on the inner surfaces and hands, on the hips, buttocks, in the areas of possible appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.
Plasma-lifting belly
Often, if you have excess weight or when you lose weight, problems appear on the skin of the abdomen: flabbiness, sagging, stretch marks and scars. Diets and cosmetic procedures tend to help poorly. How to be?
An alternative and effective procedure is the plasmolifting of the abdomen - a natural stimulation of the regenerative processes in the skin.
The essence of the procedure is an active influence on the immunity, metabolism, as well as the processes of restoring the damaged tissue structure. The abdominal skin is restored, it becomes smooth and supple. Stretch marks and scars disappear.
Plasma LIFT is carried out in an outpatient setting. The duration of such a session is on average, half an hour. The number of procedures required depends on the problem of the skin on the abdomen: the standard full course usually consists of four sessions with breaks of one to two weeks.
As a rule, after the first session, the skin on the abdomen is apparently compacted, becoming more taut and resilient. Stretch marks are smoothed out and become invisible. The volume of saggy skin on the abdomen decreases, signs of cellulite go away. Despite the visible positive changes after the first procedure, it is not worth stopping: it is necessary to improve and consolidate the result by going through the entire necessary plan of plasma therapy.
Breast plasmolifting
Plasmolifting is a course of injections that allows you to achieve rejuvenation of skin on the mammary glands and level out skin changes that occurred after giving birth or because of age.
The introduction of plasma - a liquid part of blood enriched with platelets, stabilizes and facilitates trophism of tissues, regulates water metabolism, activates the function of fibroblasts, which affect the production of collagen fibers, elastin and so necessary skin of hyaluronic acid binding and retaining moisture.
The procedure of plasma therapy slows down and reverses the process of withering of the tissues of the mammary glands. After the course of procedures, there is an increase in the tone and elasticity of the skin, the breast becomes more attractive and young. Stretch marks become less noticeable, pigment spots and cicatricial changes disappear altogether.
Of course, PRP will not be able to pull up the sagging breasts: in such situations it will be necessary to resort to the plastic of the breast. Plasma LIFT demonstrates an excellent result with various aesthetic drawbacks, which are associated with a deterioration in the quality of the skin. Among such shortcomings can be attributed to its natural aging, loss of elasticity, the presence of pigmentation, scars and fine wrinkles.
It is recommended not to resort to Plasma LIFT procedure before 25 years, then the effect will be more noticeable.