
Bio lash curl: a natural curve for your eyes

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Bio lash perm is a cosmetic procedure designed to add natural curve and volume to your lashes. Unlike traditional perms, bio curling uses gentler and safer ingredients, making it a popular choice for those looking to enhance the natural beauty of their eyes without the use of daily makeup.

What is bio eyelash extensions?

Bio lash curling is a procedure in which eyelashes are curled on special rollers or silicone molds and then a curling solution is applied. This solution gently affects the structure of the eyelashes, giving them a bend for a long period of time, usually 4 to 6 weeks.

Benefits of bio curling

  • Natural look: Gives lashes a natural and expressive curve.
  • Long-lasting: The effect lasts for several weeks.
  • Safety: Mild solutions are used that are less aggressive to the eyes and lashes than traditional chemicals.
  • Convenience: Reduces the need for daily eyelash styling and mascara use.

Disadvantages of bio eyelash curling

Bio lash curling offers many benefits for those who want to give their lashes a natural curve and volume. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it has its drawbacks, which are important to consider before making a decision about the procedure.

1. Risk of allergic reactions

  • Although bio perm is considered gentler than traditional perms, the solutions used in the procedure can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

2. Possible damage to eyelashes

  • Improper application of solutions or overuse can cause your lashes to become weak, brittle or fall out.

3. Limitations on care

  • After the procedure, it is important to avoid water on the lashes for the first 24-48 hours, which can be uncomfortable for some people.

4. Not for all types of eyelashes

  • Biofill may be less effective or even impossible for very short or thin lashes.

5. Cost and need for regular repetition

  • Repeating the procedure regularly to maintain the effect can be financially costly.

6. The need for professional performance

  • For optimal and safe results, it is recommended to have the procedure performed by an experienced professional, which may not always be available or convenient.

Solutions for bio eyelash curlers

Here are a few popular brands that offer bio lash curler solutions:

1. Lash Lift

  • Features: Lash Lift is known for its quality bio curl kits that provide long-lasting results and lash care.

2. Elleebana

  • Features: Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift offers a quick and effective solution for curling lashes with results that can last up to 6-8 weeks.

3. YUMILashes

  • Features: YUMILashes is famous for its keratin eyelash curling technique, which not only curls but also strengthens the lashes.

4. RefectoCil

  • Features: Their bio curl products are known for reliability and quality, providing everything you need for a safe and effective procedure.

5. Nouveau Lashes

  • Features: Nouveau Lashes LVL Lash Lift is a popular choice among professionals for its ability to give lashes a natural curve and volume.

6. Salon System

  • Features: Salon System Lash Lift offers eyelash curler kits that include strengthening and nourishing ingredients.

7. Dolly's Lash

  • Features: This brand offers eyelash curler kits that are suitable for both salon and home use.

Important points when selecting a mortar

  • Quality and safety: Choose solutions from trusted brands to ensure the procedure is safe and effective.
  • Your lash type: Consider your lash type when choosing a solution, as different formulas may affect different types of lashes differently.
  • Professional Opinion: If you are new to bio lash extensions, it is recommended that you consult a professional lash artist.

The use of professional bio curling solutions ensures that the procedure is safe and effective, providing long-lasting and beautiful results.

How does the procedure work?

  1. Preparation: Lashes are thoroughly cleaned of makeup and sebum.
  2. Size selection: Depending on the desired effect and lash length, rollers or silicone liners are selected.
  3. Application of the solution: A special curling solution is applied to the eyelashes.
  4. Shape lock: The lashes remain on the rollers for a certain amount of time to fix the curve.
  5. Finishing: After removing the rollers, the eyelashes are treated with a fixing compound.

Care after the procedure

  • Moisture Avoidance: For the first 24-48 hours after treatment, avoid water on the lashes.
  • Gentle Care: Avoid rubbing the eyes or using greasy creams or oils in the eye area.
  • Restriction of cosmetics: Refrain from using mascara for the first few days after the procedure.

Important points

  • Not suitable for everyone: Bioswirl may not be suitable for very short or weak lashes.
  • Allergic Reactions: Although bioswirl solutions are gentler, there is always a risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Professional Use: For best results and to reduce the risk of damage to lashes, it is recommended to consult an experienced professional.

Biological eyelash curling is an excellent alternative to traditional eyelash curling and eyelash extensions, allowing you to achieve natural beauty and expressive look without daily efforts. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it requires careful care and a professional approach.

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