
Alternative to blepharoplasty of the eyelids: creams, masks, exercises

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 12.03.2022

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With age, less collagen and elastin are produced in the skin cells, as a result of which it loses its elasticity. The contour of the face is blurred, wrinkles appear, especially the eyelids are subject to the aging process, they become thinner and sag above the eyes. Despite the inevitability of such phenomena, every woman wants to prolong youth, take measures to improve the condition of the face, including the eyelid.

The surest way to get rid of stretched skin above or under the eyes is to do blepharoplasty - an operation to remove excess skin. At the same time, it is expensive, traumatic, with a long rehabilitation period, and possible complications. Fortunately, there is an alternative to blepharoplasty.

Eyelid lift without surgery at home

In addition to individual cases, when nothing can be corrected without surgical intervention, there are cosmetic techniques for rejuvenating the eyelids. They combine salon procedures and proper home care.

Eyelid lift without surgery can be carried out by hardware methods, with the help of mesotherapy - injection of the necessary composition, injections of botulinum toxin, the introduction of therapeutic threads under the skin that fix the skin in the area of application and promote collagen production.

The condition of the eyelids largely depends on proper care for them. This is a very delicate and sensitive area of the face that requires a delicate attitude. For them, cosmetologists have developed special products for everyday care, which are distinguished by a special texture and composition, including tightening the eyelids.

Eyelid creams

Sagging eyelids is not the only criterion when choosing a cream. In addition to the lifting effect, it must take into account other factors: skin type, a tendency to allergies, etc. Its obligatory component is hyaluronic acid, which has a tightening effect.

Contributes to this and performs other useful functions (moisturizing, nutrition, connective protein production, relief and color alignment) retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (E), plant and seaweed extracts, base and essential oils, honey, animal products, special synthetic compounds.

All reputable cosmetic brands have lifting creams in their line. These are Vichy, Dior, Evelyn, Lumene, Oriflame, Faberlic, etc.

  • Heparin eyelid ointment

A cheap panacea for age-related changes is the dream of most of us. As her resourceful people offer heparin ointment, the direct purpose of which is to reduce blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots, and eliminate the inflammatory process.

How can it help in skin rejuvenation? Optimists claim that having the ability to dilate blood vessels, it improves blood circulation, which means it promotes the metabolic processes of the epidermis. Cosmetologists are skeptical of such statements and warn of the danger of the appearance of comedones, the development of rosacea.

Eyelid masks

Masks made from natural improvised ingredients, which provide nutrition and hydration, toning and tightening, always help to improve the condition of the skin of the face. It is no exception and similar care for the area around the eyes.

Various oils play an important role as raw materials for them. So, sesame oil increases elasticity, grape seed oil is suitable for dry and irritated skin, castor oil, olive oil nourishes it with useful substances.

In combination with other products, you can get wonderful compositions for lifting the eyelids. Recipes may include:

  • boil oatmeal with milk, cool, add fatty vegetable oil available in the house;
  • beat the egg yolk and drop sesame oil into it, stir;
  • rub raw potatoes, squeeze out the juice, combine it with parsley juice;
  • combine apricot pulp with sour cream, mix thoroughly.

Before applying the resulting masks, decorative cosmetics must be removed, a light massage around the eyes is performed with the fingertips, the mixture is carefully applied to the eyelids, in no case stretching them. Wash off the mask with cool water, after which a nourishing cream is applied.

In liquid formulations, cotton pads are wetted, superimposed on the eye area, you need to lie down with them for a quarter of an hour without rinsing with water.

Eyelid strips

For those who are unable to cope with the problem of sagging eyelids, tricks have been invented to hide stretched skin. These are tape strips for lifting, glued to the upper eyelid.

A sticker is molded onto clean, dry skin using a fork that comes with strips or tweezers and slightly pressed. Makeup is applied over it. Remove it along with decorative cosmetics with a make-up remover.

Eyelid exercises

As you know, physical activity on them plays a major role in strengthening any muscles. There is also gymnastics for lifting the eyelids:

  • rub your palms together until a feeling of warmth appears, cover your closed eyes with them;
  • with the eyes open, pull the skin on the temples with your fingers, close and open them 40 times;
  • with the head thrown back, raise the eyebrows up, lowering the eyelids at the same time;
  • open your eyes as wide as possible, close tightly at the expense of 5, keep the same amount closed, repeat several times.

Finger massage for eyelids

Hands before massage should be well washed and lubricated with any base oil. Exercises are aimed at stimulating lymphatic drainage, removing puffiness:

  • pressing with your thumb and forefinger, walk along the eyebrows, raising them a little;
  • with the index finger, press from the bridge of the nose along the eye socket to the temple;
  • gently "drum" along the perimeter of the lower eyelid;
  • close the eye, press down the skin at its outer side, massage with the other hand, moving towards the bridge of the nose;
  • close your eyes tightly, relax without opening your eyes;
  • put your palms on your eyelids and try to open your eyes;
  • with eyes closed, massage the eyeballs.

Each of them is repeated 5-10 times, and the massage lasts up to a minute.

Hardware eyelid lift

The advantage of a hardware eyelid lift over a surgical one is that it is painless and non-traumatic, in the absence of a rehabilitation period.

The leading position among hardware methods is occupied by laser lifting. With its help, puffiness, sagging, fine wrinkles around the eyes are reduced. In addition, the penetration of the laser into the depths of the epidermis stimulates the production of collagen and cell regeneration.

The result becomes noticeable after 3-5 sessions, held at monthly intervals. A few days after the procedure, traces of the intervention disappear.

RF-lifting has proven itself well, the essence of which is the generation of radio emission on the skin of the eyelids. With the help of radio waves, the epidermis heats up, due to which the collagen fibers contract and thicken, the skin tightens, and its tone improves.

Smas-lifting affects the skin by means of an ultrasonic pulse, upon receipt of which, the muscular system contracts, and a lifting effect occurs. The procedure lasts about an hour, before it is carried out by a specialist, markings are made on the face, and the device moves along these lines.

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