
Eyelash lamination adhesives: what you need to know

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Eyelash lamination is a salon procedure that aims to improve the appearance, strengthen and increase the volume of natural lashes. The key element of this process is a special glue that acts as a bonding agent between the natural lashes and the strengthening compounds. Scientific and popular approach to the selection and use of glue for lamination allows you to ensure not only the aesthetic effect, but also the health of your eyelashes.

Adhesive composition

Modern adhesives for lamination usually consist of cyanoacrylate, a polymer that cures quickly in the presence of moisture, creating a strong bond. However, it is important that the adhesive formula is hypoallergenic and safe for the sensitive eye area. Avoiding toxic substances such as formaldehyde is a must.

Types of adhesives

Adhesives come in different types depending on the curing time and bond strength. There are fast-drying adhesives for professional use and adhesives with slower curing times for those new to laminating.

Adhesive application

The technique of glue application is critical for optimal results. Glue is applied thinly to the lashes before attaching protective patches or silicone pads, which are then applied to the lashes during the procedure. Too much glue can cause clumping or damage to the lashes and too little can result in insufficient fixation.

Safety and Allergies

Before applying lamination adhesive, a sensitivity test should be performed to avoid allergic reactions. As a rule, a small amount of glue is applied to the inner part of the forearm and the skin reaction is evaluated within 24 hours.

Care after the procedure

After lamination, it is important to avoid moisture and steam for the first 24-48 hours to allow the glue to fully cure and lock the lashes into the desired position.

Choosing a quality adhesive

To ensure the best results and client safety, professionals should choose adhesives from reputable brands that have been dermatologically tested and have the appropriate quality certifications.

Tips for choosing and using eyelash lamination adhesive

When choosing a laminating adhesive, it is important to pay attention not only to its composition and type, but also to its storage conditions and expiration date. A quality adhesive should be stored in a cool, dark place and used before the specified expiration date to ensure the best results.

Choosing an adhesive for lash lamination is not just a matter of preference, it is a matter of safety and health. The right adhesive ensures the longevity and quality of the lamination procedure and ensures that your eyes and eyelashes are protected from possible negative reactions.

  1. LVL Lashes - This brand is known for its eyelash lift kits, and its laminating glue is considered one of the best in the industry.
  2. RefectoCil - This Austrian company specializes in eyelash and eyebrow tinting and grooming products, including lamination adhesives.
  3. Nouveau Lashes - This brand offers a wide range of products to lengthen, curl and strengthen lashes, including professional adhesives.
  4. Yumi Lashes - A brand that has become popular for their innovative approach to eyelash care, their laminating glue is the choice of many professionals.
  5. Thuya Professional Line - A Barcelona-based company that manufactures a range of eyelash products, including an adhesive that provides long-lasting and safe retention.
  6. Elleebana, an Australian brand with high reviews, offers a laminating glue that is perfect for their famous eyelash curl treatment.

When choosing an adhesive for eyelash lamination, it is important to focus on products from trusted brands that have proven themselves in the professional eyelash cosmetics market. Here are a few brands that are popular among professionals:

When choosing an adhesive, it is important to consider the client's skin type, possible allergies and eye sensitivity. Always consult with a dermatologist or beauty professional if you have concerns about a particular product. In addition, education and proper product application are key to ensure the best results and safety of the procedure.

Understanding the procedure

Eyelash lamination is a procedure that requires precision and accuracy. When working with the glue, professionals should use special tweezers and other tools to minimize the glue's contact with the skin and prevent it from getting into the eyes. This will help prevent irritation and keep your lashes safe from damage.

Training and certification

Professionals who provide eyelash lamination services must be professionally trained and certified. This ensures that they know the techniques for safe use of the adhesive and can provide clients with a quality service.

Feedback and recommendations

It is recommended to read reviews from other professionals and customers before choosing an adhesive. A good brand reputation and positive product reviews can serve as an additional guarantee of quality and safety.

Lash lamination is a great way to improve the appearance of your eyes and make your look more expressive without the daily use of mascara. That said, choosing the right adhesive and following safety procedures are the cornerstones of a successful and safe procedure. Keep in mind that client health and safety is the number one priority for any beauty professional.

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