
Compounds for lash lamination: what are they and how do they work?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Lash lamination is a cosmetic care procedure, the purpose of which is to strengthen, moisturize and give the eyelashes a darker and more expressive look. The procedure is based on the application of special compositions containing various nourishing and restorative components.

The main components of lamination formulations:

  • Keratin: This is a protein that is naturally present in the hair. In laminating formulations, it has the function of repairing damage and strengthening the structure of the hair.
  • Vitamins and nutrients: Vitamin complex as well as oils and plant extracts (e.g. Argan oil, aloe vera extract) that help moisturize and nourish lashes.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Known for its moisturizing properties, hyaluronic acid helps keep lashes supple and prevents breakage.
  • Biotin: Also known as vitamin B7, it helps strengthen eyelashes and stimulates their growth.
  • Collagen: A protein that provides elasticity and density to the lashes, giving them a healthy look.

Compounds for lash lamination, popular brands

Eyelash lamination is a popular treatment that adds curve, volume and enhancement to your eyelashes. There are many brands that offer quality eyelash lamination formulations. The ranking of brands for eyelash lamination can change over time and depends on a number of factors such as product quality, popularity, reputation and availability in the market. Below is a list of some of the reputed brands that offer eyelash lamination products:

1. Yumi Lashes

  • Features: Yumi Lashes is known for its keratin formulations that not only laminate but also nourish lashes, promoting healthy growth.
  • Products: Includes laminating solutions and firming serums.

Yumi Lashes is a brand that specializes in products and treatments to care for your lashes and give them volume, lengthening and curve. They are known for their "lash elevator" treatment, also known as Yumi Lashes LVL (Lift, Volume, Length). This treatment helps you achieve visually longer and curvier lashes without the use of artificial extensions.

The Yumi Lashes brand provides professional artists and salons with cosmetic products and equipment to perform the Yumi Lashes procedure. These products include special eyelash curling compounds, fixing agents, coloring gels and other tools necessary to create a lifting effect and give lashes volume.

Yumi Lashes also offers masters' training in the Yumi Lashes LVL procedure so that professionals can provide this service in beauty salons and studios.

The Yumi Lashes brand has become popular among clients looking to improve the appearance of their lashes and among masters providing this service due to its long-lasting results and natural appearance.

2. LVL Lashes by Nouveau Lashes

  • Features: LVL Lashes offers innovative solutions to lift, strengthen and color lashes.
  • Products: Laminating kits that include lotions to curl, fix and nourish lashes.

LVL Lashes by Nouveau Lashes is a brand and line of products and treatments created by Nouveau Lashes to enhance the appearance of lashes without the use of extensions and artificial lashes. This brand specializes in the LVL Lashes treatment, which adds length, volume and lift to the lashes, giving the eyes a more expressive and open look.

The LVL Lashes procedure involves several steps:

  1. Cleansing and preparing the eyelashes.
  2. Application of a special lifting balm that lifts and smooths the lashes.
  3. Eyelash tinting to enhance color and appearance.
  4. Application of fixing gel to secure the lashes in the raised position.

The result of the LVL Lashes procedure is the appearance of longer, lifted and voluminous natural lashes. The effect can last about 6-8 weeks, making this procedure a popular choice for those who want to improve the appearance of their lashes without the need for constant maintenance and correction of artificial lashes.

LVL Lashes by Nouveau Lashes brand also provides training for masters of LVL Lashes procedure and provides the necessary products and tools to perform it. This brand has gained popularity in the beauty industry due to its natural and long-lasting results.

3. Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift.

  • Features: This Australian brand is known for its fast and effective lash lamination solutions.
  • Products: Laminating kits with high-performance twist and hold lotions.

The Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift brand specializes in products and equipment for eyelash lifting procedures. Their most well-known procedure is the Lash Lift, also known as Lash Perm, which allows you to give your lashes a lifted and curled look without the use of eyelash extensions or artificial lashes.

The Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Preparing the lashes and applying a special glue to attach the lashes to the silicone mold.
  2. Application of a solution to lift and curl eyelashes, which changes their structure and shape.
  3. Application of a lash fixative in a new form.
  4. Eyelash tinting to give them a richer and more expressive color.
  5. Application of a nourishing balm for eyelash care.

The effects of the Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift typically last about 6-8 weeks, giving lashes a lifted, beautifully curved and voluminous look. The treatment is popular with those who want to improve the appearance of their lashes with minimal maintenance and without the use of artificial lashes.

The Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift brand provides equipment, kits to perform the procedure, and master training in the technique.

4. Keratin Lash Lift

  • Features: Focuses on using keratin, which strengthens and nourishes lashes during the lamination process.
  • Products: Keratin formulations for a long-lasting effect to strengthen and curl lashes.

5. InLei "Lash Filler"

  • Features: Italian brand offering a unique "Lash Filler" that not only shapes but also thickens lashes at the cellular level.
  • Products: Laminating kits including lotions and lash fillers.

6. RefectoCil

  • Features: Well known for its eyelash and eyebrow tinting products and also offers lamination solutions.
  • Products: Compounds for laminating and coloring eyelashes.

Important points when choosing a product:

  • Safety and Quality: Make sure the products are certified and safe for use around the eyes.
  • Eyelashtype: Choose products that are suitable for your eyelash type.
  • Experience and Skills: If you have no experience with lash lamination, consider seeing a professional or choose products designed for beginners.

Before using any eyelash lamination products, it is important to conduct an allergy test and read the instructions for use carefully.

How does the lamination procedure work?

The procedure begins with a thorough cleaning of the eyelashes from cosmetics and sebum. Then, the lashes are applied a composition for lamination, which may include several phases: from nourishment and restoration to coloring. Means are left on the eyelashes for a certain time for deep penetration of components. After that, the composition is washed off, and the eyelashes acquire the desired look.

Selection of lamination formulation

The choice of lamination composition is important, as it should be tailored to the individual characteristics and needs of the client. For example, thinner and weaker eyelashes will require a composition with intensive restoration, while thick and stiff eyelashes will require a composition for moisturizing and giving elasticity.

Importance of the quality of formulations

The quality of lamination products directly affects the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Preference should be given to products from trusted brands that have quality and safety certificates. It is best to choose compositions without formaldehyde and other aggressive chemical components.

Safety techniques and common mistakes when laminating eyelashes

When performing eyelash lamination, it is important to keep safety procedures in mind to avoid potential complications and achieve the best results.

Safety precautions:

  • Allergic reactions: Before proceeding with the procedure, an allergy test should be performed to test for allergies to the products that will be used.
  • Hygiene: All instruments must be sterilized and the technician must use disposable gloves.
  • Instructions: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for lamination formulations strictly in order, without increasing the recommended exposure time.

Common Mistakes:

  • Too much formula: Using too much formula can cause the lashes to stick together or get into the eyes, causing irritation.
  • Incorrect exposure time: Exposure time that is too long or too short may not have the desired effect or may damage the lashes.
  • Ignoring instructions: Failure to follow protocol can lead to poor results and undesirable consequences.


Proper care after the lash lamination procedure will help maintain and prolong the result:

  • Avoid water and steam: For the first 24-48 hours after the treatment, avoid water on the lashes and saunas to allow the formulations to fully set.
  • Gentle cleansing: Use mild makeup removers, avoiding oily textures.
  • Avoid mechanical impact: Do not rub your eyes or use eyelash curling irons.

Innovations and current trends in eyelash lamination

The beauty industry is constantly evolving, offering new technologies and improved formulations for procedures such as lash lamination. These innovations aim to increase the duration of the effect, improve safety and provide a more natural look.

New lineups:

  • Organic formulas: In response to the growing demand for natural cosmetics, formulations with organic ingredients are emerging.
  • Hypoallergenic products: Manufacturers develop formulas that minimize the risk of allergic reactions, making the procedure accessible to a wide range of clients.

State-of-the-art technology:

  • Nanotechnology: The inclusion of nanoparticles in laminating formulations allows to improve the penetration of beneficial substances and increase the strength of eyelashes.
  • 3D lamination: This technique provides multiple layers of coverage, enhancing the thickness and volume of the lashes.

Personalized approach:

  • Personalized formulas: Specialists can customize formulations and exposure times depending on the type and condition of the client's lashes.
  • Combination treatments: Laminating is often combined with eyelash tinting for an even more dramatic result.

Training and Certification:

  • Specialized courses: More and more courses and training programs, including online options, are becoming available to improve the skills of craftsmen.
  • Quality standards: Industry standards and certifications are becoming increasingly stringent, which helps to improve service quality.

Eyelash lamination continues to evolve, offering safer and more effective solutions for appearance care. The responsibility for choosing products and treatments lies with both professionals and clients, who need to be aware of all aspects and possible risks. Following new trends and technologies in the field of eyelash lamination will not only help to achieve an impressive visual effect, but also to preserve the health and beauty of eyelashes for a long time.

Compositions for eyelash lamination are a combination of highly effective ingredients aimed at improving the condition and appearance of eyelashes. A quality composition will not only make the eyelashes beautiful and healthy, but will also provide them with additional protection from external factors.The choice of composition and specialist for the procedure should be tailored to the individual needs of each client, ensuring not only the beauty but also the health of eyelashes.

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