Dairy products in pancreatitis
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Milk and its various products are loved not only for their taste, but also for their nutritional value, the presence of protein, including albumin and globulin, essential fatty acids, lactose, vitamins, minerals, especially calcium. Protein is very important for the pancreas, it provides normal synthesis of its enzymes. But not all dairy products are useful in pancreatitis.
Which ones can and which ones can't?
Cow's milk is the most common. It comes in different fat content, processing methods, and many other dairy products are made from it. Which of them can and cannot be eaten by patients with pancreatic inflammation?
Whole milk in pancreatitis is categorically contraindicated. Nevertheless, in the composition of food of the acute phase of the disease should be present not less than one third of milk from the daily norm of all proteins, and in remission - up to 60%.
That is why after 3 days of therapeutic fasting in case of exacerbation the first dairy product is introduced - liquid porridge on low-fat milk. For this purpose, a product with 2.5% fat, half diluted with water, is used.
Even a few months after acute pancreatitis do not switch to a fattier milk, except diluted less with water.
Goat's milk for pancreatitis
It is considered the most useful, it contains lysozyme, which promotes the regeneration of tissues damaged due to inflammation of the organ. Goat milk does not cause allergies, neutralizes hydrochloric acid, enriches the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements. [1]
Its fat is more easily digested by the body due to small fat globules that are not interconnected, it has more essential fatty acids than cow's fat. However, if you have pancreatitis, it is recommended to dilute it and use it in dishes rather than drink it whole.
Sour milk for pancreatitis.
Preferable for the affected pancreas are low-fat fermented dairy products, they are part of diet #5p, designed for this disease. They are overflowing shelves of stores, often even difficult to orient themselves in their assortment. But the main thing you need to pay attention to is the fat content and date of manufacture. And the best thing is to produce them yourself, to be sure of their safety.
Yogurt for pancreatitis
Yogurt is obtained in the process of interaction of milk with special microorganisms. It has a positive effect on the microflora of the digestive tract, increases immunity, which makes it possible to cope more quickly with the inflammatory process, improves intestinal peristalsis and eliminates constipation. Its bacteria help to break down lactose and protein into amino acids, reducing the load on the iron. [2]
Yogurt is introduced into the menu after the exacerbation is eliminated. Its fat content should not exceed 3% and there should be no fillers. It is best to prepare the drink at home on sourdough starter, which can be purchased in stores, using a yogurt maker. If you feel well, various fruits and berries are added to it, which makes it much more appetizing.
Ryazhenka for pancreatitis
A traditional sour-milk drink of the Slavs, it is made from clarified milk. It gets its creamy color due to melanoids formed due to the interaction of proteins and milk sugar under the influence of high temperatures.
Ryazhenka is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins A, C, E, PP, B1, B2, beta-carotene, mono- and disaccharides. Two hundred and fifty grams of the drink provides a quarter of the daily requirement of the body in calcium and a fifth in phosphorus. It is well digested, normalizes the work of the digestive organs, helps restore the acid-base balance.
In pancreatitis, non-fat ryazhenka is allowed in the period of persistent remission. It is recommended to drink it, distinguishing it from the consumption of other protein foods.
Sour cream for pancreatitis
Without sour cream, many dishes of our national cuisine are unthinkable. Symptomatology of exacerbation does not allow its use, but what to do in the period of quiescence? The stable absence of painful manifestations of pancreatitis allows in small doses to use a low-fat dairy product. You should start with a teaspoon, while monitoring your condition, gradually increasing. It is best not to eat it pure, but dress salads, add to sauces, soups.
Serum for pancreatitis
Whey is separated from fermented milk by heating and fermenting it. It is a healthy product for the body because of its low fat content and easily digestible protein. It also contains other valuable nutrients such as minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium; many vitamins, including B, A, C, PP, E.
Whey well quenches thirst in summer, as well as hunger, without leading to excess weight gain, improves blood circulation, heals inflammatory foci of the digestive tract, increases the body's resistance, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
Its disadvantage in pancreatitis in the presence of lactose and the ability to increase gastric acidity. Stability of the patient's condition allows you to introduce the drink into the diet. It is best to drink it in the morning, starting with half a glass, gradually increasing to full. Preference should be given to a product prepared at home.
Strawberry for pancreatitis
Prostavkvasha is the result of fermenting milk. It is much better digested due to the fact that lactose is more easily broken down by lactic acid bacteria. But precisely because of the high content of lactic acid, it is not recommended to drink it earlier than a month after the exacerbation. In addition, it should be consumed freshly prepared, the longer it is stored, the more acidic it becomes.
You should use plain sourdough as a stand-alone product, and you can sweeten it with honey or sweet berries.
Koumiss for pancreatitis
Koumiss is not often found on the shelves of our stores, because it is made from mare's milk, the breeding of which is not typical for our livestock. In fact, it is a very nutritious product that has a beneficial effect on many organs, including the pancreas. It normalizes its secretory activity, relieves inflammation.
Milkshake for pancreatitis
The very recipe for preparing this drink makes it unacceptable for patients with pancreatitis, since chilled milk, ice cream, berries and fruits are used. Even if you use non-fat ingredients, the cold temperature of the dishes is inadmissible in pancreatic pathology.
Cream for pancreatitis
Another undesirable product for pancreatitis is cream. The reason for this lies in their high fat content. Although it varies from 9% to 58%, but even the minimum can harm the organ. Only with a persistent and prolonged remission, you can afford a spoonful a day of the least fatty.