
Is it possible to color eyelashes after lamination? Let's understand the subtleties

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Eyelash lamination is a cosmetic procedure in which special compositions are applied to the eyelashes to strengthen, moisturize and add volume. Many women ask themselves: after lamination, can eyelashes be made even more expressive by coloring?

The basics of lash lamination

The lamination process involves the application of a compound that coats each lash with a protective layer, preventing damage and making them thicker and thicker. This layer lasts for 4-6 weeks. Laminating can also include eyelash coloring, which allows you to do away with mascara for the duration of the procedure.

Possibility of coloring after lamination

Technically, if the lamination was performed without tinting, it is possible to color the lashes after the procedure. However, it is recommended to wait at least 24-48 hours before applying the dye so as not to compromise the integrity of the laminating layer.

Mascara after lamination

When it comes to applying mascara, however, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use water-based mascara, as oil-based formulations can dissolve the laminating coating.
  • Apply mascara gently, avoiding excessive rubbing of the lashes, which can damage the laminating layer.
  • When removing makeup, you should use oil-free makeup remover and be as gentle as possible with your lashes.

Professional eyelash tinting

For those who want to color eyelashes professionally after lamination, it is important to consult with a specialist. Cosmetologists can select gentle colors and determine the optimal time for coloring after lamination, so as not to worsen the result.


Coloring eyelashes after lamination is possible, but requires special care and possibly the advice of a professional. Considering that the main purpose of lamination is to strengthen and protect eyelashes, and often involves coloring them, additional coloring can be not only unnecessary, but also harmful if you do not follow safety techniques and the recommendations of professionals.

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