
Fruit for pancreatitis

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Restore the function of the inflamed pancreas can only adhere to a special diet. For patients with pancreatitis developed dietary table number 5p, as the acute state subsides, it is replaced by diet number 5 with less strict dietary rules. Diets provide sparing the diseased organ, protecting the digestive system from rough, sharp, acidic, fatty, too hot or cold food. At the same time, the body must receive the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which fully corresponds to fruit.

Raw fruit in pancreatitis

Of the variety of fruit crops, not all of their fruits can be consumed by people with this pathology. The main task is to protect pancreas from coarse fibers in their composition, aggressive acids. Some of them are not suitable in raw form, but are acceptable after heat treatment. What can and what can not be raw fruits in pancreatitis taking into account that exacerbations completely exclude their consumption. We are talking only about the period of persistent remission.

Peaches for pancreatitis

The juicy, flavorful fruit contains vitamins A, C, E. RR, H, B1, B2, B5, B6, folic acid, a large list of minerals, including magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, iron and others.

They improve appetite, intestinal peristalsis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase hemoglobin, create a cheerful mood. [1]

Patients with pancreatitis should choose ripe, juicy fruits, remove the skin beforehand, eat as desserts after the main meal. A reasonable daily allowance is half a large or one medium fruit. You can also prepare juice from them, half diluted with water.

Nectarines for pancreatitis

Nectarines are a variety of peach. They are distinguished by a completely smooth skin, like a plum. In terms of their qualities, they are similar to their "relative". The low sugar content allows its consumption by diabetics, unlike peaches.

Nectarine is renowned for its ability to cleanse the body of the breakdown products of life, it is a known antioxidant that accelerates cell renewal, which is very important in their damage in the pancreas. [2]

There is even a short-term diet on nectarines, allowing you to unload the body and lose a little extra weight, but it is for healthy people. Pancreatitis limits the consumption of the fruit, as well as peach.

Plums for pancreatitis

Citric, malic, oxalic, succinic, ascorbic - all these acids are present in the plum and become an obstacle in the acute phase of the disease. [3]

Clear improvement and stable absence of symptoms allows you to eat plums in raw form, but no more than 3-4 pieces a day, peeled. You should not give up them completely, because their chemical composition allows you to eliminate toxins and toxins, reduce cholesterol, prevents thrombosis, strengthens blood vessels, eliminates constipation.

Pears for pancreatitis

The advantage of pear over the above described fruits is that it is available in the whole winter period and, if in summer it is ignored by many because of the abundance of other fruits, then in winter it returns to its well-deserved popularity. [4]

In pancreatitis pears could have no restrictions (their acidity is much lower than apples), if it were not for the presence in them of stony cells - sclereids. Dead cells, characterized by the ability to accumulate in themselves lime, cutin (a type of wax), strong crystals of silicon dioxide.

All this makes the pear a heavy food, even baking or boiling does not save the situation. It is best to completely eliminate them from your menu.

Dates for pancreatitis

Having in its composition a lot of useful compounds, sweet oriental fruits favorably affect the nervous, cardiovascular system, improve sleep, strengthen immunity, resist inflammatory and infectious diseases, accelerate cell regeneration of the damaged organ. [5]

To the negative side of this fruit for the pancreas can be attributed a large amount of glucose, which causes increased insulin secretion. This additionally loads the endocrine part of it.

However, in the developed system of nutrition for such pathology, dates are included in the list of allowed products, they can replace harmful fast carbohydrates. A stable state of health allows you to eat up to a dozen ripe and soft fruits per day.

Avocados for pancreatitis

Avocado is a new-fangled fruit that has gained popularity in various culinary recipes in recent years. It is used in salads, sauces, it combines well with meat, fish, seafood, so it can serve as a garnish to them.

It is actively promoted by nutritionists, betting on the high content of essential vitamins, antioxidants, minerals.

Potassium in its composition strengthens the heart muscle, copper and iron are involved in hematopoiesis, unsaturated fatty acids normalize fat metabolism, cholesterol, dietary fiber promotes the multiplication of beneficial microflora, eliminate constipation. [6]

In pancreatitis, an obstacle to unlimited consumption of fruit is its high fat content, which is difficult for the diseased gland to cope with. Fiber can also cause a lot of trouble associated with abdominal bloating, heaviness, flatulence.

Only 2 months after the exacerbation, you can introduce avocado by teaspoon into your diet, make mashed potatoes from it, add to salads.

Kiwi for pancreatitis

The khaki-colored fruit has a slightly fleecy surface and a taste reminiscent of strawberries with a slight sourness. Kiwi has long won our sympathy, especially children. Although it comes from southern countries with subtropical climate, it has learned to grow in our country, and varieties suitable for our climate have been developed. [7]

In addition to its excellent taste, it is famous for a large number of biologically active substances. Pancreatitis imposes restrictions on its consumption due to the presence of coarse dietary fiber and pronounced acidity.

Chronic course of the disease with a consistently normal condition allows you to eat one ripe kiwi per day.

Pomegranate for pancreatitis

Pomegranate is too acidic a product for the pancreas. However, it contains so many useful nutrients that you have to put on the scales of benefit and harm. It has excellent disinfectant properties, improves blood circulation, fights diarrhea and is simply a treasure trove of substances necessary for the body. [8]

Stable remission gives the opportunity to eat a little bit of fruit grains (up to 20 pieces). The absence of pain, nausea and other symptoms of pancreatitis is a sign that you can increase the portion up to 300g.

Figs for pancreatitis

Figs by virtue of their composition is indicated in many diseases, including anemia, constipation, in the treatment of colds and coughs (diaphoretic, reduces fever, increases immunity), blood vessels, in the fight against blood clots. Pectin in it promotes the removal of toxins and poisons from the body, so the berry is effective in poisoning. [9]

In the case of pancreatitis, everything is not so clear. Figs are very caloric, 100g contains 240 calories, in addition, it has a lot of sugar, and this can provoke a jump in blood glucose, it is rich in fiber, vegetable oils. All of the above characteristics put the raw berry under the ban.

Pineapples for pancreatitis

Another of the forbidden fruits in pancreatitis is pineapple. Despite its many advantages due to vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, low calories and excellent taste, it contains organic acids that can provoke an exacerbation as a result of irritation of the structural elements of the gastrointestinal tract. [10]

Only absolutely stable remission gives the opportunity to try in small doses of this exotic fruit. It should be done not on an empty stomach, but as a dessert.

Citrus fruits for pancreatitis

Even a child knows about the benefits of citrus fruits: glucose, fructose, pectins, phytoncides, essential oils, organic acids, vitamins A, C, E, PP provide their anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antioxidant effect. A person with diseased digestive organs, they can cause harm, because they contain acids that stimulate the glandular epithelium of the stomach and lead to additional release of pancreatic juice. Exacerbations of the disease categorically exclude their consumption, and a long remission allows certain representatives of citrus fruits. [11] Let's focus on the most popular:

  • lemon in pancreatitis - sour taste (in 100g of fruit up to 8% of organic acids). The flavor of the fruit is due to the presence of substances such as citral, limonene, geranyl acetate, also irritatingly acting on the organ. The verdict is the same - lemon is not recommended in pancreatitis, both in exacerbations and chronic course of pathology;
  • oranges in pancreatitis - high content of ascorbic acid, sugars, fiber, essential oils - all that makes the fruit desirable for anti-infective protection of the body, antioxidant activity and just to satisfy gastronomic requests, is unacceptable in the acute stage of pancreatitis. In the phase of sustained remission, 1-2 sweet ripe fruits per day will not hurt;
  • Mandarins in pancreatitis - another natural immunomodulator, intestinal cleaner, supplier of useful substances. However, it is also characterized by the content of acids, pectins, fiber, which can irritate the pancreas, in addition, it is a highly allergenic product.

Chronic inflammation of the organ allows in moderate quantities to consume ripe sweet fruits in the absence of their negative impact on the state of the pancreas.

Mango for pancreatitis

Unripe fruit contains many acids: oxalic, citric, succinic, and malic acids. They determine its sour taste. A completely different composition in a mature fruit - few acids, a lot of natural sugars and vitamins. These are the ones that are recommended in the absence of exacerbation. [12]

Their plant pepsin will help in the breakdown of animal proteins, increasing their digestibility. Mangoes have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, calm the nervous system, help stop bleeding, improve intestinal microflora.

However, overeating them can lead to upset stomach, allergies and high blood sugar.

Kohlrabi for pancreatitis

Kohlrabi is a type of cabbage. Its edible part, the rhizome, is very similar to a turnip. The leaves are also used in salads. Despite the fact that the plant is rich in many useful nutrients that have a beneficial effect on metabolism, cardiovascular system, immunity, it is forbidden for patients with pancreatitis. [13]

Coconut for pancreatitis

Some sources claim that fresh coconut helps to restore the function of the pancreas. But, studying the chemical composition of the fruit, one is convinced that it contains a lot of carbohydrates, especially in the milk, and the pulp is full of fats (per 100g of fruit more than 30g). These are undesirable components for an inflamed organ.

The use of a small amount of coconut shavings as an addition to dishes is allowed during the quiescent period of the disease.

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