
Pigmented spots and moles - Top 100

Moles are pigmentations, usually oval, appearing on the surface of the skin. Almost all people have these educations. Some have more of them in others - it all depends on our skin features.

The fact that moles can be unsafe, many of us have heard. However, as well as the fact that all birthmarks should be treated with extreme caution. That is why birthmarks in children are not a groundless cause for concern by parents.

Convex birthmark (nevus) is a benign neoplasm on the skin. From the point of view of dermatologists, moles and birthmarks have similar medical causes. At the initial stage of development the mole looks like a small speck of dark color on the skin.

Moles, or nevi are available to all. These are benign neoplasms of different shades of brown color. Their color is provided by melanin, a pigment found in melanocytes (skin cells), of which nevi are composed.

Birthmarks are absolutely at all: just some people have more, and others - and quite a few. Nothing strange in the appearance of such pigment spots.

The appearance of moles on the body is a normal physiological process, having its own causes. Small flat nevuses on the baby's body touch the parents. A lovely mole on the cheek, shoulder or buttock is considered even a kind of charm or "zest" in the image of a person.

Intimate birthmarks are many, but how safe are they? Consider what are the nevi, the reasons for their appearance, signs of malignancy and methods of treatment.

A healthy skin is an ornament of any person. But it can appear various growths, most often it's a nevus. Consider what to do in such a situation and how to recognize pathology?

Birthmark can be congenital or acquired, that is, appeared after birth. For what reason there is a degeneration of ordinary cellular structures into melanocytes, it is not known for certain.

A sign when, one day, coming to a mirror, a man asked the only question: why did the birthmark disappear and what to do? Surely this has happened to you or your friends. The first thing - do not panic.


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