
Diabetes - Top 100

A strong increase in blood sugar levels during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. As a rule, after childbirth, the condition is normalized, and the sugar level returns to normal.

About such a disease as diabetes mellitus wrote and talked so much that not to have an idea about him can only a very small child. But in medical practice there is also such a thing as prediabetes (or prediabetes), which is clearly connected with the previous diagnosis, but still differs markedly from it.

Non-compliance with the rules of insulin therapy leads to various complications. Consider the most common

Diabetes is a complex disease that manifests itself not only by increasing the sugar level. The function of many organs is disrupted, the innervation and trophism of the skin is deteriorating. Unfortunately, this process is difficult to treat, and can arise again in the same place.

How justified the allocation of another type of diabetes, clinical practice will show, but the problems associated with this pathology are constantly discussed by experts in the field of endocrinology.

One of the serious problems associated with chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is gangrene in diabetes, which occurs in patients with this metabolic disease due to poor blood supply to tissues and deterioration of their trophism.

Diabetes mellitus is divided into two types - the first and second, that is, diabetes, which does not require the introduction of insulin, and insulin-dependent.
Every day diabetics are seriously endangered, because the untimely use of insulin injection can lead to death. But there are other, more simple to use drugs to support the body.
An endocrine disease caused by a lack of an insulin hormone is diabetes. Consider ways of treating this pathology with the help of medicinal herbs.
A perennial medicinal plant used in the treatment of endocrine diseases is gazleg. Goatskin is popular as an alternative remedy for diabetes, but has won recognition in traditional medicine.


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