
Laminating lower lashes: the little secret to big eyes

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and for centuries women have sought to beautify this mirror, making the look more expressive and appealing. We're already familiar with upper lash lamination, a treatment that gives them length, volume and curve, but what if you take it a step further? Lower lash lamination isn't just a trend, it's the art of detailing a look that is often left behind the scenes of cosmetic procedures.

What is lower lash lamination?

Laminating the lower lashes is a procedure similar to laminating the upper lashes, during which a special composition is applied to the lashes, strengthening their structure, giving a darker color and a slight curve. The result is a more distinct and "open" look.

How does the procedure work?

The procedure is not different from laminating the upper lashes. First, the specialist carefully cleans the eyelashes from makeup and sebum. Then a special composition is applied to the lower eyelashes in the thinnest layer. Depending on the means used and their concentration, the composition is left on the eyelashes for a time from 10 to 15 minutes. After that, the eyelashes are carefully removed from the composition, and, if necessary, tinted.

Features of the procedure for lower lashes

Laminating lower lashes requires more delicate work, as the lower lashes are often thinner and shorter than the upper lashes. It is easy to overload them with compositions, which can lead to undesirable consequences, such as clumping or loss of natural shape. In addition, the skin under the eyes is very sensitive, so specialists must be especially careful not to cause irritation.

Benefits of lower lashes lamination

  • A deeper and more expressive look. Laminated lower lashes create the effect of more open and "talking" eyes.
  • Addition to the upper lashes. The treatment complements the effect of laminated upper lashes, creating a harmonious look.
  • Long-lasting result. As in the case with the upper lashes, the effect of lamination of the lower lashes lasts for several weeks.
  • Protection and strengthening. Laminating compositions contain nourishing and strengthening components that protect the lower lashes from external influences.

Minuses and caveats

  • Risk of allergic reactions. It is recommended to carry out an allergy test for allergies to the formulations used before the procedure.
  • Need for precision. Sloppy execution of the procedure can lead to eye contact and irritation.
  • Specialized Services. Not all beauty salons offer lower lash lamination, as it is a rarer and more complicated procedure.

Choosing a master and salon

It is important to choose a qualified master with good reviews and experience with this kind of procedures for laminating the lower lashes. Study the portfolio of specialists and customer reviews, visit the salon in advance to assess the conditions and approach to hygiene, as it is critical when working with the sensitive area around the eyes.

Preparing for the procedure

Before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from using greasy creams and oils in the eye area, as they can reduce the effectiveness of the lamination composition. It is also worth avoiding the use of waterproof cosmetics a few days before the procedure to eliminate the need for intensive cleaning of eyelashes before lamination, which can traumatize them.

Care after the procedure

After lamination of the lower lashes, as well as after working with the upper lashes, special care is required. In the first 24-48 hours after the procedure, avoid water on the treated lashes and refrain from visiting swimming pools, saunas and using cosmetics around the eyes. In the future, when washing your face and removing makeup, be as careful as possible not to damage the laminated lashes.

Is it possible to do lower lash lamination at home?

Contrary to popular home hair care procedures, laminating lower lashes at home is not recommended due to high risks and the need for specialized skills and tools. Contact professionals to avoid unforeseen consequences and get the desired results.

Lower lash lamination can be a great addition to your look and help create a more expressive look. With the right professional and aftercare, you can enjoy the results and safety of lamination. Don't forget that beauty is in the details, and lower lashes are no exception to this rule.

Laminating the lower lashes is a procedure that requires professionalism and care, but the results can impress. If you want to enhance and emphasize the beauty of your eyes, pay attention to this little-known but very effective procedure. It is important to remember about the precautions and choose proven professionals to perform it.

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