
Diabetes - Top 100

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes must be determined. People suffering from this disease, adhere to a certain diet, thanks to which all the basic functions of the body are maintained.
The diet for type 2 diabetes should ensure the maintenance of a stable level of glucose in the blood, as close as possible to normal rates.
Sweet mother's milk is not just a beautiful metaphor. It is really sweet, and this is the only taste that the newborn feels from the first days of life. Naturally, the desire to taste sweet accompanies a person all his life, and sweet substances take an active part in the metabolism.
The fundamental point in the therapy of pre-diabetes is not drug treatment, but low-carbohydrate diet with restriction of fat intake.
The diet of a healthy person is quite easy to make full and varied, because such people do not experience special restrictions in the choice of foods and dishes. But any health disorders usually make their own adjustments not only in the way of life, but also in the patient's menu.
Watermelon quenches thirst well, since it is 91% water, raises diuresis, which is why it is recommended to clean the kidneys and bladder - for the prevention of nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis.
Nature has provided food for all the creatures that have come into being in the form of mother's milk. This nutrient contains everything necessary for the growth and development of the cub.
Most diabetics are forced to restrict their diet - and, first of all, it concerns carbohydrate food, including sweet fruits and berries. But how to stay in the season, when in the shops and markets everywhere are offered sweet and fragrant fruits - melon.
A person, who has any form of diabetes mellitus, almost immediately faces many restrictions - mainly in nutrition.
Diabetes is an endocrine disease, the mechanism of which is the lack of synthesis of the pancreas hormone insulin, which processes the body's carbohydrate - glucose.


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