Drinking diet for 7 days
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Water has a decisive influence on human health and life. Entire treatises have been written about its role, but they can hardly do justice to this transparent, odorless, colorless and tasteless liquid that makes up every living organism. It is no coincidence that many systems of weight loss and treatment are based on water. The drinking diet for 7 days is one of them. It is considered a shortened version of the 30-day drinking diet. [1]
Like most techniques, the diet is used for the purpose of weight correction. The main indications for the appointment are excess body weight. Accompanying bonuses that the slimmer can get after the successful completion of the drinking diet for 7 days are as follows:
- unloading of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of internal organs;
- Improving the appearance and condition of the skin;
- A decrease in stomach size and appetite;
- avoiding unhealthy eating habits;
- willpower training.
One also gets psychological satisfaction: after all, the victory over oneself, the feeling of "duty done" is worth a lot.
But not everything is so rosy. It is not by chance that the diet is classified as extreme. If you overestimate your strength and capabilities of the body, then expect the opposite reaction: deterioration of the digestive organs, which adversely affects the health and mood of the thinning. And may even lead to a critical situation. More about this side of the issue is said below.
General information of the drinking diet
Drinking diets have the peculiarity that the menu contains only dishes of liquid consistency. The essence of the diet: during the entire period you can not eat anything solid. The menu consists of liquids: juices, vegetable and herbal broths, broths of natural products, fermented milk drinks, puree soups, teas, coffee. A separate line is ordinary water - a standard bottle of 1.5L.
- Doctors prescribe a drinking diet for 7 days or longer as a treatment program for some diseases. But this is exclusively the prerogative of physicians, and in no way a reason for the patient to engage in self-medication.
Specialists believe that the GI tract, not receiving solid food, gets a chance to rest. This fact contributes to the removal of waste, cleansing from toxins and toxins. Digestive organs work in a lightened mode, respectively, prevails a feeling of lightness in the stomach. The creators of the method claim that food does not form fat deposits.
- Drinking diets are considered a frugal way to lose weight for people with a lot of willpower or who want to nurture that willpower.
Together with the loss of pounds, harmful components "washed out" by the abundance of water are gone. It also provides the balance of moisture necessary for the functioning of all organs of the body.
Drinking detox for 7 days
Why is a liquid food diet a true drinking detox for 7 days? Why are liquid meals better for digestion than a traditional diet dominated by solid components?
- Liquid food requires less effort on the part of the GI tract. Therefore, they get the opportunity to work less intensively. It is believed that in this state the body begins to cleanse itself of unnecessary substances accumulated during the period of "normal eating".
The second point is that liquid food eliminates the feeling of heaviness, overcrowding of the stomach, and new fat accumulation is not formed. Water in sufficient quantities does not supply calories, but activates metabolism and triggers the mechanism of weight loss.
According to calculations, drinking diet for 7 days allows you to "lose" 5 kg. The figure becomes more graceful by reducing the size of the thighs by several centimeters, the body feels vigor and energy, increases self-esteem and the level of positive emotions. With such motivation, women with a strong will decide to extend the course for one more week. Of course, if the state of health allows and doctors do not object.
- The cleansing takes place in stages.
During the first ten days, the hollow organs become cleaner; plaque may form on the tongue, which is normal according to the authors.
Then the liver and kidneys are intensively cleansed; discomfort in the area of their location is a confirmation that everything is going according to plan.
The last decade is about cleansing the body at the cellular level.
- Whether there is solid evidence for this, no one knows. Therefore, there is a lot of criticism about unnamed authors who decree those who want to lose weight at any cost to incredible feats, unnecessarily risking their own health.
Vitamin preparations, coordinated with a doctor, may be needed to support a body following extreme dietary restrictions.
Detailed menu for each day
Any extreme diet, including a drinking diet for 7 days, should be carefully considered. In addition to the standard rules recommended by nutritionists, you can always choose from the proposed favorite dishes that help to adapt and more easily tolerate the restrictions.
- Both points should be aimed at maximizing the body's detoxification and actively removing fatty deposits.
An approximate or detailed menu for each day should be based on the following principles (by day).
- Broths - meat and lean, from vegetables or fish.
- Dairy products.
- Freshies and smoothies.
- Sours, compotes.
- Teas, including herbal teas, green teas, with milk added.
- Soups, juices or broths of vegetables.
- Quality water 1.5 liters daily.
Other variants of the diet, more diverse combinations of dishes are also suggested. It is important that the total calories do not exceed 2000 calories.
- No less important is the period of exit. If it is not observed, the excess weight returns, and not alone, but together with a package of accompanying problems.
During withdrawal, you should start each morning with liquid oatmeal and continue with liquid meals for the evening. Protein products are postponed for later. The exit period is equal to double the period of the diet. That is, in our case it lasts two weeks.
Starting to choose recipes for dishes, you should immediately reject what the diet forbids. This is all solid, as well as sweet, spicy, fatty food. Instead, it is introduced "children's diet": porridge, soups, kissels, broths, drinking fermented milk products. Fresh or frozen ingredients are used for soups.
- Water in the volume of one and a half liters dulls the appetite and promotes the elimination of toxins.
If water does not help, hunger on a drinking diet for 7 days is relieved with a glass of kefir or fresh fruit juice. It is reported that on the third or fourth day the feeling of hunger is not felt at all.
You don't have to be too fancy with recipes. Liquid oatmeal or other porridge is an ideal breakfast. For lunch, any soup is suitable - from vegetables, rice, potatoes, brought to a homogeneous state with the help of a blender. At other times, make very liquid mashed potatoes that resemble soup.
Freshly prepared fruit and vegetable cocktails are also healthy, tasty, rich in vitamins and a kind of dietary dessert. The main thing is not to "improve" the natural flavor - sugar, salt, spices. For dinner, treat yourself to yogurt, kefir or milk.
Between meals, prepare a variety of teas, juices, periodically drink water. There are disagreements about coffee. Some allow it (unsweetened and without milk), others include it in the list of prohibited drinks. Probably, you will have to solve the dilemma yourself. If those indifferent to the coffee flavor can easily do without, then coffee lovers are not sinful to occasionally allow themselves a portion of the popular drink.
Water makes up 75% of body weight in infants to 55% in the elderly and is essential for cellular homeostasis and vital functions. It is estimated that in the United States about 22% of water comes from food, while in European countries, especially in countries such as Greece with its higher consumption of fruits and vegetables or in South Korea, the figure would be much higher. [2]
There are several variants of the drinking diet: for 30, 14, 7 days. Drinking diet for 7 days is a relatively gentle way to eliminate excess weight, compared to 2-week and monthly variants. The desired effect can be achieved and with the help of one-time unloading - from 1 to 5 days a month.
The benefits of the diet are rated by items such as:
- body shaping;
- decreased food load, lightness in the stomach;
- cleansing of digestive organs from toxins and poisons;
- kidney and liver cleansing (in case of a long-term variant);
- improvement of skin condition;
- facial freshness.
To maintain the effect, it is very important to exit the diet correctly. This is a longer process: it lasts twice as long as the diet itself. Due to the fact that liquid is easier to digest, and the volume of the stomach for a week is slightly reduced, then a person in the future "does not pull" to large portions, habitual before the diet. That prevents weight gain in the future. Water balance is kept due to the fact that drinking dishes contain a lot of liquid.
What can and what can not?
Choosing a drinking diet for 7 days, you should stock up not only patience, but also a variety of drinks, without which the nutrition program will seem meager and boring. Variety slightly mitigates the extreme conditions of the course. With the correct fulfillment of the conditions for a week lose weight by 5-7kg. Fluctuations of indicators depend on the initial weight and largely - on the individual characteristics of the body.
- What can I eat? More precisely, drink, because we are talking about the drinking system. An approximate drinking ration by day of the week might look like this.
- Dairy products with a fat content of up to 2%.
- Broths of vegetables, fish, meat, puree soups.
- Homemade juices from fruits and vegetables.
- Teas: black with milk, green with lemon.
- Unsweetened compotes, sours from fresh fruits.
- Milk.
- Broths again.
Pure water - 1.5 liters daily - is always useful in the menu. It saturates the body with moisture, somewhat dulls the appetite. Spicy, fatty and alcoholic drinks are strictly forbidden.
The diet will be maximally useful if the person who is losing weight tolerates it normally. Regularly goes to the toilet - without difficulty, but also without diarrhea, does not experience severe nausea, weakness, dizziness, tearfulness, depression, other unpleasant phenomena. In the presence of dangerous symptoms, the diet is urgently stopped.
Answering the question: what should not be eaten? - you can long list the solid foods that the diet forbids. It is easier to stop at what is allowed. And to drink during a drinking diet for 7 days, you can drink almost everything except colored sodas and industrial juices: these products contain too many sweet components. In homemade teas, compotes, kissels, coffee, freeshes, too, you can not add sugar or honey. In short, liquids in this system replace both food and drink.
- The methodology is rigid, so it will not suit everyone.
It is best used by young people, without health problems, who want to correct their figure. For older people, it is advisable to look for a milder alternative.
You should prepare for the drinking diet a week in advance: eat less solid foods and drink more liquids. Portions should be gradually reduced so that by the beginning of the course the digestion gets used to the changes. The authors argue that chewing is just a psychological habit, not a necessity, so, in principle, you can do without solid foods.
The undeniable benefits of fresh juices no one disputes. But it is necessary to remember a few peculiarities:
- A large number of active ingredients can cause gastritis and ulcers, as well as allergic reactions.
- Acids erode tooth enamel.
- Carrot juice can give your skin an orange hue.
To avoid such consequences, frees are diluted with water and drink no more than two glasses per day.
Any type of drinking diet, for 7 days or longer, is not suitable for everyone. First of all, contraindications concern people with digestive problems, with disorders of the liver and kidneys, as well as those weakened due to illness or physical exertion. Such diets are forbidden to pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- The diet is contraindicated for young people under 18 years of age, professional athletes, with increased physical exertion.
After a liquid meal, the digestive system does not immediately readjust to solid foods. If a person quickly switches to the usual diet, then the weight does not lose the chance to return to the previous indicators. Therefore, it is contraindicated to leave the program not according to the plan.
Possible risks
The disadvantages of the drinking methodology include the likelihood of risks associated with the diet. They mainly concern the digestive system. So, the abuse of fruits sometimes leads to an exacerbation of digestive pathologies, and acidic juices are harmful to the teeth. Sweet fruits negatively affect the production of insulin, because of which the drinking diet for 7 days is not recommended to practice too often.
- While a 30-day course is allowed once a year, a two-week course is allowed every few months. Unloading days will not cause any harm - even if they are practiced constantly, every week.
Nutritionists remind that during a drinking diet, calcium is removed from the body. Its deficiency should be replenished with pharmacy preparations.
Some experts consider this way of losing weight to be harmful and even dangerous to health. The danger is that malnutrition can lead to partial degeneration of internal organs. And if you leave the diet too quickly or with mistakes, there is a risk of anorexia and dangerous irreversible consequences.
- The longer one eats liquid food, the more dangerous the consequences.
If the program lasts a month, the GI mucosa atrophies and digestive enzymes are no longer produced. The body does not accept solid food and reacts to it with unrestrained vomiting and diarrhea. After these changes, it can take months or years for the digestive system to recover. This warning is useful for people who resort to rigid diets without extreme necessity.
The difficulty of the drinking diet for 7 days is that it is impossible to go through it without feeling hungry. This is explained not only by the smaller amount of food, but also by the fact that liquid food does not require chewing. This is unusual, so the body feels as if it "ate nothing".
- Possible complications manifest as irritability, weakness, intense hunger and a desire to break the diet to eat to excess.
Some girls want to cry and feel sorry for themselves, beautiful, making great sacrifices for the sake of an imaginary "perfect" figure.
Light food can cause a negative reaction of the stomach, so the diet is accompanied by stool irregularity, hunger spasms of the digestive organs, active fermentation and gas formation.
- With prolonged courses, the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates deteriorates.
Allergenic components of juices can cause a reaction. Deficiency of protein substances leads to anemia, dysfunction of the reproductive organs, weakened immunity, menstrual cycle disorders. Excessive fluid load provokes toxicosis, dehydration. Kidneys can react with malfunctions. Sometimes swelling of the legs.
Starving people should be spared physical activity, otherwise overload can cause severe weakness and even fainting. In the presence of threatening symptoms, the diet should be stopped and medical attention should be sought immediately.
Exit from the drinking diet for 7 days
An important place in weight loss techniques is given to the end of the diet. Drinking diet for 7 days is not an exception. After seven days of unaccustomed nutrition can not run away to return to the previous diet and unlimited consumption of everything in a row. Exit should be soft and unhurried. Without observing the rules of leaving the drinking diet for 7 days, digestive problems are aggravated, there is discomfort, even a threat to health.
- Overall, the output is about two weeks - twice as long as the length of the program. Some sources write about a month. But in general, an acceptable proportion for the stomach to adapt to normal food is 1:2 (diet: quit).
Liquid meals for breakfast and lunch are gradually replaced by light solid meals, and liquid dinners are prepared for a whole week. They are then gradually replaced by the regular menu.
More specifically it looks like this. The first day after the end of the 7-day course begins with a small portion of oatmeal porridge. Lunch remains liquid. According to such a system should be eaten for three days, then slowly add low-fat cheese, boiled egg, fruit, yogurt, vegetables, bread. Flour products, spicy and fatty dishes appear on the table no sooner than two weeks after the completion of the weight loss course.
At this time, as well as during the diet, it is important to monitor your well-being, stool regularity. Due to the extreme nature of the diet, it is possible to repeat the course of the drinking diet not earlier than after a year.
In the reviews of women who apply various courses of drinking diet, positive ones prevail. We are talking about results from 5 to 15 kg, depending on the duration of the program.
Anna, who chose the 14-day diet, talks about the difficulties of the first days, when "I wanted to give up everything". Maria observed weight loss not only during the main period, but also when leaving the drinking diet for 7 days. Elena has changed her lifestyle, thanks to which the lost weight has not returned. Oksana perfectly corrected her figure, preparing for her own wedding, which caused the admiration of her future husband.
Comments about the drinking 30-day diet are less optimistic. They write about too heavy dietary regimen and its equally heavy consequences.
The program of eating liquid food as a result gives not only a reduction in weight, but also gets rid of the habit of overeating. After a drinking diet for 7 days or a longer course, the volume of the stomach decreases, so overfilling with food causes discomfort. But a useful habit of being satisfied with less food is developed.
- And the feeling of satiety is known to come a little later, not during the meal.
The abundance of water and soft food promotes active cleansing from harmful components that tend to accumulate permanently in the digestive and other organs and the body as a whole. The cleansed body becomes more vigorous and stronger, defense forces increase, and skin condition improves.
- Changes occur not only inside, but also outside: the skin is cleansed, healthier, more beautiful.
If we talk about the actual weight loss, the possible result is minus 5-7kg per week. The accumulation on the flanks and, accordingly, the volume of the thighs is reduced. You feel a burst of energy, vigor, good mood. That is, the energy previously used for digestion is now used for more noble purposes.
The minus sign results in weakness, dizziness, and stool problems. Hunger makes you restless and can cause symptoms of chronic fatigue.
Drinking diets belong to extreme ways of losing weight. In particular, the drinking diet for 7 days has proven to be highly effective, but not everyone is able to endure it. The program can be started only after examination and exclusion of contraindications. To follow the diet for longer than a week is not recommended, because liquid food has a bad effect on internal organs. And together with weight, a person risks losing health.