
List Treatment – O

Since thrush (candidiasis) is a consequence of the effects of a particular fungal infection, then any remedy against the symptoms of the disease (rash, redness, itching, maceration, discharge) are not suitable.
Pink lichen (pink pityriasis, Zhibera diarrhea) is a common skin disease, with multiple pale pink scaly patches and a maternal plaque characteristic of up to one centimeter in diameter.
Papilloma is a benign skin formation that develops as a wart. Sometimes such growths cause inconvenience, hinder and even hurt what makes a patient think about their removal.
Barley is considered a purulent inflammation of the eyelash follicle, which is caused in 90-95% by staphylococci, less often with demodex. That is why before treatment it is necessary to find out what exactly led to the formation of inflammation.
It is known that the faster the wound surface is tightened, the smaller trace will remain from the wound. In the first-aid kit of any family there must be some ointment for wound healing, because no one is immune from various skin injuries.
If the warts, benign neoplasms on the skin, do not cause discomfort or aesthetic discomfort, it is better not to touch them. Moreover, with time, warts can disappear on their own.
In order to choose an effective ointment when stretching the muscles, it must be taken into account that the external application should relieve the pain, remove swelling of the soft tissues over the stretch site, prevent or stop the inflammatory process.
Wounds, including purulent contents, are often treated with antiseptics with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties
Ignore diaper rash in any way impossible. It is necessary immediately, as soon as they appear, to proceed to their cure. To eliminate this unpleasant disease often use ointments from diaper rash.
Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory reaction in the ocular mucosa - it can be caused by various factors, such as allergies, getting on a conjunctiva of viruses or microbes.
Bedsores appear in many patients and are considered a rather serious consequence of many diseases, which are accompanied by prolonged immobilization of a person.
An antibiotic ointment is able to successfully eliminate and prevent infection of the affected skin surface.
Ointment from couperose has long established itself as a good medicine, in the fight against vascular mesh. But do not forget that you need to apply it correctly, and most importantly pick up.
Ointment from hematomas is an effective remedy that allows treating any hematomas, bruises and bruises. Let's consider what ointments are from haematomas, how to use them correctly and most importantly, when the ointment needs to be applied, in order for the hematoma to quickly come off.
In the treatment of such injuries of the musculoskeletal system, ointment from bruises for athletes can help, which, depending on the type of injury, can be: Anti-inflammatory ointments with bruises. Cooling ointments from bruises. Hyperemic, warming ointment.
Ointment from stomatitis creates on the inflamed focus a unique protective film, under which the epithelialization of damaged tissues occurs, in addition, many ointments contain antibacterial components, which makes it possible to influence many pathological processes simultaneously.
The scars ointment is a relatively inexpensive way to reduce the visibility of skin imperfections. For many years, scientists have developed methods to combat scars.
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